Authors notes~ Wheee! Anyho - let me start off by saying that this story has no predicted number of chapters, I just began it after the idea hit not too long ago and I hope that I explained things okay in this chapter. If not - they'll become a bit more clear as the time goes on. Rating is to remain as a 'T' for now for language and some content but it might be M later.

Official parings go like this:

Robin x Franky

Nami x Usopp

Sanji/Zoro (eventual)


Ace/Luffy (eventual)

Just a few clarification notes - this takes place after the two years skip and a few things from the anime transfer over to this fic, I wanted it to take place in the same set world that it has but have a different story line. You'll note quite a few differences but stay open and it'll be just fine~ Now that everything I think I should clear up is clear - onto the fic!

"No! This can't be happening to me! Not again! Why?! Why, why, why?!" Screams pierced through the building and everyone winced. Luffy's hysterical sobbing and screams made everyone's heart hurt and hurt so very badly. Most of his Crew wanted to rush in there, regardless of it being a warzone, and hug the pain away from their poor Captain but no one could. Not unless it was his Destined and his Destined just died for the second time. Soft sniffles filled the hall as Mates comforted each other, holding onto their loves and the ones who didn't have Mates held onto each other. They were grouped together outside of the door, sitting on the bench offered or on the floor, waiting it out. Or they were trying to at least.

Exhaustion clung to the group, everyone having stayed awake for hours on end to try and help Luffy through this but it didn't seem to be working out as well as they had hoped. Chopper - poor, poor Chopper – had just gotten to sleep on Brook's lap when Luffy's agonizing screams woke him up. Then he swore he heard something shatter yet again followed by a loud, heartbreaking shriek.

The reindeer hid his face in the fabric of Brook's outfit more, squeezing his eyes shut as he forcefully listened to the scrap that was taking place in the room. Doctors were rushing about in the room to try and restrain the young captain by any means necessary, least they'd pay a hefty sum for a broken, mashed up room thanks to the boy inside. Brook's bony hand went over the child of the group's head, trying to distract him from the noise and it worked for the most part, the little guy taking comfort in the touches. That was until Chopper jumped at the sounds of the screams rising up again.

"Please just kill me! Don't make me do this again! I can't do this again!" The first sentence alone made several Crew-mates break down into heavy sobs yet again. Oh how they wanted, longed, itched to help their Captain but they risked heavy bodily injury if they even attempted it at this point.

It didn't seem as if anything would help him, he just kept screaming and screaming and making random begs and pleading for someone to kill him, for the pain to stop. Then everything went eerily silent about an hour after the screaming stopped. No sniffles, no choked sobs, no doctors shouting for different things, nothing. The new silence was quite unnerving, making Mated pairs and friends look at each other in confusion and utter fear, immediately expecting the worse. Had their Captain fulfilled his wish for death? Did someone give it to him or did he fulfill it for himself?

No one could be that silent after having their Destined die. It was like having your heart ripped from you and stomped on then put back in and repeated. It was horrible… and none of them wanted to experience it in their life time. Everyone looked up at the doctors that came out of the room but none of them said a word, making the Crew even more nervous. The group of doctors looked like they had been through a war and barely came out on top, some of them even wounded with cuts and bruises.

Silence still coated the area, the sound of the door shutting behind the group of doctors reverberating down the halls. Eyes went back and forth, conveying the nervousness, fear, and the hesitation to get up and go check out the room. If Luffy was alright, he might try to hurt them for coming near him. If he wasn't… then no one wanted to see that.

The last doctor out of the room approached them, his glasses misplaced on his face, hair messy, and his clothes ruffled all about like he had been struggled against.

"First mate?" he asked, exhaustion and faint frustration clinging to his voice. The doctor's hand went to the bridge of his nose, trying to fix his glasses as Zoro stood up and followed the medical professional. The two had a discussion in the corner, the rest of the crew sitting anxiously. The one game everyone hated to play was the waiting game. Most of them, if not all of them, had enough with the shifting, the anxiety, the need to know if someone was alive or dead. Zoro came back, his face set in steeled stone as he tried to figure out the words.

"He's not well." He broke to the crew, most of their faces sliding to horror or sorrow. "Luffy – his heart stopped several times. They had to almost force it to start again, his body's shutting down, and he was refusing medicine…" Zoro rushed the words out, staring at the crew to see their faces as a punishment to himself for being the one to break the news to them. His hand slid through his green hair, preparing for the final words the doctor left him with.

"They think he's asleep, they're not sure. Either asleep or pretty weak right now. With all the other medicines they've shoved in him – they can't put anymore for now. Luffy has a low chance of making it out of this one." Zoro finished, watching Sanji's face fall in particular. The blonde was so stoic, now the man's hands were covering his face and Nami looked sick, Usopp grabbing her hand as a way to comfort her.

"C-can we…" Nami started, words cutting off as her throat closed in an almost painful way. She frowned, closing her eyes as a whirlwind of emotions swirled through her.

"We can see him," Zoro said softly, nodding. But no one got up, fear gripping their hearts at what they would see. Nami couldn't muster the courage, Usopp was going to stay by her side to comfort her and Sanji couldn't get up, his once strong legs like jelly that felt like it'd give out if he tried. Brook held Chopper and he wouldn't let the child among them see something that would haunt him for the rest of his life.

Robin was the ever so brave one as always, slowly nodding at everyone else and getting up, letting them know that she was going to try to enter the room without Luffy screaming or throwing the nearest things at her in his hysteria. Robin almost wanted Luffy to throw something at her or scream at her or do something just to let them know he was alive and not what they feared. The raven couldn't handle the burial of her captain, her heart wouldn't be able to take it. The eldest female in their group stood up, making her way to the door and turned the handle but made no move to open it. She held her breath but heard nothing, not even slight movement; letting out a shaky breath, the dark haired woman gathered her wits as Franky came up behind her. Slowly, Robin pushed the door open with the blue haired Shipwright hovering ever so closely to protect his Mate in the event that something was, indeed, hurled at them in a fit.

But nothing happened, no glass thrown, no lamps, no nothing – not even a word was shouted. Robin ventured in farther, peeking her head in to see the room in shambles but at least it was still in one piece, just barely though. Taking a step in, she felt cold sharpness under her feet that made a soft crunching-like sound. The sound made her eyes shoot down to see glass and porcelain under her feet, scattered everywhere around the floor. The dark haired woman suddenly felt bad for the poor vase or two filled with flowers or lamps that were supposed to light the room, now just toppled over in multiple pieces on the floor.

Lifting up her skirt to see the floor around her feet better, Robin carefully maneuvered her bare feet around the glass and bid a soft warning to Nami who was also bare footed. Offering her hand to the orange haired woman, the two women made their way to a safe spot on the other end of the room as silently as possible while the men just waltzed right inside. Due to most of them being fighters for most of their lives – they knew what spots to avoid to try and be utterly silent. Brook carried Chopper in there when he was assured everything was alright, handing the young boy to Nami who held him gingerly in her arms as if he was a tiny child. Chopper immediately curled into her, whimpering at the sight of Luffy as he'd never seen him before. Nami just stared at the poor kid she called 'Captain'.

The poor man was sprawled across the bed and you couldn't tell the bedding from the sheets or blankets. It was obvious that he put a struggle up when they tried to sedate him to allow the medical professional's time to treat his body and all of the effects of his grief. Tear marks covered his face and he looked so much paler than everyone was used to him being; it was as if the very life was sucked out of him and then spat out where he couldn't reach it. His shirt was clear across the room, his shoes in two separate locations as if he threw them to get the doctors away from him. But his chest rose and fell with his breaths and the beeping on the screen indicated he was alive and that was all they could hope for.

Most of the crew had traveled with him for years upon years on end and none of them could conjure up an image of Luffy being anything like this before and none of them hoped to never see it beyond that day. Why was Luffy so distraught and so angry at the world? Luffy's Destined, Ace, had died twice now and he was feeling the after effects. The first time, they grew up as brothers but with no blood really binding them so Luffy always denied their 'could-be' relationship for fear that Ace would completely reject him and run away forever. Yet Luffy always kept a grin, ignoring the pain and suffering that came from being away from Ace and not letting the other into his mind and heart.

When Ace died in his arms, no one knew how Luffy had held it together. The trauma and nightmares he suffered drove him damn near insane. Even Luffy didn't know how he stopped sobbing long enough to train then crawl around and find everyone else who had been separated from him. Eventually – his beloved Crew became the light that shined in his darkness, shattering the obsidian into a thousand little pieces before his eyes. The people on his ship became the reason for Luffy's life and existence and for young boy who stirred the world up with his actions – it was enough.

Then a shock came just a year after the fated Marine war: Ace had come back and Luffy couldn't have been happier. This time around, Luffy wanted to pursue him and the Crew helped him with their entire Devil, physical, and mental power. They patiently waited for Ace this time around, while making a name for themselves in the world and it didn't take long to reach the top, it took up the time they were waiting. Soon – the Straw Hat name became grand with all of its allies and partners, carefully weaving a legacy.

But then Ace died, yet again right before Luffy could even reach him. Sixteen years to the day since Ace had been reborn, he was suddenly gone again and it was driving Luffy insane with grief. All the time they had spent waiting impatiently, all the times Luffy excitedly talked about him, daydreamed about what he'd look like, talk like, sound like - all gone. 'Suicide' they had been informed of by a talented researcher friend in the mist of all of the commotion going on.

That same friend had done some digging and was giving constant updates on what they found. It seems as if no one knew how, but the man had held the same Devil power that he did before: fire; and it seemed to be just as called to Ace as Luffy was. But something didn't add up. According to everyone around him – Ace was like was before: falling asleep at random intervals, happy though troubled in his childhood, laid back, nice, calm until something happened that triggered that fiery rage and he was at the so-young age of sixteen when it happened. So why would he commit suicide?

None of Luffy's Crew gave a particular hell at that point despite all the questions buzzing in their minds – Luffy was their main concern and got their utter attention, ignoring why someone like Ace would dive into the sea, knowing it was a death sentence.

Nami gave up any form of thinking, sitting down heavily in a chair right by the window with a soft sigh. She took Chopper's hat off as he slowly fell asleep on her lap, protesting that he wanted to stay awake just in case something happened but his exhaustion gave way to his sleep as Nami softly assured him that the Captain would be asleep for a bit. Conversations slowly started to buzz around softly, whispers and soft murmurs shattered the silence and Nami couldn't help but smile. This was the Crew she was used too but it wasn't the same without Luffy screaming 'meat' every five minutes. Oh how she missed that already…

Glancing to the side, Nami looked at everyone else. A few more chairs were placed on the far wall not too far from her, one sitting Robin with Franky on the floor at her feet. In the other chair was Sanji, a leg thrown over his knee and the cook relaxing as much as possible with a lit cigarette in his lips. Zoro, Brook, and Usopp sat on the floor just across from Nami, just chattering amongst themselves. Nami's eyes traveled before everyone again before softly clearing her throat. "Sanji – may I borrow your jacket?" she asked and the smoking cook blinked before willingly taking it off.

"Sure Nami-san, go ahead." He leaned forward to hand it right to her, watching her put it around Chopper and Sanji immediately noted the stark cold that filled the room despite the summer heat outside. Perhaps to aid in Luffy's comfort to sleep… or that was just how it felt in the room because of the current state of things. Nami switched seats to sit next to Robin then gently, comfortingly, pet Chopper as if to let him know that she was there even in his unsteady, easily shattered sleep. Over time, Nami shifted in her seat and leaned her head on Robin's shoulder and eventually gave herself over to the sleep, softly mumbling to Robin until she the darkness took over.


Robin felt so tired, she could just fall over right there. Nami and Chopper were asleep, her beloved Franky was softly snoring with his head in her lap, Sanji was next to her with his head leaned back onto the wall and Usopp, Brook and Zoro were against the wall, passed out like they usually were, snot bubbles and all. She couldn't help but mull everything over as she just sat there, including her own abilities and situation. Oh how much she had learned in the most simplest of time, and how much she evolved as a person…

Having Devil powers was both a gift and a heavy, heavy curse and each power was more different than the last and separated into different categories based on what the power could do. Being a Devil user – you were the sea's mortal enemy and once you waded too far into the water, you began to sink and drown. And apparently – Ace had thrown himself overboard which struck her as extremely odd. It was one of the only things that sucked about being a Devil user but it was balanced out with being granted great power. Eventually, solidifying after Ace's death at the battle Pirates Versus Marines, people realized that those with Devil powers were… dangerous; very, very dangerous.

It took everyone a while to figure out what to do but it became clear that the Age of Pirates was dangerous and it didn't help that leveling towns seemed to be some of the pirate's favorite hobby. Eustass Kidd popped into her mind but she shoved it off, not wanting to think of that fire cracker. It was soon after, before their 'waiting period', that Robin got a hold of the information about Destineds. It was right around there that they put the two and two together and Luffy was the first on their Crew to be 'confirmed' as a Destined among themselves.

It wasn't long after that plans to reign in and attempt to control the power of the Devil Fruit users went into motion. The Navy, in secrecy, and another new corporation under a mask went hand within hand and gathered almost all of them, housing the strange new line of Destined's under their roofs as well. Gathering them was, needless to say, not an easy task. But some were somehow convinced and everything picked up from there.

An entire island was formed out of the fast paced new plans that came about after The Navy began hunting them to keep them out of 'harms' way. To the Devil Fruit users and Destined's - it became known as: 'Operation Forced Housing'. Nothing was keeping them there forcefully but, at the same time, most of them were afraid to venture out and get discovered then end up on a slab in the name of science.

The layout of the island really was quite simple, not too huge but nowhere near small, only designed for Devil users and Destined's. The building that housed them is in the center of the island, a bustling marketplace surrounding that with houses on the outskirts of the island, housing most of the military. They were there to keep the front up of a 'military' island, not an island that housed Destined 'freaks' and Devil Fruit users, some of which gave up piracy to stay on the island permanently.

The fact that the Navy was involved within this corporation and the inhabitants of the island was of the utmost secret since most of the Devil Fruit users were pirates and the Navy had a 'duty' to abolish any and all pirates. From what Robin had observed, almost all Mated's were Devil Fruit users and almost all Devil Fruit users –that Robin, personally, knew of- were pirates. Some were pure evil and some not so evil. This Crew that Robin was a part of was a good example of those who were not evil while Blackbeard's Crew was a prime example of those who were very evil. Blackbeard's crew was not a part of this organization and had a 'duty' to abolish those who were, claiming they were cowards and traitors to their name as a pirate. He had yet to attack the island but had attacked Destined's and Devil users alike outside of these walls. Robin rubbed her temples, always cursed to remember the fiasco with Blackbeard. He was the one that scared most of the Destined's into running onto the island so the Navy should thank him.

However, some Devil users refused to back down that easily, Doflamingo was one of them and most of the Warlords. Boa Hancock was comfortable where she was, last Robin heard, and she wasn't going anywhere.

In exchange for the shelter, the Crews, who were brave enough to do so, went out and fulfilled whatever assignment or mission that was given to them by the Navy or whoever else. It could be as simple as getting items to the more complexed orders of gathering another Devil Fruit user or Destined or turning in a bounty. Some jobs suit their skills perfectly while others made them struggle. Whatever the job may pay, the Crew's always profited from it.

Most of the Crews were either assigned to one another or, more commonly, they had found each other before this situation went down, or even during the situation, meeting on the island; 'fate' some call it. Robin couldn't bring herself to doubt it – not with everything this eclectic Crew had been through in its years. Some of them never would have met if it wasn't for this damn island; Robin had yet to see a Crew that had been assigned to one another.

A vast number of Devil Users were around in the building and surrounding area, mixed in with the Destined's. Most of them even trained together, swapping secrets and methods to keep the people who had the selfish reasoning to want to be a Destined themselves away from them.

Mostly - Destined's seemed to hide and quite happily. Someone seemed to have started the horrible rumor that if you drink the blood of a Destined –or something akin to that from Robin's memory- you'd become a Destined yourself and your partner would come running to you. That and you'd become immortal, however that worked out. Yes - time seemed to freeze for a Destined but it was unclear if it was because they were a Destined or if it was an 'effect' of being Mated or if it was because most of the Destined's were Fruit Users and time slowed for Fruit Users. Robin didn't know, either way - it was a horrible, deluded, messed up, horrible rumor. It made Robin fear for the girl that used her as a pillow, for the man she had conversations with, the pair yet to be Mated, and everyone else. Then her thoughts turned to brighter topics, thankfully.

Being a Destined was an odd yet strong, powerful thing and it is as if the name implies: you are destined for that person and no other. You had a bond with the person like none felt before even before you Mate that just got stronger with Mating. It transcended everything, and –as what they've seen- time itself apparently. So far, everyone who had found their Destined had not died… well almost everyone. Ace was the first and only Destined to look at death but they were encroaching on their second generation of Destined's but it was unlikely much more would pop up, seeing as how not many of them were born in the first generation. And many of them didn't even know it - it was a new 'phenomenon' that occurred just this past decade or so. Robin, as old as she is, didn't even know it. She just thought it was that rare attraction to Franky called 'love'. The Archeologist didn't know that the need to be with him constantly for a while, the attachment are all 'symptoms' of being a Destined. Robin had never been deeply in love before. She didn't get a hint until she felt Franky get hurt while working on his project at the time; a physical representation of his pain. She and Franky were the second couple 'confirmed' as Destined's.

But then again - no one really had too much information on Destined's. Everything was still within the 'wait and see' stage, despite how many tests they've ran on Destined couples. If you're in the presence of your Destined and they deny you, like a certain couple she knew of, the 'side effects' ranged from intense anger, depression, obsession or the need to make them yours by whatever means necessary. The couple Robin knew of, only one of them had the 'anger' issue but he would never try to force anything. Everything else - if he felt them, he kept them under tight lock and key in their conversations.

There was always positive side effects as well. No matter how far the other was - you feel the other as if they were right next to you despite the distance, from emotions to even thoughts on some cases; you're closer to that person than your best friend. In some cases, one or both of the Destined's can control it – limiting what their partner feels and hears but that could be for a various amount of reasons. Weather for the better good, a surprise perhaps, or inevitable bad, if they were being tortured or someone threatened them; it was totally up to the couple. Robin was not among those who could hear her Mate's thoughts, yet, but she knew of one couple that could…

The bond the two Destined's shared could be severed, and not in pleasant ways. The ways included one of the Destined's dying which made the surviving one want to join them instinctively or go mad with grief. Another way was if one of them bonded with another person through intimacy, though that method would not make the other want to die; but the depression of the very act might. The severing of the bond caused physical pain, even in Unmated couples, such as what Luffy was going through, and it caused great mental damage as well. Luffy proved this the first time around with Ace's death. This mad grief was, unfortunately, tested and Luffy was just giving more proof. Even now, stories contradicted themselves and, in the end, there was next to nothing that was known about Destined's.

Most thought these Devil powers made the 'breed' -Robin preferred 'Generation' but not everything went Robin's way- of Destined's but in walked Nami, Usopp, Brook and Chopper. Two of the four were non-Devil powered and were Destined's, two of the four were Devil powered and had no Destined as far as they were aware of. Chopper – they were still on the fence about him since he was still so young, the youngest among the crew. Even though they were all 'grown up', they had stayed the same physically. It proved the rumor true that consumption of a Devil Fruit slowed time down for you. However if it stopped completely, no one was sure. Robin cast her eyes to Chopper, curled up in Nami's lap then sighed, leaning back.

Perhaps the 'theory' that they were touched by the gods themselves was true… but Robin was nowhere near silly enough to believe that – even if she had seen amazing, impossible things. They said it was impossible for a Destined to bounce back from their Mates' death. Then there was Luffy. They said that Destined's could not die. Then there was Ace. Robin rubbed her temples as her mind raced a thousand miles a moment. This was so confusing… and it was so farfetched that she would have denied it if she wasn't among those of the first generation. Luffy and Ace were among the first Destined's as well. Hell – the whole Crew was filled up with among the first generation of Destined's. Thankfully – she had other's to share the experience with: Nami, Usopp, even her beloved Franky. There were times she ran into the other Destined couple wandering around here but it was rare that she did so. One was scary, creepy and just plain 'back away if you wish to live' but Robin tended to have lovely, nice, inelegant conversations with the more quiet, polite one. At least when the other wasn't being possessive and rude to her, which was an everyday thing practically, which usually made Robin frown and the other male scold his Mated.

Robin decided that, with those last thoughts, enough was enough. A headache was budding and she was exhausted. Faintly, she was aware that her stomach was growling but that could wait, the food here wasn't the same as Sanji's home cooking. Robin slowly shifted in her seat, gently putting her head on Nami's and let the same darkness claim Robin that took Nami and Chopper before her. Her exhausted body offered no protest to the decision, immediately relaxing in the confines of sleep.


Everyone, everything, was silent, save for the soft snores that Chopper and Zoro let out when the door opened. A familiar redhead with three claw marks over his eye walked in and looked at Luffy, bathed in the soft light of the morning that was flooding through the blinds of the window near his bed. Now, he was straightened out with blankets over him but it was clear that grief took its heavy, heavy toll on him. This makes twice… The man known as Shanks made his way over, seeing the place clean and sparkling practically. Probably due to room keeping or something akin that. What the hell did he care?

Shanks gently ran his hand over Luffy's head, hoping the gesture gave him some form of comfort in his new hell. Sitting on the windowpane, he looked at Luffy, wondering what the boy had planned now, if he had anything planned. He suddenly wondered if the comforting sleep he was in was natural or drug related. Either way, sleeping was a great idea for Luffy at the moment. Hell, he would probably have enjoyed that idea himself; the grief the boy must feel is unimaginable. Sighing and leaning back, he rubbed his head and tried to relax.

Luffy… his precious Luffy… Shanks was the one that dragged Luffy to the sea practically. Ace only aided the process as they were children since he was the first one to have Luffy promise him that he'd be King of the Pirates; and now the most important thing to him was gone. The red haired man put a hand over his face, almost unwilling to show the tears that welled up when a knock at the door came. His eyes slid over to see a familiar tall, skinny man in the doorway. It wasn't hard to not know who he was, if the pattern on his jeans didn't give it away – the yellow and black hoodie and unique tattoos certainly did it.

"Greetings Mr. Shanks, may I come inside?" the man asked and Shanks dropped his hand, the depression still there, eating away at him, but the tears didn't exist anymore.

"Sure Trafalgar, why not. Bring Kidd in with you," he told, motioning and Law only smiled, looking behind him. Giving a soft nod, the skinny man walked in, silencing his footsteps expertly. Shanks noted that the usual Nodachi he carried wasn't on him and the white and black patterned hat covered his short, stylish hair wasn't around as well. A sign of respect, perhaps? Who knew with Law? It was hard to believe this man had so much blood on his hands, this room could be filled with it and there'd still be some left over to fill up the adjacent room.

"Goodness – everyone's here." Law mumbled, his dark eyes scanning over everyone. Kidd, Law's Mate, stepped in behind him, looking as fearsome as always. His long black coat trimmed with red fur with gold spikes along the shoulder, his red eyes, tinted lips that held a deep scowl. Red seemed to be this man's theme – he had it everywhere, from his hair to his coat. The bright yellow and black pants matched his Mate's hoodie only Kidd's was in a water-like pattern and boots with a teal sash hanging out of his pants. (1) Though he had room for weapons like a gun and a dagger, they weren't there and Shanks had to wonder why.

Maybe upon Law's orders or Kidd didn't feel the need to put weapons on him to come to the Straw Hat's room? Everyone and their mothers knew that hardly anyone was a match for the boys that were still known as the Eleven Supernovas.

"Of course. You of all people know how much Luffy means to these people, especially his Crew." Shanks said, frowning. Law smiled at him lightly and nodded, almost taking back his wording immediately.

"Of course… how could I forget?" he said before glancing to Kidd. The man leaned against the wall and, with one look at Law, wrapped his arms around the skinnier doctor and pulled him to his chest. Law didn't make a move of protest, letting Kidd pull him back, Law's back fully meeting Kidd's chest and Shanks watched the whole spiel. It was interesting how they communicated even without words or –probably- a thought between them. They were truly the embodiment of 'polar opposites' and that truly, utterly fascinated Shanks to a certain degree. When those two came out and announced their relationship, everyone was more or less shocked beyond belief. Luffy laughed, of course, but everyone else had not seen it coming. After all - one of the more 'famous' interactions between Kidd and Law was at the Auction house in Sabaody where Law gave him a finger. Shanks himself didn't see a romance growing there at all and honestly asked Trafalgar if that day had been April Fools. It wasn't.

Shanks stared at the doctor as the skinnier one leaned back on his Mate while staring at the boy on the bed. "How's he doing?" Law asked, glancing to Shanks who gave him a less than amused, humorless laugh.

"How would you be if your Mate died?" he asked the young doctor with a tone that indicated how stupid the question was, ignoring the 'watch it' glare that Kidd had shot him. Kidd was overprotective of his Mate and had killed people for less than the words Shanks just shot at him. No wonder his bounty was so damn high and only getting higher. Even if it was completely asinine, someone had to keep up appearances. Though to the longer haired redhead's words, Shanks saw that Law was left wordless, leaning back instinctively into Kidd more and the other responded by holding him tighter and dipping his head slightly to kiss his neck to assure him that he was there.

"Your valid point is taken." Law finally softly said after a few moments. Movement caught his attention and his dark eyes flew over to see Nami waking up as the moments passed. The long, orange haired woman finally opened her eyes, expecting just to see Luffy and nothing else there since that was how she fell asleep. That was not the case and the first thing she saw was the flaming, redhead, insane captain whose gaze shifted to her. Nami jumped and placed a hand over her heart, clutching Chopper more at the sight of the psychotic man and Law, needless to say, had to bite back a laugh at that reaction.

"Good morning, Nami-ya," Law greeted calmly, an amused smile on his face and Nami just nodded, her gaze locked on Kidd as if she expected him to jump up and attack them at any moment.

"Yeah… you too…" she mumbled, not yet awake. Law smiled a bit more as Kidd chuckled softly in his Mates' ear, amused beyond belief before turning his attention back to the neck he was currently cuddling and kissing. Kidd didn't hear an ounce of protest from Law about his affections. Not that he'd admit that he was being affectionate in a thousand years; oh no, that made him seem human and he had a strict 'monster' reputation to uphold. Shanks was about to open his mouth when the Boss (2) came in. He was a tall, older man wearing a black suit with his grey hair pulled back. Shanks stood and frowned.

"What are you doing here?" he demanded and the Boss didn't even bother looking toward him. Shanks practically seethed, ready to strangle the man. How dare that man waltz into this room as if nothing was currently happening? Then Shanks mentally dared the man to say that Luffy's Crew had to go out; over Shank's dead, rotting corpse and he dared them to try and make that happen too.

"Can't you see we're kind of in the middle-" Shanks growled but was thoroughly interrupted.

"I need you to go to sea. Both of you." He spoke clearly, simply, staring at Law and Kidd and ignoring Shanks with every fiber of his being, which did not please the redhead. Law's eyes widened and his heart sunk. The idea of going back out to sea this soon after docking made him feel like there was a rock in his stomach, making nausea assault him and he hated it. Panic began to claw at The Surgeon of Death's mind but he refused to show it as he looked at the man with utter confusion.

"No, absolutely not." Law stated simply, the tone he used indicating that no matter what pay they were going to give him - it wasn't worth it. Kidd stayed eerily quiet.

"It wasn't a request Trafalgar. You will go," the Boss said and Law made every attempt not to blanch at the words. Words spilled out before he could stop them.

"We just docked. Six months ago – I can't go to sea, I'm not dragging my crew-"

"We'll go." Kidd said simply and everything froze, going eerily silent. Law's mouth remained open with the unsaid words and protests that were now useless, the Surgeon unable to process what was just told to the Boss from his lover. Shanks blinked in shock, expecting Kidd to be the first one to go 'oh hell no' and proceed to give the grey haired man a bitch out session, but he didn't…And it was now that Law's brain chose to absorb what Kidd had just told the man they would do. Shanks watching Law rip himself from his lover's arms to look at Kidd more clearly, Law's mouth closing and his hand coming up, keeping Kidd back from touching him when the redhead tried to take the raven back into his arms.

The Surgeon was stiff, rigid in anger. Nami shrinked in her seat, having stayed silent up until that moment, holding Chopper a bit tighter instinctively. Kidd's arms remained open for a few more moments but dropped as soon as the redhead realized that the raven-haired man was not coming back to them. Too late to say anything~ the voice in the back of Kidd's head sang, the voice that was right every single time much to his annoyance. Kidd's mouth opened to try and stop Law before he began but, just as Kidd predicted, he was too late.

"We're… we're doing… what?" Law asked slowly, looking at Kidd. The raven could not, for the life of him, figure out the reasoning behind what was said. Kidd had a tight, almost stressed look on his face as Law looked at him with so much hurt and confusion in his eyes – it made Kidd just want to kill the old man. Silence coated the room as Kidd chose his words carefully as Law's face began to contort, showing his journey from shock to pain to absolute fury. The same look that used to entice Kidd so much was now beginning to send pinpricks of fear down him.

"We're doing what?!" Law yelled, repeating his question as he officially snapped. His mind was not conscious of the formerly-sleeping crew that were now wide awake, looking at the seething Law. None of them made a single move to do a damn thing, no one knowing what to do as well as everyone wished to keep their limbs not only attached but their bodies in one piece.

"What's going on?" Robin whispered to Nami, and the orange haired woman shook her head. There was no way Nami was going to say a damn thing, not with Law standing right there. His stare already promised death to Kidd and Nami did not want that stare turning onto her.

"Later," she whispered back, shrinking as far back into her seat as possible to avoid the show that may or may not come. The natural instinct Nami had to protect Chopper surfaced, 'maternal instinct' Robin had called it, both women sharing it. But nothing happened still. An uncomfortable silence once again coated the room, no one moving or saying anything. After a few moments of the glaring contest, Nami shifted uncomfortably as Chopper began making sounds that indicated that he was waking up.

Nami swore her heart stopped, swearing that those slight sounds would be enough to send the Surgeon of Death into a postal rage. Law said and did nothing but he did stare his lover down before making a strangled noise and sweeping from the room before he went about attempted murder. Kidd was after him not a few seconds later, not even giving a moment to look at the older man that stood there in amusement to the spectacle. Shanks rubbed his head; it was going to be a long, long day.

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