Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia, because if I did, these two would be all over each other in so many (*cough*kinky*cough*) ways.

Background: This story is based on an RP I did a while ago, but I don't have qualms about adapting it because the original RP idea was mine, and we never got anywhere with the story, so the bulk of it is still original.

.: Prologue :.

"Arthur, I want you to have this."

Arthur looked down at the sapphire ring in his hands, so delicate and pristine. What was a commoner like him doing in possession of such a valuable object?

"I... I can't."

"Please Arthur. We both know I only have a few hours left, if at al—"

"Don't say that!"

Arthur felt a gentle, wrinkled hand placed on top of his own. It was a comforting gesture, but it only served to make his heart ache more. Why did she have to die?

"Arthur, dear, take this ring and do whatever you want with it. Sell it if you like... I know you need the money... always working so hard..."

The young actor stared down at the ring, lost in his thoughts. If he were to keep it, there was no way he would sell it off. It was like a token of remembrance for the memories he held with the person before him: the kind, wizened shopkeeper. To make money for school, Arthur worked at the pawn shop on evenings he had free from rehearsal at the theatre. In this big, crowded and uncaring city, that pawn shop was his only refuge; one would hope that for an actor, such a refuge was the stage, but... acting here, as barkeeper number one, or walking man number three... well, it really wasn't what one aspired to be, was it? But the young man's love for the art was too great to be discouraged by such small roles, which he received more for seniority's sake than for skill.

But Arthur remembered those days when he would feel especially down and out, and he'd come running to the store—to Esmeralda—who would make him tea and comfort him into the wee hours of the morning, if need be. Esmeralda's store was the only place at which he truly felt at home in London.

What would he do without her?

"I... I..." No, he couldn't think of the right words to say. What does one say when one's second mother is passing away right before one's eyes? Arthur couldn't even act the part, his emotions too overflowing and jumbled to express.

"I'll take care of it," Arthur finally said through the hiccuping and unsteady breathing that accompanied the act of crying. "I won't sell it off, I promise. I'll take care of it like you took care of me."

Esmeralda smiled feebly from the bed that she hadn't left in days. Her breathing was wheezy as she whispered, "That makes me happy, Arthur... You know, I got that ring from... a nobleman I knew... long ago..." The words were coming softer now, accompanied with more coughing.

"Don't strain yourself!"

"... My time has come, dear..."

Esmeralda, who had no living relatives, and who considered Arthur to be the son she never had, cupped Arthur's cheek in her light grip.

"Just know, from now on... that I always believe... in you. Maybe you will... one day... be rich enough to buy... such a ring..." Esmeralda's eyes twinkled, despite her frail state. "Then you can... give it to the one you... love... and take her hand... with my blessings..."

Arthur held Esmeralda's hand as her eyelids fluttered, his heart and mind not willing to believe what he was saying. His body was already reacting, sobbing beyond control. He was too young to see someone he cared about so much die. Things like this just didn't happen when you were nineteen, still in school, and struggling hard to live in such an impersonal city. They just didn't. They couldn't. Please.

"I love you so much. Please don't go. PLEASE!" Arthur cried futilely as he gazed upon her wheezing figure. It was the least he could do to be the one—the only one—watching this moment, eyes unwavering from the terrible sight.

It took all her energy to give Arthur one last smile, which he would treasure as much as the countless other ones in the past, and then, with a look towards God, she passed away.

Arthur sat there for at least an hour, unable to move a muscle. He was numb. Everywhere—his torso, his arms, his mind, his heart. Nothing wanted to move on. No one else would come see this body. It was such a lonely existence; what had the woman done to deserve such?

It wasn't until nighttime that he called in the death and had someone come pick up the body. Arthur barely had enough money to survive day to day, but in exchange for all that Esmeralda had done for him, the least he could do was pay for a proper burial.

As the proceedings passed, he constantly played with the shining sapphire ring in his pocket, so well-kept that it looked practically new, unlike the battered and time-worn woman he had received it from.

Arthur's grip tightened on the ring, making a silent promise that he would do great things, become a great actor, act on a grand stage, and then, like she said, buy a ring of equal if not greater caliber and marry someone Esmeralda would be proud of.

He would do it, and anything be damned if it got in the way.

Author's Comments:

Hey, hey, hey! This is the nice teaser prologue for the intricate fic that I have in store for you. Hope this was interesting enough, especially since we all know that noble she got the ring from must have been Alfred (when he was around twenty or so, which you'll see later).

I hope that this hooks you in to reading the rest of the fic as it develops. Come on this adventure with me! =]

I'm excited about writing the next chapter, so it should be up soon. This fic won't have dragons and swordfighting, but it will have duels, princesses, balls, and, of course, a love tug-of-war (involving Francis, so be warned; it's not a serious one where you'll experience much FrUK, since I don't really ship the two, but it's necessary for my love of angst. :3)

Also, please read my other USxUK fic if you haven't had a chance. I just finished it this past weekend, but I'm still always looking for insight and constructive criticism so that my future fics, like this one, can be even better!

See you on the flipside!

P.S. "Cover" for this is forthcoming. I don't have my tablet with me, so I can't draw one yet, but hopefully I'll get it soon and a decent-ish picture (there's a reason why I write instead of draw) will be up when that happens.