Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers, just my OC, Trak Sharden, and I am not making any profit from this.
Giant alien robots who called themselves Autobots and Decepticons were waging a civil war on Earth. Trak Sharden wouldn't have believed it if someone had told him, but since he was currently fighting the Decepticons side by side with the Aubots, he had no choice but to believe it. He was a soldier, part of Captain William Lennox's squad, and one of the few survivors from the attack at Quatar.
Even in the middle of that attack, he'd never been more terrified than now, fighting the one the other aliens called "Megatron," who was apparently trying to take over the world by using some kind of alien cube to transform all of the human's technology into an army.
He felt himself moving, dodging bullets and firing back at the aliens who were with Megatron, but it was as if he was detached from his body. He saw the alien fire, and distantly recognized he was in the path of the missile, along with the kid, Sam Witwicky, who was holding the alien cube.
Before he realized what he was doing, he was already at the kid's side, shoving him out of the way, and then his world exploded around him in a burst of pain and light.
For one split instant, he had the sensation of falling. Then everything went black.
Trak slowly came to consciousness, fighting against the dull, throbbing pain centered in his chest. He didn't recognize his surroundings, and he was lying on a hard surface, tied down. That was the first thing he realized. The second thing was that he felt strange—and it wasn't just because of the pain. What happened? Where am I? He wondered. He managed to turn his head and saw Captain Lennox walking by with an alien—the leader, Optimus Prime. It was strange: Captain Lennox seemed smaller than he remembered. "Cap . . . tain Len . . . nox?" He managed to get out. His voice sounded strange—as if it had a mechanical under-sound.
The next instant, there were people yelling and pulling out guns with large nozzles, and he realized with shock that they held liquid nitrogen. It was pure agony, and he screamed, hardly aware he was doing so, bucking and fighting his restraints in an effort to escape.
"Whoa! Whoa!" He heard Lennox yelling. "Stop!" Then a large, metal hand crushed the guns, and the freezing stopped. Shaking, Trak turned his head and looked at Lennox as he approached, wide eyed in shock, pain, and terror. "I don't think this isn't Megatron."
"Captain Lennox is right." Prime rumbled. "His energy signature is differs slightly from that of Megatron, and this is not how Megatron would act."
"Okay, then . . . who are you?"
"Trak . . . Sh . . . den . . . sssir." He didn't know why he was being asked that question, or why they thought he was Megatron, but he trusted his commander.
Lennox froze, eyes widening in horror. "Optimus, get Ratchet." He whispered.
"C . . . ap . . . tain?"
"Hang on, soldier. You'll be alright."
Those were the last words he heard before blacking out.