Genre/concept: Saito's a wuss, but manages to luck his way through every battle and challenge, which I loathe.
According to the canon, the only people that a void user can summon/kidnap are people from their reality or the 'real' world. What happens if Louise managed to pull the Heart of God from a similar fantasy world instead of the Gandalfr Saito? Instead of a failure commoner she gets exactly what she wanted, the infamous dog that she accuses Saito of being. Only this time, she manages to pull a puppy Dire Wolf in from the D&D setting, as befits a powerful mage's familiar that, while spectacular in magical theory, has no clue how to use her void element. While I have no intention of doing a Dark story, I won't be glossing over a lot of the problems that are present in the anime but that are ignored or glossed over.
She was ready. All of the proper research had been acquired. Stacks of annotated books lay on her desk with multiple bookmarks in each, as well as nearly fifty pages of notes meticulously prepared and reviewed.
But most importantly, sitting in its place of pride at the center of her desk, was a scrap of a wolf pelt she had acquired from her latest foray in to the capitol that she planned to use as a catalyst.
It had taken a combination of flattery, bribery with an instructor's favorite and expensive wine, as well as an unsubtle threat of a 'magical demonstration' to get it, but access to one of the original treatises on the summoning ritual as well as the theoretical underpinning of the spell had been found, read, and dissected for anything that would help her succeed. After all, if she failed this one piece of magic it would be taken as proof that she truly was a magical blunt, a noble that had managed to fail her bloodline and been judged unworthy of possessing magic by the Founder that had originally had given the nobility their right to rule.
In studying the ancient tome however, she had found an obscure note in the text, theorizing that it would be possible to ensure that a particular species was summoned if the summoner utilized a catalyst from another animal of the same type. However, if the mage were to use a catalyst for a creature that was beyond their talents, the summoning would bring forth a younger creature than was common, and if the mage fell too short of power, it would result in the mage dying from the drain on their willpower.
After many promising young mages killing themselves from overconfidence trying to summon dragons or gryphon familiars nearly a thousand years ago, it had fallen out of practice and into obscurity. But, Louise just knew that if she tried to just rely on the standard spell, she would fail like she always did. This way, if she did fail as spectacularly as she feared, she would be unlikely be alive to continue to shame her family.
Dressed, and with her nerves as steadied as they could be, Louise left her room with her prepared catalyst in her pocket along with her wand.
After all, a simple wolf, while a perfectly respectable familiar in and of itself, should be well within what she should be capable of in terms of power after managing to detonate multiple classrooms with her wayward spells, a feat that even the most talented of dot class mages could barely manage.
Following the crowd of second year students, she couldn't help but reassure herself futilely that she wasn't like the other mages long ago that had failed to summon using a catalyst. Almost all of the recorded cases she could find had overreached themselves trying to summon mighty magical creatures like a gryphon, dragon, or a manticores like her mother's.
As the summoning began, she couldn't help but compare the standard summoning to the modified form that she would be betting it all on.
Where the others would call for "My servant that exists somewhere in this vast universe, my divine, beautiful, wise, powerful servant, heed my call, I wish from very bottom of my heart and add to my guidance and appear!" she would instead be calling for a "sibling of the body of the relic that I possess, and a sibling of the mind and soul that we may walk the path of fate and magic together," all the while channeling her magic from her wand into the ritual circle that had been prepared by the instructor for the ritual.
As Colbert viewed the numerous familiars, he couldn't help but wonder if Louise would manage this critical magic, or if he would have to adjudicate over one of the most heartrending duties that he had now that he had become a teacher. While not any worse than what he had once regularly done, crushing the hopes of a child was never something that he took any joy in.
Following the proper forms though, he had to ask, "Alright, who's left for today who hasn't summoned their familiar?"
He knew that Louise hadn't gone, due in part from her last name being last on the alphabetical list and also in part from the fact that he had been waiting for her attempt.
Either she would succeed in her summoning, or she would likely destroy the summoning circle in a massive explosion of magic power.
Oh, he knew about her project and research into the basis of the summoning and binding ritual for familiars. Old Thadeus in charge of the library had complained for over a week in the teacher's lounge about her successful ploy/threat to get access to the special editions reserve of the library in order to fully research the familiar summoning spell.
He, along with most of the staff, were rooting for her to succeed. Many just so that she could get a grasp on her magic so that she would stop blowing up their classrooms, while the more politically astute understood the major shifts at the palace if the Valliere, one of the most loyal and powerful noble families in Tristain ended up producing a blunt, on top of a perennially ill second daughter, and along with their eldest daughter having proven to be difficult to find an appropriate suitor for. For himself, he just worried for young Louise, along with what her mother, Karin the Heavy Wind, would do in order to deal with the fallout from no longer having a daughter that could be recognized as a noble.
Kirche brought his musing short with her comment "Louise hasn't gone yet Professor, I can't wait to see what noble and beautiful familiar she plans to summon. After all, she sounded so confident yesterday when we were reviewing for the summoning."
Around Louise there was nothing but derisive laughing from the other students that had all successfully summoned, though most of them had only managed common familiars such as owls, cats, and toads.
Most impressively, Tabitha had managed to summon a large blue dragon, and even Kirche had managed a clearly magical salamander.
Against her will, Louise couldn't help but despair at the fact that even if she did manage to summon a wolf to be her familiar, there was no chance that she would be able to compete with something as impressive as a dragon.
Making her way to the front of the crowd, she couldn't help but send off one last silent prayer to the Founder that she succeed. Even if she never managed to successfully cast any other spell in her life, it would be enough if she managed to summon and bind a familiar today.
With her wand grasped in her right hand, she began the modified incantation before the ritual circle, while she drew forth her catalyst in her left and began to flood the scrap of wolf fur with as much magic power as she dared. Finishing the modified chant, she concluded the spell by tossing her catalyst as accurately as she could into the center of the now glowing ritual circle inscribed on the dirt.
With a flash and sudden billowing of smoke, far in excess of what the others had managed to produce, Louise couldn't help but sink to her knees as she was suddenly overwhelmed with weakness. The moment the spell activated it seemed as if every scrap of her willpower was sucked out of her, and she felt almost hollow from the sudden loss of magic from within her.
Before she could faint however, the sudden draw on her magic stopped as quickly as it started.
As the cloud of smoke was blown away by a quick spell from Professor Colbert, she couldn't help but lose her composure and have her eyes water, as sitting stunned in the middle of the array was what appeared to be a giant puppy. Covered in brown fur, with hints of gray along its chin and ears it was adorable, but slightly alarmingly, was nearly three feet tall at the shoulder.
Getting to her feet and reaffirming her grip on her wand, she began the traditional binding for a familiar, calling out "Pentagon of the Five Elemental Powers, grant your blessings upon this creature and bind it as my familiar." As she finished the chant, she finished by kissing the fluffy baby wolf on its nose before it could react at the sudden change in its environment brought about by its explosive summoning.
Almost immediately, a circle of runes started to write themselves onto her familiar's brow seeming to almost hover over the fur of its head. Once complete they began to faintly glow with a faint bluish light illuminating a circle of jagged letters that surrounded a single brighter glowing point of light.
As she watched the last rune inscribe itself onto her familiar, Louise couldn't help by fight down the urge to jump and dance through her exhaustion at finally completing the most important, and also first, successful spell of her life.
Turning to Kirche and the surrounding silent audience, she couldn't hide the glee on her face or in her voice, "I do believe that my noble wolf is more than beautiful enough to justify my claims of success."
"Well now, all the students have summoned their familiar's, so everyone, you are dismissed for today. Please remember that classes are cancelled tomorrow in order to give all of you the opportunity to get to know your familiars better. This is your first step in a relationship that will with luck last all of you the rest of your lives and be companions throughout your path as nobles."
Having finished his speech, Colbert promptly turned and levitated off towards the school courtyard, soon followed by the rest of the class now that there wouldn't be any chance to mock Louise for yet another failure.
Standing alone with her fluffy new familiar, Louise couldn't help but feel limp and hollow inside from relief that she wouldn't be expelled from the Academy, and worst of all, have to tell her mother that she was a failure as a noble.
Sitting in front of her, the oversized wolf pup just sat and panted through the whole spectacle, focusing on her instead of all the other nobles. Feeling herself begin to flush from her new familiar's gaze, she tried to divert her focus onto something more familiar, namely that of the long hike back to her dorm on shaky legs.
"Come along now, we can get started on a name and getting to know one another tomorrow."
Followed by her familar, despite her tiredness a smile soon crept onto her face as her familiar obediently followed her, albeit with more than a few detours to investigate new bushes along the way.
End Chapter 1
Holy Beejeesus, nearly 2,000 words typed up and actually posted for once instead of languishing on my laptop. Next chapter should be out super soon.
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