Reviews for Louise Summons Raphtalia
xbox432 chapter 50 . 47m
"If you're the griffin knights, where are your horses?" - This line doesn't make sense as they are indeed on horses. I believe you meant griffons?

I was going to have to give her a warning about controlling her temper. - Oh that's rich coming from her. Heh, Raphtalia may have done the whole adult-child-adult cycle, but it seems that while she was child some of Louise's traits may have rubbed off on her.
Leonas chapter 50 . 10h
Is she though? Okay yeah probably. She is also being an older sister too... and Wardes hasn't even challenged her to a duel yet...

God if Wardes tries that, "oh she decided to turn around and leave you on my care" bullshit... I really hope Louise doesn't believe him...
Jebest4781 chapter 50 . 11h
looking quite well here
DasGibbers chapter 49 . 7/31
First time reviewing, but have been reading since you posted chapter 5 or so.

Frankly, reading all of the comments on this story, I'm disappointed in the readers. I might be a jerk for saying this, but it's true. ALL of the clues and foreshadowing of chapter 48 are there. We know the duel between Naofumi and Motoyasu ended differently, with Naofumi actually winning (forget the chapter this was revealed, but it was). Because of this, the breakthrough moment of Naofumi somewhat recovering from Myne's betrayal via Raphtalia never happened. Since it never happened, Naofumi never stopped seeing Raphtalia as a child and held onto his super mega paranoid delusions far far longer (if not forever). HOW the readers can't see at least a bit of this is disappointing.

I tip my hat to you though, for making it clear, yet not bashing us over the head. My slight head scratcher is why Naofumi would give ANY of the royals the time of day at all, let along how they became friends with Melty. But minor issues tbh.
reality deviant chapter 49 . 7/26
thing is, Naofumi got a REALLY sucky hand there, and a sane thing to do would have been to leave, try to escape or hide - and would either get him assassinated by church or made irrelevant to the world saving business, not to mention doom many more ppl, and the world itself.

would Louise have been as optimistic, if she was declared heretic by romalia?
xbox432 chapter 49 . 7/25
Well, what'd'ya know? Louise CAN treat Raphtalia nicely. We just have to hope she'll stop believing all the crap Derf has been feeding her. Maybe after Raphtalia saves her in Albion Louise will start asking her more questions about her species and her past, then maybe begin placing more trust in her?
TMI Fairy chapter 49 . 7/25
That Man was blind AND stupid not to fall for a strong, intelligent cutie like Raphtalia ...
The next chapter provides an opportunity for cheap drama when Louise suspects that Wardes has the hots for her familiar.
Bloodfox22 chapter 49 . 7/24
Woud you look at that. Louise can be one smooth operator when she wants to.
Shortstack Love chapter 49 . 7/24
This is easily one of the best fanfictions I've ever read. It never ceases to amaze me how easily you avoid pitfalls that consistently seem to trip up other writers. You aren't just writing a fanfiction, you are creating your own story.

This latest chapter is just another example; in how you dealt with Raphtalia unpleasant past. What you see a lot of newbie writers do is essentially have the tragic character spill their guts, often with zero prompting or coercion. They will sob and cry, and rage about all the horrible things they've had to endure in the most dramatic way possible. The problem is this in itself is a huge paradox.

After all in reality sharing something painful is extremely difficult. The fresher the trauma, the less the other party is willing to talk about it. While trauma that they have made their peace with will be easier to talk about, they have no reason to completely lose control of their emotions while talking about it.

In other words when these newbie writers try to write out this big dramatic gut spill moments it doesn't come across an genuine. Instead it just feels like the other person is making a bunch of noise for the attention. Especially when they are so eager to share their horrible past with a stranger they just met.
Jebest4781 chapter 49 . 7/24
this was good but yeah... Louise is gonna feel bad for Raphtalia when learning on what went on with Naofumi as to why he was like the way he is
BanalCrepe chapter 48 . 7/24
That was brutal.

You should post the flashback as a one-shot shield hero fic.
Engineer4Ever chapter 49 . 7/24
daw, they continue to be so cute and good for one another. Keep up the grt work!
Leonas chapter 49 . 7/24
I ship it. Even if it is only heterosexual life partner sistership... I ship it.

This story has stabbed and ripped at my heart and strained my SoD at times... but moments like this... yeah, everything else is worth it for moments like this.
Fencer22 chapter 49 . 7/24
Well look at you go Luise. Way to be a good person.
Fencer22 chapter 48 . 7/23
Well he’s a dumb ass.
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