Reviews for Harry's Housekeeping
JustASmallPotato chapter 1 . 8/1
When I looked up Harry Potter as housekeeper, this was not what I expected, but I love it already! Keep up the good work!
dogman999 chapter 13 . 6/18
Keep up the good work.
Guest chapter 13 . 6/9
I love this story Harry and his interactions are so funny please update!
xSaffire55x chapter 13 . 6/9
This fic has just the right amount of serious plot and then shenanigans that makes it so great. Harry is doing his serious job trying to fix the Tri-Ne-Sette and yet he is housekeeping. I honestly can't wait to see how Dino is going to be affected by Harry. It's going to be so great.
I also love Reborn and Harry's interaction. It's so casual and teasing.
I will admit that in the beginning, I wasn't quite sure what family you had chosen and I got a little confused when Nono visited, but I'm good now. I also loved the wedding and stuff, that was great.
BlackRoseWater chapter 13 . 6/5
Love it
Makes me laugh
Sarielgrace chapter 2 . 5/15
oh boy, harry
NazgulBelserion chapter 13 . 5/14
This story lmao is this a new rival haha I laughed
ChaoticMinds chapter 12 . 11/15/2019
Harry's relationship with Reborn is hilarious. I love it! Seeing Harry gush to Reborn about Skull is so darn funny, I laugh every time.
ChaoticMinds chapter 7 . 11/15/2019
Lmaoooooo! Harry seems to deal with lots of "spiders", pffffft..! Oh, Teddy... You poor thing. Harry is already sucked into Mafia Land... The irony was very amusing, though. ;]
ChaoticMinds chapter 1 . 11/14/2019
The way Harry was so nonchalant about everything in this chapter cracked me up so bad, omg... xD I love this fic already!
917brat chapter 13 . 11/14/2019
this is an amazing story that had me really curious as to what you are going to have happen next, as well as eager to read more of it so I can find out, so please keep this up and update again soon as i would really love to read more of this wonderful story.
bloodshound chapter 13 . 10/28/2019
okay. Harry as death's minion is kind of terrifying. Especially when he and Reborn have a friendship... of sorts.
StoneTheLoner chapter 9 . 10/20/2019
Yeah, no. That last chapter ruined the story.
StoneTheLoner chapter 8 . 10/20/2019
This sucked. Harry's first time meeting them came out of nowhere and it had no suspense or excitement. It's boring.
IMnotAweeabooBUTanOTAKU chapter 13 . 10/15/2019
they need to be together...
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