Boyzilla Author's Note: As those coming from Digital/Extra may know with a recent chapter, this story is not entirely written by me. I'm the co-writer, but the main story direction is created by my Imouto, who shall henceforth be known as Girlzilla. This is part of the 'Digital Human' series, and as such, follows some hidden guidelines. I hope you all enjoy it!
Girlzilla Author's Note: I've always enjoyed the Mass Effect and Fate, and Boyzilla's Digital Human series really brings a lot of potential! So I've taken up story writing to try my hand at it, co-writing at least! You're probably all wondering what Servants will Hakuno Kishinami have, well, like with the other Digital Human stories, Hakuno will have a max of 3 Servants, 2 which I've already selected, and the 3rd which I haven't decided on yet. Unlike his stories, my Servant selections are not limited to Extraverse or even the Nasuverse! Anyway, I really, really hope you all enjoy the story!
Have fun reading everybody! To push beyond oneself, break apart the void none dares to, can a lone lunar light shine hope to a universe destined for despair?
Chapter 1: A Single Lunar Light
It was over.
The year lay some time in the 2030s, a dystopic future was Humanity's current course, stagnation brought by the ceasing of mankind's fire for progression and advancement. Soon, this fledgling race would have to make radical decisions for its own survival from itself, whether it be by peace or war. Yet, at this same time period, a stunning discovery was made on the very Moon that orbited the Earth.
This revelation was called the Moon Cell, or as Humanity would sometimes dub it, The Holy Grail.
An object created purely out of photonic crystal, more advanced than anything Humanity had invented or could hope to achieve, with an age dating back 4.6 billion years ago… Older than the Earth's formation. Its digital processing power could rewrite reality on the planet itself, yet all this alien device did was constantly observe and record… And it did it well, every single thing, from the microscopic beginnings of life to even possible future scenarios and alternate timelines, the Moon Cell categorized it all.
In some unknown reason, the Moon Cell created what was called the Holy Grail War, a kill or be killed tournament within its cyberspace that would mark the lone survivor the victor and inheritor of the Moon Cell itself.
The world, scattered and disunified, banned space travel to prevent those who would journey to the Moon Cell's physical location.
But that didn't prevent those known as spirit hackers, humans born with magic circuits embedded in their soul and body, which allowed them to digitize their souls into this cyberspace to partake in the deadly competition. For these humans were descendants of those known as magi, or magus, whom utilized magical energy to perform mysteries… Until, the Earth's mana, its magical energy, faded away without cause to nothingness… Leaving only spirit hacking the last remnant of magecraft.
However, the nine-hundred and ninety-nine participants were met with grueling challenges, whereby in the primary round alone, only one-hundred and twenty-eight participants made it.
Yet, only one-hundred and twenty-seven of those originated from Earth.
One particular participant was a fluke, an occurrence that was so astronomically small it could be stated as impossible. This lone participant was a long brown-hair, brown-eyed, sixteen-year-old girl by the name of Hakuno Kishinami…
And she was a self-aware NPC, non-player character… An Artificial Intelligence based entirely on the real, cryogenically frozen human known as Hakuno Kishinami… So entirely based on a human was this girl that she is classified separated from all other Artificial Intelligence…
A term that in her own words she described as a Digital Human, a human created from data.
Hakuno Kishinami won, she was the lone victor of The Holy Grail War, where Masters known as magi, and Servants, Heroic Spirits own the past, present, or future summoned to partake in battle, teamed up to fight others to the death.
It was over.
Now, this Digital Human floated endlessly inside the very Core of the Moon Cell, she had all the power to rewrite reality on Earth itself… And she was slowly being deleted one data fragment at a time because she was not real.
This magus girl was experiencing a fate worse than death.
Inside the Moon Cell's Core, Hakuno Kishinami saw everything at once, an uncountable numerous timelines and ways, where Earth was destroyed, Earth prospered, Earth was ruled, Earth was filled with magic, so many scenarios that even one not limited to the constraints of a physical body like her couldn't handle the strain.
She had made her wish already, the complete halting and prevention of any future Holy Grail Wars for control of the Moon Cell.
"It…" She spoke weakly to herself, "Won't be enough…"
Humanity would eventually find its way back to the Moon Cell, more conflict, more wars, they would destroy themselves… Or be destroyed by some other entity.
That couldn't happen, her friends were human, and she was a Digital Human, her Servants, the partners she grown so attached to, lived as humans…
She loved humanity.
And so, with the willpower shown countless times in the terrifying, cruel event known as the Holy Grail War, she wrestled control once more.
"Change it… I wish for the Moon Cell to vanish from Humanity, I wish for them to survive! I… wish…" She spoke as her consciousness began to fade. "I wish to be with them…"
A last selfish wish…
Designated Inheritor Confirmed.
Assigning Regalia to Inheritor.
Projected Time Until Velber Arrival: 155+ Years.
Regalia Owner Input Received.
Assigning Secondary Objective to Moon Cell.
Using Resources to Rewrite… Moon Cell Knowledge Erased, Networks Disconnected, Moon Cell Presence Obscured.
Secondary Objective Threat Detected in: 150+ Years.
Preserving Regalia Owner for Threat Timeframe, Queuing Summon Spiritron, Queuing Regalia Owner Transfer...
Hakuno Kishinami felt her body wrapped in something, her vision faded, senses numbed, and her mind felt drowsy…
Continuing Primary Objective…
Then… She slept.
Decades passed…
The flame of humanity ignited again… Whatever happened in the 2030s had been stamped out, reality itself had been shifted to a different path. Any historical knowledge concerning the Moon Cell had been wiped out from Humanity's memories and databases, the physical hole on the moon, covered in massive photonic crystals, had been plugged with solid lunar rock, like the alien construct had never been there.
But, it still was, and because it is, the Moon Cell continued its Primary Objective… Constant observation, surveillance, and recording of all that happened on Earth, and even the Sol System.
Humanity eventually ventured forth into space, the Moon Cell continued its sentinel-like watch. It observed as they discovered the Prothean ruins on Mars, of course, the Moon Cell already had recorded everything about that race's visit tens of thousands years prior, easily hacking through the alien race's sensory method with its overwhelming processing ability.
But, eventually, Humanity discovered the Mass Relay, along with Faster-Than-Light travel, they were on the path to extrasolar colonization.
This is where the Secondary Objective, as inputted by its Regalia Owner, took guidance. She wanted Humanity to survive, but the Moon Cell's Primary Objective was to observe the Sol System. It didn't mention watching other systems in the galaxy.
But, Humanity originated from Earth, so Humanity could be considered apart of the Sol System, in its boundaries.
Taking this logic, the Moon Cell spread its observations only to systems where Humanity would venture.
Decades passed…
The First-Contact War between Humans and Turians on the colony if Shanxi in 2157. This new data was quickly recorded and databank in the Moon Cell, and also an easy hack into the extranet through many networks, all this was also filed. Everything, the Asari, Turians, Salarians, Hanar, Krogen, Quarians, Geth, Elcor, Volus, and so on.
Even the Citadel.
A few years past, nothing came close to the Moon Cell's Secondary Objective requirements. Humanity continued, Biotics are categorized, more and more data the Moon Cell recorded.
Then, 2183.
Extrasolar Threat to Secondary Objective Detected.
Designated as Influenced Velber Faction: Sovereign.
Velber Influenced Faction classified as 'Reapers'.
New Information: Sovereign entity destroyed.
Leading Cause: Human, Jane Shepard.
Jane Shepard eliminated in a hostile attack. Running possible Secondary Objective Prediction.
Analysis Complete. True Velber Threat Imminent.
Secondary Object confirmed implausible. Humanity extinction likely.
Requirements Met.
Finalizing Regalia Owner Transfer. Starting Summon Spiritron. Connecting Heroic Spirit match to recent events.
Then, in a distant space station that was a Cerberus Medical Facility, a pair of brown eyes belonging to a sixteen-year-old girl awakened.
She remembered sinking, falling, floating in an endless ocean that was the innermost Core of the Moon Cell. Her body fading away as it stripped her data apart, consciousness submerged in its vast data networks that outstripped anything ever discovered, to analyze and record even alternate timelines, predict future events that may or may not be.
Hakuno Kishinami suddenly took in a breath of air, fingers placed on some cold flooring, her body laying completely down in a prone position. She opened her eyes, and struggled to sit upright, a strange alarming noise kept playing in the distance.
The sixteen-year-old girl checked herself first and foremost, white skin with a slight light tan complexion, long silky chocolate brown hair hanging from her head, matching eyes, and her body dressed in… A white robe?
No, not a robe, a long dress.
It was white as snow but had a few red stripes along the neckline, her fingers touched what appeared to be a sizable ribbon tied to her back, just above the waist. She had no shoes, naked bare feet touched a chilly metal flooring.
Lastly, on her left ring finger was placed a beautiful ring, it seemed almost to whisper itself to her.
She decided to observe her surroundings.
It was sort of medical facility, through far more futuristic in design than the infirmary ward that was made in the Holy Grail War's school. The sounds keep blaring, and it took a second to recognize those noises were indeed the alarms that seemed so distant before.
There, on the table, was the still frame of a body, an adult woman with tan skin and short-cut chestnut colored hair.
Hakuno stood up, walking barefoot across the room towards the body and ignoring the blaring alarm sounds that echoed across what was probably the building, town, or city she was located in.
"She's dead," Hakuno spoke in a monotone voice, her left hand reached out to the woman's body, still in pristine condition despite death having taken her… No signs of life.
Her finger touched.
The magus' left hand burned a familiar sensation.
"Tsh," Hakuno took a sharp breath with a slight hiss as she clutched her left with her right hand in a vain attempt to ease the pain that seemed to sear itself on her upper hand
A dulled, grayed out mark that was her Command Seals, a powerful vessel similar in appearance to a tattoo that carried with it three separate Command Spells, lit up with a crimson glow.
Command Spells… A symbol of a contract with a Heroic Spirit… Three distinct spells capable of absolute orders, so miraculous were they it could bend space to fulfill the order given to a contracted Servant.
The woman's body suddenly burst apart in a display of light, likened to magical motes of energy they dispersed across the room before congregating together at a single point, a runic circle that forcefully engraved itself on the metallic floor in front of Hakuno Kishinami.
As if an eternity passed, this magical and digital energy formed into the shape, form, and figure of that very same woman. Except, she was now equipped with grayish-hued armor with the symbol N7 engraved on the breastplate, along with large firearm that Hakuno couldn't identify.
"Servant Rider," The woman began as she looked towards the young magus with her blue eyes, and then made a long drawn out sigh. "Might as well get this over with, are you my Admiral?"
"Are you my Master?"
"Yes," Hakuno replied immediately before she even realized that the words even spilled from her mouth in response to this unknown newly summoned Heroic Spirit.
Rider inspected her, "You look incredibly vulnerable in that, why the hell didn't the Moon Cell even grant you shoes for God's sake." She blinked. "I'm having a major headache right now… Moon Cell? So much information crammed into my head."
"Rider?" Hakuno questioned. She never had a Rider-class Servant under her before…
Did she?
Hakuno realized she couldn't clearly recall aspects of the Holy Grail War. It was vague like crumbled up bits that made a story, but it was missing contexts in parts of it, left up to the reader's interpretation.
Did she have Saber, Archer, or Caster?
"Yes, ma'am?" Rider questioned near instinctively, her body's stance responded with a crisp straighten posture indicated as having strict militant training.
Clearly, even if newly met, Rider's mind already firmly recognized Hakuno Kishinami as her 'superior officer'.
The woman noticed what she was doing a few short seconds afterward, and relaxed her stance. "Damn, didn't expect that to really affect my opinion of you…"
She likely referred to the fact the Moon Cell granted her information on summonings, such as the aspect between Master and Servant.
A static feminine voice came through the room's speakers.
["Shepard? You are awake? Nevermind, you're… Fully armed and equipped… Who… How did she get in here…? Shepard, no time, you need to get to the evac shuttle before this whole place blows."]
Who was that?
"Know where we're at?" Rider asked.
Hakuno shook her head.
"Follow me, stay in cover, don't act without direction," Rider spoke. "You may call be Shepard, ma'am if it's more comfortable for you."
"I'm Hakuno Kishinami," The Digital Human introduced herself. "That's fine, Shepard." It was a bit strange calling her Servant by a name other than her class, but it seemed a mote point right now.
"I don't mean to give out orders to you," Shepard said. "But given the situation, we'll funnel out the details at a later point. I don't want you harmed in a firefight."
The magus nodded, given the earlier revelation and condition that Rider's body was in this place, it makes sense that she would know of relatively recent events.
Hakuno Kishinami looked towards the Regalia on her figure. "Portable Terminal?" She questioned its usage to a device she owned in the Holy Grail War, which stored information and Formal Wear, the latter being equipment that allowed her access to different variations of Code Casts, digital magecraft.
Well, she has two Code Casts that could be used without the required Formal Wear. Hopefully, it would be all she needed for now.
Servant Rider, Shepard, brought up her left arm which glowed with a holographic orange display, she seemed to scan through its contents quickly before closing it.
"Let's head out, ma'am," Shepard spoke and brought up her firearm to bear, moving with a brisk pace that Hakuno followed cautiously, staying within a certain radius of the Servant, but allowing Rider to take point so that Hakuno may not be caught in the range of any enemy attacks.
There was a dead human male with a pool of blood they passed by right outside the medical room, Shepard glanced at it for just an instant then continued onward. Hakuno felt a bit of pity for the man but followed her Servant nonetheless.
She was used to death anyway.
Quickly going through a hall and ignoring a small room, the door opened wide and there revealed an incoming group of robotic enemy programs-
Hakuno shook her head
No, they were just rudimentary mechs of some sort, not actual effigies of the Moon Cell, these were man-made.
Rider- Shepard engaged them immediately, she moved with a speed that surprised the Servant herself, forcing her to double check and head to cover.
"Got to re-evaluate this Servant body, didn't expect such a leap in abilities," Shepard stated, then glanced at her Admiral. "Keep your head down, girl!"
Hakuno followed the highly recommended suggestion and hid under full cover from whatever strange bullets the mechs were using to fire at them. But, even then, Hakuno didn't see what the problem was. She knew that these mechs' weapons were dangerous to her person… But…
They were slow, not entirely, but enough where she could see it.
The Digital Human's response time was heightened to peak human performance, perhaps even surpassing it. A side effect of the Holy Grail War, Servants moved so much quicker than 21st-century bullets, and a Master must keep up so to issue orders, round after round of fighting Servants and enemy programs have trained Hakuno Kishinami's response time to staggering levels.
She peeked to her Servant who in an instant of a lapse of enemy fire, shot up, fired her weapon with burst outward with multiple rounds every second, then stopped nearly as quickly as she started.
"They're down," She stated.
Hakuno stood up, spotting the rudimentary mechs having been indeed utterly destroyed, leaving numerous holes that signified how Rider's attack had punched through their metal bodies with little resistance.
Shepard was analyzing her weapon with curiosity like she didn't expect it to be that powerful, then turned to Hakuno. "We should continue to the evac shuttle."
At that moment, everything shook, Hakuno barely managed to keep standing, but it ended quickly.
Shepard nodded, "Space station, thought as much."
"Space…?" Hakuno spoke.
She glanced around and spotted a window, but all that it was had darkness with stars…
Oh… Ooh…
At least she wasn't in cyberspace anymore.
"Keep up!" Shepard called back to her, the Servant had already entered the next room.
"Right!" Hakuno brought herself out of a stupor and chased after Shepard, carrying navigating around bits and pieces so not to harm her bare feet.
Shepard noticed this, "Really need to find you some footwear, first priority when we get out of here. Not having anyone on my team, Admiral or not, without proper equipment."
The magus girl tilted her head in confusion.
Rider reeled a bit back from Hakuno's expression. "Holy shit, that's… That's a raw expression you have there… Damn, that's powerful stuff." She shook her head. "Let's continue…"
They headed around a corner, another hallway, but then heard a nearby gunfight occurring.
The N7 woman turned to Hakuno, "Know how to use a pistol?"
"No," She answered.
"Thought as much, stay here," Shepard ordered, turned, then went through a doorway where Hakuno spotted a man with a dark-skinned complexion firing a pistol at some unknown adversaries on the other side.
The door closed quickly behind Shepard, leaving Hakuno Kishinami in her lonesome.
She glanced around and spotted a bench.
Hakuno sat down and waited patiently for her Servant to defeat the enemies.
But, as she did, the magus ideally wondered...
Just where was she?