A/N: Repeating, this is not a crossover with the series about the egotistical, self-centered prick with the anti-magic punch. Someone just use a gun on him already!


Toaru Majutsu no Taylor-chan: A Certain Mythic Archmage

by Shadow Crystal Mage

Chapter 1: Character Creation!

Disclaimer: Worm created by Wildbow. Pathfinder by Paizo.


Determine Your Ability Scores! Pick Your Class!

It was a perfectly ordinary mid-January night in Brockton Bay. The moon was shining, the drunks were singing, evil was flourishing as good people did nothing, thieves thieved, hussies hustled, druggies drugged, and one of the boats in the Boat Graveyard was loudly crushed to destruction as chunks of glowing hot volcanic rock and clumps of ash pounded down on the rusting metal, the hot slag falling from the air and showering violently on anything in an area 40 feet wide followed by heavy volcanic ash that reeked of sulfur, like the particularly cinematic result of a volcanic explosion.

The fact that Brockton Bay did not have a volcano is at best a minor bit of useless trivia.

This persisted for precisely two minutes before cutting off, leaving behind a sinking ship that was slightly steaming as molted rock and metal sank beneath the cold waters of the Atlantic. It would have sunk sooner but some person had turned all the water around the ship, an area about 80 feet wide, into ice. This had also flash-frozen the ship, which had then cracked apart from the thermal shock of the two temperature extremes. The sound had echoed out over the water, a sudden crack that could not have been mistaken for anything but something big breaking.

Well before the ship had sunk completely, the guilty party had decided to cut her loses and stage an expeditious retreat, running for home. There was no one to see, and nothing to see if there was anyone, but they definitely ran for home. You could hear the sounds of their hurried footsteps, seemingly moving much faster than the rhythm would indicate. Then even that was abruptly gone, as if someone sheepishly remembered they didn't need to do this 'running' thing.

Then there was only the lingering odor of sulfur, and lots of people wondering what the fuck had just happened.


It was a perfectly ordinary suburban home of a perfectly ordinary introverted teenager. Admittedly, it might have been in slightly better condition than it used to be, perhaps a tad cleaner, without any dust and lint in those hard to reach areas that are out of sight and out of mind, with much of materials in a state that could charitably be called 'well-worn'. Moonlight filtered in through the closed window, keeping out the chill and everything else, securely locked. The door was likewise sealed, locked from the inside. The walls, though plain and wooden, were obviously secure, the floor planks tightly nailed down, the ceiling whole and without trapdoors, loose panels or shoddy construction to provide egress or entrance. Any locked room mystery would have been proud to have a murder happen within the room's confines.

Said locked room mystery would have called shenanigans at the figure who suddenly appeared as if from thin air.

The figure, predictably, was a perfectly ordinary Taylor, of the sort to be found anywhere. Clad in perfectly ordinary jeans and perfectly ordinary hoodie, she was panting in a perfectly ordinary way like someone who had been running quickly to try and cut her loses in an expeditious retreat before remembering they didn't need to do this 'running' thing. Sitting down hard on her perfectly ordinary bed (okay, we'll stop now), she allowed herself to calm down and get her breathing in order.

That… had been bigger than she expected. Much bigger.

She imagined she could still smell the reek of sulfur, the echo of twisted metal cracking from extremes of heat and cold.

This power of hers needed a user's manual. Sure, she kinda knew what her powers were, but the knowledge had been insufficient to describe the reality. She was glad she'd decided not to try that at home. It seemed a LONG way from the small telekinesis she'd started with to what was, basically, the fallout of a localized volcanic eruption (conveniently without a volcano) and an equally localized ice age.

Sighing, she looked across the room towards her desk at a pen and notebook lying there and casually pointed. The pen was picked up and flew towards her. She repeated the gesture and the notebook followed. She began to list down the results of her experiment.

When she'd first discovered she had powers, she thought that had been the end of it. Point at something and she could telekinetically move it around with her mind. It worked on only one thing at a time as long as it wasn't too heavy or too far away (five pounds and 80 feet away seemed to be the limit, otherwise it dropped), she couldn't move the object very fast, and as to control, it was only as precise as if she were manhandling the thing one-handed.

That hadn't explained the phantom sensations in her head, but it had certainly made operating the old TV in the hospital convenient.

But as powers went, it hadn't really been all that impressive.

Then she'd accidentally turned herself invisible during a depression spiral while she lay in bed after being released from the hospital. It was then that she considered the possibility maybe she had more than the ability to turn on a TV from across the room without a remote.

It was only when she and her dad ate on Sunday did she realized she literally hadn't eaten or drank anything the whole week and hadn't felt hungry or thirsty. And that was when she'd asked the very important question to herself, what the heck are my powers?

The knowledge had come to her as if some cosmic being had put together an itemized listing of her capabilities, formatted in an organized sheet that neatly grouped together all the changes to the disparate parts of her in their own separate categories. She even knew the exact power that had given her this knowledge, a kind of flash of omniscience that had quantified the phantom sensations in her head, the things she had unknowingly done that had made herself invisible for a short time, the until-now-unnoticed subtle physical changes to her body, and had collated that into something that would make sense to her. Then it had helpfully put mental labels on the parts that she hadn't tried yet, as if intellectual curiosity incarnate wanted her to poke those powers and see what happened.

Tonight had been the last test, because her 'list' had implied it was the kind of test that she wouldn't be able to keep secret at home like when she practiced throwing things and making them appear back in her hand (13 times a day, and she was now lethally good at throwing things) or flying (with only flying in space still untested, because what if she got lost?).

She expended another flash of omniscience and confirmed her supposition. The ten escalating tiers of powers within her grew exponentially, not linearly. The volcanic storm and teleport she had used only been a 5th level power, the freezing sphere a 7th level one. They were not remotely the most powerful things she could do, if she so wished.

Taylor twitched, backing away from that thought. That way lay madness, and she'd seen Pet Semantary once. Nope. Just, nope.

After all, there were no parahuman powers that could bring the dead back to life. Heal, yes. Resuscitate, maybe, regular doctors could do that. Resurrect? If there were, no one talked about it. And since people would talk about it…

Putting down her notebook, Taylor sighed. While she no longer really needed to eat, drink or breathe (although she still could if she wanted to, and breathing was a hard habit to break), sleep was one of the things that she still needed to do, especially since her power restored itself after she rested for at least 8 hours. At least she no longer had to deal with lying restlessly in bed as her mind whirled, waiting to be lulled into unconsciousness.

Pulling up a 2nd tier power, a sort of polypurpose panacea, Taylor used it on herself with a mutter, entering a pleasant and restful sleep.


It was now a perfectly ordinary morning in Brockton Bay. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, gangs ganged, police policed, Wards warded, Coil coiled, the Bay's Nazis were neither national nor practiced socialism (they were clearly being capitalist!), and Taylor decided on what powers she'd have that day.

It wasn't really necessary to pick then and there, but given how many powers she had available to use versus how many of those she knew the effect of, she still had some experimenting to do. She knew how to teleport to places she knew, how to turn invisible (there were several ways, and was figuring ways to recognize stronger forms of invisibility in higher tier powers), how to mend and repair inanimate objects (also several ways), how to fly (so many ways), and even how to heal wounds (only one, surprisingly. The rest where just temporary facsimiles). And apparently, simulate volcanic eruptions and ice ages. So she knew that among her powers were big, destructive powers that it really wouldn't be smart to use against squishy humans, which was most of them. However, she had a plan! She would find a sufficiently isolated area far from Brockton Bay, go there by teleport, test spells, and then come back home with her dad none the wiser. It was foolproof!

Plan in place, she opened her family's old atlas, a relic from the day before the internet, and tried to figure out a sufficiently isolated place where she could test her powers without hurting anyone. After staring for a moment she shrugged and closed the book. It wasn't like anyone lived in Antarctica anyway. Let the power testing commence!


"– large areas of the Canadian wilderness were found devastated by unknown parahuman powers. According to experts, the wide array of destruction found in the area indicates that the damage was caused by a large group with diverse abilities. Experts from both the PRT and the Guild suspect at least 3 changers according to different footprints found, at least one pyrokinetic, an audiokinetic, a parahuman capable of producing large amounts of acid, a gravitokinetic, and a macrohydrokinetic. Members of the Guild and the Royal Canadian Air Force pursued a suspected member of the group on a high speed chase through the air before losing sight of the fleeing suspect due to what Thinkers have identified as a form of teleportation.

A state of emergency is still underway in flooded areas, although experts remind residents that this was not a Leviathan attack–"


The power testing has finished.

In hindsight, it not being that cold should have been a clue she wasn't in Antarctica. So apparently the teleportation power has a chance of being unreliable when one is not really familiar with the destination, and also has a range limit of 2000 miles. In hindsight, she really should have checked that with her flash of omniscience. Taylor wasn't sure whether or not that accounted for the curvature of the Earth, but at least her greater teleportation power had no such limits. It had gotten her back home safe and sound even after she'd flown far enough to be well beyond 2000 miles from her bedroom.

Taylor resolved to keep her tests local and small. Keep it to tier 4 powers. That should keep it from getting out of hand and still help her get a handle of her abilities.


"– firefighters finally managed to get the burning warehouses under control at 4:37 AM. By then the fire had spread to 2 other buildings in the area. No one was hurt, but fire marshals and later the PRT confirmed that the probable cause of the fire was parahuman activity. The PRT suspect the culprit to be the same parahuman who caused a localized shower of molten rock one official had likened to a volcanic eruption that sank an abandoned shipping vessel and left an 80 foot wide patch of the bay frozen–"


Okay, new plan! Keep tests down to tier 3 powers only! That should be safe, right?


"– a local park caught fire last night–"


Okay, throwing the molten orb of metal had probably been a bad idea. Taylor really should have watched where and what she'd been throwing before she'd done it. This was getting pretty dangerous. But how else was she going to get a list of her full range of powers?

Taylor recognized the sensation of her flash of omniscience activating, then groaned into her hands as an itemized list of powers, with a short summary of what they did, helpfully appeared in her head. Was her power being smug at her? It felt as if her power was being smug at her for doing stupid things when she could have just asked. Yes, it was definitely being smug, there was one of those mental tags drawing her attention to a power that allowed her to create pocket dimensions. How very useful and convenient.

When she became a hero, she should probably do everything in her power to make sure this dark and sordid past of hers never saw the light of day, except posthumously.


Pick Skills and Feats! Buy Equipment!

When you're young, there's a point when you yearn to become a hero, unless the yearning is to be a princess. Often the difference is split to become a hero princess, which was apparently the popular aim in Japan before Kyushu sank. Sailors are a part of it somehow. Taylor didn't really get it. Maybe it had to do with that shipping thing she sometimes came across? Sailors sailed ships, right?

Taylor had done this very thing, once upon a time. Mostly she'd imagined herself as Alexandria, and her desire to be a hero was in no way changed by the fact she basically became like Eidolon. Though she doubted Eidolon's powers included a non-annoying helper tool.

And now that she had powers, she had a chance to make this dream come true! The chance to be a hero, to do good and fight evil! Yeah!

Okay, how exactly does one go about finding evil to fight?

This hero thing might be harder than she thought.

Something simpler then. A costume! Yes, a costume was needed, a distinctive look that instantly identified you, bringing hope to the masses and fear in the evil, and incidentally kept one's squishy insides on the inside instead of ventilated and on the outside. Despite being told by her power she was marginally tougher and able to take far more punishment than a baseline human (which apparently was not the same thing to her power, in the specific), she didn't want to get hurt. After all, even Alexandria wore a helmet, even if theoretically she was tougher than any helmet ever made. What did she even use it for? Keeping the rain out of her hair and eyes?

Actually, that was a pretty good reason. Wet hair can be really annoying when it's on your face. Clearly Alexandria wore her helmet for practicality. Taylor's own costume would definitely have a helmet. Her hair was important, after all.

Sadly, her powers were ill-suited towards giving her a costume. Those that changed her form to make her sufficiently unique were sufficiently brief as to be unhelpful, those that changed her appearance and added protection were even briefer and good only when combat was already joined, and her creation powers, nice as they were and allowing her to make armor made of metal and even more exotic alloys, didn't let them stay made for long. It would not do to have her costume and armor evaporate into nothingness after time had passed. At best, she could power-fabricate something given sufficient raw materials.

So she did. It was difficult to craft a costume with her powers. Even if it was doing all the manual labor, her skills at designing the costume in question were literally amateurish. And it turned out that some fabrics, while good for hoodies and jeans, were less than comfortable when skintight against one's body in the traditionally-approved heroic tradition. Itching, chaffing and uncomfortable tightness and lack of stretching ensued. And it looked very unflattering on her. You could see the lines of her underwear!

Taylor found she had to resign herself to not being able to pull off the classic look.

Ironically, she was much better when it came to crafting actual armor. At least, that's what she felt like. Her power said so. While she might fumble through sewing– all right, fabricating– clothes, she felt she could make armor with her eyes closed. Well, one eye closed, it wouldn't do to hit her thumb or something stupid like that. If she had the right equipment, that was.

Fortunately, that was much simpler. Having a boat graveyard in the city meant having a lot of freely available scrap metal of formerly maritime quality. It was a simple matter of ripping out chunks and fabricating a simple anvil. A forge was marginally more difficult but doable. The internet was very helpful in this regard. Using her creation power also helped, since Taylor would only actually need the firebrick when she was actually forging, and it would last long enough that she'd be done when it ceased to exist.

It was all very satisfying to put together and make, even if she afterwards she realized she could just use her power to create armaments to form armor. Er, at least she'd have the tools for future projects. And she'd probably need it for the stuff actually made of metal, like the helmet. Yup, she'd definitely need it for the helmet!

Anyway, the actual costume! Despite being a lower tier power than the one she used to create her firebricks, the armor that resulted was solid and not going to evaporate, unless you counted rust and sublimation. Really, what criteria did her powers use to determine what stayed and what evaporated? It was then a simple matter to refine the resulting armor.

Said armor was a spider-silk bodysuit. Made with treated spider-silk. Of the created armaments that could be generate by her power, this had seemed the lightest and most suited to her needs. There had been a spider web nearby to use as a material template, which her power apparently needed.

Taylor examined the bodysuit, hefting it in her hands. It was impossibly smooth and light. It also looked unwieldly complicated to put on. It was so formfitting it practically needed a power just to crawl inside!

Taylor paused. Did she have a power for putting things on? She expended a flash of omniscience.

Huh, she did. Well, that was helpful. And convenient in an emergency, too!

One swift girding power later, and Taylor looked down at herself, examining the plain, dark, form-fitting bodysuit. It was much more comfortable than her previous attempt, though it would clearly need some kind of undersuit for it, since its style made underwear insufficient and pants too much. Maybe yoga pants or something? Or at least, something that used to be yoga pants before she used it as raw material for fabricating. Still it was comfortable, moderately tough without being stiff, though it slightly hampered her arm movements. That might give her a chance of missing with her powers, if she wasn't careful. Appearance-wise, it wasn't very impressive, but it was a good start.

She was still not pulling off the classic look. Damn it. Maybe she can pad out some areas or something…

It probably needed some kind of boots though, her sneakers sticking out from the bottom like that sort of detracted from the grandeur. Could she do boots? She expended another flash of omniscience. Very convenient, that. Forget disintegration and time stopping, this was her favorite power.

Oh look, she could! Boots imbued with her powers, in fact. Huh, so Eidolon and Dauntless? Sweet! What else could she imbue her powers into? She expended another flash.


It was very good that Taylor was alone at home. Cackling, maniacal laughter wasn't very heroic.

Wait, she couldn't use the same power that made her bodysuit to make boots? Or a helmet? The fuck? Her power was strangely very arbitrary about the weirdest things. Well, she'd find a way around that.


It took her a week and a half but Taylor eventually got her costume situation sorted out. Boots had been fabricated from old shoes and other boots bought at a thrift store, and protective powers had been imbued into her bodysuit. It had taken a few days, during which she moved her forge and other tools from her basement to a convenient pocket dimension another handy power let her make. Because apparently that was another thing her power could do.

The bodysuit had needed extra reinforcement (scavenged from another bodysuit created the same way and used as raw material for fabrication) before she could enhance it with her power. The result was something tougher than what she'd started with still yet still light and flexible as silk. And that was before she started imbuing it with her powers. The boots too. Old shirts had been used for the undersuit to prevent chafing and underwear lines. And the equipment she spent so much time preparing was used to finally make her helmet. It was a simple helmet modeled on something she once saw a villain wear in an Aleph movie, with no bells and whistles beyond a reflective faceplate achieved by fabricating with clear acrylic and putting in an automotive glass film, with lining gutted from a second hand motorcycle helmet. Subtle slits in the side let her hear, and more slits in the front let her talk and breath.

It was definitely a prototype. She was already trying to figure out a better look for the next one.

She might get a cape later on. Tights weren't her thing, but she was pretty sure even she couldn't screw up a cape.

She'd also added a vest to her ensemble made from snakeskin (handily repurposed from some old boots. Thrift stores were very handy) reinforced and enhanced by her power for added protection.

Taylor looked at herself in the mirror: Well-made dark boots made for walking (as well as running, stomping, and kicking) reached up her calves, transitioning smoothly into the dark silk bodysuit that shimmered slightly, still clinging to her despite the fact it was now thicker than when she had started. The snakeskin tunic secured over her chest, imbued with her power for added protection and dexterity, among other things. The helmet, which thankfully didn't make her head look oversized, with the reflective front she had no trouble seeing through and the opening at the back to let her hair flow out, secured by artfully curved leaf-like frills so that someone couldn't easily brain her through the back of her own helmet (okay, maybe a few bells and whistles. Her hair was worth it, damn it!)

She was kinda disappointed with the textured work gloves she was wearing to cover her hands. They obviously didn't match. Clearly, gloves would need to be the next thing she made. That or her cape, that was important too. Or something else that she could imbue with her powers to make her tougher? Her powers where conspicuously lacking in healing. Many, many, many ways to make reality and the landscape cry, but not much healing. Eh, she'd decide later.

It was finishing her helmet tonight that had decided things for her. It was as good as a mask. No, better! It kept her head together! Sure, it was like wearing a flowerpot on her head, but she could take it. The fabricating power was the only one she'd really used today, so she was basically in top shape. Clearly, some kind of test run was in order! Purely to try out her helmet, of course. After all, she needed to see if it would work in the field, and such!

Taylor nodded as she decided, grinning widely and noting with satisfaction there was no obvious change in the darkness beneath the helmet's visor. Yup, definitely better than a mask. Still, she'd have to wait until her dad was asleep, to be sure she wouldn't get busted.

Still, when night fell and she was sure she'd get away with it… hero time!


"–strikes as an abandoned apartment building in the Docks burned in what authorities are identifying as the same parahuman ability that earlier this month set several warehouses in the same district aflame, in what is already being dubbed a case of serial arson. Fortunately, disaster was averted by the arrival of a new independent hero, who swiftly evacuated several transients that had been in the building at the time before putting out the fire using an unknown ability. The parahuman then swiftly vacated the scene –"



Taylor let her helmeted head thud on her desk in frustration. Okay, she saved people but did it really count if it was from a fire she accidentally caused? How the fuck had that even happened, anyway, she wasn't even using fire powers at the time, just some kind of rainbow light!

She had a flash of omniscience.

Damn it, rainbows were ridiculously dangerous!-!-!

Screw it, she was going to bed! She'd consider this rehearsal. Tomorrow would be the official debut of Brockton Bay's newest hero– !

It was at that moment that Taylor realized she had yet to figure out a name.

Screw it. Bed!


- To be continued…


A/N: So, Taylor Triggers as a Pathfinder Level 20 Wizard with 10 Tiers of Mythic Archmage. And yes, I did, in fact, write down her sheet.

And yes, spider-silk armor is a part of the Pathfinder armor list. Apparently drow use it (what a huge surprise). Spells used to make it are create armaments and masterwork transformation, as create armaments, unlike other spells that make stuff, makes permanent stuff and the spell text does not say you can't use it to make magic items. Fun!

Funny story, one of the things that annoys me about D&D!Taylor stories is that the start takes 3-5 chapters of Taylor POV to suss out what she can do. This is purely for Taylor's benefit, since even if most of us weren't the sort of person who'd know what a Sorcerer 10/Dragon Disciple 10 can do, it's an easy internet search. So those chapters are purely for Taylor to know what her powers are. One of the reasons I'm writing this is because these segments are usually so muse-consuming the author doesn't really have enough inspiration left to tell more story. Some of you are writers, you know what I mean.

So it was a bitter irony when I found myself halfway through writing just such a 'Taylor POV of power learning' segment, and frantically did the mental equivalent of gasping in horror, reeling back from the corpse of my child that I had been doing monstrous mad scientist things to as I have become the very monster I despised, curling into a ball as I wept at my own hypocrisy. THEN I remembered a handy power I'd put in Taylor's character sheet called Flash of Omniscience. So I had her use it to ask the question "What are my powers?". And she basically got back her own character sheet.

Now, while I said Taylor is a Pathfinder Wizard, I must, unfortunately, make some changes. After all, while her POWER is Wizard-esque, it's still a parahuman power. She didn't go to some school of magic to finally make it to level 1 Wizard, then adventure through 6 modules worth of an Adventure Path to get to level 18 then grind some more to get to level 20. She got the powers in one lump sum, so to speak. While I HAVE the character sheet for Taylor, it's basically there to remind myself of what she'd be able to do outside of the spells she casts, because in pure numbers alone, by Worm standards she's a Brute/Mover/Thinker even without spells (if we assume a level 1 commoner is a civilian and a level 1 PC is a standard squishy non-brute parahuman). And yes, this means most level 1 evocations and practically ALL level 2 and above are instant kills for most people. Given most games give a taser the same stats as an offensive cantrip, which never run out in Pathfinder… well, no one can really deny wizards are bullshit, can they?

So while she'd have to take a few minutes to consider her powers and pick what spells she 'prepares' for the day, she won't need a spellbook to do it, beyond maybe as a list to remind herself of what she's used before and is sure of, in basically the same way we've all had to go back to the book when someone brings out a spell that isn't as regularly used as, say, fireball. There won't be any material components for the spells themselves (because abilities in Worm don't really need them) unless they're something for the spell to work on (like that cantrip launch bolt, since the spell is specifically for launching crossbow bolts, all the optimizing with Eschew Materials aside). If she were a game character, she'd function as a spontaneous wizard: ALL the spells, but less spells per day than a Sorcerer of her same level. I felt it was a good balance

With some spells, my interpretation will be a bit liberal, because of a combination of 'not a game' and 'reality doesn't work like that'. For example, freezing sphere. The description say that it instantaneously creates a spherical zone of cold. Okay. It does 15d6 points of damage in a 40-foot radius (assuming 20 caster levels, which Taylor would have), meaning a sphere 80 feet wide. Basic math. It explicitly states that the sphere striking a body of water or liquid freezes the liquid to a depth of 6 inches. Okay, that makes sense since the cold is radiating outward from a small globe the spells is initially launched from, so the ice that forms could be isolating the rest of the water from the cold. It's not just ice, it's absolute zero ice. But six inches thick of ice that wide, at caster level 20, would NOT only last 2 minutes (120 seconds = 6-second rounds at 1 round per caster level), when I've literally had ice in my drinks last longer. It's not like it's magical ice formed because it's part of the spell, it's ice formed because the spell affected temperature. Logically, it should therefore act like normal ice and last as long.

So yeah, little reality checks like that. Fireballs might or might not form perfect spheres and stop after traveling exactly 20 feet, whichever is funnier, but only just (probably won't, the text describes it as a detonation, meaning realistically speaking it should be doing bludgeoning or force damage, not just fire damage). If this kills the cheer, I will not be buying beer.

Also, I will not be using standard AC figuring. Some forms of AC, like armor bonuses, equipment enhancement bonuses not to Dex, natural armor, shield bonuses and some size bonuses, will function as Damage Reduction instead of a means of avoiding damage entirely, since by description they're either essentially forcefields or toughened skin, and keep you from being damaged when you're hit. Meanwhile, deflection bonuses, dodge bonuses, enhancement bonuses to Dex, insight bonuses, and some size bonuses translate as making Taylor harder to hit. That said, that means she gets hit more than someone of her level facing what are basically commoners would normally, owing to the fact 10 + her current dex bonus is abysmal for evading attack rolls. So it kinda evens out? Look, if you wanted a rules-exact transplant of an RPG class to a prose story, I'll point out not even the novels do that (both Pathfinder and Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance, etc). Game-mechanics Light/Web Novels don't count, they're their own little bundle of bullshit wank.

Also, wish can stand in as a needed spell during item creation. Like, say, cleric ones. Sure it's broken, but hey, so is wish (see previous, lack of material components). So if Taylor made a magic item using a spell not on the wizard spell list, it's because she used wish, and didn't have to use up a diamond, because this is not a game and there's no need for balance.

I reserve that right to give Taylor a harem. Perhaps a cute loli in a robe with a Thinker power, or a tomboyish Striker/Blaster/Shaker with electricity powers, or a Master with huge tits and weird eyes…

Also, see my profile for a poll related to this fic! You have until my next update to vote... so, Months!




Meanwhile, in Chicago…

"No, I have not been anywhere near Brockton Bay, or Canada! Stars and stones, not every mysterious fire is my fault! I haven't set fire to anything all week!" Protectorate hero Myrddin said into the phone. "Not that I'm ever the cause of fires or anything. Ever. At all."

He pointedly moved a folder over the part of his desk blotter reminding him he had another fire safety seminar that week


Please review, C&C welcome.

Until next time, this is Shadow, signing off.