Author has written 6 stories for Dragon Age, Fate/stay night, Magi/マギ, Star Wars, Code Geass, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka, Persona Series, and Gravity Falls. Name: Josh Age: 21 Current Writing Status: Writing my first fic (and getting a feel for everything). IRL Status: College Sophmore Fandoms I enjoy: Naruto (at least most of it), Bleach (some of it), Gundam (IBO, 00, Unicorn, possibly more), Highschool DxD (the setting and the characters, except Issei, sorry), RWBY, Fate Series (especially Apocrypha), Tokyo Ghoul, Evangelion, Infinite Stratos (guilty pleasure, sue me), and probably a lot more anime. How To Train Your Dragon, Star Wars, Spider-Man, Digimon, Stanger Things, and countless films/tv shows. Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Inheritance Cycle, A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones, Seven Realms series, Mortal Instruments (though I'm a bit, OK a lot behind), and numerous books. Dragon Age, Halo, Darksiders, Fallout, Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Kingdoms of Amalur, Armored Core, Shadow of Mordor, Legend of Zelda, Red Dead, Fire Emblem, and lord knows how many more different games. ...Fugh... Hello, it is a privilege to...have you read my stories? That sounds accurate, but is sounds better to say it is nice to make your acquaintance dear readers. As you read above my name is Josh but on this site, I would prefer to be addressed as Glader. The name originates from the Inheritance Cycle books, the old gold dragon Glaedr, but the first time I decided to use it as a username was when I was ten or something and I completely forgot the proper spelling; hence the name Glader which stuck with me so far. If you are reading this and I have yet to actually post the first chapter of my first story then, first of all, I'm impressed you found my profile; good job! Second, I will soon be posting the first chapter of Dragon Age Origins: Dragon Slayer, a Dragon Age Origins fanfiction incorporating aspects and parts of the Fate anime. I'm going to post as a Dragon Age (only) fanfiction because the Fate parts are (in my mind) minor, but if enough people believe I should move it to the Crossover section; I'll make sure it is posted in both sections. Dragon Slayer will be the first in a saga of connected fanfictions, and I have outline for the next six written down. I'm planning to post the first chapter of the second story after Dragon Slayer finishes up with the Battle of Ostagar, and because I'm feeling giddy just thinking about it I give you the name of the story as a sort of sneak-peak; Dragon Age 2: The Wizard's Beginning. I'm looking forward to reading any responses, reviews, and criticisms you readers have to offer; but a quick warning: I will not read flames. Anyway, I hope you, dear reader, can find as much joy in the words I craft, as I find in the words others craft; happy reading. |