Author has written 17 stories for Rosario + Vampire, Red vs. Blue, Super Smash Brothers, Elder Scroll series, Metroid, Adventure Time with Finn and Jake, Halo, Teen Titans, and Undertale. I write because I daydream too much. Getting it out on paper (Well, digital paper) helps to alleviate it and help me focus on canon. Yep. Nothing else to read here... Nothing... at... all... Are you still here? Look, if you're looking for a poem, or a deep bit of philosophy, or something, then I'm sorry, but I don't do that stuff here. Try visiting my brain. Or not, if you're epileptic. AWDJOKUGJKLGFXFRSEFUIGT&*TCDDG:ITPCFG Oops. Look, there's nothing else, alright? Go read a story. Preferably one of mine. Or not. I don't mind... DEPRESSION... Nah, just kidding. Okay, I'll say a little about myself, for you little stalkers... Name, Address, Age, Phone Number, and other information they tell you never to put on the internet: Not telling. Gender (Probably Safe): Male Lives: The UK, London. Dies: Don't know yet. Likes: Video Games, Writing, Atheism, Quantum Physics (Purely because it makes no sense. Don't understand any of it.), RvB, Ice Cream, You. (Not in that way.) Dislikes: CoD (I'm probably going to get a lot of sh*t for that), Cats, French, people who think that something can't be jolly good fun just because it isn't high-brow. Special Ability: Being incredibly British. I own a bowler hat, several Union Jack motif T-shirts, and an accent (and speech pattern) much like Sir Hammerlock from Borderlands 2. Look it up. It's hilarious. Favourite Anime/Manga: RosarioVampire. Only manga I read. Nosebleeds, ho! Favourite Video Game: Wildly Variable. Ranges to KI: Uprising to Halo 4 to Pokemon Y, etc, etc. Favourite Cartoon: Adventure Time. Hands down. Only thing is, you lucky Americans get it a whole year before we Brits do. Which leads to temptation and spoilers. Most Annoying Flaw In Writing: Starting loads stories because I think about them too much and they seem like a good idea at the time and making it impossible to get any of them updated on any reasonable timescale. Upcoming Stories: The rest of Souls of Steel, Tartarus (I will get on to it eventually, don't worry!) and as ever, more Adventure Time oneshots. Doesn't Know: Why I chose my username. Cannot think of: Anything else to write. Byeeee! |
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