Shade and a Vampire by Theonewhodidnotdoit

My first fanfic! Go easy on me if it isn't good… but please do review. Okay, here we go!

Disclaimer: I do not own rosario +vampire

Akua laughed maniacally, tears rolling down her face, hands balled into fists at her sides.

"Moka… my Moka… opened her heart to…HIM". Her thoughts descended into a babble of insane and Moka disengaged.

"A-Akua?" Moka began. She took a tentative step forward, but stopped when Akua growled:

"No…" Her aura began to swirl around her ominously. "You will be mine…" She slowly looked up, coming to gaze upon Tsukune. "I...I'LL KILL YOU!" The jigen-tou sliced towards Tsukune and Moka, ready to cut them both in half, when suddenly…


Akua blinked away tears, her vision slowly coming into focus, eventually finding…

Tsukune, standing in a fighting stance, his arm extended, and his hand blocking hers.

"What? No! That's not possible! The jigen-tou takes years to master..."Her voice began to falter, seeing the fire in the boy's eyes. He had seen the corpses of Kurumu and Mizore.

"You…" Tsukune whispered. "You killed them. Why?..."Akua looked surprised.

"They...they tried to take my sist…"

"Enough." Tsukune interrupted. His voice shocked Akua, and Moka too. It seemed to reverberate off some unseen object, giving the impression that many spoke at once. The voice was deep, smooth and full of menace. Head bowed, Tsukune began to circle Akua. "How many people have you killed, Akua? Hundreds? Thousands? My two friends over there…" He gestured towards the two corpses. "Are just two more on an already impressive list, aren't they?" He stopped sharply, swivelling to face Akua. "Well. It stops here." He raised his head, eyes blazing. One vampiric red and slitted, the other ice cold violet. His hand arced towards Akua, who dodged just in time. She caught herself, and went back on the offensive.

And so it began. The air itself seemed to distort from the unbelievable amounts of energy flowing through it. Slash after slash, lunge after lunge. Moka just stood there. She was not used to being the damsel in distress, watching someone else do the fighting. It felt weird. Akua fought on autopilot, her head spinning from all the things that had just happened. She disappeared, trying to get behind Tsukune. She reappeared, poised to stab him, but fast as lightning, he span and delivered a crushing right hook to her face. She flew back, smashing into a lump of rock behind her. She lay there, stunned. No one had ever managed to move that fast before! She blinked, registering Tsukune slowly walking towards her. A rumble resonated from Alucard. Tsukune raised his hand. "No… Tsukune, don't…"Moka whispered. Tsukune sighed, and lowered his hand. "I… I'm not like you." He said.

No sooner had he said that, the tips of two razor- sharp bat wings erupted from his chest. "Wha…?"

He spluttered, coughing up blood. The wings retracted and he fell to the floor. Kahlua stood over him, her arm already transformed and her face streaked with tears. "I'm sorry, Moka…" she sniffed.

"Why should you be?" asked Gyokuro, walking out from behind her. "This boy threatened our plans. It is only right that we protect what we have fought for."

Moka ran towards Tsukune, the spell of shock that had been cast over her by these sudden events broken. She knelt by him, tears cascading down her face, searching for any sign of life. She grasped his hand tightly, almost breaking some fingers in the process.

His eyes fluttered, and then opened. He was alive, at least.

"Tsukune…" She bent over him, about to bite him and inject some blood, but she stopped when she felt his hand on her cheek.

"No, Moka." He somehow managed to say without coughing up more blood. "You're going to need that to get out of here." He turned his head, sitting more blood into the already large scarlet puddle underneath him. "You know what you have to do." With the last of his strength, he pulled her head down to him, enveloping her in a loving, passionate kiss.

She couldn't believe it. How could he have the nerve to… oh, what the hell. She melted in his arms, pushing deeper into the kiss. They simultaneously opened their mouths, letting each others tongues slip inside. His mouth was filled with his blood, and she lapped it up, the taste driving her mad.

However, it was not to last. After about half a minute of passion (and extreme embarrassment from the onlookers), he began to falter. His tongue stopped moving and he fell to the floor. Moka stared at the body. She ought to feel rage, rage at everyone in this room. Akua for kidnapping her, Kahlua for stabbing him, Gyokuro for masterminding it all… and him for leaving her behind. She began to cry again, burying her face in his chest and wrapping her arms around him..

"You know what you have to do…" What did she have to do? Trust him to be cryptic to his last breath. That infuriating, annoying, persistent, dogged, kind, loyal, gentle, charming, lovable,(dare she think it?) handsome boy. He had loved her. She had loved him back. Why did her pride always have to get in the way? They could have had more time together…

A violent sob racked her body, jarring his as well. Something on his wrist clinked. She stopped crying and looked at it. The holy lock. It twinkled, seeming to wink at her. Should she? It was like making a deal with the devil. But if it could possibly save him…

"Im sorry Tsukune…" she whispered.

She took hold of the lock and ripped it off.

There we are. Sorry if the fight scene sucked a bit, and if it was a little short. But please review! (Don't expect regular updates though. School + parents = no time.)

Theonewhodidnotdoit leaves the scene…