Author has written 1 story for Naruto. Hey, I'm Wrought. Or I am now at least. I've inherited this account, and by god it's going to work for me. I removed a Jak story upon request by the former owner, and will be continuing the Final Fantasy story if she ever sends me new chapters for it. (I'd say it's unlikely). Information about me? You're just here looking for amusing anecdotes, you goddamn liar. I know your kind. I fixate on character growth, and absolutely thrive on constructive criticism. Please, for the love of god, if you have something to say, say it. I'll respond to criticism that isn't flames, and I'm not as mean as I can come across. However I am Australian, and you know what that means. If you don't, it means sarcasm and lots of antagonistic behaviour. Look at our national wildlife. Everything here is deadly. I meant that lovingly, guys, don't fill my letterbox with snakes. Fandom: Damn near everything. Stories: Unsung Story of the Inconspicuous This is, just to make it painfully clear, a satire. That means at times it's not going to be funny, but always going to reflect something. It is, keeping that in mind, primarily a humour story. It's currently rated M for future violence and other content, but keep in mind the main character of this starts out at twelve years old. It will loosely follow the storyline of first Naruto and then Naruto Shippuden, drawing closer to the events of both depending on where the character is placed at the time. |