I'm sorry for the incredibly long wait for this fic. No doubt most of you have forgotten about it and what happened last.

So, for the sake of the fans, we have here, a recap! In the last chapter, Amon discovers Robin working in a makeshift Magic Shop! (sparkly eyes) like the one in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer!" hehe. She manages to slip from his fingers one more time, and of course, Amon is REALLY mad…and confused. And what about Robin? After the encounter, she called up Michael, with only one catch: Amon can't know.

Okay, I'm terribly sorry to all of my fans. Stress, and I really do mean stress has taken over me, and I'm trying my best to update everything. Without further ado, here's the next chapter to the fic.

Disclaimer: Way too tired to argue about this, but y'all know right? WHR is no where in my reach of possession.


By: Youkai Yume

Chapter 5: Forgetting

The office seemed unusually quite that morning. Even though everything seemed in place, naturally peaceful and calm as it should, there was an unmistakable feeling of absence. The tapping sounds of Michael's fingers dancing over the keyboard were barely heard in the room. Michael worked with a troubled mind, hardly focusing at all as his sluggish typing resounded with occasional taps onto the keys.

Though he seemed to be engrossed in work, there was no mistaking that the boy seemed to have his mind on other things. Not a thing, really, a person…not just any person, a girl—a girl by the name of Robin Sena. He paused as the image of a green-eyed girl crept into his mind, her smile clear in his memory.

Taking his fingers off of the keyboard for what seemed to be the first time that day, the boy leaned back against his chair and stretched lazily. A sigh passed his lips before he looked back at his screen, and by that time, Michael decided that he was tired of looking at it and needed a break. Getting up from his seat, he shuffled across the room to make a hot cup of coffee.

"Hey, pour me a cup too, will you?" Sakaki, who was lying at the couch from across the room said. Michael turned from the coffee machine and glanced at him.

"I thought you didn't like coffee," The hacker quipped. Sakaki sat up from his position, ruffling his already unkempt brown hair and shrugged.

"I don't, but I figured since everyone else was drinking it, there has to be something good about it," The boy admitted.

"You're such a 'sheep,' Sakaki. Always following others instead of leading the way," Ms. Kurasuma chuckled from her own computer. "But I guess there is some logic to that…I used to hate the taste of coffee before, but now it seems I can't start my day without it. It's an acquired taste, I suppose."

"And highly addicting," Michael added, pouring the black contents of the steaming coffee into two cups. Dojima, who had been flipping through a magazine at her desk, yawned and glanced lazily over at her conversing teammates and yawned.

"I don't know, guys. Coffee is great, but I have to admit, I'd take a Margarita or a Cheri over an espresso any day."

"Geez, you'd rather get drunk than sober," Sakaki teased, jumping off of the couch and walking over to retrieve his cup.

"It's a lot more fun…" Dojima said in a singsong voice before turning back to her fashion magazine. He shook his head, deciding to let her live in her own little world.

"Here you go," Michael offered, and Sakaki took the coffee with a nod.

"Why did we start talking about this anyway?" The hacker inquired, adding some sugar into his own coffee.

"I don't know," Sakaki huffed, looking almost questionably at the black drink. "But I know one thing…Bottom's up…" With that, the rookie lifted the cup to his lips and drank deeply. Everyone in the room seemed to be watching him, and the broke out into laughter when his face screwed up with dissatisfaction. After a while he finally swallowed the mouthful of coffee.

"Bleh!" He coughed, wiping his mouth indignantly. "I don't know how you guys do it! It tastes awful…"

"Acquired taste," Kurasuma repeated, laughing softly. Sakaki shot her a doubtful look, then glanced back at his cup before shrugging and took another sip, walking back to his couch. Of course, his face was still wrenched at the bitter flavor, but he persisted with it anyway. This process continued until the cup was completely empty, and sat forgotten on the table while Sakaki tried to find something in the room that he could wash the flavor out of his mouth with.

As the others continued to tease the poor boy, Michael found that he was already bored with making fun of his teammate and went lazily over to the window. His forest green eyes watched the busy streets outside, and enjoyed the rays of warmth that filtered through the glass and onto his body.

Everyone else's voices seemed to fade away as he once again immersed in his thoughts. They had all seemingly accepted the fact that two of their own were no longer here with them. They had all moved on with their lives and pretended like all that had happened before was just a dream, a distant memory. And for a time, it had been that way for Michael too.

'But…they don't have a voice to remind them…' He took a slow sip of his coffee, remembering the soft, melodic voice of Robin. He sighed; an unexplainable aching filled him as he replayed the conversation he had with her over and over again in his head. Michael was relieved somewhat. Relieved that she was alive and safe. He was relieved that she hadn't gotten herself caught, and that she wasn't hurt or in any kind of danger.

But most of all, Michael was just relieved to hear her voice again. They had spent the majority of that night catching up, but of course, she didn't stay on the phone for very long, for Michael feared that her call might be traced later on if they were found out. It had been a moment filled with mixed emotions, and it had been all so very confusing that Michael wasn't sure exactly what they had talked about.

What surprised him the most, however, was what Robin had requested of him at the beginning of their conversation.

"Don't tell Amon."

He had been aware of the fact that she was running away from the dark hunter. After months of Amon's coaxing and frequent calls for information on the little bird, he had surmised that much. But what he was still thoroughly confused on as to why. After all, there was no one more that she ever trusted than Amon. She had always followed him faithfully, without question. And at times, Michael was almost sure he saw her look at him with an expression that he could only describe as admiration.

The boy took another long sip of his coffee; his brows furrowed together in thought as he hoped the warm liquid would wash away the tearing feeling in his gut. It was horribly akin to jealousy. Yes, Michael had to admit, at times he was envious of Amon. Sure, Michael had a close bond with Robin; he could feel it every time they sat down with her on late nights and they would talk over coffee and donuts.

Though at first, Michael had to admit that it had not always been that way. In the beginning, he was less than friendly towards her, finding everything that she did was annoying simply because she tried her best to be his friend. Of course, it didn't last forever. Eventually, he couldn't ignore the fact that he enjoyed her company, and that she accepted him completely from the beginning. She didn't look at him with pitying eyes because he had a collar around his neck, and she didn't smile at him unless she meant it.

In the end, Michael found that he valued her friendship, her company above anyone else's in the STN-J. But, no matter how strong their friendship was, Michael found that she never looked at him quite the way she looked at Amon. There was always that sense of complete and utter devotion when she was with the dark hunter. His bond with Robin couldn't even compare with the one she shared with Amon.

Michael had a feeling Amon could sense it too… 'And yet, he takes her for granted time and time again,' the hacker thought bitterly, almost as bitter as the taste of his coffee.

However, when she confided in him the other day in the dark hours of the night, making him swear secrecy from the very man he knew she cared so much about…it made Michael feel somewhat warm and even proud. He knew that for once, she entrusted something to him that she hadn't to anyone else. Still, he couldn't help but feel that despite the fact that she was doing well…she was still very sad, lonely even.

"…Are you thinking about her?"

Michael was startled out of his reverie when he heard the feminine voice speak to him. He tore his dazed eyes from the window to rest upon a red-haired girl, sitting on a chair right beside the window with a book in her hands. He had been so caught up in his thoughts, that he failed to notice the newest hunter there. She stared back at him with inquisitive violet eyes.

"Well?" She prodded, tapping a finger on her open book. Michael gave her a bored look before returning his gaze down to the streets below.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Aya."

"Oh, don't give me that," She huffed, brushing stray locks of red hair from her eyes. "I might not know much about you, but I know that look. You always get it when you're thinking about her…that girl, Robin."

Michael remained silent, his discomfort showing as she saw his fist tighten by his side. His eyes were set in a glare. She could tell that he didn't want to talk about the lost hunter. It had always been this way; Micheal had always been touchy when it came to Robin. Aya had tried countless times to pry information out of him about the fire witch, but he would always end up in a state of angered silence. Much like now.

"You know, I have to agree with Sakaki," She started suddenly, deciding to drop the subject. The hacker raised an eyebrow and turned back to her, his green eyes questioning. Aya gave a small smile. "About the coffee thing I mean," she added. "I never liked the drink myself. Stunts your growth you know," Aya said matter-of-factly.

Michael smiled back despite of himself. "I've grown my full height, so I don't have to worry about that."

"What if you haven't? What if you just stopped growing because you drank too much?" Aya pressed, pretending to be interested with her book. Michael only shrugged, seemingly disinterested. Seeing that he wasn't going to talk much further, she decided to continue. "But you know the real reason? I just like sweet things better. Coffee is too bitter for me."

She glanced over at the boy, who still stared almost trance-like outside the window. He seemed very deep in thought.

"Sweet…" Michael whispered to himself suddenly. Aya tilted her head to the side.


"Robin liked sweet things too. I think it's because growing up in a convent, she doesn't get to taste too many things like that," He said to no one in particular.

"I hear everyone here talk about her all the time, but…I still don't know much about her," Aya admitted, looking at her black jeans. "Tell me about her…was she really as nice as everyone says?"

Michael looked thoughtful for several moments before finally answering. "She was a very kind and forgiving person. And…she was a very good friend to me when I had none," he said silently, so that only Aya could hear. He didn't know why he was telling her all of this. In fact, he believed this was the longest conversation he ever had with the new hunter.

"You miss her don't you?" Aya asked gently, and for the first time he could see that she was actually asking him with an honest expression. Her proud and haughty demeanor was gone. Blushing, Michael nodded. He couldn't lie when it came to Robin. Aya noticed the wistful look in his eyes, and a mischievous gleam sparkled in her eyes. She smirked. "Do you like her?" She poked in a singsong voice.

This caught his full attention, and Michael turned to her, his face a much darker shade of red.

"T-That's not…!"

"Oh, Puh-leez!" Aya scoffed. "You're face is as red as a beet!"

The others, who were beginning to take interest in their conversation, turned to see why the two were bickering all of a sudden—and quite loudly to boot. Michael was practically sputtering to get his way out of that one, but luckily, he was saved just in time. A ringing phone sounded, and at once everyone's eyes shifted expectantly towards the one on Michael's desk.

To their surprise, it was completely silent.

"Hold on, I got it," the hacker quipped, taking out a cell phone from his pocket.

"Hey, I didn't know you have a cell," Dojima pointed, eyeing it curiously.

"Oh, um…I got it just a few days ago," Michael answered, not taking his eyes of the caller id. He was rather relieved that they didn't ask him why, for he got it for one reason and one reason only: Robin. After she called not too long ago, they had both decided that her calling straight to the STN-J line was too risky. And so, he took the liberty of going out and getting his own phone so that Robin wouldn't be traced.

The cell phone continued to ring, and still all he did was stare at it.

"Um…Michael? Aren't you going to pick that up?" Sakaki asked, his eyebrow raised.

"Oh! Yeah. Excuse me," He said quickly before running out of the room, his cell still ringing all the way. Everyone watched as the hacker sped into the elevator and just as the doors were closing, they could see him finally flip open his phone.

"…What was that all about?" Dojima inquired, pausing at a glossy page of her magazine.

"I don't know, maybe he just likes his privacy," Kurasuma suggested. From the window, Aya narrowed her violet eyes in thought. She tried to occupy herself with the book, but to no avail. Her mind was stuck on Michael, and the look that swept across his features when he caught sight of the caller id on his new phone. 'It's the same look he gets when he's thinking about her.'

A deep sigh emanated from his throat as he walked out of the hotel building. Heavy footfalls clicked on the cement, and his mood was considerably more dark and he planned to spend the rest of the day brooding. As he made his way to his black car, anyone that was in his path promptly moved out his way, for his anger radiated off of him in dangerous waves.

Once Amon reached his car, he climbed inside and closed the door quite forcefully, his scowl not once leaving his face. Leaning back against the leather seat, the dark ex-hunter let his shoulders slump, and a look that could only be described as conflict flashed across his slate eyes. Amon glanced sideways at the building in which he just left, his lips thinning.

Hope was a thing created by man

To believe in when all seemed lost

Then he solemnly looked down at the laptop that rested on the passenger's seat. It was open, the screen flickering dully at him. On it were displayed all the information he needed. What hotel she had last been seen in, the room number, and time and date of her booking. Wordlessly, his hand closed the screen, snapping his laptop shut with a click.

Another sigh escaped his lips despite of himself. 'Another dead end…' He had followed the latest lead to where his elusive little Robin was to this very hotel. It was rather run-down and dingy in his opinion; but then again, he couldn't expect her to be living in the lap of luxury.

Once again, he let his hopes rise slightly, just to see Robin once more. Of course, what little hope he did have was shot down when he entered the empty hotel room. It seemed she had left not too long ago as well, for the bed was unmade, and in her bathroom, the tub was still wet. Amon gathered that she probably checked out earlier that morning…he had just missed her…again.

It is within the nature of human beings to desire

To want and to wish for things they cannot have

His little Robin was getting good at this game. It was as if she could sense him when he was near—just in time to slip through his fingers. Amon shook his head and jammed his keys into the ignition, starting his car and drove away from the run-down hotel.

The ex-hunter's mind was so preoccupied that he failed to notice the familiar streets and buildings that passed him by. All he could think about, and all he feared he could think about, was her. And…he was slowly beginning to grow tired of it all. He was growing tired of searching for someone who didn't want to be found. Tired of feeling these alien emotions he didn't want to feel. Amon was tired of living day to day, tormented by her haunting green eyes and the whisper of her voice in his mind.

I did not consider myself one of those men

Who fretted away and wasted their lives on impossible wishes

He was tired of trying to fulfill a promise to someone who wished so much for him to forget. Forget…Amon's hands clenched the steering wheel, and he could feel his teeth grind together, and his jaw tighten. The memory of the note that fluttered down from the heavens on the day that he met her in the alley flooded his mind.

The message had been simple, the meaning clear. Robin wanted him to forget about her. Amon growled to himself at the memory. How could she even think that he could banish her from his mind, to forsake everything that he had promised with just those two words, with just a whim? They had been through too much, and to ask him of such a thing was too much as well. And the dark hunter refused to believe…that she had forgotten about him either.

I knew for a fact that it was useless to even dare

To believe for even a second

That you would one day return to me

But he was so very weary of this game of cat and mouse. She had already known that it would be this way from the very beginning. Amon stopped when he came across railroad tracks. The red lights blinked again and again, signaling that a train was coming. He stared dully at the lights, his ears rung with the sound of the train's dinging bells. A forlorn feeling crept upon him with each second that passed.

But I believed anyway

Falling victim to the very thing I knew to be false

Robin had never asked anything of Amon. He couldn't remember a time when she had wanted him to give her anything. No matter how badly he could see it in her emerald irises sometimes, the way they pleaded with him for something…he just didn't know what. Sometimes, he found himself internally wanting her to just spit it out, whatever it is that she wanted to ask of him, instead of keeping it all in; to play the selfless young woman who only thought of others, who didn't want to burden him with her selfish wishes. Yet, she asked him of something now…and it was the one thing he found almost impossible to do.

I couldn't help myself…

It was the first time I had ever done so

Given into something as ridiculous as hope

Well, if that was what she wished for…then…then he would do just that. Amon would try to forget. The clacking of the tracks became louder and louder. The train's whistle tore through the thick silence, but the dark hunter paid no heed to it. A hand went up to grasp the familiar amulet under his clothes, and for a moment, only a moment, it seemed to warm at his touch.

Sighing, Amon reached into his shirt, and slowly, hesitantly, but inevitably, took it off. Cold, slate eyes stared down at a ruby pendant, the very object that reminded him of the source of his torment. He didn't notice it until now, but his hand was trembling…why he didn't know.

It's sort of ironic really, why it turned out this way…

She knew didn't she? She saw your light.

She called you hope.

For a split second, Amon could have sworn it really was glowing with an ethereal light, lighting up within his palm—almost as if it was a sign. And that was when he looked up. The dinging of the railroad crossing was so loud within his ears now, that he couldn't possibly ignore it. Blue eyes stared far off into the distance, almost as if in a trance-like haze. They soon became wide with shock.

I did not know when I began calling you that too

But I must remind myself, even now

In the darkest hours of my existence…

His eyes had to be deceiving him. He reasoned, logically in his mind that he wanted to see her so badly that it had granted his wish in a delusional moment. Yet he refused to blink, for fear that if he did, she would disappear from sight.

There, standing upon the bridge in the distance, was a girl clad in a black dress. The fabric bellowed behind her, stray locks of chestnut blonde hair that trailed from her trademark pigtails swaying with the wind. She was walking away, suitcase swung over her shoulder. It seemed almost like a mirage, and Amon's mind almost screamed for the image of her to be so.

Then, as if hearing his thoughts, the girl turned around to his direction, deep green eyes capturing his even with the distance separating them. And the hunter swore…he felt his heart skip a beat.

There is no such thing as faith.

No such thing as hope.

It is all…just a dream…

Amon ushered her name ever so silently, his voice in complete awe. He didn't blink. He didn't have to. The train finally passed by, blocking his little bird from view in one sweep motion. Blurring his reality in a haze of blinking red lights and loud clanking of rails. And then…it was as if she was never there.

You're not real.

Not to me. Not anymore.

'I truly am losing my mind…' he thought, shaking himself mentally. Of course she wasn't there. She never was there. Never will be there. 'And it's about time I accepted that fact.' The sound of the train faded into the distance, and the crossing lights allowed him to finally pass. Despite that, Amon didn't move his car an inch. He stared down thoughtfully, almost painfully once more at the ruby stone still in his hand. It no longer glowed; it was just a dim, red glimmer of faded, so-called hope.

Then…then he tilted his hand ever so slightly, letting the necklace fall out of his palm. It hit with a thud on the floor of his car. Amon couldn't care less where it landed, because now…now it was all over. No more wild goose chases. No more nights of tormented thoughts and endless searching. No more visions of emerald green eyes and silk, blonde hair.

With a heavy sigh, Amon's cold, emotionless eyes returned to the road, and he steadily continued on his way. To where he didn't know. But he did know where he wasn't going. Not to her…Not to Robin. And with that, he erased everything about her from his life. Robin Sena, would haunt him no more. And yet…why is it that the burden did not lift? Why was it that it felt heavier?

I'm so very tired of dreaming.

It's about time I woke up.

The business was slow, despite the fact that it was lunchtime. The woman from the counter looked once in a while over at her single customer—a boy with frizzy brown hair and glasses. He had only ordered a single cappuccino, and even that he didn't drink. To her, the boy seemed restless, always looking out the window of the café and checking his watch now and then. The sound of his tapping finger upon the table was the only thing that could be heard.

'Must be waiting for someone,' the woman behind the counter surmised, shrugging in disinterest and returning to the newspaper in her hands.

Michael Lee was usually a rather patient person. He had learned to wait from years of being alone in the STN-J building, doing nothing but mindless research, hacking, and just plain waiting for his coworkers to show up. Compared to others, he considered himself to have the patience of a saint.

But not today, not when he was waiting for someone he hadn't seen in such a long time. Over half a year, if he last remembered the marked dates on his calendar. Imagine his excitement and surprise when his new cell phone rang…and despite the fact that he knew there was only one person who had his number, it seemed too unreal that it happened to Robin's name that flashed on his caller id.

So now, he was here, waiting for the girl with the utmost impatience, and fidgeting in his seat as if ants were in his pockets. Good god…it's been nearly eight months! What would he say to her? What if she changed? What if he changed? What if they have absolutely nothing in common anymore, and she no longer fancied donuts and coffee? Jeez, was he rambling in his head now?

Michael was so lost in his own anticipating thoughts that he failed to hear the ringing of the door as it opened. He didn't even look over his shoulder when soft footsteps clicked in the quiet café and the lady behind the counter greeted with a friendly, "Welcome miss."

It wasn't until the black clad figure was standing right in front of him, hands clasped shyly in front of her and called out his name softly that he snapped out of his daze. Forest green eyes gazed up behind tinted glasses in a bewildered state as he took in the sight of the girl.

She was exactly as he remembered her. She wore that same black dress, that same, trademark hairstyle, the same trench coat, and the same warm smile.

"Hello, Michael," Robin greeted, her emerald eyes shining with joy…probably the first time it has in a long time. Now, after such a long time of contemplating the perfect things to say to her, Michael was at a complete lost of words.

He sputtered for a good minute or so, making Robin giggle slightly before he spit out the first thing that came to mind.

"Why aren't you in disguise?!"

"…It's good to see you too," Robin tilted her head to the side and smiled. Michael blushed a fair shade of pink, stood up from his seat and laughed.

"Sorry, it's just…I can't believe it's really you."

The young witch smiled serenely at him, and to his surprise, she came up to him to wrap her arms around his frame in a loose hug. He stood there dumbly in her embrace, his blush growing deeper with each second. He wasn't sure what to do.

"I missed you, Michael," she whispered, and even in his state, the hacker couldn't help but return the hug. His arms held her tightly, knowing that from the distressed sound of her voice that Robin truly meant it. 'She must have been so lonely,' the boy thought.

"I missed you too, Robin." They stood there for a while, and would have for a good long time if the lady behind the counter hadn't muttered an, "awww," and sent them both blushing and to their separate seats across from each other.

After a while, Robin ordered a coffee for herself and a plate of donuts to share. Michael smiled at this. 'At least, things didn't change.' Taking a glazed donut himself, he bit into it and studied Robin as she sipped meekly on her coffee.

"How have you been?" Robin started, trying to make light conversation.

"Oh, fine," He smiled, "It's a lot better now that I'm allowed to leave the building…Well, of course I'm allowed to leave, otherwise I wouldn't be here speaking with you," He laughed at his own stupidity.

"How about the others? Are they doing okay?"

"Same old, same old," Michael thought, "Ms. Kurasuma is sort of the leader of the group now, and Dojima is still Dojima. Sakaki is drinking coffee now…"

"I thought he didn't like coffee," Robin muttered.

"Me too, but.." He shrugged. "There's also a new girl, Aya. She's a craft user as well…electrical powers. She's useful sometimes, but you have to keep her away from the computers…she tends to short circuit them."

"…a replacement?"

"Yeah, but she's still pretty much a rookie," the hacker commented. "You know, the others still talk about you …No one could never replace you, Robin…" The fire witch looked up at him, seeing only sincerity in his eyes. It made her feel so warm…knowing there was someone who still cared deeply for her.

"Thank you. That means a lot, Michael."

The hacker blushed when Robin smiled so warmly at him that he sought to change the conversation.

"Where have you been all of this time?" He started. She sighed, looking out the window.

"I'm not sure…I've been drifting on my own from place to place since the Factory collapsed. I guess you can say I've been—"

"Running?" Michael finished for her, and she solemnly nodded. She took a donut of her own and ate quietly, looking at him as well. He could tell he probably said the wrong thing, for she had that thoughtful look cross her features. She must have been running along the lines of 'running from Amon,' in her head. He swallowed, the donut feeling suddenly a lot drier than usual. "I mean from the factory," he quickly said.

"Oh. Yes, I suppose I have. But…I haven't really run into really trouble. I'm pretty good about keeping myself hidden."

'I should think so,' Michael thought, considering she was able to elude even Amon each and every single time. "You must be really confident about that if you're willing to go walking around like that," He said, motioning to her outfit. "You'll stick out like a sore thumb for Solomon hunters. Couldn't you do something with your hair at least?"

Robin blinked at him curiously, then twirled a strand of her chestnut locks in around her finger, shrugging. "I don't know…I guess I thought it was okay since we're in a rather quiet and empty part of town. Besides, I wasn't sure if you'd remember me or not," Robin admitted.

"…Are you kidding? Robin, how could you even think that?" The boy asked in surprise, and Robin giggled, shaking her head.

"Yes, well, it was silly of me, wasn't it?"

Michael laughed too, ruffling his unkempt hair. "Nah…well, okay so maybe a little."

It became silent once more, the both of them doing nothing but enjoying the other's company. Michael felt…for the first time in a very long while, that he was truly content. Here, in this obscure café sitting with a long lost friend, enjoying coffee and donuts…it just felt so natural. So right. He wondered idly to himself, if they would ever have an opportunity like this again.

"How long will you be staying here?" He asked, looking out the window.

"I don't know."

"Why are you here? You're in the most danger around these parts, you know."

"I know."


Robin's eyes seemed to cloud over with thoughtfulness and he could see a tinge of weariness in those brilliant green eyes.

"Why not move out of the country? You'll be safer…"

"Well, I don't exactly have the money for that, Michael," She said with a weak smile, and the boy immediately chided himself for asking. Of course she didn't have the money. She didn't have the resources, or the knowledge to do so… "Like I said before, I've just been drifting on my own…taking up jobs here and there. Being a waitress, babysitting, working in little shops…you know, stuff like that."

"Yeah…" Michael muttered, not taking his eyes off of her. Robin was looking wistfully elsewhere.

"I've been living off of whatever I get paid. I can't exactly open a bank account, so I've been paid in cash each time. It's not much, but it puts bread on the table. I managed to save up some money, but it's not enough for me to really go anywhere." Robin sighed and took another sip of her coffee, which was beginning to cool. "I came back here to see…" She turned eyes upon him now, captivating him in a sea of green. "If you can help me Michael…"

He stared at her for a very long time, letting her words sink in. A realization hit him. "You really want to get away from Amon…that badly?"

She said nothing, staring blankly at her cup with a forlorn look. He saw it again…that same flicker of sadness in her eyes whenever she thought of the dark hunter. Her feelings haven't changed. Michael sighed. He should have known as much.

"I don't understand, Robin. I know you don't want to."

She smiled. An empty, sad smile that spoke of many nights of loneliness. He knew she wasn't ready to answer. No matter what her reason, she couldn't tell him. He knew when to back off, and the both of them fell into a comfortable silence once more. Then…

"I saw Amon today," Robin said suddenly, completely out of the blue. Michael's ears perked up, his eyes wide.


"At the train tracks. I saw him from the bridge while I was going into town."

"…Did he see you?" He asked hesitantly. She only nodded, her face serene and wistful. "And…he didn't try to follow you?" He knew it wasn't like the man to just leave the girl go free, especially if she was walking around in broad daylight right in front of him. Nonetheless, Robin shook her head no. "You ran." He concluded, not even trying to cover up his bluntness.

The faintest, most melancholy of smiles graced her lips, and she closed her eyes at the memory of his face. "No, I was helping him forget."

The scene was all too familiar. The scent of roses, the petals dancing in the air, the dull gray sky…Amon clenched his fist, anticipating what he knew would happen next. He waited for the red rose petals to turn black, see her body tied at the stake…and stand back and watch with the familiar ache in his chest as she burned right in front of his eyes.

'Why? Why am I still here? I want to forget about you, Robin…'

A couple of minutes passed, in which Amon did not move from where he stood. The field remained peaceful, the breeze cool. In short, everything was just…ordinary. The silence was soon broken, however, when the soft sound of humming could be heard. The melody was pleasing, soothing to his ears.

He turned around to the direction in which the humming was coming from, and his eyes rested upon her. The young fire witch he was trying so hard to erase from his mind. She sat amongst the flowers not far from where he stood, her black dress splayed around her. She seemed at peace, content, as her fingers played with one of the rose petals that fell into her lap. The wind caressed her features, playing with her hair.

"…Robin?" His voice came out in a barely audible whisper. The girl stopped humming softly at the ushering of her name, and peered up at him with bewitching eyes of emerald. She smiled serenely at him, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

"Amon, won't you join me?" She asked in a soft voice, inviting him to the spot next to her. He didn't move an inch, staring numbly down at the girl. How could she smile?

"What are you doing here, Robin?" He asked her in his usual cold and stoic voice, harsher than he had intended. It was…just the way he was used to talking. Still, it didn't discourage her. Robin continued to look at him calmly…it unnerved him.

"I'm here…because you want me to be," Was her silent answer. It brought him no satisfaction, he could feel the beginnings of anger simmer in his chest.

"No. No, I don't want you to be here Robin. I'm trying to forget you," He said in the coldest voice he could muster. "Why can't you just leave me alone?"

"You must want me here. You called me here. I'm not lying to you, Amon." She looked away from him, a sad look coming over her eyes and for a second, he regretted saying those words. However, Robin didn't seem to let them get to her, and she plucked one of the roses. It priced her delicate finger, and she winced momentarily. They both watched in fascination as the crimson droplet of blood seeped from her finger. Amon…couldn't take his eyes off of her.

"…Do you…really hate me that much, Amon?" She asked quietly, not even bothering to bring her finger to her mouth. He averted his eyes, looking intensely at his feet.

"I don't hate you, Robin," He admitted, more to himself than to her.

"You hate witches," She pressed, her voice still deathly calm, "I'm a witch."

"You're not like the others."

"All witches must be hunted."

"You aren't a witch."

"I am the Eve of Witches."

"…I won't believe it."

"All witches must burn."

"NO!" Amon said sharply, taking one step forward to the girl still sitting amongst the roses. He feared what she might say next.

"Why aren't I burning, Amon?" She inquired, sadness and regret evident in her voice, emerald eyes pleading with his.

"Because I won't allow it," He replied hotly, not realizing how much his voice had grown passionate with resolution. Robin's eyes reflected such sadness, such longing…

"But you did. You let me die at the stake all those other times."

So…she knew about his previous nightmares, those of her being licked by the very flames from hell itself. He shook his head of the horrid thought.

"No, Robin. I tried to save you. I tried to protect you."

"No, Amon. A part of you…truly wanted me to disappear from your life. That was why you couldn't move when you wanted to save me. That was why I burned."

"That's not true!" Amon shouted, fists clenched so tightly he swore his nails were digging into his palm despite the gloves. He could never wish a thing for Robin, how could he when the very image sent him waking in a cold sweat? Then a flash, a memory. That of him holding a gun aimed at her heart. 'It's not true.' He would have wanted to say that Robin was toying with him, playing with his mind…if only he knew it was not in her nature to do so. His little bird never lied. Still, he refused to believe it.

"You want to forget about me," Robin stood up, the petals falling from her dress and onto the ground. He growled at her, his frustration building.

"I never wanted that," Amon retorted, "You were the one who wanted me to forget about you. And now that I've finally decided to, you won't stop haunting me!"

Another step forward. She didn't move, didn't budge. Just continued to stare at him with those bewitching eyes, drowning him, suffocating him, and consuming him like the very flames she commands.

"Why are you running away from me, Robin?"

The girl lifted her finger to her face, the one with the prick of blood on the tip, mesmerized with the color.

"I'm running for you, Amon," She answered without any hesitation.

"So you've said before," the dark hunter glared, not satisfied with her answer. "I still don't understand what that means." He waited for her answer, which was a miracle, considering he waited so long. She seemed so close, yet with the empty smile that plagued her lips, and the sad look in her eyes, she seemed so far.

"…I'm just…tired, that's all." This time, it was she how took a step toward him, her comforting aura soothing his in a way, and he relaxed his shoulders. But he was still confused. "I'm tired of always being the burden," Robin continued. "I'm tired of being the cause of other's people pain, their suffering."

"You are not a burden," He said almost immediately, slate eyes flickering at her, daring her to even argue. She let out a weak laugh, shaking her head in disagreement.

"No Amon. Please don't lie to me. I'm not as blind as you think. Even in the STN-J I knew. I was a burden to the others, to Nagira, to you…" She took in a deep breath, as if a great unease had been lifted from her chest. "I don't want to be a burden anymore, Amon. I don't want to hurt you."

"It doesn't matter," Amon bit back, desperate to pull her out of her dark thoughts. He wanted her to understand…what he didn't quite know himself. "I'm your watchdog."

A deep frown appeared on her lips when he said this, and she averted her eyes from his once more, as if not bearing to look at him. Her eyes slid shut in resolution. A step back. "If that is how you truly feel…duty and obligation as my warden…then I think it is best that we part. It is better this way…"

With that, he watched as she slowly backed away from him… 'She's running…' He couldn't let that happen. Perhaps she could run when he was awake, but not in his dreams.

Before Robin could fade and lead him alone, he grabbed her hand and pulled her into his strong chest. She was in sort of a shock as he wrapped his arms tightly around her, not letting her leave. His embrace was sort of possessive in a way, and he was sure he was scaring her as much as he was scaring himself.

"Dammit, Robin, you're not getting my point!" He breathed, "You don't understand. I can't just forget…I don't want to forget," The words came out of his mouth without him thinking. Talking was never a strong point, that was why he always said as little as possible. Now, he's letting loose whatever comes into his brain first. "I can't live like this…not knowing if you're safe or not!"

"I'm not a child anymore, Amon. I can take care of myself," She said quietly.

"I know that…I just…" His voice softened, feeling the wall around his heart crack just a bit. But it was a crack that let emotion leak. "…Robin, I miss you."

Amon could feel her ease in his arms, and before he knew it, her arms snaked around his torso. She enveloped him in a gentle, yet loving embrace. The dark hunter wasn't sure what it was that allowed this moment to transpire, but he couldn't help himself. He reveled in it…being in Robin's embrace.

He couldn't help but think it wrong, but it felt too right to be so. He reasoned, that this was all just a dream in the first place, so it was completely fine. And so, he allowed himself the luxury of holding her, of running his fingers through her hair, slowly undoing them out of her ribbons, and letting it fall through his fingers like liquid. He allowed himself to get lost in her scent of vanilla and strawberry.

Even if it wasn't real, Amon couldn't deny it…he was content. And that was when he realized…that the reason he tried so hard to find Robin again was to feel this way. He didn't see her as a ward, or a burden, like he so foolishly let her believe. Without his knowing it…and probably without Robin knowing it either, she had become…precious to him.

Too bad this was all too good to be real.

Piercing, slate eyes opened to the darkness of night. The haze of sleep lifted from his eyes, but the image of his dream did not fade. Amon sat up in his bed, his hand instinctively coming up to grasp the pendant at his neck. However, when he reached up to touch the stone, it was no where to be found. His fingers brushed against his own bare skin.

'That's right…' He thought to himself, 'I said that I'd…'

The warmth of Robin's embrace flooded back into his mind. The aching grew within him, even worse than before. Without the pendant there…he felt naked…empty… His eyes hardened with resolve. Without a second thought, Amon got up and dressed, pulling on his trench coat as he left throught the door of his hotel room.

He made his way down to the parking lot, where his trusty black car was and quickly opened the car door. Amon turned on the interior light and squinted inside, scouring the floor for the smallest flicker of red, a glint of metal. His hands felt around for it, and pretty soon, he had the stone within his hands.

It warmed at his touch, and he immediately drew it to the light, opening his palm and letting the glow of Robin's pendant illuminate his features. Amon let out a sigh of relief, grasping the amulet tightly as if it were his last lifeline.

"I'm sorry, Robin," He whispered, putting the necklace back in its' rightful place around his neck. "But I just can't do it. I just can't forget."

End Chapter


Finally! Another chapter out! (sighs) I'm truly sorry left you all hanging there for months and months.

I'm a procrastinator.

Yup, nasty habit. Anyways, Amon's beginning to realize how he feels, and Robin herself is more determined than ever to disappear. So much so that she's seeking help from Michael! How does he plan on doing that? What will Amon do next? Will he ever find out that his little witch is right under his nose?

That goes in the next update!

READ AND REVIEW! No flames please.