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Joined 10-25-06, id: 1152721, Profile Updated: 06-13-14
Author has written 3 stories for Final Fantasy VII.

Age: I (like 99 percent of the other users on this page) won't tell yoouu...
Dislikes: Not many things
Likes: TONS of STUFF

Leaf and Petal: ItaSaku. Deleted for horribleness!
Memorial Sanctuary: NejiSaku. Deleted for horribleness!
Procrastination: OCxVincent. Deleted for horribleness!
The Milestone: OCxSephiroth. I'm going to improve this.
Path of Repentance: OCxSephiroth. I'm going to improve this.
And the Earth Will Shake: OCxSephiroth. I'm going to improve this.

Future stories:
Naruto: SakuraXKakashi story (romance/angsty). (Currently working on this! 7 chapters ready.)
FF7: Another OCxVincent (romance/general). (Currently working on this! 11 chapters ready.)
FF10: An OCxSeymour story (humor/adventure/romance). (Playing around with this... 2 chapters ready.)
FF6: TerraxLocke. It all started with that Celes' dress that looks too much like a tiny, super-ultra-green bathing suit. Fall for Terra instead, plz!
Ask me questions if you want to, or give me opinions... :)

Current obsession(s):
RAAARGH! THIS: http:///manga/the_friendly_winter

Favorite anime/manga/manhwa/games:
One Piece owns it all. I just adore those faces. I mourn every time I finish reading the newest chapter, because then I have to wait an entire week for the next.
SKIP BEAT captured my heart completely! No female character owns more than Kyoko. The EXPRESSIONS! ...I love this so much I've already bought half the volumes!
Immortal Rain On my list of super-ultimate favorites-of-all-time! I love the art, the story and the characters' dynamic personalities. Wanna buy it...
Naruto was the second anime/manga I watched/read (-sighs lovingly-). Unfortunately a lot of people diss and mock this, and I'm almost being brainwashed by it. But just almost. ;)
Breaker! About an average guy learning awesome martial arts from his awesome teacher. This manga made me head to our local sports arena and run 50 laps (the pain!). Read it to find out why! BTW, it has a sequel that is a bazillion times better! It's called Breaker - New Waves.
Sun-Ken Rock... The best comic art in THE WORLD (next to Berserk and Onepunch-Man?). I drool on the details, the shoes, the hairstyles, the characters, the muscles, the personalities, the developement of the characters, the story, the amazing main character mafia boss... Only thing is... There are some overly graphic (for me, anyway) scenes including stark naked, weak ladies. I don't like dat.
Love So Life is the CUTEST THING IN DA ENTIRE WORLD. This is the manga I read when I feel down or need to be cheered up! So incredibly innocent! So feel-good! *is in love*
Onepunch-Man... This is the world's most hilarious comic. I mean it. It's so funny it's ridiculous. It's completely absurd! I love this comic very dearly.
Trigun: My favorite anime, even better than Full Metal Panic Fumoffu.

And... ALL the role-playing games in the Final Fantasy series, especially FF6 and FF7. If you're not sure if you're a role-playing-game kind of person, try downloading the oldest Final Fantasy games for free (FF1-FF6, especially FF5 and FF6). Although I have to admit that recently, all the Final Fantasy characters look a bit too much like Barbie dolls. I want more characters like Auron, Barret, Cid, or characters like the ones in FF6 - charcaters that actually had personalities (Cyrus! I love you! And Gau, I love you too! Locke as well! Mog! Gogo! Edgar, haha! Even Kefka - I'll never forget that villain...).

Favorite Characters:
In One Piece: IVANKOV. ("Death WINK!")
In Skip Beat: PRESIDENT LORY! For ever! And Kyoko.
In Immortal Rain: RainRainRainRainRain.
In Naruto: Sakura, Jiraya, Kakashi.
In Bleach: Urahara Kisuke and Zaraki Kenpachi! Won't ever change. And Orihime is actually cute.
In Breaker: The unimportant sub character Demitri! If I were a guy, I would probably change my name to Demitri, seriously.
In Inuyasha: Sesshoumaru.
In Final Fantasy: Sephiroth, Vincent and Rude (bazooka!).
In Onepunch-Man: The main character. Not even a shred of doubt.
In Trigun: Dude... Vash the Stampede all the way.

Writing tips/Common mistakes and mix-ups you shouldn't make (which I probably make myself):
-"Their" is used when something belongs to someone. Example: "Their cookies were old."
-"There" is used about places... Example: "Your cookies are there."
-"They're" is an abbreviation for "They are" Example: "They're eating cookies all day!"
-"You're" means "You are". For example: "You're cool." Don't write "Your cool," because that means "The cool is yours."
-"Your" is used in front of an object that belongs to you, for example "That is your cookie." Don't write "That is you're cookie", because that means "That is you are cookie." Makes no sense.
-"Than" is used for comparison, for example "My cookies are better THAN yours!"
-"Then" is used about time, for example "You ate my cookies, THEN you ate your own cookies, you slimy potato botox pie bastard, you."
Remember not to use a subject or noun in the beginning of super-many sentences in a row. For example, don't do like this: "She brought cookies. He waited. Sakura met up with him. Naruto stole her cookies. They laughed it off. The cookies suffered." Try this: "She brought cookies, knowing he was waiting for her. Once she met up with him, he was rude enough to steal her cookies, but in the end they just laughed it off. None of them were aware that the cookies were suffering." Oh... Bad-example-horror... Hope it made at least a little sense.

Fanart (by others and me!) for my stories!
The MILESTONE made into a COMIC!? Yes, it's true! I did it all by myself... The start looks pretty bad, but it gets better - little by little, haha.
The Milestone - Sephiroth in a suit (by Runandra/Funchan! You spoil meee)
The Milestone - Mika (by Runandra/Funchan! Thanks bunches!)
The Milestone - Mika
The Milestone - Mika (by Nix50st)
Path of Repentance - Rimm
Path of Repentance - Kurai
And the Earth Will Shake - Paige
And the Earth Will Shake - Paige! (sooo amazing! Thank you so much, Runandra/Funchan!)

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Apprentice by One Winged Royko reviews
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. Everything will link back to the beginning. Complete! Currently being revised for more realistic characterization!
Final Fantasy VII - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 16 - Words: 49,953 - Reviews: 72 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 12/31/2011 - Published: 7/7/2008 - Sephiroth - Complete
A Promise Written In Snow by Chicklets reviews
Oneshot ItachiSakura. A promise made before Itachi’s betrayal to Konoha, and to one little girl.
Naruto - Rated: K - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,778 - Reviews: 133 - Favs: 317 - Follows: 57 - Updated: 12/15/2005 - Published: 12/11/2005 - Itachi U., Sakura H. - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

And The Earth Will Shake reviews
OCxSeph, all in our universe, on Earth. (THIS STORY WILL BE REVISITED, so don't be too disappointed if you read it and find it to be sub-par.) An enraged Sephiroth escapes Shinra's headquarters and doesn't stop before he ends up in a forest, about to bleed to death. There, a girl stumbles upon him who thinks he's a crazy costume player. Only in the beginning, though.
Final Fantasy VII - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 22 - Words: 98,192 - Reviews: 285 - Favs: 213 - Follows: 94 - Updated: 5/27/2010 - Published: 9/5/2009 - Sephiroth - Complete
Path of Repentance reviews
OCxSephiroth. (THIS STORY WILL BE REVISITED, so don't be too surprised/disappointed if you read it and find it to be sub-par.) She worked in Shinra's kitchen when Sephiroth was a boy, and they became friends. Then she vanished. More than a decade later she reappears, not a day older, but a heck of a lot more confused than before. Rated for Hojo and mature themes.
Final Fantasy VII - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 25 - Words: 131,308 - Reviews: 119 - Favs: 123 - Follows: 38 - Updated: 12/29/2008 - Published: 11/30/2008 - Sephiroth - Complete
The Milestone reviews
OCxSephiroth. (THIS STORY IS UNDER RE-CONSTRUCTION) Shinra has come to life again, spreading its web across the world in shape of new Mako reactors. Sephiroth, too, is back, and as he considers his options - his face hidden by a cloak - he is found by an insect of a woman. A dim-witted woman, with all the elegance of a one-legged insect.
Final Fantasy VII - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 25 - Words: 99,636 - Reviews: 272 - Favs: 174 - Follows: 44 - Updated: 12/25/2007 - Published: 12/1/2007 - Sephiroth - Complete