Reviews for Chains of Heaven
Orga000 chapter 1 . 21h
Nice work, so Tyler is a kind of semi-anti hero?.Well, personally i like story like this where the mc is fighting against the hypocrite "good guy". Keep it up.
mafia king chapter 1 . 23h
definitely want to see this continue
Shinku chapter 1 . 7/28
picture this : taylor being massively annoyed by an endbringer's defense he goes " you know what, to hell with this bullshit" and proceeds to nuke with enuma elish. question is will he reach the core in 1 shot?
Sanner62 chapter 1 . 7/29
Very good story! I sincerely hope that you continue with this very interesting concept that you presented to us: D
1st GreenIsGold chapter 1 . 7/26
Nice to see another great fic from you! Enkidu!Taylor is a nice breath of fresh air from all the EMIYA ones.

I don't know why some people are complaining about Taylor being a male. At least you make differences happen whereas others have it be an arbitrary choice that rehashes canon. Or Alaya forbid someone writes something like that BNHA fic where only females have Quirks and Izuku is the first male to be the exception.

The PRT making Taylor's life hell to cover up Shadow Stalker's crimes and Armsmaster being a bastard is a classic on the fandom's menu. It creates some enjoyable tension to read but elitists will never be happy with you if you don't write everything the way they want it. Ignore them.
Random Reader chapter 1 . 7/26
This shit is goood, great start. Like the spin you put on this, and would like to see more if you can
DragonLark chapter 1 . 7/28
This is really cool, thank you for writing this!
Have a Wonderful Wonderful day!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/26
This. Is. INCREDIBLE! I love how you included Enkidu in this because he’s one of my most favorite in the fate-verse. I also liked how you changed the timeline a bit and game Taylor more options! If you do start writing on this again (because it is AWESOME!) are you gonna make an interlude of why Taylor is on the run from the PRT? Plz and thank u! ;D
Benevolent Darkness chapter 1 . 7/28
If nothing else Enkidu can use Enuma Elish to put the world back together when Scion destroys it, so there’s that at least?
Kamencolin chapter 1 . 7/28
You should make a full story
Delphine Pryde chapter 1 . 7/28
Fantastic! I hope you'll turn this into a multi-chapter story.
yann0406 chapter 1 . 7/28
Please continue but if you don’t want to it’s you’re choice
Dragonmaster150 chapter 1 . 7/27
It's good, I think that this is actually one of the first times I've ever seen a male Taylor. His interactions with Enkidu are pretty interesting and I'm looking forwards to seeing what affect the ripples will have on the universe and story.
NegaDruid chapter 1 . 7/27
Oh I DEFINITELY want to see more of this! I can't wait to see how Taylor gets things over on the PRT and the Protectorate. Especially if he starts shouting the truth at the top of his lungs when he fights them.

Sophia is screwed. Taylor can out her at any time. And she now has a TRUE Predator hunting her.

And when Taylor fights the Endbringers... oooh that will be fun. Enkidu's chains wrapping up the Simurgh, Leviathan, or Behemoth... yesssssss.

Do please give us more when time permits! Enjoy yourself!
Arsur3215Loki chapter 1 . 7/27
Of course as a Story... If this story can be found in Sufficient Velocity, expect some Omake posted by Fan of Worm/Fate fanfic...
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