Had this chapter 90 percent done since December but college sucked the motivation out of me making this delayed. I'll probably have to reread my own fic to remember what I have planned but that's just how it is when you don't touch a fic in months.

And to Doraemax: Thanks for pointing out my flaws in a relatively polite way. If you or anyone else was a dick going about it I would have disregarded it as just trolling. btw the bow scene with Gazef was pretty long in the Light Novel of overlord as well... though I made have made it longer but I'm not going to reread volume one just to find that out.

To general: I did have Valhalla planned as a dungeon but not to any large degree like how Nazarick was shown. so feel free to write down your own suggestions and if I find them cool or unique I'll find a way to include them.

There's obviously an Avalon/Camelot based Floor layer, there's a Rome Layer, a Sea based floor with dragons, a fire floor with fire Demigod NPCs, and definitely some sort of Japanese Sakura tree based area.

A Sealing Crystal, that was the name of the legendary artifact that Nigun was carrying around as the last resort given to him by his country. An item that was capable of holding the Magic of the Gods that no humans have ever managed to reach by themselves.

Nigun glared daggers at the approaching units that the Warrior Captain Gazef Stronoff led, they were unworthy of the honor of being killed by such a holy relic. The scarred blonde man was trembling in rage at the mere thought of using the Sealing Crystal which held the highest form of Angel Dominion Authority, a direct servant of the 6 Gods, a position none may surpass, not even the Cardinals or even the God-kin could claim such stature. The first follower of Surshana might indeed surpass that stature of the Dominion Authority but even a Scripture leader such as he did not have the social clout or authority to even meet such a mysterious being.

Arrogant as he was, Nigun was no fool. Those 4 Golems that Gazef has in his possession were beyond simply high quality. The captain of the Sunlight Scripture wasn't sure an Archangel Flame could even defeat such a being. Damage yes but defeat? The only silver lining was that Construct types such a Golems have no will of their own and cannot form tactics or strategies but that can be easily rectified with a competent controller and specific pre-programmed commands.

Only he and 2 others in the Sunlight Scripture were capable of summoning the higher tier Angel Archangel Flame and even then, they'll have to face against Gazef Stronoff wielding Razor Edge, one of the Five Treasures of Re-Estize. Nigun didn't hold any illusion of being able to best Gazef even if the Warrior Captain wielding his regular equipment much less one that could be considered legendary outside the obvious God level items.


No, in order to achieve absolute victory Dominion Authority is needed to incinerate Gazef Stronoff out of this reality and then the archer station in that run-down filthy village. In fact, he'll burn down the village as well.

Those Golems were a recent addition to Re-Estize's force, of that Nigun was certain. His information gatherers were following that man for weeks and not even a hint of these Golem Constructs prior till today. That meant that only Carne was the only reason that Gazef acquired those Golems or more likely someone that was currently in Carne village.

A hail of red light slammed into the Angels and obliterated them into one strike.

"C-captain!" A few of the other Scripture members were looking a bit unsure of their chances now that their prey had leveled the playing field with their own trump cards.

Four unreasonably strong Golems that surpasses what the even a wealthy nation such as the Baharuth Empire could afford.

An Archer that could snipe enemies beyond eyesight wielding projectiles that could kill even the servants of the Gods in one strike, most likely a Demonic weapon due to the laughable ease of slaying all that is Holy.

And Gazef and Razor Edge itself. A man just outside the realm of heroes with a sword rumored to be able to cut all things in existence. Just how much of an exaggeration that claim was, the leader of the Sunlight Scripture did not want to find out.

Nigun gripped the Sealing Crystal tighter, that relic was the only thread of confidence he had left but it was a VERY reassuring last thread to say the least. How could it not? A treasure of his country left to them by the 6 Great Gods that saved Humanity from extinction all those centuries ago. The beings who gave Humanity a fighting chance in a world filled with Demi-Humans and Heteromorphs, beings that are superior to man whether it be physically or magically, beings which preyed upon mankind in one form or another. A treasure that made Razor Edge look like a second-hand sword bought from a junk pile.

"Do not fear!" Nigun mustered all of his confidence and poured it into his speech. As a leader, it was an essential skill to maintain morale of his men. A skill that is arguably more important than his own skills as an Angel Summoner and Magic Caster. "We are the chosen ones of the Six Great Gods! They personally descended from the heavenly realm and aided our ancestors and not them!"

Especially not them, people who have spurned the salvation and prosperity given to them by the divine ones don't deserve life in heaven.

Some of the other member began to perk up and looked less afraid, not completely away of the fear but at least the trembling stopped. They have to maintain their pride and dignity in life, so they can face their gods and serve them dutifully in the next life.

His subordinates needed one more extra push and luckily, Nigun had just that and he was holding it upward for all to see. Nigun fiddled with the Sealing Crystal in an almost ritualistic manner, each touch of the Angel Summoner's fingers and shift in position caused the bright blue light of the crystal to shine even brighter.

The eyes of the Sunlight Scripture grew more and more reverent in the face of the Holy light. They could practically taste the power that washed over them and purified their souls. This just reaffirmed and strengthen their faith to their gods and they decided to devote themselves even further to their divine lords.

"Behold! The most powerful and the highest form of Angel! Dominion Authority!"

"Dominion Authority… a higher form of Angel." Shirou spun an altered Demonic Sword in his left hand. It was a being that the Magus was confident in beating even by himself, but he was certain Gazef didn't possess the power to beat it.

The Golems which were also around Gazef's level, but they also possess a much higher defense from their raw stats along and the from the material they are made from. Even they don't stand a chance if they went against the Angel.

This was an… unfavorable situation for the Guild master of Valhalla. The hybrid Doppelganger didn't want to personally interfere in matters regarding 2 countries, but he also didn't wish for Gazef or his Warrior band to perish either. It would really be a shame after all that effort he put in, even using his archery skills to prevent being identified was already pushing it in terms getting involved.

The world was a big place and Shirou wasn't confident that his Anti-detection methods would be enough. No one expected Projection to amount to much, but the supernatural assassin created a superior version known as Tracing. A useless style of Magecraft that far surpassed the out put and mystery of most modern Magecraft.

"Hoh?" Altria gave a lazy semi-interested glance at the Angel and the summoner of that powerful being. "Lord Vulcanus, look at that man's hand."

"A Sealing Crystal." Artoria said. "How does that man possess such a thing?" Her reaction was normal, a Sealing Crystal was an item, an item that came from that world. Even if Vulcanus accepted that this New World follows similar rules of that of Yggdrasil, it's one hell of a coincidence for an item to be IDENTICAL to a game.

Could there be other Yggdrasil Players here? More importantly, does his intervention put him at odds with them? Gazef's sword Razor Edge False proved that a Player was in this world a century and a half ago, so it wasn't so outlandish for that to be true.

"There's no reason to be wary milord," Dispel brandished her silver lance Satanael. "You are the Supreme Being even among other 'Supreme Beings'. That is why you'll triumph over the lesser so-called gods again and again and again if need be." She gazed at him reverently, her amethyst pink eyes shimmering with an ephemeral glow of affection.

Shirou still didn't understand why she had so much faith in him, he wasn't even her creator like he was with Altria and Artoria Pendragon. NPCs based on the Heroic Spirit he loved and her corrupted counterpart. Dispel was created by his past Guildmate Betatron Prime, a Player who was kicked out of his former Guild Seraphim.

Dispel was a being created out of Betatron's spite and hatred of Seraphim, a Guild who took roleplaying a bit too seriously. Their holier than thou attitude was rather annoying to deal with, Shirou agreed with that sentiment and he was known to be rather accepting as a person.

That hatred of Betatron Prime, that embitterment reflected in Dispel and it shows in her attitude regarding those not of Valhalla.

"Indeed, you have prevailed over an uncountable number of mighty foes and prevailed." The Once and Future King agreed with a tiny almost unnoticeable smirk on her noble and graceful face. "And you have us, your humble servants and this Excalibur. The sword that will gift you promised victory and glory." Excalibur Yggdrasil was not the Holy Sword Excalibur the Last Phantasm of the world, it was a sword that he created in his spare time in a video game. Even so, it wasn't lesser by comparison, a sword that can be considered a pseudo World Item due to the 3 stones made from the seven prismatic ores, the [Caloric], [Exothermic], and [Polaric] stones.

A sword that is only surpassed by the Guild Weapon Cremation Laevateinn in terms of output but even so, this sword was peer to the Guild Weapon.

Right, how could he forget that? As long as he had her by his side, nothing is truly beyond his ability.

He had faced against Gilgamesh and survived, against beings such as Surt and the Demon Pillars and lived to tell the tale. Each encounter honed him like a blade's edge sharpened to cut through any that stands between him and his convictions. Here he was worrying over people, gamers and their given power. No granted power can match a power honed through a life time of life and death battles and he sincerely doubted anyone playing Yggdrasil is as experienced as he.

"That's a face more fitting for the man that is my master," Altria appraised the Magus' resolute facial expression and seemed satisfied with what she saw. "There's a reason why you chose the power of a dragon to incorporate into yourself and there is a reason why a dragon is considered the strongest phantasmal species."

Her smile grew hungrier. "It is time to roast a few flies with the overwhelming might of a dragon's breath." The pale blonde almost white hair soaked up the malicious red glow of her Deathcalibur, Negative and Demonic energy spouted out and twisted around the sword as if even it was affected by Altria's desire.

"Weak flies such as that arrogant Angel could simply be stomped and that would be an end of it." The Fallen Angel always found it a bit irksome that Altria is excessive in her battles. The sad thing is that Artoria and that arrogant Dragon Witch are almost as destructive as well.

The King of Knights for all her grace and nobility, she's still that competitive little girl like when she was first created. Any challenge that her elder sister issues, the wielder of the Holy Sword ALWAYS accepts. The Dragon Witch… well, her personality can make it so that her destructive and arsonist tendencies often cause even higher death counts despite having a lower damage output as the Altered NPC of the 11th layer Garden of Avalon.

Long story short, Dispel was a more precision fighter than the rest of her fellow NPCs. The only exception is when there's other Angels around… she supposed that she was thankful for the hairless monkeys down there killing and preparing her meal and she doesn't even have to raise a finger.

Lakyus Alvein Dale Aindra was one of the most talented and youngest individuals that had reached the pinnacle of Adamantite, a rank that the list of teams can be counted with one's hand. She was currently in a rather high-end tavern waiting on her team mates to show up. These types of establishments were more often than not, too loud and roudy for her like. Get her a café with a roof top view any day, plus as a woman, the cakes and sweets are to die for.

Truth be told, she hated the food that came from taverns, but she endured it due to taverns being the preferred locations for Adventurers to meet up. In that sense, her former status as a part of the nobility was showing despite having cut off any ties to such a title aside from a few connections here and there.

Despite being the leader of Blue Rose, the team a good third of the time did separate missions in pairs rather than missions as the whole group. Tina and Tia were former assassins of the Izaniya organization named after one of the Thirteen Heroes and Momon and Evileye were an Oricalcum rank team called Darkness before it being absorbed into the now six membered Blue Rose.

Tina and Tia as former assassins did odd jobs here and there and they got the latest information from the areas they visited. The blonde wielder of the Demonic Sword Killneiram couldn't fault the two if some higher-ranking sex traffickers got assassinated even if she would have much preferred the capturing of them instead. The world was a dangerous place, in a dog eat dog environment it more often than not comes to them or us mentality.

That aspect didn't improve much even after Rigrit recommended the last two members to join her team once she retired. The masked girl Evileye and a man clad in impressive ebony armor named Momon… and they were impressive. At first, she thought Rigrit was simply exaggerating a bit to sell their talents but looking back, that was rather foolish of the girl.

For all the years she known Rigrit, exaggeration was beneath her. Especially regarding how important it is to find competent members for an adventurers' party. One wrong decision can lead a party to their deaths and as the party leader, she was the one responsible of all of those lives and their well-being.

She was worried for nothing, those two were incredible, as expected of friends of Rigrit one of the Thirteen Heroes and the most powerful Necromancer that have ever lived. Evileye, her name was most likely an alias of some sort was the most powerful Magic Caster she has ever met. Sure, Rigrit might be more powerful than her due to being trained in the sword arts which Magic Casters very rarely ever delve into and Fluder Paradyne of the Baharuth Empire might very well be more knowledgeable of the mechanics of Magic and its pragmatic uses but Evileye surpasses them both in terms of raw power.

Lakyus only wished she was a bit more open about herself, she trusted Evileye with her life but looking at it from an objective perspective, it should have been nigh impossible to trust someone who hides both name and face. She some how did despite common sense telling her not to, she supposed it was probably Evileye's small diminutive stature helped a bit. Despite knowing her destructive potential of her magic, Lakyus lowers her guard a bit in Evileye's presence. It was a bad habit that she would eventually strive to remove.

Of course, it's hard to take her seriously sometimes with Garagan around. Their relationship and their taunts and jabs were annoying when official meetings with potential clients are involved but was amusing and heartening when in private.

Momon… was a noble and refined giant of a man, even now she doesn't have a good grasp of his character despite travelling with him for a while now. He was akin to a multifaceted gem that never runs out of sides of himself.

In fact, she felt an instant connection to him due to him possessing the other three swords that were wielded by the Black Swordsman of the Thirteen Heroes making the blades sister swords to her own Demonic blade Killneiram. That was a testament of his mental fortitude, to resist the malignant wills of the weapons was awe inspiring while she struggles to contain the bloodlust of Killneiram even with her Ring of Protection equipped.

The one odd thing about him besides the days where he didn't eat anything and still perform at peak performance is that his swordsmanship was almost unremarkable and minimalist. She didn't notice it at the beginning but once her eyes became accustomed to the sheer speed that he possessed, Lakyus could see the flaws and wasted energy in his style.

That wasn't to say that his technique was poor, it wasn't. if she had to rank it, Momon's level in swordsmanship was far above Platinum rank adventurers and some Mythril ranks but Lakyus couldn't go further than that without bias involved.

He was good enough, but it wasn't befitting of an Adamantite ranked Adventurer. Despite this, the back armor cladded man has devastating Martial Arts that put even Garagan's power to shame and that muscled one could brute force an Orc with little difficulty.

Granted, he was still improving slowly but surely as time went on but by all logic, Momon shouldn't have been at the highest level of all Adventurers.

Logic from a normal human being that is. There was one quality that Momon had that she and the others did not.

Raw capabilities. Pure physical abilities.

A bitter pill to swallow but that is an unfortunate aspect of life. Sometimes, a strong will alone will not be enough to equal the playing field to an individual born with talent. Some people hit their limit early and cannot overcome the ceiling preordained by the Gods.

Momon must be a God-Kin bearing the blood of those Player entities. As a Priestess of the Water God, Lakyus studied anything related to the divine beings. Evileye called them Players one time, a group of existences that defied the natural limitation of mortals.

The Six or Four elemental Gods that appeared 600 hundred years ago, and the Eight Greed Kings that manifested after. Those are what are defined as Players. The leader of Blue Rose wasn't made aware of Momon's backstory, but she doubted he was a God-Kin of the Six/Four Gods seeing just how secretive the Slane Theocracy was.

In fact, the only reason she knew that their bloodlines still existed was due to one member of the Sunlight Scripture yelled out how weak they were in comparison to these God-Kin beings.

Momon's absurd strength makes sense if he bears the blood of god. Probably one of the Eight Greed King's lineage all things considered.

It was honestly a bit enviable, to know there's a plateau that exists out there but the possibility of reaching it is nigh impossible for a mere human. Though, she supposed that is how regular civilians viewed heroes and Admantite level.

She isn't done improving yet, she will find another way to reach that impossible height.

"Yo boss!" Garagan greeted cheerfully in her usual manner. "What got you frowning so early in the morning? You know frowning causes early wrinkles, right?"

"Just a bit of thinking. Are you ready?"

"I'm always ready." The giant woman replied twirling her war pick Fel Iron. "That princess sure is a slave driver isn't she, it doesn't even pay well either."

"Garagan," Lakyus said reproachfully. "We are the Admantite team Blue Rose, improving the state of the Kingdom is a reward in of itself. Renner is a personal close friend of mine as well."

She pitied Renner a bit, for all of her genius, she couldn't do much with her own due to her position in the Royal family. With two brothers and multiple older sisters, she was a spare of spare of a spare of an heir to the throne.

Despite being well-liked by the masses, she didn't have much money either for a member of the Royal family. And hiring an Adamantite or even Oricalchum rank Adventurers costed a lot of gold, gold Renner couldn't afford to spend in large quantities. Even her beautiful dresses were gifts from the older princesses pitying her position.

It was difficult being a woman. Precisely why Lakyus left her family in the first place and becoming an Adventurer at the first opportunity she could. If the 19-year-old blonde continued relying on the Aindra name, all her life would have amounted to was being sold to some noble boy and being used a breeding sow to unify the families.

Lakyus' mood soured at that thought.

"Yeah, yeah, at least we have a pretty heavy cushion to fall back on." Garagan placing her weapon to the side and ordered some coffee. Plus, the weapons and items Demi-Humans drop can be sold for a hefty sum to blacksmiths. She wasn't knowledgeable on the specifics but with the on-going tensions with the Baharuth Empire and Slane Theocracy, the kingdom wasn't trading much besides the occasional wagon full. The Holy Kingdom of Roble was too far away to do any substantial trades, the Draconic Kingdom was locked in conflict with the Beast men and the Argland council state was run by the reclusive Dragon Lords and Demi-Humans.

Ores being turned into usable metal was a chore in of itself, especially when one gets into the higher end stuff like Mythril, Oricalcum and Adamantite. Considering that Momon fellow could store their lute, they could carry and sell the items in a larger scale.

While Garagan would have preferred to taken jobs with a bit higher pay and a more challenging monster like the Wise King of the Forest, she trusted Lakyus. That girl was the purest out of all of them and it was precisely because of that quality she possesses that trait that they could be the better person that they couldn't have been done individually.

Still, a request from that princess… it ought to be something that the other Royals and fancy schmancy nobility won't touch. In other words, it's going to be interesting to say the least.

Gazef sweated profusely, the Angels before didn't evoke such a reaction despite being out-numbered by them. Perhaps it was the awareness that he still had a chance at victory if he used his Martial Arts strategically and preserving his stamina but this… Dominion Authority or whatever Nigun yelled out was beyond his capabilities.

The fragrant smell that the Angel emitted would have been relaxing if they weren't staring it down. It was a minty and flowery smell, though it annoyed Gazef slightly due to it's holier than thou impression the brown-haired man got from it.

It didn't take a genius to see that, Gazef can't see a way to turn the tables this time. Not even the legendary Golems Shirou had lent him could deal with such a being. The hairs on his body stood ram rod straight as he stared the Angelic being down.

Aside from the fact that the Re-Estize Kingdom only worship four out of the Six Great Gods of the Slane Theocracy, one of the biggest differences in terms of faith between the two human nations was the fact that the temples of the Slane Theocracy and the Roble Holy Kingdom was that they believed the Angels to be the servants of the Gods.

The Re-Estize kingdom on the other hand, only sees them as summoned beings, though seeing this absurdly powerful Angel first hand… the strongest Warrior of the Kingdom could see why the Slane people would believe that.



With this sword that could cut through anything in existence, Gazef has a chance at victory no matter how slim. Even if it might seem hopeless, he wasn't a person who took a loss laying down. No, he was a Warrior, one that was serving directly under the King. A position high enough that he doesn't need to obey even the orders of the princes and princesses.

"You should feel honored, Gazef Stronoff!" Nigun scoffed looking at the Warrior Captain's deathly serious face. "An honor more than you deserves." The other blue clad soldiers were on their knees and with clasps hands with their chins resting on the knuckles. Even if their faces were covered, it was plain to see that their faces were reverent.

"W-warrior Captain! W-what should we do?!" one of his men screamed. The others were showing sheer panic upon their faces, even the horses were going out of control, this time without outside influence like the mind control magic. His personal Warrior band adopted some grim expressions, that stung Gazef personally. The Warrior band were trained by him personally and were equivalent to Platinum rank Adventurers, but he couldn't blame them, anyone would fear the being that they were trying face off against.

"Nothing, there is nothing you can do against the instrument of divine will." Nigun taunted haughtily. Truly, the unit of soldiers of the Re-Estize were the embodiment of human folly and arrogance. Did they truly believe that they could challenge the Dominion Authority? It was an existence that served directly under the Gods, an existence that Nigun would even wager everything he and his family owned that this Angelic being could even face off against the Eight Greed Kings.

A laughable view point if he knew the God of Death Surshana was slain by the Eight Greed Kings five hundred years ago.

"While I might enjoy the pitiful expressions of you and your men Gazef, we really should speed this up." The captain of the Sunlight Scripture declared with a pose of his right hand raising to the very heavens themselves, as if such an act made him closer to the dead and false Gods he worshipped.

Gazef grit his teeth and glared defiantly at his attackers ignoring the Angel entirely, why would he hold a grudge against the Angel? He knew that for all the spiel of it being an instrument of divine wrath, it was a puppet at the end of the day. A rather powerful puppet but a puppet nonetheless, a doll strung up with Nigun's will pulling the strings.

"Run!" Gazef suddenly roared knocking his band of men out of their stupor. "I'll buy as much time as I can!"

"What?" His vice-captain asked. Gazef knew that the man had a respectable head on his shoulders, his vice-captain had foreseen the foul play of their country's nobles from a mile away, from the village before they even set foot on Carne. An individual that could serve their king well in his stead.

"Don't be ridiculous, if we die, then we'll die with you." The vice-captain wiped off a bit of sweat off his forehead and raised his sword. "We were already prepared to die the moment we prepared for this battle, as if an overgrown chicken changes our will, our loyalty. For the Warrior Captain! For King and country!"

"For the Warrior Captain! For King and country!" That war cry was repeated again reflecting the loyalty and admiration of the men behind him. Gazef couldn't help but be moved by this display and the majority of them save for a few weren't even trained by him and thus have no personal bond or connection with him either.

"…Hmph, it is exactly because of this nonsensical drivel that all of you are in this situation." Nigun snorted looking down at the opposing force with disdain. "Though it's a shame that you were born in this country Gazef, if you were born in our Theocracy the possibility of you being eligible of joining even the Black Scripture would be quite high." Nigun was arrogant but he was not so arrogant to not see Gazef being superior to him if it was a one on one confrontation.

"Black Scripture?"

"…I said too much, I'll crush the remaining hope you have left with this single attack." Nigun paused a bit when he revealed information he wasn't supposed to… he just knew that he had to bribe his men to keep quiet about this. The last one who accidently blabbed the existence to those damnable Blue Rose got executed. Well, they were going to kill everyone anyways so there's no potential leak risk involved unlike the last time.

"Dominion Authority! Use [Holy Smite]!"

Gazef and the others braced themselves when they felt a shift in pressure, if it was heavy before then it was crushing now.

A bright blue and golden radiance erupted from the Angel's multiple set of wings and the large almost 2-handed mace it was carrying.


They were unfamiliar with that magic spell, but they knew it was powerful. The feel and weight to it was on a whole other level compared to the magic spells being slung from the Scripture members earlier.

The mace the legendary Angel was carrying shattered into even gold colored rectangular motes of gold light which spun around the large white frame of the Angel's torso.

A ray of blue light fell from the heavens in a surge before splitting into four torrents that crashed into the Golems.

The metal constructs struggled valiantly as programmed by their creator Vulcanus but no amount of struggling could have allowed them to survive a 7th tier spell. Slowly but surely the beams of blue light punched a hole through the iron giants and reduced them to a pool of molten steel.

"They lasted longer than expected but as expected, they were nothing against the power that even fell the Demon Gods." Nigun grinned at their faces of shock, confusion and despair. Their earlier display of camaraderie sickened him to be honest. He could care less for his men, he had more value than the rest of the Sunlight Scripture combined… his Talent alone was a rare and valued commodity or at least it was. He was stronger than them by a fair margin…. He was a higher Lairbel or level, it was a word that came from the realm of the Gods. A word that Humans had long since forgotten or they were simply incapable of correctly pronouncing due to being limited to physical world.

That damnable Momon, that black plated bastard did something to him. The Adamantite Adventurer not only helped Blue Rose defend the Demi-Human village that the Sunlight Scripture was attacking, he some how stolen his Talent!

Such a thing was unheard of, in all of humanity's six hundred years not once had a man being stripped of his Talent. Magic was a powerful and versatile power but even it should have its limitations, taking a Talent was akin to skinning the human soul of what made it unique from all the others.

The Sunlight Scripture leader clenched his fist on the Sealing Crystal as hard as his rage induced strength allowed. Small drops of crimson liquid dripped out of the opened wound and down the glowing artifact of the God's pristine surface. Obviously, the flesh of human was no where near as hard as higher tier item from the land of the Gods and it only served to fuel his irritation.

But fortunately, no one was aware of his lack of Talent and thus his value to his country was not diminished in anyway. Once he kills Gazef, at the first opportunity, he'll slaughter the Dark Hero Momon with his own two hands.

As the Captain of one of the six Scriptures, Nigun had a lot of influence with the Cardinals and thus it isn't outside the realm of possibility to use the absolute power of Dominion Authority against the Dark Hero. But as it is now, the Sealing Crystal is now worthless as now the spell sealed within is used up.

The 4th tier is generally the best an exceptional human is capable of, the 5th and sixth tier is within the realm of Heroes. The same realm Momon resided in, luckily for him that Momon was just a Warrior and not some powerful Magic Caster. If he was a Magic Caster then dare he say, the Adamantite rank Adventurer still possessed a chance at defeating Nigun wielding the powers of the most powerful Angel by slinging a spell from afar.

The Theocracy however, in all of its innovative genius was capable of going to the 7th tier, the realm of legends by performing grand rituals with multiple Magic Casters working in unison. The spell that was used to summon the highest Angel Dominion Authority was but one of many miracles that can be performed by these grand rituals.

As much as it irked Nigun to say it, unlike Gazef Stronoff in front of him… Momon was worthy of the power of the highest Angel. The Dark Hero is the legitimate inheritor of three of the four cursed Demonic swords wielded by the Black Knight one of the Thirteen Heroes.

The sword of Corruption Crocdabal

The sword of Death Sfiez

Somewhere within the Reality Marble of Shirou Emiya, Azrael shifted. Stained with enough sentience through its history, it would have scoffed if it had actually heard Nigun say that out loud.

And the Evil sword Hyumilis

The final cursed sword Killneiram was currently in the hands of that Blue Rose Bitch Lakyus Alvein Dale Aindra.

Lakyus who was currently sitting in the Tavern waiting for Tina, Tia, Momon and Evileye sneezed and her spit gotten all over Garagan's face.

There's a lot of speculation regarding those swords, many well-regarded scholars had theorized that these blades came from the same realm that the Six Great Gods once resided. Either from the Eight Greed Kings, found in the floating city of Eryuentiu or it came from another one of these Player entities, the same kind of beings as his Gods.

Of course, not all Players are equal, the Minotaur Sage was proof of this, that Demi-Human scum was no where near the level of strength needed to kill Demon Gods and thus being weaker than the Dominion Authority and thus by extension weaker than his Gods.

"And now, it is your time for you to leave this world as well." Nigun glared down at the defiant Warrior Captain of Re-Estize.

The mace of Dominion Authority reformed, Holy Smite costed too much Magical energy, there was no way Nigun's reserves could handle a second casting. Besides, in his opinion, Gazef didn't deserve to be killed in such a glorious way anyway.

No… it would be far more satisfying to kill them the same way children kills ants. To the highest form of Angel, such a comparison is rather accurate. The distance between the heavens and the earth, that is the gap between a divine being and a mere man.

To be slaughtered one by one… the terror of the survivors who could only wait their turn would be marvelous.

The Angel raised its nameless Holy weapon and Gazef glared at the slab of golden metal with a fierce expression. His sword hand twitched with anticipation, Nigun sighed at the pointless futile defiance from the strongest Warrior of Re-Estize.

No matter, after these men are sent to the Underworld, he'll raze Carne village just because he can, and he could. Nigun couldn't help but desire the death of that irritating archer with the Demonic projectiles. As the one who most likely gave Gazef the Golems and shot down the weaker Angels, he or she can't be allowed to live.


The yell came from a masculine voice filled with quiet steel. The sort of steel that would give even experienced warriors chills.

Nigun didn't have enough time to even make sense of what happened.

One moment the Angel was charging its 7th tier spell and was about to unleash it and the next it was gone. A streak of rainbow light smashed into the summoned creature gouging out its stomach and exploded on the inside of the cavity and thus reducing the heteromorphic being to nothing but shards of light and molten slag.

"W-what happened?!" Nigun couldn't comprehend what happened, how could Dominion Authority be defeated!? It had powers superior to even an Evil Deity!

The only way to defeat it's Holy Smite is to use a power superior to a 7th tier spell… that projectile surpassed a magic spell that is second only to the Gods?


That was what the faith instilled in Nigun and the Scripture demanded.

But they couldn't ignore what their very own eyes showed them.

Even the enemy soldiers of Re-Estize was unsure how to proceed. They were just as shocked that the Angel as powerful as that could be instantly annihilated.

Gazef managed to retain enough sense to wipe the sweat off of his forehead and commanded his forces to continue the attack.

"Dispel, you may have that Angel's soul as a meal." Shirou looked at the fleeting sparks die down from the Angel remains. Using Caladbolg was perhaps overkill but Shirou wasn't confident in Tracing a weapon fast enough to use as a projectile.

Caladbolg was so familiar to him to Trace that its second only to Kanshou and Bakuya in terms of the speed of bringing it out of his Reality Marble.

"Itadakimasu." Dispel spoke the divine language of the Gods, she had heard them before say that word before eating so she figured she too should learn and perform the customs of the Supreme Beings.

Her 'heart' skipped when she saw the amusement in true Supreme Being's face. She had made the right decision, any joy evoked for a Supreme one is an offering that any NPC would be envious of.

"Vulcanus Sama, the Golems you have created have been destroyed." Artoria Pendragon wouldn't tolerate this blatant disrespect for her lord. She wanted nothing more than to personally educate the humans down there exactly where they stand in comparison to the creations of Valhalla.

"It's fine," Shirou waved it off. "The knowledge that metal of that caliber is enough to create an Iron Golem is enough for me. We could easily make more of them with my skill."

He could probably reuse the molten metal once it cooled down anyways, there was no real loss that he couldn't account for.

It was Gazef's victory now, the Scripture was arrogant in believing in the capability of their summoned Angels that they didn't account for the distance left between them and the Warrior soldiers of Re-Estize.

And close range is a Warrior's specialty.

Razor Edge False cut into the arm that was carrying the Sealing Crystal and severed it in one swing. The title blade that cuts through all defenses wasn't just for show.

With the defeat of Nigun, the unity of the Scripture was shattered and was made easy pickings from the reinvigorated soldiers.

Though another question came to mind, if that sword was false… then where exactly was the true version.