Chapter 01: Summoned.
The world was filled with silence.
No, that was wrong.
The world was filled with nothingness. He was floating in a sea of void and, at the same time, He wasn't.
After all, he, Fujimaru Ritsuka, was something that existed no more.
He could remember it, his last moments alive while running away from the collapsing Throne Room. It was sad, really, he just needed some more meters before reaching the Holy Gate and Rayshifting, but unfortunately the Singularity collapsed before that and that was it, he died.
Dammed King of Mages, if was not for his interruption he could had made it alive...
"Come... To save the world from the waves of calamity..."
A voice was heard from somewhere in that almost infinite void. Ritsuka was not sure from where it came nor how it was possible for him to hear it when 'he' hasn't a body anymore. Even so, 'he' was able to hear it, nonetheless.
"Come, oh heroes form another world!"
Suddenly the 'world' was alight and Fujimaru Ritsuka could 'felt' something reaching for 'him', wrapping itself around 'him'. It was something warm yet cold, sometime that welcome him with happiness and at the same time wanted to throw him away with madness.
That feeling lasted for an eternity, yet it could have been no more than a few minutes, and then Fujimaru Ritsuka was dead no more.
A little groan of pain escaped his mouth when suddenly he hit the ground. The cold of the tiled floor invaded the part of his skin that touched it, making him aware that he could 'feel' things again for some reason.
"Oh! It worked! We did it!"
A voice said, its tone that of excitement. For a second Ritsuka was happy, thinking that DaVinci and the staff from Chaldea had found a way to save him at the last minute, but his happiness became confusion when he raised his head, looking at many unknow men and women in robes watching over him.
"Where am...?"
He muttered, still confused, but soon his survival instincts, those developed through a lot of life or dead situations, kicked in and Ritsuka became quiet while looking his surroundings, trying to understand his situation and determine if he was in danger or not.
"Yuusha-sama! Please, save this world!"
One of the robed men said, his voice sounding like a prayer to a God. This only served to confuse him more, but soon he had to turn around when some more voices were said behind him.
It was them that he met his 'fellow heroes' for the first time.
There were three more guys inside the magic circle where he had landed.
One of them was a little short, with brown hair that looked almost green. He was carrying a Bow in his hand.
The second was about Ritsuka's height, with straight black hair that caused him a little envy with how easy it must be to comb in the mornings. He carried a Sword.
The last one was a little tall, with blonde hair tied up in a high ponytail. The guy was a little handsome, Ritsuka has to admit. Not Gilgamesh or Vlad handsome, of course, but at least more handsome that your average human nonetheless. This one was carrying a Lance.
Having a feeling, Ritsuka looked down to his own arm and surely, a weapon was there, one that surprised him a lot, for many reasons.
It was a Shield. A little one, sure, but a Shield nonetheless.
Ritsuka felt like he was about to cry, not matter that he was surrounded and in a unknow situation. The memories of her kohai, the first person that became his companion and the last one he could see before dying, coming back to him in waves, making Ritsuka feel dizzy and about to give up, but fortunately (or sadly, depends of how you want to see it), one of the others 'heroes' began to talk, asking for an explanation of the situation, so Ritsuka forced himself to put his feelings aside and hear what those people had to say.
It was an almost absurd explanation.
A ritual to summon four people to become Legendary Heroes.
A world in the brink of extinction that need to be saved.
A unrelented and unknow enemy with unclear goals that won't stop until the last living creature cease to exist.
It was almost like hearing about the Grand Order for the first time all over again.
"Please, oh Heroes, grant us your strength."
One of the robed men, the leader at it seems, finished his explanation and them all of them bow their head to the Heroes. Ritsuka could only sight while scratching his head. What to do now?
"Well... I guess we could hear-"
"I refuse."
The Hero of the Sword said in a dry voice, interrupting him. Ritsuka turn his head to watch him with curiosity about his fast answer, but then the other two Heroes spoke too.
"I refuse too."
"Can you return us back to our worlds? If you can then we could talk then."
The Sword guy raised his weapon, aiming it to the leader of the people that summoned them.
"Do you not feel ashamed about kidnapping us like that?"
He accused, looking angry at them. The Bow Hero talked too, sounding offended.
"We are not going to work for free just to go back home, you know?"
The Lance guy was tapping his weapon lightly, his eyes closed and voice firm.
"Did you thought about our opinions before doing this? Based on your answer, we can even become enemies right now."
Ritsuka felt a little amazed about those Heroes attitudes. They not only were able to overcome the shock of being suddenly transported to another world from whatever they were before, they also were able to understand their situation and began to negotiate a reward from their summoners.
Ritsuka began to wonder then, if they were not Heroes of some legend that he had yet to know. Surely, they have the character of one at least.
The leader of the summoners looked a nervous by their response, but was able to respond them anyway.
"F-First, we did like if you could agree to have an audition with the King of Melromarc, I'm sure you could negotiate a good reward with him."
He asked, walking to them but stopping some steps away. The Heroes looked like they didn't like the delayed answer, but acceded to do it in the end.
"Well, talking to a King should not change things, anyway."
The Lance guy said, sounding like he was talking about meeting a guy from the school.
Yeah, they definitely had the character of some Heroes that he had meet before.
Not having anything more to do, he followed them closely, still wondering what he will do from now on.
The throne room was a splendid place, just like he expected, but Ritsuka felt like it was just a little too splendid. Many gorgeous carpets and curtains, not to say about the paintings and armors that decorated the walls. Even so, he had seen some wonderful treasures and places while fixing the Singularities, and what to say about the armors and weapons of the Heroic Spirit themselves, literally pieces of legends all of them.
That's why his eyes wandered just a little before he focused his full attention in the people in front of him. To the King of this lands.
"So, you are the four legendary heroes, then? I am the King of Melromarc, Aultcry Melromarc XXXII. Introduce yourselves then, Heroes."
He said, his voice full of authority. The Hero of the Sword took a step forward, tapping his weapon against his open hand. It was a very rude gesture, but you could tell for the face of the guy that he knew that but doesn't really care.
"Amaki Ren. 16 years old. High school student."
He said in the same dry voice that before and then stepped back again. Then the Lance guy took the turn.
"I'm Kitamura Motoyasu. 21 years old. I'm a college student."
His voice was almost as confident as the King, the blond guy gripping his lance with ease.
Then, it was the turn for the Bow Hero to introduce itself.
"It's my turn, then. I am Kawasumi Itsuki. 16 years old. I am a high school student, too."
Nodding with satisfaction, the Hero stepped back in line.
'I guess the ball it's on me now.'
Ritsuka though, taking one step forward.
"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Fuji-"
"Hum. Ren, Motoyasu e Itsuki. Those are the Heroes names, then."
An exclamation of confusion escaped Ritsuka's mouth when the King raised his voice, interrupting his introduction like the rest.
"Ano... King? I think you are forgetting about me..."
He said weakly, thinking that maybe it was just a mistake but not waiting to made the King felt ashamed for it. He knew better than to make a King (or a Pharaoh, for that matter) felt ashamed in front of all his subjects.
"Oh, it's like that? I apologize."
The king said, sounding like he really was making a little mistake. Ritsuka was about to introduce himself to leave that error behind when the Hero of the Bow said.
"Hey, don't just call him 'King', show a little more respect."
"Uh? Should I call him 'his majestic' instead?"
"That's too formal, you know?"
"What should I call him, then?"
Ritsuka asked, looking really confused about the proper way to refer to man sitting in the throne in front of them. The King just cleared his throat, calling the attention to him again.
"King is more than enough."
Ritsuka nodded and then tried again.
"My name is Fujimura Ritsuka. I'm 20 years old. I... umm... You could say that I was working in a security organization before being summoned here."
He explained, trying not to lie but being unable to say the true. Leaving aside the fact that he was still not sure if those people knew about Chaldea and himself, trying to explain what Chaldea was is sometime time consuming and not really necessary right now.
The King waited for him to end his introduction and them began to talk again from where he was interrupted before.
'Did he just ignore me?'
Fujimaru could not help but think in his mind, feeling a little down.
Hearing the explanation from the King, they finally began to really understand why they were called to this world.
Summarizing it:
There was an apocalyptic prophecy in this world, talking about Waves of Destruction that will come and bring calamities to the land. If those Waves are not stopped, they will cause the end of the world.
To fight this evil, each Kingdom had an Hourglass of the Age of the Dragons, an artifact that allows them know the time for when those Waves will come. Sadly, before they were summoned, the First Wave hit the Kingdom, and many people died because of it. The soldiers and the adventurers of the Kingdom were able to repel it, but it's said that the Second and Third Waves will be a lot worse than the First one.
Right now, the remaining time until the Second Wave is just a little more than a month, so time is running short.
"We underestimated the treat that those Waves represented, but witness one of them help us open our eyes. We need the Legendary Heroes to stop them. That's why we summoned you, just like the myths said. ¡There is no more time to waste!"
The King announced, his face looking severe. Ritsuka could not help but feel a little empathetic to their situation.
Extending their hands, praying for help to the Heroes of Legends. How many times did he did just the same? And just like those Heroes reached their hands backs to him, he would do the same to this people.
"We understand. Even so, we hope you don't pretend to make us work for free?"
The Hero of the Sword said, and Ritsuka could not help but try to intevene.
"Hey, Amaki-san, that a little..."
He could not end his phrase due to one of the subjects close to the King began to talk, interrupting him yet again.
"Of course. If you could help us stop those Waves, we will give you all a suitable reward."
He spoke, looking confident. The other Three Heroes looked pleased with this, and Ritsuka could do nothing but kept silent now that they have apparently reached an accord.
"It's decided, then. Oh Heroes, I ask you to check your statistics, please."
"Eh? Statistics?"
Some of the Heroes asked, unable to understand the request. It was the Sword guy who dispelled the confusion of his fellow Heroes, talking with a little disdain in his voice.
"Don't tell me you guys don't noticed it when you woke up in this world? Is not there an Icon in the corner of your vision? Just put all your focus on it and then it will display your statistics to you."
"Really now...?"
Ritsuka murmured and began to search for said Icon. It was a little thing that moved with his eyes if he did not concentrate in it, but when he did, the Icon stopped moving and he could recognize it. It was a simple one, just two hollow and flat silver diamonds that were connected to each other.
'Open Status.'
He thought, joking a little in his mind, but to his surprise a window appeared, displaying a window that he was really familiar with.
It was almost a copy of the menu that DaVinci y Roman arranged in the computers of Chaldea, the ones that showed the statistics of the Servants that he had contracted. It was really nostalgic, to see this menu again, but it was more of a wonder to see the window show him and his statistics instead of one of his Servant. Allowing the nostalgic feeling to run free, Ritsuka eyes wandered through the Menu, taking note of his own parameters and description:
Fujimaru Ritsuka.
Male: 20 Years old
Shield Hero Lv: 1
Equipment: Small Shield (Legendary Weapon)
Strength: E
Endurance: A
Agility: D
Magic: B
Luck: E
Noble Phantasm: Locked.
Possessions: Mystic Code – Chaldea
Skills: First Aid 10/10 Instant Enhancement 10/10 Emergency Evade 10/10.
Magic: None
'Ehh~ So I can still use the Mystic Code Skills here. Too bad I just have one, it would be a lot of help to have them all.'
He though absentmindedly, his eyes traveled again to his parameters. For some reason he had this little feeling of dejavu while seeing them, but he was not sure of why. He supposed it was due to having seen so many parameters of his servant that his mind was just comparing them and decided to let it go.
"Even so. Luck E rank. I don't know if Emiya and Cú Chulainn would laugh at me or give me gentle looks and then treat me to something..."
He murmured, thinking that many things in his adventures could be explained if he has that kind of luck.
"Level 1, uh? That's worrisome."
"Yeah, it will be hard to fight like this."
While he was feeling bad for himself, the others Heroes began to talk between themselves, their voice a little worried. The Sword Hero spoke to the King, then.
"Then? What should we do now?"
It was another subject who answered his question.
"You will travel the Kingdom to strengthen and enhance your Legendary Weapons."
"So, we have to level up, then."
"I have this feeling since a while ago, but this is just like a game."
"Oh, are you talking about Emerald Online, right?"
"No, no. I'm talking about this game called..."
Again, the Heroes began to talk between themselves, leaving Ritsuka out of the conversation. That said, the things they were talking right now make no sense for him, so he chose not to complain. It was not that he doesn't know what RPG games and MMORPG games were, but he never had that much time to play them, so he has not anything to add to their conversation.
Even so, he could still feel lonely, just saying.
"Should we form a party, then? The balance of weapons looks more or less fine."
The Bow guy said, looking at his fellow comrades. Ritsuka had the feeling that, when the high school student looked at him and his shield, his eyes seems to discard him form some reason, but that could have been just a misunderstanding of his part.
After all, any party needs a good tank to survive long battles. That was common sense, he believe, game world or not.
"Yeah. It doesn't look bad, but if we just have a healer that will make us almost Unstoppables, I believe."
The Hero of the Lance said and Ritsuka eyes lit up, remembering one of his Mystic Code Skills. A tank that heals was a little weird combination, but it can be used nonetheless.
"About that, why not-"
"Wait a moment please, Heroes."
This time Ritsuka face really showed his annoyance at being interrupted yet again. Even so, the guy that interrupted him continue to talk, apparently unaware of his rude actions towards him.
"I'm sorry to say this, but each of you will have to travel separately from the others."
"Why is that? Will not it be better for all the Heroes to be in the same party?"
Itsuka asked, looking confused like the others Heroes. The man just shook his head a little in response.
"Sadly, the Myths said that each Legendary Weapon repel the others, so if you try to travel together, you will only impede each other grow."
The man explained and the summoned Heroes just nodded, looking thoughtful. That was a huge handicap no doubt.
"What to do, then...?"
Itsuka murmured, but then the King spoke again.
"It's getting late right now. Heroes, it will be better if you all rest for now. Tomorrow we will provide you a group of companions that will help you in your travels."
The kind dismissed them all.
The four heroes were in one of the two rooms that were lend to them. All of them had agree to discuss the situation that they were in and what will they do from there on.
"So, we are more or less ok with giving them a hand?"
Motoyasu, the oldest of them, was the one who take charge of the discussion and the others Heroes just nodded their head at his question. He then sat down in one of the beds.
"Then we just had to wait for tomorrow and see what team they assign us."
He finalized, taking an apple from the table close to him and giving it a try.
"Oh, not bad. They really are treating us like very important persons here."
"Yeah, the food is really good. It tastes a little weird, but seems like is a luxurious one."
Itsuka agreed, munching on some grapes like fruits. Motoyasu smiled with some mischief.
"And the girl that guide us to our rooms was really cute too."
He laughed a little at that and Ritsuka smiled awkwardly, remembering how Fergus Mac Roich will laugh from time to time while talking about this or that women.
"That said, this really looks like that game, uh?"
Ren murmured while eating a pear like fruit. Motoyasu just waved his free hand a little.
"I told you, this looks like Emerald Online. I'm pretty sure."
"Eh~ really?"
Ritsuka said with curiosity, but Itsuka spoke, sounding a little annoyed.
"I told you. This is more like that console game, Dimension Web. It's a classic."
"Both of you are wrong. This is like Brave Star Online, it's an VRMMO game."
"Eh? Then which it is?"
Ritsuka asked, now really confused. Motoyasu released a small sight and then spoke again.
"Let's back up a little to organize ourselves. Ren, you said you know it from this VRMMO, right?"
The Hero of the Sword just nodded his dead.
"What about you two? How did you know about this place?"
"I'm pretty sure that this is the same as some old Sci-fi game that I played once."
Itsuka said, and then all of the Heroes looked at the Hero of the Shield.
"Emm... I did not know anything of this world before coming here..."
He confessed, scratching his cheek while looking a little ashamed. The others showed some disappointment, but Motoyasu continued nonetheless.
"Then, lets revise some things first. Please try to respond immediately to all that I ask."
The Hero of the Lance then asked some really basic questions from the daily life and they began to answer them. They needed just 4 questions to know what was the cause to their inability to reach a consensus.
"So, every one of us came from Japan, just not the same Japan, uh?"
"I don´t know if I should be amazed that there are that many worlds with a country called Japan or amazed at how similar yet different, they are."
"That there exist so many Japans in another worlds. What are the odds?"
"Everything could make more sense if we were from different times, but the differences are too many to hope for that."
"And in all of those worlds there is a game that is similar to this world. Is not that amazing~?"
Ritsuka commented while watching the way his Shield reflected the light from the candles around them.
"I wonder if there is a game like that too in my world."
He added, his eyes leaving his Shield to look at his fellow Heroes. He then noticed the expression on their faces while looking at him.
Their faces were a mix of annoyance and pity at the same time.
"Eh? What happened? Did I say something wrong?"
He asked, feeling a little too conscious of himself due to all the eyes on him. The three other guys just released a heavy sigh and then Itsuka spoke.
"It's not something bad with you, we were just thinking that this was the reason you were the one that received a Shield."
"Oh, all of you think the same?"
"Yeah. It makes sense."
Itsuka explained, Motoyasu and Ren giving their opinion after that. Ritsuka could not help but glare at his fellow Heroes.
"What is wrong with having a Shield?"
He asked, a little defensive. Motoyasu only smiled, looking smug at having the opportunity to brag his knowledge of his favorite game.
"Well, as the senior, allow me to explain it to you."
Motoyasu said, walking close to him.
"Shielder is the name of the class that carry a Shield, right?"
"That's right..."
Ritsuka answered, not knowing what the name of the class has to do with anything.
"In the game that I know, there is not a single high level Shielder or a famous one."
He said haughtily, looking amused for some reason. Ritsuka could only stare at him in confusion. It was just that? What was the problem, then?
The Shield Hero eyes wandered to Itsuka and Ren, but they just nodded their heads, apparently in agreement whit Motoyasu's words.
"I'm sorry."
"That's how things are in my world, too."
It's really sounded like they were feeling bad for him, but Ritsuka really could not understand why not having a high level Shielder was a bad thing. Of course, he understands that more level was the same as more power, but he personally knew a Shielder that, even when she was just a beginner at being a Servant, she still gave her best day by day, until she rose to became stood her ground against the King of Mages himself.
If level was the problem, he just have to keep struggling until he reach that same heights.
If he does that, maybe, some day, he will be able to meet her again. Ritsuka was not sure if Mash could reach the Throne of Heroes. Her Legend, after all, was something that just a handful of people knows.
Even so, he still prayed that, even if short, the life of her First Servant could resonate with the world and allow her to ascend to her rightful place at the side of all those Heroes.
"It's all right."
Ritsuka said with a smile on his face. Standing up the Hero of the Shield walked to the small balcony that the room has.
"Even if I'm not the strongest, I still will give my all."
He said, looking resolute.
Yes, he was now the Hero of the Shield so it will be a shame to her Servant if he did not apply his best to protect the people around him.
Who knows? Maybe if he kept trying his best, he too could leave his mark in this world and ascend.
And, maybe, just maybe, he could see her smiling face again.
End of chapter 01.
Ok! New story! And this time it will be all in english! Yay!
...Ereshkigal, please have mercy upon our souls. *Praying*
This time is a crossover between Fate Grand Order and Rising of the Shield Hero. A very interesting Light novel that recently became an anime.
I have the idea for this one since almost a month now, since the end of the seven Singularity: Solomon. In this fic, Mash could not save his loved senpai and he died and got Isekai'ed to this... 'lovely' world.
My mother language is Spanish so I'm sure I will make many mistakes while writing this, even so, I want to practice my writing, so if anyone could point to me those mistakes, I will be more than happy to correct them and learn from it.
I hope can you enjoy this story! See you all next week, maybe!