![]() Author has written 2 stories for Naruto, Harry Potter, and Air Gear. Update as of 6/8/12. Went on a surprise vacation a couple of months ago, which postponed my posting of MRCh11. As well as FYWCh3. In any case, I was going to post them a week after I got back, but I got into a car accident, the end result being: I was unable to write or post. Especially since all of the data that arrived with me from vacation, yes. I wrote during it... didn't survive. Car was totaled. So was the hard drive. The flash drive disappeared in the vehicular collision. In any case... we'll see if I can get back into writing once again. I was getting back into the flow, but hey. What can you do? I would be posting them as well, but the ones I had saved up on the Fan-fiction document up-loader thing were wiped. Too long of a time before I tried re accessing them again. I'm back. But depending on how my time goes with stuff... (insert excuse here) (insert valid excuse here) (insert somewhat valid excuse, somewhat related to other excuses here) is why I can't update super-consistently and super-constantly... yeah. :P MASS DISCLAIMER: Masashi Kishimoto owns Naruto, J.K. Rowling owns Harry Potter, and Oh! Great owns Air Gear. I don't. If they wish to pass on ownership of said titles and characters onto me... I shall gladly accept them, as long as they're not bankrupt and even then, I may be tempted to accept. As of the Naruto Chapter 504 Manga... I have lost most of my hope for an awesome pairing for Naruto. It seems like it could be Sakura... although Naruto himself said that she doesn't love him, and to stop lying to herself. And we all know how awesome Naruto's Character Judgement is. Even if he's off, he'll make them good. If, for some insane reason Tayuya survived then yay! It was only stated that she was 'crushed' by the trees, with no actual affirmation of her death. Semantics, Semantics, potato, potato... it sounds better when said out loud and if you know the saying. She fits the bill for being similar to his mother, per her wishes. Otherwise... Karin may be a decent pairing. She does seem to like Naruto somewhat. She seems to like the way 'Naruto's chakra feels.' And, out of her own mouth... "Sasuke... I may have healed you a little, but this is too much... actually... forget it, I'm done with you." So, Naruto definitely has a chance with her. She has funny quirks that I love, similar to Naruto's Mother... other than the fact that she was a Sasu-fangirl, she's awesome. As for a long-shot character pairing for Naruto: Two words: Mei Terumi. A hot Red-Head, and has a funny personality quirk. Like his mother indeed, mother's orders, by the way. Both are legal adults, for your information. XD These pairings may be a long shot in terms of happening in Canon, but I'm hoping that Kishimoto takes one of these routes. As of the Sixth and Seventh Harry Potter Books... I hate J.K. Rowling's Idea of romance in her novels. As she said herself (or so I heard) she and her husband share the same relationship quirks and acts that Harry and Hermione do. Why she didn't change the Pairing to her story... I wish I knew so I could rebuke her for her stupidity. If for some strange reason she made it Ron/Hermione because of their 'passion' I wish that some Magical Being would slap her upside the head. As for Ginny... wtf. Fan-girl much. Other than that, she's an OK character. As of Air Gear Trick 1... Simca is hot. Rika is hot. So is Mikan. As of Air Gear Trick 104... Kururu Sumeragi is amazing As of Air Gear Trick 285... Kururu Sumeragi is a goddess... She could tune me anytime. XD I'm a new writer, my first stories lost in old hard drives, in computers stored away in storage spaces. My debut story for being Maelstrom Road, a Naruto/ Air Gear crossover. I like reading Naruto and Harry Potter stories, whether Crossovers or not. I dislike reading Yaoi, I don't have anything against guy/guy relations, but It's just not my slice of heaven. I'm not much for Yuri, but I read some. I prefer Hetero-pairings more than anything else. I love the Air Gear Soundtrack, the Naruto Soundtrack, and the Harry Potter Soundtracks. Coincidence? I think not. Of the three, though, the Air Gear Soundtrack takes the Cake, and the Naruto Soundtrack has the leftovers. Margulide: Is a Dude/Guy/Gentleman... well, maybe not so gentle :P Margulide: Currently lives in Alaska; was Born in the Philippines; Lived in Macau, China; Lived in Fort Bend and Missouri City, Texas. Margulide: is currently playing Dragon Age: Origins, Mass Effect I and Mass Effect II Margulide: was playing: Fable III, Magna Carta II, Ninety-Nine nights II, Halo: Reach, Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm II, Final Fantasy XIV(14)/VIII(8)/VII(7), and Starcraft II. - Pairings - Yaoi = bad, those two parts are not compatible. Yuri = not so bad. There are attachments for that. Het = pieces fit. Everyone's happy. Harems are OK. Somewhat tired of them, but some of them are pretty good. Especially if the reasoning for it and the interactions between characters are awesome. I'm not fond of Harry/Ginny, although I can stomach it if the writer/story is good. I prefer the Harry/Hermione pairing, match made in heaven, in my opinion. But My favorite one, I'd have to say... would be the Harry/Luna pairing. Don't ask me why... but it's just too awesome for words. I do like Harry/Other Female pairings. There is much potential in a world that has a lot of blank spaces. I don't like Naruto/Sakura... she's abusive. Not a good person or role model for that matter... other than the fact that she's studious I don't like Naruto/Hinata... too shy, too much stutter, too little confidence. They don't match. At all, in my opinion. Sure, I can see the appeal in the shy girl hooking up with the outgoing guy... but honestly... It's just too much in her case. He... He can just do whatever, lol. I really like Naruto/Other Female pairings. They're a lot more fun to read and write about. I used to like the Ikki/Ringo pairing. She took too much time, however... and is therefore disqualified from the race. I love the Ikki/Kururu pairing. She's amazing. He's retardedly awesome. It works. The Ikki/Simca pairing is great. Sadly, after I did the math... IkkiSimca = Jail for Simca... at least in the United States. It's robbing the cradle. She's hot though, so she can tune me if she wants... I'm legal. :) Best Character Pairing Ever: SANTA & Mrs. Claus. 'Nuff Said. Especially if Mrs. Claus looks like she's in her late 20's and has snow-white hair. |