Loki had been reading a book about sibling rivalry from Xavier when he heard Wong knock at the door, asking to be allowed him to enter.
"Master would like you to dress and come downstairs, Mister Loki." Wong announced with a bow.
Loki dressed quickly, and found Strange in the library holding out a long green winter coat with faux fur at the collar. Without a formal greeting, the Sorcerer said, "You'll probably want this where we're going. It's time to meet the Ancient One. Hopefully, we can begin helping you get your powers back. "
Puzzled, Loki took it and put it on while Strange produced a portal. "You first." He gestured with his hand.
Loki was not a nervous person by nature, but the sense of the unknown of where Strange was taking him that filled the Asgardian with some trepidation. When he exited the gateway, followed by Strange, he was surrounded by the hustle and bustle of a city center. He could tell by the ancient temples and building style that they were in a town of the East. Loki had many sojourns to Midgard, traveling its many lands, though those of the Eastern world fascinated him. There were a myriad of motored bikes, a few vehicles, and a plethora of people crowding the streets.
"Follow me, and keep up." Strange called from behind him. Loki kept pace with Strange in the throng of people passing by on either side of him.
"Where are we?" Loki almost had to shout to be heard over the crowd. He was short of breath
"Kathmandu, Tibet. We're over one thousand feet above sea level, near the Himalayas." The doctor replied, almost as loud.
They seemed to walk for a while, passing street level shops and temples in the middle of the road. Finally, the duo wound their way through a side alley, stopping in front of a metal door which the sorcerer knocked on, and was instantly granted access inside. Loki's now human senses were assaulted by the heavy smell of incense in the air.
He was man-handled out of his coat by a man in monkish robes. Another man handed him a cup, All the time, Loki's focus was on an older bearded man, sitting cross-legged, absorbed in his book. After a moment, he stood as though he were about to greet them.
"Thank you, Ancient One, for meeting with us." Loki bowed his head with deference, but was bewildered when the man padded out of the room without a word.
A bald headed woman poured some of the hot liquid into his cup with a reply of, "You're very welcome."
For a moment, Loki was taken slightly aback. She, on the other hand glided to a low table to pour herself some tea. "You, I take it, are Loki Laufeyson, Thor's brother."
"I-I am." Loki stumbled somewhat uncharacteristically. "And you must be the Ancient One? Forgive me, my manners are somewhat lacking." He extended his hand to shake with her.
She took a sip of tea, "You're Thor's brother by adoption, but you are not Asgardian by birth, correct? You're well versed in magic, whereas Thor is known for his brute strength and lightning powers?"
No doubt that she had heard all of this from Strange, and to some extent, from Thor himself, so there would be no use deflecting, as she could probably see through him. "Yes," he finally answered, a little surprised. At first, the thought of remaining a human was a terrible prospect, Then he thought that if he remained human, the responsibility to fight for any side would not fall on him. But now it felt...wrong. Something had been blooming in him for some time now-a sense of guilt for running away.
There was a new feeling growing within him. He wanted to be Thor's brother again, for him to be trusted to fight alongside the Thunderer. Odin may not regard him as family ever again, but Thor did-which made all the difference. But the thing was that only the All-Father could return his powers, and knowing him, Loki could be stuck as a human for a long time.
Loki cleared his throat. "No mortal, nor any amount of wishful thinking will bring my powers back."
The Ancient One stepped closer, roughly pushing him backwards. Or at least, that's what Loki thought had happened. Until he felt his astral form being pushed out of his corporeal one, which seemed to be falling to the ground in slow motion. Almost as fast as he witnessed it, Loki's two forms were shoved back into place. He stood, out of breath and panting for a moment.
The Ancient One smiled knowingly, "I don't think you expected that from a mere mortal."
"It's obvious that you are not." Loki agreed. "I know that Strange has the Time Stone." He turned to face the doctor. "You had better guard that Stone with care, Strange. Else someone who is even more powerful than you will take it."
"Like you?" Steven's tone was not accusatory, but one still tinged with distrust.
Loki's eyes narrowed. "No," He replied coldly,"because I know someone stronger than you. When the time comes, it may come down to your life or that Stone. You're going to need all the help you can get. Even Earth's Mightiest Heroes will be no match for those who seek the Infinity Stones."
Loki shivered. He was afraid-after all that had happened to him, after the fall from Bi-Frost. He knew that powers strong enough to rip the universe apart were out there. None of these humans-no matter how strong or clever could not beat the being that had held him captive for so long. Thanos' conquest of the Universe would reach here. He could only imagine what would happen if he came into possession of all the Stones….
"Tell me his name." Stephen demanded.
Loki shuddered once more. His stomach churning as he spoke the name, no louder than a murmur, His green eyes were wide and distant. "Thanos." He gulped, "his name is Thanos."
A/N: Partially back! I finally got an idea of how to continue this. Sorry that this is a shorter chapter, but I wanted to get some thing down and give my readers something after all this time.