Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter, and Avengers. There is really nothing much to say, I just needed a place where I could keep track of all the stories I read, and I read a lot when I can. So I created The Vault, a C2 community where I'll add the stories. Those I truly consider exceptional I'll put on my favorites, and the same goes for the authors.
It's been rather frustrating lately to find that I can't remember what I read a couple of years ago and find myself re-reading, some stories were really good and I don't mind. But, there are some I didn't like, that are Harry/Ginny and don't give a warning to us Ginny haters, or that were so badly written that are hard to read.
En gustos se rompen generos. Which means that tastes are diverse and each has right to like different things (Umm... long rambling translation, but I don't think there's an exact one in English for the phrase, and making it literal makes even less sense). I have to point that I hate the Harry/Ginny pairing with a passion as I said before. So there will be almost next to nothing about it here, with some rare exceptions (really rare). If you have any evil Ginny or Ginny bashing stories to recommend then please PM me, I'll love to read those. Pairings I might include: Harry/Severus (Snarry) which is my favorite. Harry/Hermione, Harry/Tonks, some Harry/OC, some Harry/Luna, rare (very rare) Harry/Draco. Severus/Hermione, Severus/Minerva, Severus/OC (some, but it'll depend on the character develpement), some Severus/Tonks. Other pairings (including slash) will depend on the story, I'm open to suggestions. Depending on how the forums works I might make one for recommendations. Edit 20/11/2015 Well, I did get to write stories and post them in this account. I'm adding here Avengers related stories, so far I have posted three. All are Avengers/Harry Potter crossovers and are gen. It does not mean I won't post slash, as I currently have two slash stories of over 30,000 words (and counting). The pairing is Steve/Tony, but I'm not ready to post them yet. My favorite Avengers parings are Steve/Tony, and Natasha/Steve, and shame on me but I have yet to watch AoU. I was ill when it was on the theaters, so I did not get to go, and now I have the DVD, but I fear it might affect my writing (it happened with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix), so I'm waiting until I have at least two of my Avenger themed stories finished. Edit 27/08/2017 I have a blog, Animealam's Writing Corner (www . iycorner . net just remove the spaces since doesn't allow outside links) where I also post my stories, and I will start posting the untitled ones as well, before I post them here. It's under reconstruction, so I'm not posting stories at the moment, but what I had before I starting working on updating the blog is still there. The same with my tumblr Animealam's Writings and Recs (animealam . tumblr . com just remove the spaces since doesn't allow outside links). I post stories and the covers for them (once I get to making them) here. Right now I have little posted here, but soon I'll add the untitled stories here, I would appreciate title suggestions so I can finally post them here. |
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