Author has written 2 stories for Inuyasha. September 7, 2008 Thank you to all who have taken the time to review my stories and send me messages since I posted my first fanfic back in 2005. I am being highly unoriginal when I say that real life has just been too busy for me to continue writing fanfiction. In my lazy daydreams I still am concocting plots to get Inuyasha and Kagome together...but having time to write them out... that's another story. I have been lucky to meet many cool and likeminded Inu-Kag lovers out there. I have been even luckier to read some amazing writing from others in the fandom. I am not saying my stories are now officially at an end (never say "never," right?). But they sure as heck are on hiatus :) Thanks for reading. Inuyasha and Kagome rule! |