Reviews for Secret Love, Secret Power
Reiko x 3 chapter 55 . 4/1
I regret letting the theft of my anime collection chase me away from this series for so long. If i hadn't done that, I could have found and read this story years earlier. Oh well. Better late than never.

...Still mad about all my DVDs being stolen though. Took me years to save up the money, track down copies, and then buy them. Montana was not an easy place to purchase anime back then... I miss watching the Inuyasha movies in Japanese... Darn it, You Tube, have the subtitled Japanese version up as one of your free movies why don't you. I appreciate the fact that you have all 4 of the English versions, but...there are moments when the voice acting is so cringy! I just want to enjoy my obsession without feeling the urge to cringe! ...Moping now...
littlenice124 chapter 22 . 3/9
I was last here
anon chapter 5 . 8/21/2019
Interesting story but I couldn't finish it. There's just blocks of text that make the story feel very slow. No flame just an opinion.
GreenTea4062 chapter 55 . 1/16/2019
I cannot describe the feeling of... awesomeness from this fic. Too awesome to describe ahhhhh
Iridescent Moonflower chapter 55 . 8/9/2018
This is AMAZING! It's a really, really good story. Normally, I don't like to read stories that toss in unknown fantasy elements, but you got me hooked by the second or third chapter. I love the way you gave Inuyasha some more depth, showing more of how his past shaped him than canon; in canon, they mention how hard it was for him, but don't really give many examples or confrontations from before he met Kikyo (Although it could be that I just haven't gotten that far yet). I know this story was written a long time ago, but you're a great author, so I hope you continue writing. :)
Alannada chapter 55 . 7/26/2018
Look, kids, this is how you do fics.
A very original story, very nicely done.
iChaos chapter 55 . 7/2/2018
Interesting story. I felt that you did a good job balancing between suspense and actual progress with the plot.
madmonnette chapter 55 . 4/21/2018
loved this story! great dialogue, plot, characterization! everything!
Evil Illusions chapter 55 . 2/21/2018
Very original plot! Loved the new characters and concepts :) very well written. My one comment is that this story made everyone else seem useless, especially Kagome, who was basically the damsel in distress the entire time.
kstewdeux chapter 1 . 8/13/2017
If I have not commented before it is to my shame for I have reread this so many times and I live every minute of it! Good work!
cloudygirloncloud9 chapter 27 . 7/14/2017
This story is pretty cool!
Wfest chapter 55 . 2/12/2017
Wow! Just finished your amazing story in one sitting. It is unbelievably good. Your writing style makes for easy reading, the characters are how we all came to love them, but still more developed/mature, especially in Inuyasha's case. I enjoyed the deeper insights you provided us with. And the storyline is very thrilling and exciting, an absolute page-turner. Thank you! Will certainly read it again and start soon for the sequel.
darkestflare1 chapter 55 . 2/5/2017
Years later, I still find myself rereading this amazing story! Thank you for sharing you're creativity here. It's truely brightened my days each time I read it. Hope all is going well for ya! .
InuyashasGrl26 chapter 55 . 8/19/2016
That is such a great story. Absolutely amazing !
Dark Havoc Priestess chapter 48 . 6/22/2016
I kept seeing you post about a lemon. Given this was an IK centric story, I was waiting only to find out that no. It was only boring MirSan lemons. Nearly 50 chapters in. The story was great but it became rather boring as time went on and now... Ugh. So much for making it a favorite. I wanted to see IK be brash and get lost in each other but nope. It turned into a MirSan story. Go figure. Good idea. Piss poor layout. Tip: if you make it an IK story and then don't tag the other couples don't write about them. Its unfair to the reader to have them expect on couple but the focus shifts without warning to a couple the reader couldn't care less about.
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