It's FINALLY DONE! I decided not to give you guys any excuses, I had one for all of the last chapters. Since then, I've matured, and all I have to say is that I was lazy and I'm deeply sorry. Please enjoy the chapter, extra long just for you.
Ed stood as still as a rock, staring at the nook in the roots of the tree where Luna had sat. How could she have known what he had been worrying about a few seconds before finding her? 'She's a witch right?' He told himself, 'Maybe she read your mind' The idea wasn't very reassuring. He turned and walked away quickly, trying to leave the unnerving feeling behind.
Winry was still wandering around, looking for him. 'I guess I imagined that she looked worried.' And true enough, Winry looked more irritated than worried. "Winry?"
She jolted, shocked, before composing her Slytherin self and frowning at him. "Where have you been?" She said with irritation.
Ed gave her a smirk, "Why are you worried?"
Winry stammered, losing her composure, "I-I'm not! You just rushed away so fast, I-I thought you were trying to get out of our deal!"
He gave a sheepish smile. "Sorry," He said to her, starting to walk back to the castle. "I just remembered that today is…. Well an important day to me." He instinctively reached up and pushed his newly gotten glasses back on his face.
Winry didn't want to show how much she wanted to know about it, but curiosity won in the end as she asked, "What's so special about today?"
Ed shook his head, the pain in his chest had lessened after his discussion with Luna.
"……It's the, uh, the anniversary of my mom's death……"
Winry had to stop walking to steady herself a look of shock on her face. "W-What?" She said in disbelief.
"The anniversary of my mom's death." He repeated with a sad smile.
Winry stood there a moment, almost forgetting to breath.
Ed became worried, "H-Hey! What's wrong with you?"
She suddenly burst. "YOU IDIOT!"
Ed jolted back in surprise and fear. "W-What…?"
"Why didn't you just tell me? Or anyone for that matter! You don't have to be a jerk and run off, and make m- everyone so worried…!"
Ed looked at her with a shocked face. "What in the world are you talking-" Then it hit him like a ton of bricks. If this world had another Winry then… her parents… (1)
Ed stopped her yelling for a moment, "I'm sorry alright! I'm sorry I worried you!"
She looked at him with a pained look on her face, eyes brimming with tears. Ed doubted that she had ever looked like this before. She composed herself and wiped the tears away.
"You tell anyone about this, and you die, got it?"
He gave a shaky laugh, "Yeah Winry." It was shocking to see her like this after her actions in the first part of the school year. She just might be bi-polar. He had actually considered getting the... other Winry tested the last time he had visited Resimbool.
The two of them walked up the path back to the school in silenced, Edward mulling over Winry's reaction. As they reached the doors, he said to her, "So I guess we can be considered friends now, huh?"
Winry raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Yeah right, Gryffindor." But he could see the small smile.
He then remembered something from the other day, "At least you're talking to me today. Yesterday you just kept staring at me!"
Ed appeared to have gone to far. Winry blushed deeply and she whacked him on the head, "Oh, bugger off you bloody idiot."
Ed just rubbed his head and grinned at her, glad that she had stopped stalking him.
As the two walked into the Great Hall, they heard Seamus shouting over the Gryffindor table, "He's been sighted! He's been sighted!"
"Sirius Black. A muggle saw him yesterday."
"That's not far from here!"
Ed wasn't really listening. He had quickly looked around as soon as he heard the name 'Sirius' He was searching for Harry. He soon found him, the teen seemed to be looking on in silence as well. He had a pensive look on his face.
Ed turned to Winry and said, "I'll see you later?"
She smirked, but gave a small nod. "Bye then." She said quietly.
He blushed slightly, and grinned. He walked away from her and moved over to the Gryffindor table, slipping in silently next to Harry. "You alright?"
Harry jolted, not noticing him.
"Umm… What do you mean?"
"I know that look Harry… Your thinking about Black…"
He sighed, "Ed, something bad has happened to me or my friends every year. My first year, a teacher attacks me and Voldemort's sticking out the back of his head. Second year, Voldemort's memory comes and almost kills Ginny, and now one of his greatest followers is coming after me."
He looked at the gathering of Gryffindor students around him, and sighed again. "I want to do something about it. I feel like I need to."
"You don't have to feel that way, you know."
Harry looked at him strangely, "What?"
"Harry, you just turned thirteen! The adults are here to do all the work! Calm down. You shouldn't be thinking about any of this. At least not until your fifteen maybe." Like Ed was one to talk!
Harry grinned. "Thanks Ed…"
Ed nodded, "No problem, Harry." And promptly began to stuff his face.
It was later, much later, when Edward finally remembered the days events before he had joined with Winry. The day… Luna and… There was something else, he just couldn't put his finger on it….
Ed jolted up in bed, throwing the covers back.
Edward jumped out of his four poster bed and threw on a night robe, making sure to slip his gloves and a pair of socks on. He pulled back his curtains to see two pairs of shocked eyes staring back at him.
"Ah…" Ed hadn't expected for anyone to be up. He had been so deep in thought that he hadn't heard their voices.
"Ed?" Harry said questioningly, "What's wrong?" The bespectacled boy stood from his place on his own bed and looked at Ed curiously.
His mind already made up, Ed asked them, "Do you know the way to Dumbledore's office?"
"Bloody hell, Roy, why'd you have pick tonight of all nights to go on a random 'let's go out of the warm dorm rooms' adventure!"
"Well, I'm sorry, Ron, I forgot about something important!"
"Which, by the way you still haven't told us what it is!"
"Hey, you guys were the ones that offered to come along. I don't have to tell you anything! And that reminds me, you shouldn't be out here Harry!"
"We already had this discussion, Roy. You need our help and Ron would probably get you lost."
"Oh, you know it's true! And, I'm safer walking around with you then I am staying in the dorms alone."
"… Alright."
The three boys crept along as quietly as they could, hiding under Harry's invisibility cloak. Ed had been slightly distrustful of the thing and didn't believe that it could really make them invisible, until Harry had wrapped it around himself and Ron, gesturing for Ed himself to join them so they could leave. His jaw was still sore.
"So we just have to get to the office." The boy trio had descended from the Gryffindor tower and were now on the seventh floor.
"Yes, and we need the password as well. Last year's was Lemon Drop."
"A sweet?" Ed was confused. The headmasters password choice seemed to be lacking in the old, mysterious man image, but perfect for his kindly, old grandfather figure.
They walked swiftly down the corridors, looking for the turn that led to the gargoyle guarding Dumbledore's office. Suddenly Ron stopped and said, "Hey, wait."
The other two stopped and Harry whispered, "What?"
"I.. I keep hearing this muted 'thump' sound, mate."
Harry's eyes narrowed and his voice lowered, "Like someone is following…"
Edward, meanwhile, was in a bind. He was almost sure that the muted thump was his auto-mail against the stone. His sock muffled it, but apparently Ron still heard. 'I can't believe I was so stupid!' He berated himself. His whole secret might come spilling out here and now.
That was until Snape rounded the corner.
Ed's face split into a gleeful smile. One, he was out of danger, Two, he could mess with his least favorite teacher.
Snape's watchful eye scanned the hall, greasy hair framing a pasty face. As he walked by, Edward did something he would laugh about for years. Snape had been approaching a staircase when Ed stuck his foot out.
The greasy potions teacher hadn't been expecting the spontaneous fall, and was unable to stop himself. But he was able to stop himself halfway down, looking up accusingly at the empty air, unaware, that the culprit was long gone.
Two halls down, Ed was holding in uproarious laughter, Harry having clamped a hand over his face.
"Ed, what the bloody hell were you thinking! He could've seen you!" Harry had been amused by the petty attempt at revenge, but was worried, what if Snape had seen Edward? He could be expelled!
"Harry," Ed said through his laughter, "He didn't. I stayed low to the ground, and made sure the cloak was covering me. And besides, it doesn't matter, isn't that the place?"
The two looked at Ed, and then to the direction he was pointing. The gargoyle stood there.
Ed slipped out from under the cloak and slipped over to the gargoyle, taking care not to step to hard. "ED!" Harry hissed.
"Don't worry, no one else is here. I would've noticed."
The other two boys approached and Ed wondered out loud, "I wonder what the password is..."
Harry, to the gargoyle, said, "Lemon Drop." Nothing happened.
"It was worth a try. What about Cauldron cakes?"
"Fizzing Whizzbees?"
"Licorice Wand?"
And Ed watched on as the boys named random sweets with the strangest names, making sure to keep quiet, knowing Snape was not too far away, keeping the cloak ready.
They soon took longer and longer to name candies and Ed just blurted, "Chocolate?"
The Gargoyle moved to the side and the two wizards looked at Ed in wonder. "Often times," he said to them, "The most simplest answer is the right one." And he ascended the spiral staircase.
When he reached the top, Harry reached up and knocked lightly with the brass knocker. It was only a half hour after bedtime, but the headmaster might still be asleep.
It seemed he wasn't, as the kind, old wizard opened the door and saw the trio standing there. He smiled at them and asked, "Good evening, Mr. Potter, Weasley, Mustang. What prompted you to partake on this adventure tonight?"
Ed rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and said, "Well, sir, I have something important to discuss with you, and I had no clue on how to get to your office. Harry and Ron happened to be awake while I was trying to sneak out so…"
The headmaster smiled, eyes twinkling, and said, "Come on in boys."
And that was when Edward saw the inside of Dumbledore's office for the first time. Glittering, twinkling objects swirled and whirred, while a fire roared at one side of the room. On the other side, a circular enclosure held the headmaster's desk and library. The library stretched up to the ceiling and a staircase led up to a pathway winding around it.
Dumbledore, gestured for the two wizard to the fireplace, and said to the, "Please, sit here, my boys, while I speak with young Mister Mustang."
The two nodded, and Harry gave Ed a smile, and the two friends sat in the warm chairs that had been placed by the fire. Dumbledore winked at Edward and waved his wand behind their backs. To Ed's amusement, and Ron's delight, a chess board popped into existence between the two chairs.
Ed shook his head as the two soon became immersed in their game as he and Dumbledore ascended the staircase to the walkway above his desk.
"So, my dear boy, what brings you here tonight of all nights? And with Harry, who should be safe in his dormitory?"
Ed scratched the back of his head and said to the aged Headmaster, "Ah, I'm sorry sir, but with all due respect, Harry is safer with me than in in his bed, asleep. And I admit I needed a guide, and Harry just happened to be awake. Ron was up, too, so I had no choice."
"I see your reasoning, Mr. Mustang. Onto other matters then, it seems." Dumbledore smiled.
"Yeah…" Ed struggled for the words he wanted. "Sir, today was the anniversary of my moms death… And, um… I just-"
"There's no need to explain, my boy. But why come to me?"
"Well, I heard that my dad had helped you in the war, and… Well, I wondered if he had ever met you? And… did he ever talk about us?"
The headmaster sighed and he said, "What did the Minister tell you, Edward?"
"He said that dad showed up at the end of some sort of 'World War'… And that he died in the" Ed struggled to remember, it had been a while ago, "Late 1940's…?"
The wizened old man sighed. "What the Minister told you, Edward, was the version of your fathers time here that was released to the public."
Ed's golden eyes widened and he said, shakily, "You mean… Wait, what do you mean…?"
"You should know, Edward, your father did show up during the muggle worlds first world war. He lived to see the failures and victories afterwards… But that was in 1917."
Ed gripped the rail tightly with his left hand, "What happened after that…?" It fascinated Edward that he was so interested in his fathers life in the Muggle and Wizarding worlds. But he needed to know what the man had lived through here on this side of the gate.
"A second world war started some time afterwards… in 1939, Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declared War on the country your father was residing in, and he fled to Britain, were the Ministry welcomed him with open arms. I expect they had been eager for him to divulge his secrets to them."
Ed let air out between his teeth, already piecing together what had happened, "So he stays a year to help out the people in need… then fakes his death, so the ministry wouldn't hound him?"
"After his 'death' in 1940, Edward, your father went into hiding, as you've already deduced, here at the school. It was here that he studied, every summer, about this worlds alchemy. During the school years he would stay far away from any magical beings, high up in Russia."
"So… you did meet him?"
"Yes, I knew him very well, Edward. And he often did speak of you, your younger brother and your mother. It is why he still studied alchemy. He wondered if you two were safe."
Edward avoided the Headmasters eyes.
Despite Ed thinking the conversation was over, Dumbledore continued, "There is… something else you should know. About five years after your fathers supposed death, I myself fought in a duel with a great Dark Wizard… Grindlewald. Soon after his defeat, his followers backed off in the world war, and the side of 'good' once again conquered. Your father was pleased to hear of the end. A while after Grindlewald's defeat, Tom Riddle graduated from Hogwarts. He had been a model student, and soon after the war, due to his inquisitive nature, he found out about your father, and somehow convinced Hoenheim to tutor him, for what, I do not know."
Ed blinked curiously at him, surprised. "Who's this Riddle guy?"
Dumbledore looked sadly at Edward, not knowing how this new well of information would effect the young alchemist. "Tom Riddle, grew up as, and soon became known to be, Lord Voldemort, the man that killed Harry's parents."
Ed couldn't breathe. He stared at the no longer twinkling eyes of the wizard before him, before his eyes darted down below to see the laughing face of the young dark haired teen.
"There is more however Edward. Tom Riddle, after three years under your fathers tutelage was the one who ultimately…killed him."
Edward looked at Dumbledore, suddenly and quickly, eyes ablaze. He stared at him a few moments, processing what he had just learned "And why didn't anyone tell me all of this!!"
The boys below looked up slightly, hearing Ed's voice rise, and they looked on in confusion for a moment before going back to their game.
"I am deeply sorry, Edward. I am the only one in the entire Wizarding world to know of this besides Minerva, and she is under strict orders to never speak of it. I had hoped it would never be brought up."
Edward couldn't look the considerably older man in the eyes anymore.
"Please Edward. It would do you and your friends well to forget all of this. Your father never had ill intentions toward anyone. Tom Riddle was, and always will be, a charmer. Your father was just naïve enough to fall into his trap."
Edward sat up late, pondering the talk he had had with Dumbledore. They had never really gotten to the topic that Edward had truly wanted to discuss but it had indeed given Edward much to think about.
'Why… Why did he teach that madman… What did he teach that madman…'
Edward had been unable to look Harry or Ron in the eyes as they trekked back to Gryffindor Tower. The two had sent confusing looks between themselves, but Edward only offered up, "I'm just tired…"
Edward threw himself onto his four poster bed and sighed into his pillow. Trisha curled up at his side and he absent mindedly scratched her behind the ears. It was a long time before he drifted off to sleep.
The halls of Hogwarts began to become colder and colder, and anticipation grew for the Hogsmeade weekend. The conversation between Edward and Dumbledore had given Edward a lot to think about, but he had acted as if nothing had happened the next day. Harry and Ron's confused looks prodded Hermione to wonder what had happened to cause it, and the two's explanation left her confused.
"I wonder what they talked about…"
"I don't know myself, Hermione, but if it's important enough, E-Roy will tell us."
The group had soon forgotten all about it as the Hogsmeade weekend grew closer and closer. Harry was still trying to convince his friends that he didn't really want to go.
Fred and George in particular.
"Come on, mate!"
"We could just sign a forgery for you!"
"Sorry," Harry told them, "McGonagall already knows about my Uncle not signing the forms."
Needless to say Ron, Hermione and Ed weren't appeased.
So when the day came for the trip to Hogsmeade, they were still wanting to stay behind.
"Nonsense, Ed! You've got your date-" Harry dodged a book thrown at him, "-with Winry. And you two should go as well, I'll be perfectly fine."
Ed grinned from across the table in the common room, "Well, I'll make sure to bring something back for you."
To be honest, Edward was a wreck on the inside. Just two days ago he had decided that going with Winry to Hogsmeade wouldn't be the worst thing to ever happen, and asked Dumbledore for permission to go, seeing as he had no guardian to speak of...
Now, he was insanely nervous about his (he had to force himself to say it) date with Winry. He had wondered all night what he was going to do before going to sleep as the sun was peeking over the mountains. He was woken up about two hours later by Trisha meowing softly in his ear.
"Hey girl." He said groggily, sitting up and scratching her behind the ears. She rubbed up against his auto-mail and he smiled. His mood dimmed a moment later seeing the time.
"Shit." He cursed. He had woken up with only twenty minutes until he had to meet Winry outside.
He rushed throwing on a bathrobe and gloves before grabbing his thick coat and his clothes for the day. Twenty minutes later he emerged and began tying his still black hair in his new ponytail style. Slipping his glasses on he called bye to Trisha and left the dormitory.
He found Harry and Ron just entering the common room, and called out to them, "Hey!"
They looked up and saw him, and evil smile of Ron's face made Ed stiffen, "What's that look?"
Ron just chuckled, "Winry, mate. She's in the entrance hall waiting for you, and it's almost time to leave."
Ed swore and ran swiftly past them, stumbling slightly down the stairs.
Winry really was waiting in the hell, tapping her foot slightly. She smirked when she saw him, her form of a smile he guessed, and said, "I thought you were going to chicken out, Gryffindor."
"Nah, we're the brave ones remember?"
"I seem to remember something along those lines.... But you need to remember we were listening to a senile old hat."
Edward spluttered, "You always have to have the last word don't you?!"
She seemed to ignore him, walking slightly ahead, and he almost took back his words until he heard her say, "Why, of course."
Hours later, Ed wandered around the library in a daze, tired out of his mind. The events of the day had left him drained, and he still had a while before curfew.
When he and Winry had arrived at Hogsmeade, they were subjected to the stares of many other Hogwarts students. The two had ignored them for the most part, and they had actually had a pleasant day.
Winry was even mildly pleasant. She wasn't condescending in anyway, and actually had civil conversations with him.
It was later in the day, as they were heading down to the shrieking shack, that the day had begun to go downhill.
Edward conversed lightly with Winry on the way around the Shrieking Shack. He had actually had a nice time with her, despite the looks from other Hogwarts students.
"So, Edward, was it really that painful to be here today?"
Ed grinned and turned to retort when he saw a light heading straight for them.
"Ed-? What the bloody hell are you doing Mustang!?"
Ed shushed her and peeked out from behind the tree he had ducked behind. The light had missed the two, thanks to Ed's quick moves. Ed had gripped Winry by the waist and dived behind the trees.
"Who's there!? Show yourself, you bastard!"
Ed stepped out from behind the tree, after gesturing for Winry to stay behind. His golden eyes darted back and forth from the empty field behind the shack were the were, to the shack itself, looking for any moving life.
"Well, if it isn't the dirty muggle and his new whore…"
Draco Malfoy was standing out in the open, his two gorilla bodyguards no doubt somewhere nearby.
Ed stood completely still, contemplating if he should just alchemize a new face for the Slytherin boy.
"Get your hands off me, you heathen pigs!!"
Ed whirled around, to see Winry in the grasp of Gregory Goyle, Crabb smirking not far away.
He turned to Malfoy, "You son of a bitch. You're a fucking coward and fool if you think I'm not going to hurt you."
Winry stopped struggling as hard, listening to Ed's words. An angered, but hurt look settled on her face at the implications. (2)
What she didn't expect was for her attacker to suddenly go limp, dropping her and almost falling down on top of her. She dashed out of the way, stumbling and falling to the ground herself, and she watched the mammoth of a boy fall to the ground.
Looking out into the clearing behind the Shrieking Shack, Winry witnessed something that many citizens of the Wizarding world would kill to see.
Edward clapped his hands, and thrust as the ground. The snow parted to winds unseen and blue light ignited the air around the alchemist. His dyed hair whipped around and a feral grin was seen on his face. Winry never thought he could look as amazing as he did at that moment. She was soon broken out of her reverie.
"Hey," "You alright?"
Winry was surprised to see the two read headed twins standing at each of her shoulders.
"Roy told us something might happen."
"He asked us to follow you lot."
"And it seems he was right, oh, brother of mine."
"Yes it does."
Winry turned back to the clearing and watched as Draco fled quickly from danger, slash marks in his uniform and Ed with a lance in his hands.
The twins disappeared as she slowly got to her feet and ran into the clearing, and on instinct, embraced Edward tightly.
Edward had been very confused when Winry hugged him. He stammered horribly, trying to find words until she smirked and led him along back to the carriages.
Back in the library, almost unconsciously, Edward began to look around the large room, remembering the days events, and soon found himself at the library desk.
The stern woman at the desk gave him a sharp look. "Yes?"
Edward was at a loss for words, his mind unable to focus on the conversation. The woman's eyes narrowed even more. "What is it you need?"
Ed finally grasped at the words he wanted and soon grumbled out, "Do you have any book related to alchemy?"
The woman, 'Mrs. Prince' said her nameplate, leaned back slightly, and her eyes widened in shock. They then gained a steely look, "Boy, what do are you planning to do with the Alchemy books?"
"Ah, well," Ed had to pull this explanation out of mid air, "I study Alchemy in my spare time, ah, My name's Roy Mustang, m'amm!"
After a calculating look the woman uncoiled, "Dumbledore told me about you, boy... He told me you might be coming in here... Alright, I'll show you the alchemy books, under one condition!"
"Yes?" Ed wasn't worried, what could it be?
"... I want you to be careful. The ministry is very picky about people learning of Alchemy here at Hogwarts. You seem a... nice boy. Not like the hoodlums here. Go ahead and look all you want."
Not long afterward, Ed emerged from the library, book bag full and reading as he walked. Mrs. Prince sent him a small smile and wave a he left, and he sent her a grateful look.
As he walked though, Edward soon began to hear a great commotion up ahead. He soon reached the foot of the staircase that led to the portrait of the Fat Lady and his eyes widened.
Students covered ever inch of the stairs. Their questions filled the air, and Edward was soon searching for the one thing that could distinguish his friends from the crowd, Ron's bright red hair.
As soon as he spotted him, halfway up the stairs, Edward was weaving in and out of the crowds, dodging people left and right to ascend the stair case. He was soon at his friends side. "Hey, what's going on?"
Harry turned to him, "No clue, mate."
Soon, Ginny came running down the stairs and in her wake the four saw what the commotion was. Edward thought to himself that Ginny's explanation wasn't needed.
"The Fat Lady! She's gone!!"
Ginny didn't need to commentate, the slash in the painting had said it all.
(1) - SPOILER - Although a small one, In the manga version of FMA Winry's parents were killed by Scar, and that's the point I'm going for here. Hogwarts-Winry's parents are dead and she is very sensitive about the subject of death because of this.
(2) - Just incase some people don't understand, Edward was essentially saying, "I don't care if you threaten Winry, I'll still hurt you'. He had, in actuallity, knew that the twins were there.