Last time: In the shadow sit a spider unnoticed.

"Yes thats her..."

"I thougth the cavalry would be taller."

"Looks can be deceiving. She is a legend. She defeated..."The woman with long black hair ignored the few chatting agents in the cafeteria she just entered. It was one of the reasons she stayed at her work space instead of walking around the headquarters. She had a goal and a mission, she was working on them and there still was a lot of things to consider. Exactly that was what irritated her at the moment as she had to put her real work on a short break. Instead make a administration work, giving a mask wearing hero papers so he could stay in another country temporary. She walked to the red clad teen who looked up at her. Even with the mask on she could tell he was paying attentions to the gossiping that erupted as the older agents saw her, they couldnt help telling the younger ones fairy tales.


"I need you to fill this forms out." She placed the papers down on the the table beside his breakfast. He picked them up and looked over.

"What are those?"

"Travel papers." She turned away and started to walk away, it was nearly amusing that Spiderman grabbed the papers and started walking after her. Nearly like a kitten from her view. She could bet that he heard about all the gossip about the cavalry that kept on following her wherever she went. Yet, for some reason pretended he didnt knew anything at all. He was complaining about the forms and how he can not provide a picture. She turned down the stairs to the administration floor and the desk that she worked on. He still following her like a lost puppy.

"...Sorry I didnt catch your name." That was a lie. She humored him.

"Melinda May." She reached her desk and sat down stopping the spider from talking again with a cold glare. That was usually enough to make grow man leave her alone. The boy stayed, but far from not feeling affected.

"Geez, thats one scary glare. Have you tried a thing called smiling? I heard its used to be friendly." Talking when nervous, she noted down in her mind. She reached with her hand out to take the unfilled papers. He unsurely gave them over and she took a pen.

"Name?" She stated simply.

"Not telling I dont even know why do I need those. Any ideas?"

May didnt look up from the papers, but she couldnt miss how Spiderman was looking around the nearly empty administration level. The work hours didnt yet began. Making this time ideal to do this favour for Fury.

"Have you not been informed about the training mission in Bulgaria? You need travel papers for crossing borders."

"Oh, I dont think, actually...maybe Natasha mentioned Bulgaria a few days ago... I didnt paid it attention at that moment. "

She started filling the form out, but she noticed how tense he became when he said that. She did wonder why he had such a reaction. As well as if that was the reason Fury asked her to do this paperwork.

"Name Spider, last name Man. Hey I am not twelve why do people think I am twelve. I am not that short, am I? Its my voice isnt it? Stupid puberty." She looked up and the young superhero was perching on the wall of her cubicle looking at what she was filling in. "Do you want to file a complaint?" She questioned the young super hero.

"Is there a form for that as well?"

"There is a form for everything."



"Even for lets say a coffee spilled on a report?"


"Hm.. even for hero crashed into ones car?"


"Even for Thor ruining electronic devices because of thunder?"


"Even for missing work because one suddenly got super powers?"

"Yes. Especially for that."

She nodded patiently and emotionally waiting out for the spider to run out of questions. He wanted something. He wasnt just firing a ton of question without purpose. She was right as his next question proved it. "Even a form, for transfer due an alien invasion? Betting those suddenly got really popular after the attempt of invasion."

She gave him a glare...well technically she simply didnt drop the glare that was permanently on her face, her intention was to discourage him from poking his nose into things obviously out his range. It had an effect but not the one intended.

"Okay, I get it. I stepped on a land mine. At least I didnt ask you why you, who have been working with agent Coulson for years, didnt came to his funeral. That would have been a nuke."

Oh the spider teen didnt have the smallest clue that she was there...

"I am sure you already heard."

"You told me to come for his sake. I did."

"May," Fury sighed, he was in front of a empty casket. It was early morning hours, half a day ago she felt even more devastated then before. With the news her friend was gone... Killed by a alien glowing staff. She cursed herself over and over just imaging if she was still on duty with him... could she saved him? In her sorrow Fury called and ordered her to meet him. She told him to leave her alone but the directors voice and way he said that it was for Phil sake... She briefly hoped it was all just a set up. That Phil was going undercover and that why he pretended to die...

She came and she saw his dead body in the morgue. That was him, her hope gone. She meet with Fury, anyway. Ready to have a target to beat on. Her anger on herself for not being there, on her friend for being stupid and challenging an alien on his own, on the director for letting Phil die...She wanted to have a target to point all the anger at.

"Do you have a idea why I called you here?"

"I am not taking on active duty. I will not go back in the field, because you are short on personal."

"You can leave now." She turned and made several steps, each one echoing against the shiny cold stone of the castet room. May was being at the door when Fury added.

"But Coulson is needing you, he trust you." It irked her. She didnt look at Fury allowing the coldness of her voice to tell him how much she glared.

"Past tense. Was needing. Trusted."

"Pah, technicalities. He still does."

"He is dead. I saw his body." She couldnt take it she turned to face a smiling Fury. Why did he dare to smile like that. No one had the right to smile any longer. Her fingers tingled with need to punch him till warm blood was on them.

"You can leave and I will never again brother you. Or you can stay and help Coulson. He will need you at his side."

"past tense not future tense...He died..." May said stepping now back towards Fury, her glare softening. There was no future for the dead...

"Like said, its a technicality." With those words Fury turned away from May and opened a false wall inside the casket placing a file and a flash in it before he closed it once more. She stayed.

She filled the rest of the fields and stood up taking a camera. "Keep the mask." She said, just before the spider started complaining and rambling again and snapped the photo before the teen could find a voice to protest.

"We are done here."

"Ah, really? I started to enjoy our time together. You know warming up with a friendly conversation." Agent May wondered if that asset has fallen on the head one too many times. Then it clicked and she huffed.

"You were the outcast in school. The nerd or geek with no friends." Now he would definitely leave her alone.

"Ouch. Ever heard of the phrase that words hurt more than sword... well I never got a sword wound so I cant testify that well... but I spared with Natasha so that must count for something. I swear she took it as a personal challenge to break my bones."He laughed nervously, but the way he tilted his head.. May knew he was focusing solely on her. behind that mask. Why? Was his suit recording her, for what purpose.

"Well you are great company. See ya around. I will gift you a book of jokes to make you smile again. Or maybe a puppy everyone smiles at puppies." He bounced from the place he was perched on to the wall and flipped onto the staircase. What ever he was searching for he didnt find it in her. Half a minute later her phone rung. She didnt have to look at it to know it was Fury.

"What do you think."

"You are a horrible person." There was silence, and May continued. "I am doing his travel papers now. He is searching something. Fishing for information but I am not sure what."

"Did he like you?"

"I am not babysitting him. I thougth that was black widows job... "

"That wasnt my intentions." Fury responded. "You have your job." The following seconds were heavy and May decide to just give the director what he was asking for.

"I think he trust me. Promised me a puppy. Will there ever be a need for that?" She knew Fury well enough to conclude the brisk good bye, meant yes. In some of his plan he wanted the boy to have a connection to her. To recognize her and to trust her. Why did he decide to trust her she wasnt sure. But his body language spoke of the relaxed attitude as he left his back to her. That was not the case when he was leaving the cafeteria.

Wow, here I am kinda, I must say I didnt wait this to get that popular. *takes a breath* I should do some work to continue this. So here you have one chapter, and hopefully many more to follow.

Thank you all for reading and your support. Means a lot for the confidence.