Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. My name is Darren, and live in Sydney. I'm currently studying a Masters degree, so my time is sadly scarce for writing. In no order, my three favourite Harry Potter fanfics are: Harry Potter and the Fall of Childhood, Forever Knight, and A Black Comedy. Sixth Year: The Steps Toward The End I came up with the name the night I posted the story, hence its lack of splendor. It may change, but only after I finish writing, if that does happen. It's grown on me over time, in that "it's corny" type of way. Currently the progressive title of the sequel is "Seventh Year: The Days Before Dawn" but that's as like to change as the weather. The fic is going to be quite long, as, probably, will be its sequel. I am a supporter of character based stories. Without well written characters, there is just a plot, and that does not suffice for me - I need a character to sympathise or relate to to really enjoy a story. The first term of SY focused on the introductions of new characters and the end of some relationships. The second term will be focused on the background of the new characters. Easter break is where things will pick up. From then on, the story will ride to the end in a, hopefully, exciting and somewhat original climax. Hope you enjoy my probably overly long tale. Darren (scaryisntit) 18/01/2015: One and a half scenes left to write. Chapter will be titled "The Deal". Hopefully out within another six weeks, before my last year of uni begins. |