A/N- I'm been in an Avengers kick for the past 6 months and haven't really wanted to updated my HP stories. But as I get this out I'm starting to get more motivation to write on my current stories. Hope you like this one as you wait for my updates. Sorry!

Chapter One

Tony shook his head as he looked over the battle, feeling in his gut that this was going to end badly. It wasn't like him to assume the worse especially since he and his team had been getting along better. What was causing his ominous tones was the fact that his day started off as crummy as could be. He woke up with a nightmare, and turned to look for Pepper for comfort only to remember that she broke up with him 2 months ago.

Tony had to deal with the panic attack attached to the nightmare alone before he spent a few hours in his lab fixing up one of his suits. He had somehow managed to engage one of his foot repulsors and blasted a hole in his workshop. To make matters worse Captain Fucking America decided to be all uppity and chew him out for it. This was his goddamn tower and if he wanted to destroy it, he would.

On top of that Barton was spying on his in his vents and Bruce seemed to be giving him a disappointed look. He sighed and shook his head as he said it wasn't his day. Tony shook the thought away before he focused back on the battle. His lips curled into to a sneer as he saw the battle. Who in their right mind decided to animate vegetables and then give them the ability to fight?

Like seriously, this was as lame as could be, not to mention he hated magic. Why on earth did the magic users decide to come out to play now? He just knew this was Loki's fault. He grumbled softly to himself suddenly aware that he could hear someone calling his name.

"Sir, Captain Rogers has been calling for a status report for the past five minutes. I suggest answering him before he decides to send Mr. Odinson to see for himself," JARVIS told the man.

Tony made a face not that anyone could see from where the mask was hiding his face before he switched on his comms link. "Cap, I'm fine, I'm just doing aerial work," he drawled out.

"For god's sake Stark was that so hard to answer? Start taking out what you can. Thor has located the wizard and is currently in the middle of the battle with him. Do not engage," Steve told him firmly.

"I hate magic I'm not gonna go taunt it," Tony said in a moment of clarity. He sighed and turned to where Thor was before flew down to the fight to watch. He was serious, why tempt fate that was the least thing he needed, and that was saying something. He had just blasted through of what looked like some demon salad when he felt something behind him. Tony had only a moment to turn before a blue light suddenly surrounded him.

"Shit," he managed to say before he blacked out.

"Man of Iron is down," Thor suddenly stated before he threw Mjolnir at the wizard who had caught his comrade unawares.

"What?" Clint asked quietly, though he had heard the God perfectly clear.

The Avengers turned to where the Iron man Suit was currently laying on the ground, deathly still.

"Stark report!" Steve shouted into the comms, frowning as he got no answer. "Tony! Answer me dammit," he added besides himself at this point.

"I will go and check on him," Thor stated after all the wizard was currently stuck underneath his hammer and so he knew the being wasn't going anywhere. That being said all the animated vegetables had fallen once the man had. But before Thor could even reach the man of Iron, the suit in question suddenly took off in the air.

The Avengers watched in horror as the suit took off back towards the tower without seeming like Tony was even steering it. Steve had a moment of mild panic before realizing that JARVIS had probably taken control of it.

"Widow you and Barton on the debrief with Fury, and Thor and I will see what needs to be done with the wizard. Afterwards make your way to the tower, chances are Stark is injured and hiding it," Steve ordered his team in his Captain voice.

"And me?" Bruce had after changing back from the Hulk once it became apparent that Tony wasn't getting up.

"You're with me and Thor, we're definitely going to need your expertise," Steve added as he headed over to the Quinjet with his teammates.

Once they were on the jet Steve nodded to Natasha to go, knowing they would get dropped off at the tower first while her and Clint would head on down to SHIELD. He figured Tony might be more receptive to getting aid if his whole team wasn't there to see his injuries. As it was, he had no idea if Tony had a concussion or worst for that matter, he shook his head before he suddenly realized something. Why did he keep forgetting about JARVIS? He cleared his throat for a moment, hoping that the AI would bring good news.

"Hey JARVIS, how is Tony doing?" Steve asked knowing the AI was connected in the Quinjet, Stark was nothing if not thorough.

"Sir is, not himself at the moment. It would be advisable if the Avengers would make haste getting back to the tower," Jarvis stated carefully.

Bruce frowned, even he could hear the hesitation in the AI's voice and that new, that just didn't happen. "Is Tony hurt?"

"I cannot explain it, you need to be in the tower to see for yourself," Jarvis replied in kind.

"Can't or won't?" Natasha asked, after having been surprisingly quiet.

Steve frowned as the AI went quiet once more, and he blew out a breath in frustration. For Jarvis not to tell them he had to assume that Tony gave the command. After all the AI followed his every command and for him not to share something with the team he only had to figure that was Stark's doing. He growled in agitation but there was nothing he could do about it. Thankfully the ride to the tower was quick and Thor and Bruce and Steve were soon on the landing pad and heading inside the tower.

Once inside, they all froze as one as they heard the lock from the door. It wasn't an issue for the three of them getting out if they needed too; it was just why Jarvis had locked them inside in the first place.

"Jarvis, what is going on?" Bruce asked carefully.

"The wizard did something to sir, and he is currently hiding. I locked the doors to stop him from leaving not to keep you in," Jarvis explained.

"Where is he?" Steve asked slowly.

"Young sir, please come out from behind the sofa, there are people here wish to make sure you're okay," Jarvis stated gently.

Tony wanted to shake his head in disbelief as he looked up at the ceiling even though he knew having created Jarvis that the AI didn't originate there. He knew immediately when Jarvis had returned to him to the tower straightaway that something had happened to him. He wasn't sure what until he had been in his lab and the suit was clearing away from his body. He remembered looking in the mirror in the workshop and freezing at the sight of himself. No amount of pinching his arm had him waking up from the sight. Just why in the world did the wizard think him being reverted to his child self was ever going to be okay? He shuddered as he forcefully pushed down the childish feelings; he needed to maintain his adult mind for his sanity and he refused to get lost in the stupid childhood emotions.

He wasn't even sure what age he was, he had always been a small child, and he guessed maybe four as the scar he received from when he made his first circuit board was currently red and fresh. He swallowed thickly as he looked up again, he could hear his teammates but he didn't want them to see him like this. But he knew he didn't have a choice and simply blew out a breath before he slowly appeared from behind the couch.

"Tony? Jarvis, is that Tony?" Bruce asked in disbelief as he looked at the small child dwarfed in a Black Sabbath t-shirt he knew belonged to Tony.

"It is, I've scanned his body to determine if the spell had any ill effects and to see which age he was reverted too," Jarvis explained.

"And your findings were?" Bruce asked slowly.

"Young sir is 4 years and 3 months old, weighing approximately 27lbs. He is a bit underweight for his current age group, but I do not think it was the wizard's doing," Jarvis explained.

"Tony was a very small child, I've seen pictures," Bruce added, before Steve could interject. He also knew that not all of it was genetics but he wasn't about to put Tony's business out there.

"Shouldn't we still get him checked out at SHIELD, just to be safe?" Steve piped in. He hated the fact that Tony's size was bringing his own memories of when he was that small back way when.

"No that would be the worse thing you can do, if Fury needs to know bring him here," Bruce said before he bent down on one knee. He remembered his childhood, and he knew that adults looked like giants to small children and he didn't want Tony afraid of him.

""Do we know if his adult mind is still there?" Steve asked after a small moment of silence.

"I'm not sure, sir hasn't spoken since his transformation," Jarvis replied honestly.

"That's probably a no, Stark would be throwing his displeasure around wanting everyone to know it if he was still in his adult mind," Steve mused.

Thor frowned as he took a seat on the floor, following the good doctor's behavior. He knew he was bigger than most mortals and he didn't want to frighten his small comrade.

"Tony, can you come here please?" Bruce asked the child quietly.

Tony for his part was staring between Thor and Bruce on the floor, aware that they were trying to make themselves seem less threatening. If he had his adult body he would have laughed as both men still looked just as big not to mention dangerous to his chiod mind. Though he knew that they weren't going to hurt him. For a moment he had been about to speak to let them know that he still had his mind but then Steve had spoken and he had lost his nerve.

He was very much aware that most of his team only tolerated him; at least that's what he thought anyway. He didn't want to give them a reason to resent him anymore, and so he was better off staying quiet. Besides no one would take him seriously when he looked like that, he knew that from experience. He didn't want to get them angry with him so he slowly walked over towards the two men on the floor.

He was absolutely refusing to look up at Steve, as he could literally feel the childish glee inside of him. He knew that Steve was Captain America and had long gotten over his hero worship, but the young body he was in was very much in love and it was definitely a struggle not to gaze at the man with wide wonder filled eyes.

Bruce was breathing steadily glancing at Thor who was gently rolling Mjolnir in his hands. He knew the man was pretending to look preoccupied with the hammer so as not to freak the child out with both their eyes on him. That being said, the scientist couldn't help but wonder if the man could have used something else as a distraction as Tony was now staring right at it.

"Can I touch it?" Tony asked, his voice a higher pitch then he had remembered. He had to stop himself from wincing at the tone, his gaze locked on Thor's hammer. He had been fascinated with the hammer ever since finding out that Norse Gods actually existed.

"No you may not, that's Thor's not yours," Steve answered before Thor could. The super soldier didn't want the child to get hurt, especially if Thor wasn't careful. It was hard to wrap his head around it as he could not picture this small child as his crazy and coffee addicted team mate. He shook his head, unsure of how this happened, nor how long this would last.

Tony frowned, his eyes flashing angrily to the Captain before he sighed as the childish feeling set in. At the moment he was feeling a stab of betrayal on the hero worship as the child part of him couldn't understand why Captain America would tell him no. He hadn't even done anything wrong.

Bruce cleared his throat bringing the child's attention back to him. "Tony are you hungry?"

Tony shrugged; he didn't particularly feel like using his voice again, at least not with Rogers present. He sighed before gave a reluctant nod before he turned to Thor and reached up at the man in the Universal sign for carry me.

Bruce grinned despite of it all. "Come on Thor, he wants you to pick him up, and let's head to kitchen to fix him some food. Hopefully Natasha and Clint won't have killed the wizard," he grumbled knowing that they all could at times be very protective of their teammates.

Thor grinned and happily obliged, gently picking up the child and setting him on his shoulders. He heard a childish giggle and a wide smile overtook his own face. Children were such easy beings to please.

Tony was looking around the tower from this height and understood just why Clint liked being on top of everything. You could see for miles up here, he quickly ducked his head as Thor went through the doorway not wanting to get his head bonked. He giggled as he chanced a look at Bruce's face.

"Be careful Thor," Bruce admonished but seeing Tony was alright he turned to grab some jelly out of the refrigerator. If nothing else he knew that the boy would eat a pb&j sandwich.

Thor glanced at the man in confusion before he looked up at his small package. "Alright young Anthony?"

"I'm fine," Tony replied swiftly as he tried to get a look at what Bruce was making. He frowned as he realized something. "Where's Cap'n 'Merica?" He asked wondering where in the heck the other man had gone.

"He's in the other room talking with a few members of our team," Bruce answered absently.

Tony had a moment of mild panic as he realized that Natasha and Clint were obviously back. He only had a moment to attempt to compose himself before they suddenly appeared in the kitchen only to freeze as they caught sight of him.

"He's smaller then you said Captain, you said he was at least four, that is not a four year old on Thor's shoulders," Clint replied slowly.

"Tony's always been small and underweight, even now he's smaller then everyone including Natasha," Bruce replied quickly.

"But that doesn't make any sense, we've seen his parents and neither of them were small," Clint protested.

"It doesn't matter now, what matters is Tony is fine and currently about to have some food. What did you guys find out with the wizard?" Bruce replied ever the peace keeper.

"He's currently in a coma; Thor's hammer got him good. Not that we blame the big guy, but until he wakes up we just don't know at this point. But Fury is working on it," Natasha answered smoothly.

"We'll talk about this later, for now Tony's gonna eat," Bruce replied as he caught the attentive look on the child at their conversation before he reached to grab him from Thor's shoulders.

Tony allowed the motion, a warm and foreign feeling spreading throughout his body as he was hugged for a moment before getting set in a chair to eat. He recognized it as comfort, he had known he had been touched starved as a child, just look at the way he was now.

"Why is he so quiet? He hasn't spoken since we've gotten here," Clint pointed out with a frown. He hung back by the door with Natasha not wanting to spook the child.

"He's just taking in the situation, besides Jarvis he really has no idea who we even are at this point. I'm only just happy he isn't screaming and crying and accusing us of being kidnappers," Bruce admitted.

Steve gave a quiet gasp. "What do you mean kidnappers? Why would he even think that?"

"Public record has it that Stark was kidnapped a least a dozen times before he turned 6. And before he reached such age, his father paid each and every ransom, after the aforementioned age, the payment stopped," Natasha stated bluntly as she tried to catch the child's eye. She was very much aware that he was avoiding her eyes, and wondered why that was.

"It's not important right now anyway," Bruce replied refusing to allow the anger to take like he so wanted too. "How's your sandwich Tony? Did you want some milk with it?"

Tony glanced up at Bruce before he nodded before he turned back to his plate. It was irrational but Natasha scared the bejeebers out of him, and that fear only got more pronounced the longer she stared at him. He wondered idly if she knew that he had his mind before he mentally scoffed. She was a spy but short of reading his mind she had no clue just like them.

"Young Anthony did ask for the good Captain before," Thor pointed out before turning to look at Steve. "He knew who you were without us even needing to confirm it,"

Steve perked up at that and came into the kitchen a bit more. "Tony, do you know me?" He asked unable to keep the bit of hope out of his voice. If Tony knew who he was then there was a chance that a part of his adult mind was still there.

"You're Cap'n 'Merica, did my daddy find you?" Tony blurted out before he visibly cringed. He had to bite the inside of his cheek at his outburst, as that was not what he had intended to say at all at all.

Steve felt his face fall before he could catch himself before he gave the child a smile. "No he didn't, but I'm here now," he said lightly.

Tony frowned before he returned to his sandwich, turning to give Bruce a smile of thanks as he finished up his food.

"At least you don't have to force him to eat," Clint murmured out softly.

"Yeah that may be true, but he's a picky eater at this age so there is that," Natasha murmured.

"How do you know all this?" Steve asked after a moment.

"I read his file," she replied simply. "I'm going to change out of my uniform and then we'll settle in the entertainment room and watch a movie. Fury promised to stop by later," she said before she left out the room.

"Furry's coming?" Tony asked, surprise in his voice. The rational and adult part of his mind was tired of fighting the childish impulses and so for the moment he was letting 4 year old him speak. And baby him knew exactly who Fury was as well, and he knew he was safe. Fury actually liked him when he was kid, though that could be because he hated Howard. Tony didn't actually know if he was being honest.

"You know Fury?" Bruce asked in disbelief.

"He watches me sometimes when daddy goes to work," Tony replied honestly.

"What about your mommy? Why can't she watch you while your daddy works?" Clint wondered.

"Cause she has more important stuff to do and I'll just be in da way," he replied smartly before he carefully got off the chair. "Can we watch a movie like the lady said?" He asked hopefully.

"We can, just give us a moment to get cleaned up and we'll set it up alright?" Steve replied carefully, not liking the feeling stirring in his gut at the implications at the child's words.

"While you wait, did you want some cookies to snack on?" Clint asked him easily getting the Oreos out of the cabinet as he spoke.

"Uh huh," Tony replied quickly so happy he still had his milk.

He giggled softly to himself; pretty sure he already liked the people in charge of him. He wasn't sure where his daddy was but since the last thing he remembered was breaking a beaker in his father's lab he wasn't in a hurry to find out. He knew he would be in for it, and too prolong the inevitable he was definitely all for it.

"If you need something ask Jarvis, he'll help you," Bruce told him as he led him back out to the sofa. After making sure the little boy was settled they headed into their own rooms to change.

Steve caught up with Bruce as they both headed to the elevator. "How much do you know about Tony's childhood?" He asked quietly.

"Quite a lot, there is a reason he and I bonded so quickly," he stated carefully before he shook his head. He and Tony had been dealt a hard hand but he knew it wasn't his place to tell as this wasn't his story.

"Can you tell me some of it?" Steve asked slowly, he knew he didn't want to hear it but he felt he needed too. He could hear some of his own words that he had spoken to Tony over the past year comparing him to Howard. If….if what Bruce was saying then he had a lot to make up for.

"That is not my place, so no Steve I can't," Bruce replied as he stepped onto the elevator. He didn't want to leave Tony alone for too long, even as a child he knew his friend had a tendency to over think things.

Steve sighed, not really satisfied with that answer but he understood the reasoning's nonetheless. Nothing more was said as they made their way to their respective rooms.

Back in the entertainment room Tony was obediently sitting on the couch, the child part of his mind was being gently pushed aside as he relaxed on his sofa. He glanced around for a moment to make sure no one was coming before he bit his lip. He wanted to speak with Jarvis but he knew they wouldn't let him get to his lab and he didn't want to risk speaking to him in case he was caught. He didn't want to ruin this, whatever it was.

He was starting to feel like maybe they liked him and he wanted to see where that would go. Honest he was only running an experiment that was all; at least that's what he was trying to convince himself. He stood up and took a deep breath finally deciding on what to do, only to jump back in fear as Natasha suddenly appeared. He couldn't help himself as he let out a screech, as he stared back at her in wide eye horror.

"I'm sorry Tony; I didn't mean to scare you. I mean no harm малютка," Natasha replied kindly making sure to keep a bit of a distance away from the child.

Tony was staring at the Black Widow in disbelief not to mention fear, this was new to him. She actually seemed to be sorry instead of the awful sorry she had given him that one time for stabbing him in the neck. He swallowed thickly as he gave a small nod before he sat back on the sofa.

"Do you mind if I sit here with you?" Natasha asked the child softly. She unlike Steve didn't have to wonder why the boy was so skittish, she knew the reason.

Tony gave a jerky nod, his eyes flicking back to the open door where he could see Clint standing.

"I heard a scream, he okay Nat?" Clint asked warily as he walked inside the room.

"I frightened him, but he's alright," she replied as she relaxed on the sofa. She could see the tension running through his body and felt awful for putting it there. She would need to tread just a bit louder so he would be able to hear her.

Clint nodded as he took a seat on the couch in between them. He could see as he did that Tony actually blew out a breath in relief. "She's not gonna hurt you ya know. She's on your side," he found himself telling the child.

Tony gave a quiet nod, as he turned back to glance at the empty doorway. Where in the heck was Bruce and Steve, not to mention Thor?

"What movie did you want to watch Tony?" Clint asked well aware that the child was feeling frightened in their presence. Usually he was happy about that, as he was facing villains but now he didn't feel particularly good about it.

Tony shrugged as he turned back to the door anxiously before he looked at his feet. He hoped that they would contact Pepper, as the last thing he needed was to walk around in his t-shirts. Strangely he didn't mind it but he knew it wasn't appropriate for a boy his age. He shook his head trying to fix his jumble thoughts, he was afraid of letting the childish part of his brain out at the moment as it seemed to fear Natasha and Clint. His normal adult self tended to fear them a bit, but this fear was like terror and he didn't want to look too deep into why that was.

"Tony, why are you afraid of both of us?" Clint asked when the child went a bit too quiet.

"You boff agents like daddy," Tony replied softly automatically. Well he had been wondering himself about the same thing.

"Yes, but unlike daddy we won't hurt you," Clint replied firmly, not even wincing when Natasha elbowed him for being blunt. It was the truth after all.

"Pwomise?" Tony asked childishly.

"I promise," Clint said sincerely.

Steve cleared his throat as he came into the room hearing the last of the conversation. He definitely had a lot to make up for once Tony came back to himself. But he would start now and once his friend was back to normal he would continue it. "So what are we watching?"

"We haven't decided yet, but we want Tony to pick," Natasha replied.

"What do you want to watch Tony?" Steve asked as he took a seat and pulled the small child onto his lap and cuddled him.

Tony for his part broke out in a wide grin as he was pulled onto Steve's lap. This was new; he never thought the man would do this. He practically melted in his arms before he realized that Steve had asked him a question.

"Aristocrats, I wanna watch dat," he informed him. No sooner had he spoke, Jarvis pulled the movie up, and Tony smiled brightly as Bruce and Thor hurried inside. The little boy reached forward to grab his milk to finish it before he settled back into Steve's chest with a content sigh.

"That is actually not that strange, after all Captain America is good with kids," Bruce remarked fondly as he watched them. He flicked his wrist knowing that Jarvis would know to take a picture.

"But then you have to take into account that this little boy is Tony and It's very strange," Clint couldn't help but point out.

"But this is not the Tony we know, this one is afraid of us. This one fears us because he knew just by looking at us that we were SHEILD agents," Natasha said plainly. "I don't want to dwell into that tonight so we'll talk about it tomorrow," she said quickly as Steve made to say something.

"If you need anything at all, you can just ask us okay Tony? Or ask Jarvis for one of us and he'll get one of us," Bruce added just to make sure the little boy understood that.

Tony nodded eagerly before he settled down into the movie. The little boy didn't say much else as he relaxed against Steve and focused on the animated film.

Steve was gently rubbing the child's stomach hoping the motion would soothe him to sleep; looking after this Tony wasn't so hard. He tried hard not to think of the implications of why this one was so obedient as it would make him angry. With the soothing motions it didn't take long for Tony to fall asleep but no one wanted to move him just yet so they continued to watch the movie.

Once the movie was finished Bruce clicked off the tv and turned to face Steve. "Do you want to put him to bed?"

"Should we put him in his room?" Steve asked skeptically.

"Well I don't really think the Penthouse is the right place for a little boy on his own," Bruce admitted.

"Just put him in Steve's spare bedroom, it's obvious he trusts only you and Bruce and to an extent Thor," Clint replied with a shrug. He was feeling a bit weird at the moment and rightly so.

"It'll be alright tomorrow," Bruce murmured glancing up as Thor suddenly stood up.

"I will head to Asgard tomorrow to see if my mother might be of assistance if the wizard won't wake up," Thor told his teammates.

"That's great, but just make sure Tony gets to say goodbye to you first," Bruce reminded him.

"I will wait for young Anthony then," he promised as he got up and headed to his room.

Steve stood up as well and headed to the elevator to lay Tony down. He hoped tomorrow would at least be good. He covered the small boy with the blanket and kissed the mop of hair. "Sleep well Tony," he whispered before he headed back downstairs with his team, they after all had much to discuss.

~&~&Page Break~&~&~&~&~&~

Tony woke up the next morning, in part thanks to the sun and in part thanks to a very nagging organ in his abdomen. He gasped as he sat up with a start and for a moment didn't know where he was. This wasn't his room but it was still his tower. He put his hand to where the arc reactor was currently sitting underneath his shirt. Once he could feel it he calmed down, if only slightly. He tried not to think on the fact that the device shrunk with his body, he shuddered slightly before he got control of himself.

"Young sir, are you okay?" Jarvis asked when it became apparent something seemed to be wrong with the little boy.

"I'm okay Jarvis, where am I?" Tony asked in return.

"You are in the guest quarters of Captain Rogers," Jarvis answered him. "Would you like me to get him for you?"

"No thank you," Tony responded quickly, his face flushing at the thought. He could only imagine asking Steve Rogers of all people if he could use the bathroom. He shook his head as he jumped out of bed only to give an anxious dance in place as gravity weighed on his tiny child bladder. He had never really been in Steve's suite only to give a brief tour and he didn't feel comfortable looking around to find the bathroom. What was he supposed to do? He hated this child body and the thoughts that came with it. He was trying very hard to forget the fact that little kids could cry at a drop of a hat whether something was wrong or not. The last thing he wanted was for Clint to use this as ammunitio. against him, or worse Natasha. He shook his head as his bladder reminded him of his little problem.

Jarvis was watching and only focused his eyes so to speak when it became apparent that his young master needed some help. He could see that Dr. Banner and Captain Rogers were in the kitchen making breakfast and he cleared his throat.

"If someone could please assist young sir, he has woken up and is in dire needs of the faculties," Jarvis stated urgently

Bruce exchanged glances with Steve before he reached for the spatula the man was currently holding before ushering the man. "Go, hurry up," he told him.

Steve was unsure of why Bruce was telling him to go, he would have figured that the man wanted to spend the time with his friend, tiny or not. He shrugged before he hurried towards the elevator and to his room.

He hurried into the guest bedroom of his suite, his eyes zoning in on the little boy who had himself wrapped up like a pretzel.

"Oh Tony," he murmured as he hurried to the child.

"I hafta use the baffroom," Tony told the man anxiously as if it wasn't obvious.

"I know you do, come on I'll take you to it," Steve told him as he carefully picked up the toddler before rushing and heading out the bathroom.

He figured he should have asked if the child wanted him to pick him up but he didn't see the boy making it to the toilet either way. As it was he swiftly pulled up the little's boy's shirt and promptly set him on the toilet before he turned his eyes to the ceiling to give the child a bit of privacy.

Tony gave a giant sigh of relief, his toes curling his relief as he had made. His childish glee at not having an accident after such a close call was taking precedent over the embarrassment of his adult mind. He wasn't even mad that the man was still in the bathroom with him, after all he had made haste when it came to his predicament. He finished up and carefully slid off the toilet, shaking his head by how far the toilet was from the floor.

"Thank you for helping me," he stated happily as he flushed the toilet before reaching up to the man.

"You're welcome buddy, let's watch your hands and then we'll head down and get some breakfast," Steve told him cheerfully as he helped the child wash before settling him on his hip and headed to the kitchen.

"What's for bweakfast?" Tony wanted to know.

"We made waffles and sausage and eggs, does that sound like something you might like to eat?" Steve asked, hoping it was.

"I like waffles," Tony assured him happily. "Am I gonna get real cwothes today?"

"Yeah, that's the plan," Steve promised him.

Tony nodded happily, definitly looking forward to that.

"Matter fact they should be arriving just after breakfast is over, least that's what Pepper said," Steve added.

Tony perked up at that wondering if she was going to personally deliever the items or not. He got comfortable in his chair as he was set down.

"Does she know?" Bruce asked quietly.

"No, I didn't feel comfortable telling her over the phone. I just asked if she could bring some items that a 3 year old would use and have," he explained.

"I'm four," Tony pouted once he realized they were talking about him.

"I know you are," Steve stated in a placating tone before he turned to Bruce's curious look. "He'll fit a size lower so that's why I told her that,"

"I figured," Bruce said as he sat down.

Tony turned to how plate pouting as he knew that they were still talking as if he wasn't here. He frowned as he looked at the food. "I'm only eating the waffles," he told them.

Steve frowned. "Why not the sausege and eggs?" He asked, stemming from his youth he never liked wasting food, and picky eaters wasn't somethng he was used to as he and Bucky ate anything, well as long as he wasn't allergic to it.

"I don't want the meat right now and eggs are yellow and unatural even if that's their natural color," he explained with a grimace.

"That doesn't make any sense," Steve replied.

"That's Tony for you, even at this age," Bruce said with a shrug. "Tell Steve what that means," he prompted the little boy.

"Eggs are gwoss," Tony answered before he started ripping up his waffles so he could eat them. He was just reaching for the syrup when Clint and Natasha walked in. He ducked his head futily knowing they had already seen him.

Clint saw him but turned to Steve and Bruce instead, not wanting the little boy to feel uncomfortable like last night. "Maybe we should introduce ourselves to him, he's knows Steve but the rest of us are wild cards to him. Not to mention hes terrified of Nat and I," he added.

Bruce nodded, they really should have done this last night but everything was so hectic. "Tony, do you mind looking up for a momemt?" He asked.

Tony wrinkled his nose and gave a shrug. "I already know who you guys are,"

"You do? Can you tell us our names?" Steve asked him seriously.

Tony sighed, if one got over the almost condescending tone adults got when they spoke with kids, it was actually kind of nice being asked to do something instead lf being ordered.

"You're Cap'n 'Merica or Stebe and dats Bwuce, or if he turns gween da Hulk!" He explained cheerfully before he turneds in the direction of the spies. "That's Cwint and da lady is N'tasha," he finished

"That's good, do you know their superhero names too?" Steve praised.

"Hawkeye and Bwack Widow," Tony whispered softly before his eyes flashed to Natasha''s and he gave off a shudder.

"What is making her so scary to you buddy?" Bruce askes kindly.

Tony gave a shrug, the last thing he wanted was for them to think he had all his memories back. then they would jump to the correct conclusion that He was in sound mind and they would treat him at a distance. he was still in the early stages of understanding this comfort...err scientific experiment thing.

"Use your words Tony," Bruce gently prodded.

Tony sighed before he looked at his breakfast. "She's dangewous, like daddy,"

"So am I, and remember I said that we, unlike Howard weren't going to hurt you," Clint reminded him patiently.

Tony blew out a breath and gave a nod. He would just have to trust that his teammate wouldn't hurt him. "Okay,

"Alright," Clint replied softly in return hoping this would mean Tony would get over his fear of them. He loved children, and he wanted the little boy to know he only was going to protect him and not hurt him.

Tony nodded before he turned back to his waffles, he tried to use the fork they had given him but he found his child fingers couldn't grasp it as well as his adult hands had. He did remember using child utensils as a kid, no matter. He didn't even think about it when he set the fork down and started to eat with his hands, he was hungry.

Steve quirked an eyebrow as he too saw Tony start eating with his hands, he didn't have a problem with it at least the kid was eating. Thankfully no one saw fit to say anything; the last thing they wanted was for Tony to clam up on them again. He glanced up when Thor came into the kitchen.

"Good morning Anthony!" The god stated happily as he made his way over to the small child.

"Mowning Thwor!" Tony replied in the same tone. It was hard not to match the god's excitement and hey his body was a kid he didn't have too.

"I just wanted to wish you a goodbye, I'm going to see my mother for a bit," Thor told him as he took the seat next to him.

Tony frowned wondering why Thor was leaving; it took him a moment to realize that Frigga might be able to do something about the situation. He nodded absently, hoping that Thor would be successful in his trip. Though he was experimenting that didn't mean that he wanted to say in this small form. He couldn't be Iron Man if he didn't age back.

"Will you come back?" Tony asked curiously.

"Aye, I will be back as soon as I can," Thor promised before he stood up. "Until next time friends," he stated as he ruffled Tony's hair before he headed out the kitchen and to the landing pad on the roof.

Bruce sat down next to Tony and started eating his breakfast, knowing that Pepper not to mention Fury would be by. He wasn't sure what was going to happen, but he did know he would be here for his friend because he knew Tony would do the same for him.