Author has written 58 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Friends, Xena: Warrior Princess, X-Files, Angel, Blackadder, StarTrek: Deep Space Nine, Harry Potter, Highlander, Crow, Seinfeld, X-Men: The Movie, 4400, Charmed, and Stargate: SG-1. Bio: Not available The 10 Ifs You Need To Know To Write Fanfic At Work: a) If it rings, put it on hold. b) If it clunks, call the repairman. c) If it breaks, offer to buy it. d) If it leaks, plug it. e) If it's the boss, look busy. f) If it's physically attractive, ignore it. g) If it's hand-written, type it. h) If it's typed, save it. i) If it's saved, publish it. j) If it's Friday afternoon, FORGET IT!!! |