Summary: Yet another Halloween fic.
Crossover: Treasure Island
Disclaimer: I own... hmm. I own nothing. The bank owns any money I make, at the moment.
Feedback: Why not? It helps me write more and better...
Pre-fic Comments:
I honestly don't know how well this fic will go...
If it seems somewhat unrealistic as to their choices, bear in mind that they're still teenagers, at the age of Rebellion. And in America to boot, in California, land of movie stars with busts bigger than their heads. Something's gonna leak into them through osmosis.
* * *
"Pass the popcorn, Buff," Xander said, eyes glued to the TV.
"Get your own," the Slayer retorted.
They were watching Treasure Island, the Charlton Heston version. Pirates had just ransacked the inn, and the authorities were coming.
"You wouldn't leave old Pew, mates!," the blind man screamed from the middle of the road. "Not Blind Pew!"
Half a second later, the old man was trampled under the horses of the authorities. They circled back to see what they had killed.
"Bother," a man in a white-dusted wig said.
Xander pushed 'Stop' on the VCR.
"HEY!," Willow and Buffy yelled.
"Popcorn break," Xander said. "Movies are fuelled by popcorn, and the Xanman is outta gas right now."
"Fine," Willow grizzled. "But you and Buffy'd better share with me."
Xander wandered into 1630 Revello Drive's kitchen, and put a covered bowl of popcorn into the microwave.
"Hey, Mrs S," he said to Buffy's mum, who was reading a magazine at the table. 'Urbis', or something.
"Hi, Xander," Joyce said. "Enjoying your movie?"
"Sure," Xander said. "The blind pirate just got killed in the seventeenth century equivalent of a carcrash."
"Ew," Buffy said, entering the kitchen. "You've got a way with words, Xander, that's for sure."
"That's me," Xander said proudly. "Wordsmith extraordinaire. Wanna watch it with us, Mrs S?"
Joyce waved her hand in disagreement. "No, it sounds a little violent for me, and I need to catch up on my magazines. Are you three going to dress as pirates from your movie tomorrow?"
"Well, I'd planned on staying home," Buffy said. "Nice, quiet night."
"You sure you wanna do that?," Xander asked. "I'm sure that we could crash Queen C's party..."
"Sounds good to me," Willow said. "I'm not normally nasty, but it'll be fun, turning up at her party. Although, we probably shouldn't since we weren't invited, after all."
"No," Buffy said, thinking. "She made fun of me last night, and one good turn deserves another."
"I hear nothing," Joyce said. "I'm a responsible adult and would be responsible for stopping you if I did hear something."
"Gotcha," Xander said, taking the finished popcorn from the microwave and shaking some icing sugar over it.
"Let's go finish that movie," Buffy said.
As the three sat down, a thought struck Xander. "Hey, how about we all go as pirates from Treasure Island?"
"Sure, it should be nice and cheap," Willow pointed out.
"I bags Long John Silver!," Buffy said.
"Hey!," Xander complained. "Long John is a /guy/."
"I'm Billy Bones, then," Willow said.
"I don't get it," Xander said. "You're gonna go as greasy, hard drinking pirates?"
"Why not?," Buffy said. "It's about time we saw some girl pirates to even things up."
"You couldn't even pick a good costume for me!"
"Okay," Willow said. "How about a cointoss? Heads we pick yours, tails we don't?"
Willow saw an opportunity for mischief and fun.
"Sure," Xander said, pulling out a twenty cent piece and flipping it. "Oh darn... heads it is."
"Hang on a moment," Buffy said, dragging back some semblance of command. "Wills, let's discuss this a moment."
Xander wasn't sure he liked this anymore. He kept hearing whispers from the two girls.
"...He'll hate...drow? Who?...deceptic...drac...Mob?...Pew?..."
Finally, the two turned around.
"Okay, Xander," Buffy said. "We've decided."
"You're going as an incubus," Willow said with a naughty grin. "Horns, wings, hotness, the lot."
"Okay, it'll make everyone laugh if nothing else," Xander said resignedly. "But do I really have to go as something I'll hate if you two go as something you'll like?"
Buffy, he knew, wouldn't care about that. But... one, two three...
"Uh... sorry, Xander, maybe," Willow began.
"Good! Great! You'll go as a vampire," Xander began, before trailing to a halt at the horror on Willow's face. "Uh, a vampire elf?"
Willow's face lifted a bit at the elf comment. "I don't wanna be a demon!"
"Okay," Buffy said. "So don't. You're an elf that got caught by the Vampire Lestat, or something."
"How's the movie going?," Joyce asked, entering the lounge.
"Oh, yeah!," the three realised. "MOVIE!"
* * *
The next day, Principal Snyder caught the three of them for kiddy escort duty. They were not happy campers.
"Great," Buffy fumed. "There goes my party time."
"Well, at least we'll piss him off," Xander said. "I will, at least."
"How?," asked Buffy.
"I go shirtless, looking hot, with batwings and horns," Xander said. "He'll be pissed."
"That decides it," General Buffy decided.
"Decides what?," Willow asked.
"Xander, you've been ordered as to your uniform. Willow, you'll be an undead temptress vampire elf," General Buffy ordered. "Me, I'll go as..."
"Buffy the Snake Woman," Xander grinned lecherously.
"Er, it was in one of Giles' books," Xander admitted. "This totally hot snake lady. Scales, forked tongue, and..."
He trailed off as he realised he was still talking to two girls.
"Will it annoy Snyder?"
"Hell yeah."
"What about if we get detention, or expelled?," Willow worried.
"I get Giles to put the screws onto that troll," Buffy decided. "Now come on, we've got to nick one of Giles' books on those snake women. And one on incubi."
"Okay," Willow said. This concept was starting to grow on her. "I'm gonna dye my hair blue, so that no one recognises me /at all/."
"Awww! But--"
"Xander! She can do what she wants. Now, I want you to distract Giles while we take the books."
* * *
Post-fic comments:
Urbis is a design magazine. I have no idea if it is available in the US.