Scooby's Choice

Disclaimer: I do not own BTVS or the Shadow. While I'm making disclaimers I should add that Xander's use of firearms is not how a responsible gun owning American should act. He's fictional and has the memories of the Shadow in his head. Don't act like he does, it's a bad thing for real people to go around doing.
Author's Note: This is the sequel to Cordelia Chooses. Also if you're a fan of Whistler and the PTB you might not like this chapter.

Chapter One
They were in the library arguing again. It seemed most school days ended with an argument once they'd all finished learning basic magical theory and had learned to guard their thoughts in at least a rudimentary fashion. Xander would ask when they could start hunting through deserted warehouses for Spike, Angel, and Drusilla then Buffy would come up with something she claimed they had to do first.

Cordelia would roll her eyes and Willow would look hurt. Everyone knew it was an excuse not to hunt the vampire she used to date. This time she was saved from having to invent another excuse by Giles' old colleague and lover Deirdre bursting in on them chased by the animated corpse of Philip Henry.

"Giles!" she cried, grabbing his arm. "You must save me!"

Cordelia's wand sent a blast of sunlight at the following corpse but it did nothing.

Xander shot the thing's knees out and that stopped it temporarily. However, it started crawling again quite quickly.

As Deirdre started pleading with Giles to protect her from something called Eyghon, Buffy grabbed a sword from the weapon cage and beheaded the monster. The zombie turned into a green goo that started spreading. At the sight of that, the group left the library in a hurry.

With nobody in the library, the essence of Eyghon slid through the library until it found the sewer entrance through which it found a dead body that didn't move fast enough to evade it.

It was too bad that nobody was there to observe the fight between Angelus and Eyghon because it was epic. Unfortunately not only was no one able to appreciate the demonic cage match but none of the Scoobies knew that vampire was left somewhat injured, thirsty for blood, and in a murderous rage. He left his listening post under the library and went looking for someone to drain or beat up on, preferably both.

Upon leaving the high school Xander said, "Once we are well away can you trigger the sprinklers or the fire alarm? I want to chase everyone from inside just in case that thing isn't dead."

Willow nodded, "Sure, I can do that from my laptop in the backseat of your car. Assuming, you know, that you brought it today."

Xander grinned, "I did indeed. I have been ferrying my queen to school each day since we made it public that we're dating."

"And now you can ferry me to your house so I can finish my homework without worrying about being eaten while I work," Cordelia said. "So get the car open and let's go!"

Giles took Deirdre in his own car and soon they were all at the house Xander owned. He unlocked the door for them but did not invite anyone in. "I'll go see what's available to cook. At least I managed to finish my homework before we got chased out of the library."

The others nodded and headed off to the den. Now that he had Lamont Cranston's memories Xander was doing much better in school, except in computer class and he had a lot of help with that subject.

Giles made sure Deirdre was seated in a leather armchair by the fireplace, then proceeded to start a fire after first opening the flue. The other girls glanced at his actions quizzically then shrugged and settled around an oak table in the corner and tried to pick up where they had left off academically.

"Thank you, Rupert," Deirdre said as Giles handed her a generous brandy and sat down in the chair across from her. "Is this house secure?"

"As secure as any in Sunnydale," Giles answered. "Now why don't you tell me what's been going on?"

Deirdre said, "I was called to identify the body of Philip Henry but when I arrived it was gone." She looked around at the teen-aged girls doing homework nearby, "Are you sure we should speak of it in front of the innocent?"

"If it's magical help you need, then yes," Cordelia said from her seat at the table, "I'm the one most likely to end up fixing whatever idiot thing you did, so trying to hide what you did from me is bad. Buffy's not much for the hocus pocus stuff but she's strong and she can help keep you safe while I fix things. So keeping stuff from her is just as silly." Cordelia paused and gave the older woman an obvious once over, "That is if we're satisfied with your story. We're all rather protective of Giles and anyone who would want to hurt him or take advantage of him will have us to deal with."

Willow added, "And Ms. Calendar, too."

At that, Deirdre looked at Rupert Giles and raised an eyebrow.

"Er yes," the man in question replied, "Our computer teacher at the high school. She seems to have some knowledge of magic as well."

"She's also rather fond of him," Buffy added, "So when Xander gets done with what he's doing, he'll join us and then we'll all decide if we're going to help you."

"Well," Willow couldn't help adding, "Not Ms. Calendar. Just those of us you've already met. I mean we're not going to call her up and say something like, Giles' old flame is here and needs help but isn't telling us everything or even what she's running from, do you want to come interrogate her with us? I mean, I'm sure she'd come if we did say that to her over the phone but I doubt you'd want her here. We might decide to help so I'd rather not expose you to possible vengeance until we know whether we like you or not."

Deirdre looked faintly shocked, "You said all that in one breath? I'm impressed."

Cordelia made a 'Hmm' noise, "Not even a blink at the mention of magic or Giles dating a witch but you are surprised by Willow's babble?"

"I've known about magic longer than you've been alive and Giles dating a dangerous but probably young and pretty witch is not surprising to me at all. I knew him back in the day," Deirdre said.

There was a knock on the door and they heard Xander call out that he was getting it.

Cordelia smirked, "Well unless that's Buffy's mom with cookies I think you're about to meet Ms. Calendar. Nobody else comes here but bad guys and they never knock."

Jenny Calendar swept into the room and hugged Giles, "I heard there was trouble at the school. Are you alright?"

Giles looked at her strangely, "How did you hear?" He looked at Xander, who had followed her in.

"I didn't tell her, Giles," Xander said.

"It seems I'm not the only one keeping secrets," Deirdre said.

Jenny turned to the woman and missed the shadow suddenly hiding Xander's features.

"Who are you?" Jenny asked.

Deirdre stood and crossing the fireplace to stand next to Giles placed a hand on his shoulder. Before she could answer Xander did. In the echoing voice of the Shadow, he said, "Normally I let people's thoughts remain their own, but when it comes to our security I think it's justified. Janna of the Kalderash meet Deirdre, branded follower of Honey. Deirdre, meet the woman the Kalderash tribe sent to keep an eye on Angelus the vampire they cursed."

Xander looked at Giles and his half smile slipped, "Janna actually does care for you. She knew we had trouble with a demon because it got Angelus once it couldn't get us. She is glad it didn't get you and will probably help you get that tattoo Deirdre remembers off your arm. Deirdre was hoping you'd save her for old time's sake and banish Eyghon for good. She was expecting you to use Council resources but I bet we can manage with just us." When he stopped talking a loud argument broke out.

After the argument wound down a truce of sorts was declared. Cordelia had been refereeing for the most part and she summed things up, "Okay, so it's agreed that Giles should have told Buffy, Willow, and Janna about the Mark of Eyghon. Janna should have told Giles, Willow, and Buffy that she was watching the vampire that her clan cursed and Buffy dated. Janna did not know how the curse could be broken or she would have said something. Deirdre used to be a slut but isn't anymore and we should help banish the demon that's after her. Oh, and after losing his soul Angel isn't a care bear with fangs anymore. Did I miss anything?' No one looked happy at her recitation but nobody actually objected.

"Okay then," Cordelia continued, "The thing to do next is to see if we can get that tattoo off Deirdre's arm. If it works well we can do the same for Giles then talk about the next step. If not we'll try again until we get it."

Deirdre looked nervous, "I'm not sure about letting teenage witches test out new spells on me. Hopefully, Giles will help me even if I decline to be a guinea pig?"

Xander's laugh echoed eerily, "Who said you have a choice?"

The older woman shivered and Giles put his arm around her, "I say, Xander, do try to remain civilized. Making a lady scared of you accomplishes nothing. Well, nothing good at any rate."

Xander sighed, "I could make a comment about whether she counts as a lady but you'd still be right Giles." He turned to face Deirdre, "Cordelia actually has as much knowledge of magic as anyone in Sunnydale and more experience than you'd think. If you don't trust her to remove the mark then don't go looking for a stronger mage, go find a bottle of acid and remove it the hard way."

Cordelia smirked, "Actually, I think you got scary again with that last bit, dear, but thank you for the compliment." She pulled out her wand and looked at Deirdre, "See? I even pulled out my wand. Now, why don't you show me the mark so I can remove it? I can't promise it won't hurt but I do promise not to remove your arm along with it."

Deirdre looked from one face to another and other than Giles she saw indifference at best and hostility at worst. She sighed and rolled up her sleeve, "Here it is."

Xander called out, "Stop! I sense an extra mind here suddenly." He pulled out one of his matte black .45 automatics and said, "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" In spite of his taunt, he turned the gun in a definite direction and flipped off the safety.

"Alright kid, I'm becoming visible," a voice was heard, "Just don't shoot, alright?"

"No promises," Xander replied, "But I definitely will if you don't appear."

A short man in a loud suit and feathered hat appeared with his hands up.

"Who are you?" Cordelia asked, "The pimp fairy?"

The man gave a false laugh and said, "No, I'm here representing the Powers That Be and you people are doing this all wrong."

"Which powers would those be, exactly?" Xander said. He was still pointing his gun at the being's head.

"The ones responsible for this world!" the being said.

"They created the world you say?" Giles asked.

The being ducked his head, "No, not exactly. They ain't the creator of all. They is in charge of you mooks though."

"Oh yeah?" Willow replied, "How did they get that job?"

The man in the ugly suit frowned, "You know most people just believe me."

"Yeah, well, we aren't most people," Buffy said, "So cough up something more convincing or take a hike. We're busy right now."

"Yeah, I'm supposed to stop you from freeing them two from the mark and convince the gypsy to try to give the vamp back his soul."

Everyone was now facing the being that had suddenly appeared and had a weapon or magic ready to use. "Exactly how were you planning to stop us?" Xander asked.

The man in the ugly suit frowned, "That part they didn't say. Look here, can't you people just take what I say on faith?"

"No," was the unanimous answer.

"Somehow, I ain't surprised," the being replied, "I'm the one who sent Angel to ya in the foist place. Does that …" He trailed off in pain as Xander shot out his knee cap.

"You're the reason that ancient, undead, pervert was trying to get into Buffy's pants?" Xander asked, "And you thought that would make us like you more?"

"He wasn't supposed to make like he was fishing for jailbait," was the being's answer, "He was supposed to help!"

Giles snorted, "Yes and if wishes were horses beggars would ride. I must say, so far you have yet to give us any solid reason for not harming you, much less for following your advice. If you can't do significantly better, then I suggest you leave."

The being scowled, "Fine but you ain't heard the last of Whistler, and you definitely ain't heard the last of the Powers That Be." After saying that, he disappeared.

The others looked to Xander who searched with his mind then said, "No trace of him now. I guess he's actually gone. What do you think, Giles? I'm thinking demon."

Giles nodded, "I concur. Possibly working for Eyghon since he was trying to prevent us from removing our marks. I'd guess these powers are a group of demons that have allied themselves for the moment." He shrugged, "Well, let us not borrow trouble. We have enough at the moment. If he's working for Eyghon, solo or in alliance with others, we'll take care of him when we banish his master; and if he's not, we'll take care of him as soon as he becomes a nuisance."

Buffy nodded, "Yeah, both Lothos and the Master thought they were unbeatable and I showed them otherwise. If there's a new Master vamp in town, he'll have to wait his turn but he's still getting slayed."

Cordelia nodded, "Right, we're all tougher than we were last year so this should sort of thing should be easier to handle." She gestured to Deirdre, "Give me your arm lady. I want to start breaking that demon mark."