Reviews for The Nighthawk Comes at Midnight
NarutosBrat chapter 2 . 5/15/2015
You know what, just based off that last section, it's like you were trying to less than subtly foreshadow a future threeway. While I'm pretty sure the most likely candidate is going to be Faith, I wouldn't be opposed to Marcella.
The Fool's Journey chapter 6 . 3/6/2014
Not much to say besides the fact that I really enjoyed your fic, I'm definitely hoping for more.
Hansi Rahl chapter 6 . 3/6/2014
Great story!
Amy chapter 6 . 3/6/2014
Fantastic end to a fantastic story! I really liked the domesticlike scene at the end, it really showed how Xander and Cordelia mean more to each other than just physical stuff. I'm really interested in how Willow finds out about the two of them doing the deed. Can't wait for the sequel!
Guest chapter 6 . 3/5/2014
very good, loved
Starway Man chapter 6 . 3/5/2014
Great concluding chapter! A nice mix of tension, humor and of course hot sex. The slaying of the vamp was carried out well, and then Buffy and Faith showed up - Cordelia was elegantly cruel with her words to the blonde Slayer, no doubt about that! The brunette one, it looks like Faith will be a close friend to X/C from now on. The domestic scene at the end was an excellent touch, too; looking forward to seeing the sequel!
Xynth chapter 6 . 3/4/2014
They really, really should have known better lol. And then they kept it up? I know I've been accused of letting the little guy think for me before but damn...but maybe the possibly imminent danger just made it that good? Never been crazy enough to screw with the possibility of death hanging over me.

Looking forward to the various reactions of everyone else, whenever and however they find out.
Guest chapter 5 . 3/2/2014
Just keeps gittin' better!
Amy chapter 5 . 3/2/2014
Hilarious AND hot! This is quickly becoming my favorite series from you. Love the cliffhanger ending. The humor and the smut were both done very well and can't wait to see how you end this one!
Starway Man chapter 5 . 3/1/2014
Some unexpected themes at the start which definitely caught my attention, well done there; the issue of whether Xander has gay genes was cleverly brought up, and Cordelia's typical exasperation plus a bit of humour handled a sensitive issue well. The military role play was again handled well, right up until the point where Vamp Andy showed up! It was pretty obvious that that was going to happen eventually, but you ending it on a cliffhanger was a good way to keep the reader's interest. Looking forward to the last part of the story!
Guest chapter 4 . 2/27/2014
very good, loved
Amy chapter 4 . 2/27/2014
You're killin' me. Like seriously, this is the hottest fan fic ever!
Xynth chapter 4 . 2/27/2014
I finally get caught back up and now I can't stop laughing...I shouldn't be laughing at my porn! I don't know how to deal with funny porn. And I reeeeaaally hope it wasn't a pure tease on that threesome ponderings on Cordelia's part earlier. But then you'd find some way to make THAT funny and I'd be left with my initial problem. FML.

Looking forward to the next chapter.
Starway Man chapter 4 . 2/27/2014
Great humour, and intense sex between two of my favourite characters. How can you dislike it? The dialogue was sparkling, my favourite lines in this chapter were: '“Well, you see, sir, we were doing sexy military role play in the cemetery and she came so hard she had a seizure...” BANG! And you just never get past the Pearly Gates when that happens.' Looking forward to the next chapter!
Amy chapter 3 . 2/25/2014
Another great installment...and seriously hot to boot! I can't wait to read what you come up with next!
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