Disclaimer: I do not own the Big Bang Theory or know anyone affiliated with the show. Just a fan

Chapter 1 - The Break Up

Leonard was sitting with Penny in her apartment on her couch. He was trying to avoid what he knew was coming. Penny wanted to break up with him. She had been tried to break up with him for a couple of weeks now, but he always managed to stave off the impending break up. It helped that they always had sex right after she started to tell him, but the more she tried the less he was able to delude himself that she actually loved him and wanted to marry him and have his babies and grow old together.

"Leonard, we need to talk" Penny tells him.


Instead of doing what he had been doing which is look sad and pathetic and play on whatever feeling she did have for him he turned to her after putting his plate down and faced the music.

"I think we should break up" Penny says.


"Look I know that you love me and I know I said I love you, but this isn't working for me" Penny says.

"I hope we can still be friends" Penny tells him.


"Okay … that's it?" Penny questions.

"Yeah" Leonard responds.

Leonard packs up his food and prepares to leave.

"Wait Leonard, where you going?" Penny asks.

"It's late and Sheldon's been acting funny so I really should go" Leonard explains.

"Okay, but we're fine right?"

"Sure, I'll see you …" Leonard says as he opens the door and walks out.

Penny continues to look at the door not sure what happened exactly.

'He's not even going to wait for breakup sex?' She thought.

Meanwhile, across the hall.

"Oh Leonard, your back early. Everything is okay I hope" Sheldon starts.

"Everything's fine, Sheldon" Leonard replies.

Taking a seat on the couch Leonard places his hands on his head.

"Everything doesn't look fine" Sheldon says.

"Penny broke up with me" Leonard admits.

"What kind of tea do you want?" Sheldon asks as he moves towards the kitchen.

"I don't want Tea Sheldon" Leonard grouses.

"Well then what do you want … do you want a hug?" Sheldon offers.

"No Sheldon, I do not want a hug" Leonard says exasperated.

"Thank god, you know how I feel about … touching" Sheldon responds.

"I'm well aware" Leonard says now sitting back on the couch with his arms folded.

"Then do you want to talk about it?" Sheldon offers sitting down in his spot.

"Look I knew Penny wanted to breakup with me for awhile now" Leonard admits.

"A while?" Sheldon asks.


"What's a while?" Sheldon asks.

"I don't know, a couple of weeks" Leonard says frustrated.

"Wait, so when I went over to her apartment last night and asked Penny not to break up with you, you already knew?" Sheldon asks aghast.

"What?" Leonard asks angry and confused.

"Amy told me Penny wanted to break up with you when we were at the movies 2 nights ago so I've been trying to get her not to" Sheldon confesses.

"Well thanks" Leonard says sarcastically.

"Your welcome"

"How did you know she wanted to break up with you?" Sheldon asks.

"Look Sheldon, I've been with enough women to know when they are looking elsewhere. Penny is not cheating on me, but it was clear from how distracted she was acting to how she would start saying we should talk that she wanted out of our relationship" Leonard says now leaning back on the couch.

"I do not understand, I thought you loved her and were desperate to keep your relationship" Sheldon says.

"Well, I don't know what to tell you. I'm tired of chasing a fantasy, maybe I could have convinced Penny to stay with me long enough that she would eventually want to settle down and want to get married, have kids but if she doesn't want to do that with me on her own with no tricks … it is just not worth it any more. I want someone who wants to be with me and I am tired of feeling that I was the only one truly invested in our relationship" Leonard says before getting up.

"Where are you going?" Sheldon asks.

"To bed, it has been a long day and we have work in the morning" Leonard says leaving without waiting for another word.

"Huh … guess I worried for nothing" Sheldon thought as he too went to bed.

Meanwhile, in his room Leonard was doing anything but sleeping. He was thinking on what he was doing with his life. Hard to believe, but he did have goals that he wanted to achieve by now. He had hoped to meet a tall (taller than him anyway), beautiful woman and they would have had one or maybe two kids. He would have tenure at the University and a lot of good friends, maybe his own house with a yard and a dog like Mitzi.

But now he felt like he need to change if he wanted any of that to happen.

'Maybe it's time I get rid most of my collectibles, costumes, video games, and assorted junk' Leonard thinks.

'Maybe I can sell it off and get enough money from it to buy my own apartment or maybe a house. I'm tired of living with someone and not able to do what I want when I want. I'm also … not sure I can continue living near Penny' Leonard things as he goes to sleep finally.

The next morning everything went as it normally did, which while he wouldn't say it Leonard was slightly thankful for. That is until they opened the door at the same time Penny was.

"Hello Penny" Sheldon said cordially.

"Hey Sheldon" Penny says awkwardly while looking towards Leonard.

Leonard turned to close and lock the door.

'Alright, I'm just going to say hello to Penny and walk down the stairs like I do every day' Leonard thinks before turning around.

"Hi Penny"

"Hi …" Penny responds awkwardly.

"Is this going to be awkward?" Sheldon says adding to the awkward situation.

"No, we're going to work Penny's going to work there is nothing to be awkward about" Leonard says moving to start down the stairs.

"Good, because the last time the two of you broke up I was nearly eaten by a gigantic devil dog" Sheldon says.

Leonard and Penny ignore him as they head down the steps. The rest of the trip was silent and awkward, but they made it down the stairs and out the door before a new problem surfaced. Penny's car was parked closer to the building so the boys left as she got in her vehicle and started it up … or tried to in this case.


"Stupid piece of junk car!" Penny yells as she hits the horn of car.


She tries to turn it on again only to encounter the same problem only this time smoke billowed out from the hood of the car.

"Great just what I needed!" Penny screams.

"Penny, do you need a lift?"

She hears and realizes it's Leonard and the awkwardness from before looms large.

"No sweetie, I can just call a cab or something" Penny replies.

She needed to get to work, but she didn't want to deal with Sheldon or his comments on their failed relationship. Still, she had to get to work.

"Ummm … actually if you could drop me off I'll get a ride back from one of the girls at work" Penny says.

"Sure" Leonard says.

Penny gets of her car and locks it before getting in the car with the guys. Thankfully or maybe not so thankfully instead of saying inappropriate and invasive things about the end of their relationship Leonard started one of Sheldon's car games that distracted him enough that he forgot about their situation until they arrived at Penny's work and she got out.

"Leonard, thanks for driving me to work. Maybe you have time to come in and have a treat on me before you go to work" Penny offers.

"Thanks Penny, but it's not necessary. We're going to be late and you know how Sheldon is about being punctual" Leonard explains.

"Got it, well maybe I can bring something home for you" Penny offers.

"Uhhh … sure, maybe a burger, hold the cheese" Leonard says.

"Got it one Old Fashioned Burger" Penny says before looking at Sheldon.

"Sheldon would you like something?" Penny asks.

"Penny … it's Monday. You know I eat here on Tuesday so no I do not want anything" Sheldon tells her.

"Fine Sheldon, but just so you know you could have asked to have it on Tuesday instead of doing what you usually do and crapping all over a perfectly friendly offer" Penny says as she turns and walks away before he can respond.

"I tell you Leonard your better off now that she dumped you" Sheldon says.

"What?" Leonard asks.

"I'm just saying you are better off now that she dumped you" Sheldon repeats.

"Ughh … alright, how am I better off without Penny?" Leonard asks as he drives off.

"Well for one, you don't have to put up with her back talk any more …" Sheldon replies.

This went on throughout the rest of the drive as Sheldon tried to cheer him up by coming up with reasons why Leonard was better off without Penny.

"Oh, and now you will not have to watch her stuff her food and her mouth and …"

"That's enough Sheldon!" Leonard yells finally having enough.

"I don't know why your getting upset with me. Penny is the one who threw your heart in the trash, not me" Sheldon argues.

"Fine, I'm sorry Sheldon. We're here at work so let's just drop it" Leonard asks.

"Fine, I don't even remember how we got on the topic of your doomed relationship with Penny" Sheldon says as he gets out of the car.

Later that night

*Knock* *Knock*

"Hello Penny" Sheldon greets answering the door.

"Hello Sheldon, is Leonard here?" She asks.

"Hey Penny" Leonard says from his seat.

"Hey Leonard" Penny says with a bright smile as she walks past/through Sheldon.

"What's going on?" Leonard asks.

He knew why she was there, but Penny wore a red dress with red pumps and her hair done up in a way she knew he loved.

"I'm just here to bring you your burger" Penny says as she hands him the bag with the burger.

"Thank you, Penny but it really wasn't necessary. I would always help out a friend" Leonard replies.

"No, no I promised you a burger so that's what your going to get … so what are you guys doing tonight?" She responds.

"Nothing much, might watch a movie later on" Leonard answers.

"Sounds like fun, well I just wanted to bring your burger before I head out" Penny says.

"Alright, well have fun and thanks for the burger" Leonard responds.

"Don't you want to know where I'm going?" Penny asks.

"No, it's not of my business now that we're not going together any more. Have fun and be safe" Leonard replies.

"Okay … your sure you don't want to talk about it or … anything?" Penny asks.

"Nope" Leonard replies.

"Okay, well then I better go" Penny says.

Leonard waves as she hesitantly walks out the door.

A week later

"Leonard, what's going on here?" Sheldon inquires.

"I'm packing my collectibles to sell" Leonard informs him.

"This is about Penny again, isn't it" Sheldon points out.

"It is" Leonard says as he puts an action figure into the box.

"Didn't you learn from the last time we went through this oh look who I'm talking to of course you didn't" Sheldon says.

"Sheldon, I do not expect you to understand this, but I realized that a woman like Penny will never take me seriously until I stop relying on childish pursuits" Leonard responds.

"Even if what you said is true. You have had a number of relationships with women who were not Penny and none of them seemed to be bothered by your love of comics or your slight stature" Sheldon points out.

"You never like any of the women I have dated" Leonard rebuts.

"Nah uh there was Dr. Stephanie" Sheldon reminds him.

"Whom you only liked because you used our relationship to solicit free medical advice" Leonard points out.

"Well shouldn't I get something out of your romantic entanglements. You received coitus, not to mention money from Mrs. Latham so why shouldn't I receive something as well" Sheldon retorts.

"Because you are not me and my relationships romantic or otherwise do not involve you!" Leonard shouts losing his cool a bit.

"Now wait just a minute, as long as you continue to traipse these different women though our apartment I believe I do have a say. It's not just you that lives here, honestly you can be so selfish sometimes Leonard" Sheldon says dismissively.

Of course, that comment just made Leonard realize something else that he needed to change.

"But back to the topic at hand, I can't allow you to give away all your valuables. Knowing you, you probably got .10 cents on the dollar you could have received for all of them" Sheldon says.

"This is also none of your business Sheldon, if I want to give it all away for free it's my decision not yours so back off" Leonard responds strongly.

"Fine, but I'm keeping this … this … this …

"Sheldon, you have zero claim to any of those so put them back and I'll give you this" Leonard says.

"Leonard, you know I can't be … where are on earth did you buy this!?" Sheldon yells as he eagerly swipes it out of Leonard's hand.

"I figured you'd have say something to say about this like last time, so this is my compromise. I give you this you stay quiet for a week about me and penny or my selling my collectibles" Leonard offers.

Sheldon was stuck, on the one hand he could care less about Leonard and Penny beyond them doing what he wants them to do and he didn't like the idea of Leonard getting rid of his things especially when he enjoyed playing with them when Leonard was not around or unaware … but Leonard was offering a genuine cable car train set. He didn't care for those hippy punks in San Francisco, heck even the name just made him want to throw up but he did love cable cars.

"I'll also throw in this" Leonard says taking out a puzzle of a train.

"Deal!" Sheldon says excitedly forgetting all about Leonard.

As Leonard watches the so called super genius play with his new toys he had to wonder why he hadn't done this sooner.

2 Weeks Later

"Tell me again why you are the one taking me home?" Sheldon asks.

"For the last time, Leonard called me at work and said he had some sort of emergency that he had to take care of and wouldn't return home this weekend" Amy tells him for the tenth time.

"And he didn't tell you what the emergency was?" Sheldon questioned.

"For the tenth time, no Leonard did not tell me what the emergency was and because I know you I asked" Amy responds.

"Curious … there is nothing on his calendar about any important event and his family are all busy with more important matters than Leonard … and none of them would call him for anything important …" Sheldon ponders aloud.

"Look Sheldon, I know this is not your modus operandi, but maybe you could wait for Leonard to get home and tell you what happened" Ami offers.

"No, that'll never work. I'll just call him" Sheldon says.

"Huh … this gets curiouser and curiouser" Sheldon says a moment later.

"What?" Amy asks.

"His phone isn't ringing" Sheldon answers.

"He probably has it on 'do not disturb' mode if he's busy" Amy tells him.

"Well how will I get in touch with him if I need anything, I tell you Leonard is so inconsiderate. He never thinks about the consequences of his actions" Sheldon gripes.

"I'm sure Penny will also be upset" Amy says aloud.

"Penny, who cares about her. He was supposed to take me to the train store and after that he would take me to the lecture going on at the Pasadena Model Railway Club" Sheldon complains.

"I can take you" Amy suggests.

"Fine, but this isn't over. I mean what kind of man runs out on his best friend and leaves him behind with nary a thought about his feelings or wellbeing" Sheldon continues.

Following Monday

"Leonard, there you are. We're going to be late" Sheldon says.

"Hello to you to Sheldon, how was your weekend Sheldon, what did you do this weekend Sheldon" Leonard returns.

"Fine, great, and I'll tell you in the car because we are going to be late!" Sheldon complains.

"Fine, just let me put my stuff in my room and we can go" Leonard says as he walks to his room.

"Hey, wait a minute … somethings off about you" Sheldon says lateness forgotten.

"I'm sure it's nothing, you go wait in the car and I'll be right out" Leonard says.

"No, no … I feel like it's right in front of me …" Sheldon says staring hard at Leonard.

"Fine you want to know, I had laser surgery to fix my eyes" Leonard says.

"No that's not … You had surgery!" Sheldon shouts.

"Yeah, it's cool see no glasses" Leonard models using his hands as circular frames.

"You had surgery" Sheldon says alarmed.

"Yeah, it was really simple in and out in under thirty minutes and after a night resting in a hotel I have perfect 20/20 vision" Leonard says.

"Ugh … Leonard …"

"Yes Sheldon" Leonard replies prepared for some crazy rant.

"You know there is no such thing as 20/20 vision. That's just a myth, what you meant to say is that you had your ocular vision corrected to near perfect human dimensions" Sheldon corrects.

"I mean for a goat, or a shark, or a falcon 20/20 vision would be terrible. You might as well be blind if you were a goat, or a shark, or a falcon, or a chameleon with 20/20 vision" Sheldon lectures.

"Got it 20/20 not special no can we leave. I really do not want to be late today" Leonard says.

"Fine, but this isn't over. Having unnecessary surgery will get you killed, when we get back home tonight I'll show you several slides and a clip I saw on YouTube that explains why any surgery is bad unless you need it and even then, it's not such a good idea" Sheldon continues.

"I'm already looking forward to it" Leonard says sarcastically as he walks to his room to get dressed.

"As you should, this is information that could save your life" Sheldon says.

"Ughh, I swear what would he do without me" Sheldon says while waiting for Leonard to return.

Thank you for reading my new story. It's been on my mind for a long time and I just decided to put it out there. I hope you like it and where I go with it