Conversations with the not so dead

Author's Notes: Thanks for all the reviews! :) I appreciate them all! Some more of the Lannisters, the last act of the Brienne arc, hope you all enjoy! :D

Rating: M; it's Game of Thrones, anything less is not Game of thrones :D

Summary: Companion piece to my other fic, the Raven's Plan. A series of conversations from minor characters perspectives.

Genna Lannister I

Evening meals were not elaborate things these days. When Tywin was lord, there had been the occasional large meal or feast when he entertained visiting bannermen or the few times that Robert Baratheon had come to the Rock. Most of the time, he preferred to eat his evening meals alone. She and Kevan would occasionally be asked to join him if he needed to speak on something privately, but otherwise this was a time for him, alone.

Tyrion, on the other hand, preferred much less elaborate, and more frequent meals together. Or rather he was dragged to these meals by Jaime and Myrcella since he'd started working even more than Tywin used to work. They did it to stop him from working himself to death with his diligent work.

Genna spent a lot of times these days smirking over how good of a lord Tyrion was proving himself to be. Which she enjoyed ramming down Tywin's throat whenever she went and 'talked' with him. Knocking sense into her stubborn older brother was a tiring and uphill battle. Everything that had happened to Westeros after Tywin's death, she'd shoved it in his face, Dragons, the Dead and the depth of Cersei's madness...there had been a lot of eye twitching when she'd told him of the son of Rhaegar that had been hidden at Winterfell. He'd reacted badly to that, more than to the revelation of the coming Long Night.

She understood that, the honorable Ned Stark was far more duplicitous than the entire continent had imagined. Dealing with duplicitous lords had been something Tywin had prided himself on, and he'd been played by a northern barbarian, that honorable fool, as he put it.

She sighed silently, things had changed so much at the Rock, and so much for the better, far more than she had ever imagined possible. Tyrion lorded over everyone, Kevan's place hadn't changed, Daven had risen to stature, pushing out his foolish father, even Tyrion's sellsword Bronn had his place as a much saner version of the Mountain, with better table manners as well.

In the mean time, she had found herself in the acknowledged official position of Lady of the Rock. She was the senior lady of House Lannister and Tyrion didn't shy away leaving her the full responsibilities of the Lady of the Rock. Tywin had always been haunted by the shade of Joanna, never letting Genna have the final say in matters that the Lady of the Rock should deal with.

Which brought her back to now, as the servants placed the first course in front her, a thick venison stew. Tonight's gathering was one the more crowed days of this sevenday. Tyrion sat at the head of the table already nursing a cup of wine. Jaime sat to the right, one chair past Tyrion, slouching arrogantly in his chair. She sat at Tyrion left with Emmon sitting stiffly next to her. He was still wide eyed and suspicious of everything, though she'd managed to knock some of his more senseless beliefs out of him. Stuffy Stafford sat after him with Myranda and her daughters at the end of the table.

Or rather that was where they were supposed to be. They had yet to arrive...along with Myrcella. The three girls had been as thick as thieves over the past sevenday. She suspected some sort of mischief, though of what type, Genna was unsure.

Her useless sons sat opposite them, as subdued as their father with their insipid wives. She managed to knock some sense into them. The shadow of Arya Stark haunted them, and every man with the name Frey. She shook away her shudders, that was a thing of the past, not something for this renewed and changed world they were living in now.

She put those dark thoughts aside and replaced them with less dark thoughts of those that were absent today. Daven was away on dangerous business, sent to the borders with the Reach. Kevan and Dorna were in their own rooms with their sons and Tommen. These days Kevan was more of father to Tommen than Jaime or Robert had ever been. It helped Tommen and Kevan. It helped Tommen to finally have a father to look up to and it helped Kevan to deal with loss of Lancel. Whatever the boy's fate in King's Landing was, Lancel was for all intents and purposes lost to Kevan.

Tommen was the other sore spot in the family, other than Tywin. The boy had found his spine, and his anger at his father, though justified was grating and unhelpful in the grand scheme of things. Thankfully, Kevan had the boy well in hand.

She ate slowly, her thoughts on family distracting from the unspeakably sinister sword hanging over all their heads.

The door to the dining room opened and in marched the three Lannister girls that had been missing. She cast them a withering glare and said, "You're late."

Cerenna and Myrielle withered under the glare and stopped in their tracks. Myrcella kept her poise and with great dignity, curtsied and smiled innocently, "Forgive us aunt, there were matters that we had to attend to."

Genna wasn't the only one that gave them skeptical looks.

"Uh huh, I'm sure they were very pressing matters," Tyrion stated evenly with a questioning look, "Sit down then...though I'm sure my aunts will have words with you after the meal," he finished casting a glance at Genna and Myranda.

Myrcella didn't waver in the face of that, but Myrielle and Cerenna wilted even more. Without a word the two sisters took their places at the end of the table while Myrcella curtsied again and then glided to her seat between Jaime and Tyrion.

Genna returned to the meal but she could hear Myrielle and Cerenna whispering quietly. Myrielle especially seemed excited about something, Cerenna was hiding it better, and Myrcella was far too poised to for something not to have happened.

Myrcella took her seat as Jaime and Tyrion eyed her between bites of the meal. She smiled coyly back at each of them as she started eating the venison stew without another word.

Genna mused that Myrcella had actually inherited more sense than her father- though, all things considered, that wasn't that difficult to accomplish. Where the girl had inherited it from was obvious, she was a very sensible and kind hearted girl. She was turning into everything that a Lady of House Lannister should times it wretched Genna's heart just how much the girl was turning into a miniature Joanna.

Myrcella would make them all proud one day, the manner of her birth aside, there were still a number of houses that would be more than willing to overlook it for a close link to the Rock and House Lannister...especially with Tyrion hand to the new Queen.

She sighed silently again for the millionth time at Jaime's stupidity and at his taste in inappropriate women. First Cersei, and it wasn't getting any better. The Lady Brienne was far from what Genna would consider a proper lady. Though being her father's only heir offset that somewhat in Genna's own opinion.

She wrinkled her nose with annoyance, which reminded her, there was yet another late arrival to the meal. But she was Stormlander, Genna hadn't expected much to begin with anyway. But again, most people wouldn't dare to challenge this one on anything. The Lady Brienne was a person to be crossed lightly. Genna has heard the tale of Brienne's duel with the Hound.

Having her here at a private family meal was more than a little on the nose for Tyrion. He was loosing his subtly, she have to talk to him about that.

Genna turned back to her meal and was half finished with it when the Lady in question finally deigned to appear.

The whole room stopped as Lady Brienne entered the room.

Genna looked at the woman and had to blink once to make sure of what she was seeing.

Usually, Lady Brienne was wearing rough clothes or even pants. She did have one rather ugly skirt, but she thankfully rarely wore it. Better pants than that gods awful plain skirt.

Today was different. And Genna realised just what the three Lannister girls had been up to. What little talk had been going on fell off, as silence fell upon the gathered Lannisters.

Lady Brienne was not wearing pants today, instead she had on a long sky blue dress that matched her eyes- her clear flawless blue eyes, which were probably her best features. The dress was of a simplistic fashion but it clung to her curves enough to reveal that she actually does have curves. It didn't hide her broad shoulders, but those were offset by the accentuation of what feminine features she did have. The wide hips would be a help in birthing an heir, she would probably have an easier time of it than most women. And the Seven knew House Tarth needed heirs. Selwyn Tarth had been very unlucky when it came to family.

Brienne was even wearing jewelry today. A simple gold necklace with a large sapphire that hung at her neck. Her hair was still absurdly short, but it had been brushed into a rather feminine manner, framing her face. There was even powder on her face, her lips were redder than usual. She was even smiling. A little manically, but still an improvement.

Lady Brienne seemed a passable lady today.

Genna took a deep breath and silently admitted that perhaps Jaime's sense had improved. A minuscule improvement, but one nonetheless.

Lady Brienne managed a barely passable curtsy to Tyrion, "My Lord," she said before moving to take her seat.

Tyrion didn't answer her.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Tyrion stuffing food into his mouth. It was very unseemly for the Lord of Casterly Rock to be acting so piggish.

She knew her nephew. He'd grown into a man that always had a smart remark at the ready. Considering what was happening, he probably had a whole army of smart remarks he could say now. Which is why he was stuffing his mouth with food, to avoid using said smart remarks.

If he didn't, Lord of the Westerlands or not, he'd probably get punched.

She cast a look to Myrcella who just continued eating innocently, not even paying attention to the situation that was unfolding around them...unlike Myrielle, who's composure had deserted her as she giggled into her wine. Cerenna was eyeing the scene while keeping her face blank.

Jaime on the other hand was gaping like a fool. Not that he wasn't the only gaping fool, Emmon and Stafford looked just as stupid. Her own sons were just as dumbfounded. Myranda in the other hand a rather confused expression in her face, as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

She heard Jaime begin to stutter a greeting as Brienne sat.

Hopeless romantic fool...

Genna leaned in over Tyrion's head, "Well played, Myrcella," she whispered softly towards the young girl. The girl didn't even twitch as she continued to eat normally. She just made a satisfied sound and continued chewing her food.

Genna looked down at Tyrion, "Whatever you have to say- keep it to yourself. It would be unseemly for the Lord of Casterly Rock to walk around his own castle with a bruised face. Especially bruises you didn't get from the training yard or battle," she finished icily.

Tyrion mumbled something, his mouth filled with food.

"And swallow first before speaking- that's also unseemly for the Lord of the Rock," she commanded firmly, but quietly. As an oblivious Jaime kept staring at Brienne.

Tyrion just mumbled again.

Genna then caught Brienne's eye. The stalwart warrior seemed taken aback and hesitant at her look. Genna smiled warmly to her and nodded, "Lady Brienne, good of you to join us," she welcomed warmly.

Brienne unsureness increased and her smile became confused.

Life these days was...interesting.

Author's Notes: Hope you liked this. Here it is essential to Tyrion's continued existence and well being that he keep the Tall- and other Jokes to himself! :D As always, don't forget to review! :D