![]() Author has written 8 stories for StarTrek: Enterprise, Marvel, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, and Angel. The carbon unit referring to himself as Snorpenbass (it's a very obscure Swedish comics in-joke) is, as inferred in that little parenthesis, Swedish, much like the Chef-who-borks, Rose Nylund and Dolph Lundgren, though I'm a better cook, less herring-obsessed and not quite as muscular as any of those three. In the physical world I'm a struggling artist (pencils, inks, charcoal and water colors, mainly) with dreams of one day being referred to as "oh, that guy, yeah I know of him" by perfect strangers, as well as a massive nerd since childhood. When other kids played little league soccer and hockey, I was reading Greek myths and obscure science fiction from the 1960's. Yes, really. My tastes in fan fiction runs towards those who get the tone right, those who manage to make the characters easily recognizable, and those who keep their prose simple and unflowery. I also love people who keep their tenses straight and their grammar at least in the ballpark of the language they're writing in. For my own humble attempts, I'm most interested in Trek (been a Trekkie since I got a Motion Picture Captain Kirk when I was 5), Star Wars (self-admitted Wookieepedia contributor), Farscape, BtVS and various comics. Current favorites include Alelou with the on-going "Missing Scenes", Rigil Kent's "Divergent Paths" and Admiral Tigerclaw's "Sleeping with the girls". Also a big fan of M.McGregor and Aadler. Do I have any Ships?: I had this whole paragraph, but I'll shorten it up: lots. Lots and lots. Mainly Trip Tucker/T'Pol from Star Trek: Enterprise, but also Peter Parker/MJ, Peter Parker/Carol Danvers and Buffy/Xander. Not a fan of the slash, me, for various reasons. It's fine when the characters are canonically of whatever orientation, but altering them to fit slash fantasies isn't my thing, regardless of gender. I wouldn't make canonically gay characters straight either, for that matter. Tl;dr, if you like slash, all power to you, but don't expect me to read it. Any Pet Peeves?: Ah...yes. Once again I had this long, ranty thing on my pet peeves in fanfic and canon settings, but... ...life is very short and there is no time for fussin' and fightin', my friend. (Cookie to whoever spots the reference.) A much shorter version is that I mainly consider what's on the screen canon, anything from novels or comics I pick and choose from. I do not like the Yuuzhan Vong, I do not like the NJO, I really don't like the finale of Enterprise, I do not like Mandalorians or clonetroopers as Traviss imagines them (Gary-Stus from the planet Gary-Stunia), and I do not like One More Day or DCNu. If you do, feel free, but don't ask me why I ignore any of them unless you're ready to hear me rant. Tl;dr; when it comes to expanded universes I consider most of it less well written than most of the stuff on this site. As for fanfics, I loathe writers who post ten or more "fics" of less than a few hundred words as single stories instead of making them drabbles or drablets in a series. This site isn't that difficult to navigate, kids. And postbumping fics you don't like off a main page is just pathetic. If you're that scared of other people's 'ships, then you know your own is kind of stupid, is what I see in your actions. Story status Star Trek: Heronas: Starting one year after the end of the show (Terra Prime and Demons), it features Trip as recently returned from the "dead" and given his first captaincy on support and courier vessel USS Heronas, first in the Buran-class (that he helped design by being a danged genius who wrote down all his ideas, fixes and changes). Taking place during the Romulan War it's going to have occasional plots related directly to that, but it's not going to be the main focus, as such, the ship isn't a ship of the line like the Enterprise or the Daedalus and Neptune-classes. Episodes are, for now: the pilot crossover with Star Trek: Enterprise, and the first real episode, Star Trek: Heronas - Gone in 6.5 seconds (due to fic titling not allowing some punctuation it's slightly misnamed). I'm currently working on episode three, The Betazoid Connection. ON HIATUS. Spider-Man *hearts* Jenny W: A brainchild born after asking myself "Who would be the perfect Marvel heroine girlfriend to Peter Parker and Spider-Man if Ms Marvel and Black Cat weren't in the race?" Ignores bits of current continuity, sets Spidey and She-Hulk against a bevy of new and old foes while trying to figure out exactly what he and the Jade Giantess has going. Guest-starring a few running gags like OC "Crimson Tide" and the website Michele started for Peter in the comics with goofy Spidey pictures. ON HIATUS. Update (2014-05-13) Once again, a lot of my readers already know this, but due to health issues I have put pretty much everything on hiatus. Sorry. You can also find me on LiveJournal these days, and I Need A Parrot and Twisting The Hellmouth. This means I very rarely update. But I do update. Every now and then. |