Author has written 29 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Buffy X-overs, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Gilmore Girls, SWAT, Smallville, West Wing, Boy Meets World, Firefly, Stargate: SG-1, American Pie, Veronica Mars, Gossip Girl, and Supernatural. Okay. I've been told I need to put one of these things up here, so here goes. I write, increasingly, crossover fic. I'm a Xander-fan, and most of my stories will likely be Xander-Centric, but I do try not to make him, you know, perfect. I don't know how often I succeed. Uh... what else. Oh yeah, I co-authored the "Bombs and Souls" Series (linked in Fave Stories) with Drake Tepes(linked in Fave Authors). If you'd like easy access to my entire Coffee series (crossing over with Gilmore Girls, Smallville, West Wing, Stargate, SG-1, Boy Meets World, Gossip Girl, House, the American Pie movies and Veronica Mars), check out the Coffee Series listing over at Twisting the Hellmouth. I've also got me a LiveJournal where I post all of my stories. It's a lot more current (and I post drabbles and mini-fic there that doesn't go anywhere else). Also, due to cracking down on fics with song lyrics, I'm pulling those fics from this archive. I'll soon be posting them to my LJ (see above for link). Sorry for the inconvenience, but I'd really rather not have my account nuked. |