Author has written 46 stories for Roswell, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Star Wars, Buffy X-overs, Harry Potter, Firefly, General Hospital, Thor, Men In Black, Avengers, and Marvel. I am Drake. Drake-Tepes to some. D-Tepes to others. That Bastard Who Never Updates/Finishes His Stories to, well, too many... I've been writing and posting fanfic, off and on, since 1998. That's right, I can call most of you whippersnappers and shake a cane at you. I first posted and submitted my stories way back when and was, for awhile, heavily involved with a.t.b-v-s.c until real life troubles knocked me out of it. I'd stopped writing fic for a few years after that until I came upon Roswell fanfic. I spent a good while reading and writing Roswell fic at the Random Roswellian Ramblings, Roswellian Fanfiction Space. Sadly, it came to an end of sorts, but I think an incarnation still exists. But some of my old friends from there left and it wasn't quite the same, so I packed up and headed out. I didn't write fanfic for a good while after that, stuck on my last unfinished Roswell fic, Bricks. I continued reading fanfic though, so when a friend said he's shared the same interest in shows I did, I pointed him toward fanfic. He hadn't been much into it before, but he got into it then. And from that, came ideas for fics. Ideas came back to me and ideas came to him. Now, there is Bastard Snow. My good buddy who helped me find my inner fanfic writer again. He's the s.o.b. you should blame for what I put you through. At this point, none of my stories are dead... just on many lengthy hiati (that the plural of hiatus?) as I attempt to trap their Plot Mongeese (as some of you who've known me for a good deal of time already know, I have an... aversion to rabbits and bunnies in all forms). Once the Mongeese are caught, I shall then liquor up my Muse and new parts shall put out for your enjoyment. 'Cause you gotta liquor up the Muse if you want THE REST OF THIS BIO HAS BEEN CENSORED FOR THE PROTECTION OF crap, who're we protecting this time, I had it written here... oh, yeah... THE DEMOCRATICALLY UNITED MONOLITHIC BRAGGARTS of AMERICAN SEA SHELL ENGRAVING SOCIALITES. what the, that doesn't make sense, now I have to call Harv in the censoring division... stupid memos... |
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