Author has written 4 stories for Star Trek: 2009, Terminator, Star Wars, Avengers, and Highlander. Hello all, I'm a Canadian, Island living nutbar, who never really grew up... I don't rate that as a bad thing. I enjoy all things 80's, watching movies, reading, and art. I'll chat with anyone about anything as long as it's done with honour and respect to each others views- There's no such thing as a politically incorrect conversation as long as everyone treats everyone as intelligent individuals with differing opinions. I'm a (happily) married woman who is in her 30's... Which means I guess this is really as mature as I get... I had thought that at some point I'd get my life together and 'wow' the audience... Guess not. Oh well... In the words of Bilbo Baggins "It's no bad thing to celebrate a simple life." I'm a Christian who's happy to talk about it- but doesn't force it down anyone's throat. I've made sure to never forget three important facts about my Faith. 1) God has a sense of humour- which goes a long way to explaining humans in general 2) Jesus disregarded the 'holy art thou' people of his day and hung out with whoever he felt like, changing lives by HELPING and LOVING people unconditionally rather than just saying 'for shame'... then he told us to 'follow in his footsteps'... If the churches actually WOULD, they'd probably be a lot fuller than they are. 3) "In all things preach the gospel; and when you have to, use words." People can talk about love, respect, diligence, and kindness till there blue in the face and nobody will hear a word... Sometimes you just have to shut up and prove to them your more than a bunch of words. I've joined because I've had a stories floating around my head since the dawn of time, and finally got on my butt and did something about it. I'm not saying there good, or even properly edited with spelling and grammar- but I've done the best I could with what I had. (An idea, a laptop, and some time) Reviews and constructive critiques are always wanted and appreciated. |