Author has written 20 stories for Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, and Sherlock. It has been a long time since I've posted anything, but I now have a few little things to share in order to get the creative juices flowing again with a view to sorting out those abandoned stories (particularly Dust). As far as fandoms are concerned, lately I've taken more to reading other people's works and enjoying them than writing my own, but occasionally a plot-bunny will come and bite my ear, and I'll be off again. My main, and best, type of fiction would seem to by humourous one-shots, although you'll find one or two longer fics in there too. In the past, I have updated as I wrote, but I've made a new promise to myself that I shall start posting chapters only once the whole thing is complete. Too many promising fics have stagnated in that way. With regards to those fics in question, I shall, at some point (procrastinator again!) take them down and re-work them, then re-post them. Doctor Who The Unearthly Child The TARDIS lands in a junkyard in London and the Doctor and Martha get themselves a job in the local school. Someone recognises the Doctor, but he doesn't recognise her. People offended by lack of continuity between old and new Doctor Who, look away. My first ever fanfic, and boy does it show. I was pleased with the concept that I created, even if it wasn't strictly canonical Chasing Shadows More or less what the title says. If I tell you exactly, there'll be no point in reading it. Just a short scene, I guess. Enjoy A short ficlet written almost directly after watching Partners in Crime. Not really featuring any character in particular, it just examines the idea of the companion who was left behind, as so many were Heart of the Sea The TARDIS lands in the city of Atlantis. However, there's something wrong with the city's power source. Follows on after my "The Unearthly Child" By this point I'd had more practice in writing longer fiction Baking and Thievery Baking should be easy. But when the Doctor's getting in the way, it really isn't... This was really just about having fun, I love cooking and baking, and I could only imagine what would happen if Ten was hovering in my kitchen Who Wants To Live Forever? This is how I imagine the final ever episode will end. Uses the lyrics from Queen's "Who Wants To Live Forever?" I'm not really one for songfics, but this and it's cousin below really wouldn't leave me alone. The song is a favourite of mine, and, to be honest, I feel sometimes it could have been written for the Doctor in some of his more angsty moments Who Wants To Live Forever? 2 A moment from the Doctor's point of view. Uses lyrics from Queen's song, "Who Wants to Live Forever?" I'm not really one for angst either, but there you are. Perhaps, I should have put them together, but there's something about them that made me feel they needed to be separated Harry Potter Don't Give Them Any Ideas As she saw her sons off to Hogwarts, Molly Weasley forgot the Weasley Golden Rule: Don't give them any ideas. This is the result of neglecting that rule. How can you not love the Weasleys, especially Fred and George? Different As Weasley number seven is born, Bill reflects on the births of his five other siblings. More Weasley fun. This story reminded me just how much I hate writing in the present tense, but there you are Insanity and Potions Inspired by ms. imagine's Thunderbird fanfic, "Insanity." An invitation from George Weasley to try out a new "game." Need I say much more? ms. imagine's Thunderbird fanfic, Insanity, which I believe is no longer on this site. Gutted and a half Thunderbirds Inspiring Heroes It's not surprising that the Thunderbirds inspire people across the globe. But one of them surprises Gordon with a question. My first Thunderbirds fanfic, after a long time of eyeing up other people's and loving every word of them Insensitivity Inspired by Little Miss Bump's "Virge the Surge" concept. Sometimes, it's best just to leave well alone... I seriously love Little Miss Bump's stories, they make you feel so good. I suspect I may have been feeling a bit rotten myself when I wrote this one... Match Made In A Fictional Place There's someone for everyone. Brains and John go to a science conference/ gathering in New York. Only afterwards did I realise that the summary could potentially be slash. It's not. I don't mind people writing slash fiction, I have no problem with it at all. For me, writing fanfics is something of an exercise in writing, trying to capture the spirit of a fandom and its characters, rather than bending them to suit me. Even when I insert a new character, I try to do so in an inoffensive manner- I do NOT insert myself into my stories. I was particularly pleased with this story, if not the title. I did ask my watchers to perhaps suggest a new one, but not one single person offered an alternative. The phonelines are still open... Of Apple Pie full title: of apple pie, proud fathers, and edible transmitters. set during "day of disaster." what happened when tin-tin brought the transmitter dissolver... Had to be done. It just did Captain Scarlet Fined Captain Scarlet's niece, Sandra Ryder a.k.a Charity Angel has recently joined Spectrum, but her first mission- to escort the World President- isn't exactly a success Yes, it looks like more unashamed self-insert, but trust me- Sandra's really not like me. Another story that I was pleased with despite the fairly rubbish title. You may have noticed, I kinda suck at titles Sherlock Shower Surprises All John wanted was a nice warm shower. Not for uninvited guests to sneak in uninvited. If you're getting any ideas about the title and/or summary, it is purely innocent, I assure you. The odd bit of colourful language, that's all Ah, colourful language, where would we be without you? For some reason, it particularly suits Sherlock. This came to me, funnily enough, in the shower. The flat I shared with two friends at uni had one small bathroom, the lock of which was long broken, and which I kept muttering about fixing. Never happened. In Progress/ On Hiatus/ Coming Soon Some of these stories will be taken down and re-worked. Unnamed for Now Alan's finally got round to it! Of course, a shopping trip is required. How dangerous can it be? ON MAJOR HIATUS Yup, you can see it there, in capitals, no less. I had a rough idea of what I wanted to do with it, but I lost interest, found loads of plot holes as I read through it again and again with each new chapter, and in the end just gave up. It also didn't help that I couldn't even come up with a decent title. It was intended to follow on from Match Made in a Fictional Place, and is in the darning pile Dust Calls go unanswered. The skies remain clear. John Tracy wants to know why. A Thunderbirds fic which had so much promise, and was much darker than I normally write. Kept spotting plot holes which disheartened me somewhat, but I really want to revisit it and do it justice- I genuinely felt quite proud going in on this one. The Politician, the Lighthouse and the Trained Cormorant When one considers that Mr Sherlock Holmes was in active practice for twenty-three years, and that during seventeen of these I was allowed to cooperate with him and to keep notes of his doings, it will be clear that I have a mass of material at my command. The problem has always been not to find but to choose. There is the long row of year-books which fill a shelf, and there are the dispatch-cases filled with documents, a perfect quarry for the student not only of crime but of the social and official scandals of the late Victorian era. Concerning these latter, I may say that the writers of agonized letters, who beg that the honour of their families or the reputation of famous forebears may not be touched, have nothing to fear. The discretion and high sense of professional honour which have always distinguished my friend are still at work in the choice of these memoirs, and no confidence will be abused. I deprecate, however, in the strongest way the attempts which have been made lately to get at and to destroy these papers. The source of these outrages is known, and if they are repeated I have Mr Holmes's authority for saying that the whole story concerning the politician, the lighthouse, and the trained cormorant will be given to the public. There is at least one reader who will understand. The Adventure of the Veiled Lodger by Arthur Conan Doyle They're vicious, those plot-bunnies. And they're particularly bad for biting when I have essays due. I started this roughly about the same time as I started my essay on Louis XIV, and I swear it's three times longer already. At the moment, it's one long story, and I'll divide it into chapters once I've done. The title is simply something that I could use to save it to the computer, for the moment. I'd love to go through the stories that Conan Doyle mentioned but never wrote. Some of them sound so intriguing. Perhaps that's what will happen... next time I have an essay due, no doubt Random Writings For now, the bulk of my submissions will be here. A mixture of old and new Thunderbirds at the moment, collected together under the letters of the alphabet. Suggestions are welcome. These will be short character studies, headcanons, scenarios, inspired by a list I wrote myself ages ago to help me out when I got stuck with writer's block. |