Author's Note: Greetings loyal readers! A couple of notes before this story begins. One, this is really more of a triple crossover: Castle, Stargate SG-1, and Stargate Atlantis, but since this site doesn't allow for that it is only listed as Castle/SG-1. Two, due to my hectic life as a grad student, updates will be infrequent. I apologize for this, but school takes precedence. I hope you enjoy it. And now, on with the show!
"Castle!" Detective Kate Beckett yelled after the man in the bullet-proof vest that proclaimed "WRITER" as he passed her. Cursing under her breath, she got her balance back and took off down the alley.
"Castle!" she called again.
"I got him! I got him!" The novelist kept going, and despite her best efforts Kate was having a hard time catching up.
In any other part of New York, this long alley would be odd, but not in a neighborhood of old factories. The worst part was the alleys were a mess of old dumpsters, wooden crates, and God only knew what else. It was this mess that had caused Kate to lose her balance. Something had tripped her, and while she hadn't fallen, she had stumbled into a wall long enough for Castle to blast past her, hell bent on being the hero.
"Castle!" Kate knew that the man wasn't listening; it was just reflex, trying to get a clear shot. But the suspect was moving too quickly; it was all she could do to try to keep up. How Castle was managing to actually gain on the guy was a mystery.
Then it happened.
The alley dead-ended. The guy started climbing the chain-link. At first, Kate thought that her eyes were playing tricks on her: the guy seemed to be glowing. Then Castle caught up to him, reached up and grabbed the guy's ankle. The glow intensified and encompassed Castle, too.
"Castle!" Squinting, Kate made it to the end of the alley as the glare faded. There was no sign of the suspect or…
"Colonel Carter to the brig. Colonel Carter to the brig."
Colonel Samantha Carter, commander of the U.S.S. George Hammond, was three hallways away from the brig when the voice blared over the ship's speakers. Stepping up her pace, Sam arrived at the door in less than twenty seconds. "What's going on, Sergeant?" she asked the young woman in the doorway.
"Ma'am," Sergeant Peters saluted, "we beamed up the Wraith. He's in a holding cell. But we also picked up a hitchhiker."
"A hitchhiker?" Sam followed the young noncom into the room of holding cells. In one was the Wraith, unconscious.
"We had to zat him," Peters responded to Sam's raised eyebrow. Then she motioned to a holding cell on the opposite side of the room. "This is the hitchhiker."
"Did I raise my thumb?" the man in the cell asked. "I don't think so!"
Sam didn't acknowledge his comments, taking in his appearance instead. He was wearing dark jeans over comfortable-looking shoes, and a white-and-blue-striped shirt that complemented his blue eyes nicely. It was what he wore over the shirt that made the biggest impression, however: a bulletproof vest that proclaimed "WRITER".
"Who are you?" he asked Sam.
"Who are you?"
"I asked first." The O'Neill-like response was tossed off with the ease of long practice.
Sam hid her smile. "Colonel Samantha Carter, United States Air Force."
"Richard Castle."
Sam didn't do as well hiding her shock; she could feel her jaw drop slightly. "As in the novelist?"
"Oh good, you've heard of me."
Bad Sci-fi