Author has written 110 stories for X-Men, Friday the 13th, Beavis and Butt-Head, Aliens/Predator, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, X-Files, Angel, Sandman, Highlander, White Wolf, Dawson's Creek, X-Men: The Movie, Firefly, Smallville, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Superboy, Gargoyles, Misc. Comics, Series Of Unfortunate Events, Sky High, Tenchi Muyo, Misc. Movies, Dead Like Me, Pretender, Web Shows, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Elsewhere, Supernatural, Final Destination, American Gods, Generation X, Marvel, Scream, Lost, Alias, Last Vampire series, Neverwhere, Pirates of the Caribbean, A Nightmare on Elm Street, StarTrek: Voyager, Jhonen Vasquez, Halloween, Anime X-overs, Charles Dickens, DC Superheroes, Burn Notice, X-overs, World War Z, Truman Show, Glee, Young Ones, and Vampire: The Masquerade. Well lessee, I've been writing fan-fic in various genres for quite some time, though I've recently fallen out of the habit. I'm a strugling actor, a LARPer, and like long walks on the beach (in the rain) or in the woods (in the rain). Turn offs are...wait, that's a different online thing. heh, *oopsie* Many of my stories are interconnected in a universe I call The Omniverse Project. You may notice the note under the title. A timeline of this universe can be found at: http:/// |