Reviews for Vis Insita
wontanara chapter 48 . 11/25/2019
I was really hoping by the time I made it through the read through there'd be another chapter! Tbh I thought it was over at 46 so now I'm confused how much more is left, but I hope it's a lot. I really want to see what phase 2 of Scott looks like.

Hope you're well!
wontanara chapter 22 . 11/22/2019
I'm re-reading this for a second time and sheesh I love this story. I want so much korê kharadjai content ! I also really want Sophie to get with Scott in some happy way but ah well.
RagnartheSemiGreen chapter 48 . 11/19/2019
Congratulations! I read this story a while back, and then waited for a few more chapters to pile up, and just finished my reread. The climax was excellent, and I congratulate you on sticking the landing of the story while maintaining excellent characterization.
BLISSED-OUT chapter 48 . 11/16/2019
Hey, so, just wanted to say: This story is HELLA good. Way better than I would have expected for a story that has a main character OC!

You nailed the personalities and behaviors of the main characters, you brought life to a love interest not explored enough (Ginny, natch), you integrated your OCs in a believable way (which is the stumbling block most OCs seem to face), and, best of all, you basically rewrote the plot of the 7th book, only reusing beats when you had to.

I also enjoyed the combat encounters, but that's probably because I thought it was pretty funny putting up JK's magical world against what is basically a dude with a gun, and just watching them get shredded.

Don't know whether there will be any more chapters on this story, but if there's a continuation of this story or a sequel, you can bet I'll be reading it! Once more, well done!
Guest chapter 48 . 11/3/2019
This is one of the most intriguing story I have read. One of the longest too! Well done.
christyannb94 chapter 48 . 10/14/2019
I just started reading your story a couple weeks ago, but I’m finally caught up on both That Terrifying Momentum and this story and this is what I want to say: Scott is the commentator I never knew I was missing. His one liners and bickering with the characters and his commentary on Harry being a shit magnet has me laughing out loud like an idiot. In your first story when he told Harry to see if Ginny wanted to play hide the salami still has me laughing! And that conversation just a couple chapters back where Harry asked Scott what he could use to kill people. Scott’s commentary is like that one guy who watched Harry Potter for the first time and posted his commentary on the internet and it went viral. He’s the guy that points out the obvious shit in such a funny way when watching a movie that everyone has more fun listening to him than watching the movie. His description about Harry’s life is on point and his added flair of it being like a stereotypical comedic action movie just makes it even funnier. His bluntness (even though he’s mostly just crude) is exactly what I never knew I needed. I almost wish there was a version of this story where Scott was just another wizard in the canon storyline and was just there for commentary because that would also be hilarious. But then the books would no longer be PG :P Enough about Scott because I could go on and on about how his comedy is just perfect. Oh and Lila! So freaking fierce! Love her! She is also hilarious and a badass woman. Sometimes I wish she’d loosen up a bit, maybe have some fun with Charlie, but I also appreciate that her and Scott know that they have a job to do and can’t afford to slip up. On a different note, Ginny is a lot more aggressive, controlling, and (as Harry put it) scary possessive than I ever pictured her. Ginny has always been my favorite character in the series because she’s crazy fierce, and such an amazing, under appreciated woman. But she was always the calming factor in Harry’s life in the books and knew when he just needed someone to be there, when not to push him and when to give him less than gentle reminders. She put him in his place Christmas of fifth year, but also brought him chocolate later that same year when he was feeling down, and devised a plan to let him speak to Sirius. In your story, she’s terrifying, aggressive, controlling, and possessive. Harry puts up with way more of her shit than he does of anyone else’s. Ever since Harry went off to Hogwarts he doesn’t tolerate anyone walking over him, and even more so when he realized how much of his life had already been decided for him, but he sure is letting Ginny do it. If I were Harry I would have chucked her a long time ago. There’s protective, (like how Harry is) and there’s possessive which is just obnoxious and no one likes that. Anyways, I’ve said my piece about her. This is your story and that’s the way you’ve chosen to write her. I just needed to get it off my chest how much she pisses me off :D I’m also curious as to why Harry wouldn’t want to spend Christmas with the Weasley’s especially after being in hiding for so long. It’s freaking Christmas and it’s the only family he has and surely he wants to let them know that everything is over and that’s he’s ok. Or at the very least, send them gifts. I also wanted to say that you even made the uncomfortable conversations that involved Scott and sex, less awkward and just funny. Normally those conversations are hard to read because they are just so bloody awkward, but when Scott went around asking if they knew the contraceptive charm and saying that he was just being the responsible adult was so hilarious. They’re not uncomfortable because he’s not uncomfortable. Conversations about that topic between Hermione and Ginny are terribly uncomfortable but then you throw in a hilarious Scott moment so frequently that it makes up for it. I think that’s everything I wanted to say, for now. I hope so because this was the longest review ever.
TimeShifter chapter 47 . 9/19/2019
Amazing, I'm so excited to see you back! While the payoff last chapter was absolutely incredible, I'm really eager to see the aftermath of everything, and you've done a great job showing the shock I'd expect these young adults to experience after finally ending their quest. Hopefully you plan to at least give us a bit more of the post-war moments. Based on Scott's comments about sticking around, I'm hopeful you're not ready to wrap this story up just yet!
caz15th chapter 48 . 9/16/2019
Dun dun dun...*ominous music plays*

After a long break because life has been crazy, I have finally had a chance to sit down and read everything I've missed. What a crazy, amazing ride! Loving all the thought you've put and love your original characters!
Guest chapter 48 . 9/9/2019
Thumbs up! Looking forward to more.
Opaque-Cavalier chapter 48 . 9/8/2019
Wow - it looks like Scott and Harry will be busy again...

Nice teaser.
Opaque-Cavalier chapter 47 . 9/8/2019
You really captured the essence of what it feels like after a battle - the "Primes" hadn't really experienced a 36 hour engagement, not to mention one they really hadn't prepared for. The way they were all just numb, not hysterical, not unaffected, just numb from a combination of exertion, adrenaline, exhaustion, and terror is exactly how post battle interviews of soldiers in WWII read - which I suspect was intentional (and well done).

I have to admit, I was afraid that you were going to permanently kill the Scott character, which would have really driven home that war has costs since you potentially foreshadowed that with his inner monologue during his fight. You didn't mislead the reader, you just let them draw their conclusion, which means you got to have the reader understand that battles have costs and keep an awesome character around.

Speaking of around, like Harry, I thought that the Kharadjai would leave in this chapter, but I'm thrilled that they are going to stick around. There aren't a lot of good stories that address what happens post-climatic battle in the Wizarding World so I'm looking forward to reading your take on it.
On a less serious note, it will be interesting to read your scene where Ginny and Ron face their mother...those portkeys may come in handy once the relief they are alive is over!

Great chapter
speedsONEandONLY chapter 47 . 9/7/2019
He's alive.

Does Harry get a howler
for not going with them?
Guest chapter 47 . 9/7/2019
Wonderful, as always!
jcampbellohten chapter 47 . 9/7/2019
OOooh! I was happy and excited to see a notification about this. It actually lifted my spirits. The start of this paragraph is my reaction transcribed.

"Gee, I don't know. Let me check under these blood clots." Lol!

Wow, heavy stuff all around. Although, Harry's realization that he has run out of fucks to give inadvertently entertained me because of memes. Harry's unloading discussion with Scott was interesting.

I hadn't thought about it, at least not that I remember, but I was mildly surprised the Kharadjai will stay around for so long after. However, the explanation makes perfect sense once given the context the audience and the primes didn't have. What's the expected end point, then? Is it when they finally do leave?

I like that Scott has a poetry quote because it makes the poetry early on feel less like, to quote TV Tropes, "early installment weirdness", even if I know that's what it is.

I hope at least one chapter is devoted to their totally relaxing, possibly tropical beach-located, vacation.
Revliledpembroke chapter 47 . 9/6/2019

Your story and this one share a lot of similarities.
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