AN1: This is a "Xander becomes a twilight vampire" story, but since there's no twilight characters in the story, I decided it doesn't count as a crossover.
AN2: I don't have the episodes of Buffy to watch as I write this, so I'm using a transcript sight, so forgive me if the descriptions are a little light.
AN3: I need to thank my inspiration: In The Twilight After Halloween by Supersaiyangirl and A Sparkle On The Hellmouth by BrightStar Kenobi
Chapter 01 - Becoming
Xander descended the stairs to his basement room, avoiding his family for another day. The drunks were home, and it took the skills of a spy to avoid them. That's why Xander decided to be a spy for Halloween. He had found an old tuxedo at the only thrift store in Sunnydale, and toy hand gun he'd had for years, and was going to go as double-oh seven.
He didn't have a choice, the troll that called himself a principle of Sunnydale high school had pulled Xander and his friends aside this morning, and told them they were escorting children to trick-or-treating. Not asked, told. As in they weren't given a choice. So having come home from school, he gathered the tux and gun, and dressed, then left for Buffy's house.
He arrived at Buffy's house not much later. He rang the door bell, and waited. The door opened, showing Buffy in a magnificent red gown.
"Agent double oh Harris reporting for-" He was struck speechless seeing Buffy. "Buffy! Lady of Buffdom, Duchess of Buffonia, I am in awe! I completely renounce spandex!"
Buffy curtsies in front of Xander. "But wait till you see..."
They both turned to look at the stairs as Willow came down wearing a white sheet with the word 'Boo' on it.
"Hi." Willow said.
"...Casper." Buffy finished.
"Hey Will, that's a fine boo ya got there." Xander said.
They left soon after, and headed for the school, where they were assigned children. Xander took his group to the side, and offered them tips for bagging extra candy, before asking them all what they were dressed as. There was the assortment princess, and monsters, and one kid who was a vampire, red contacts and all, but couldn't get the fangs to fit in his mouth.
They weren't out trick-or-treating long, when everything took a turn for the worst. The plastic masks stopped looking so plastic and the children started to growl and fight amongst themselves. Xander started to back up, when he was bitten by one of the children, the one that was the fang-less vampire.
Xander screamed and was starting to get woozy when one of the other children turned monsters slammed into Xander, knocking him to the ground, and knocking the vampire boy away from him. His arm was beginning to burn and Xander was trying not to scream when he heard his name being called.
"Xander!" Willow cried, as she ran over to him. "Oh my god, Xander, you're bleeding!"
"I got bitten by..." He panted heavily, trying to fight the burning that has now spread to his shoulder. "By one of the kids. Oh god it burns!"
He fell over and started to scream as the fire reached his heart. "Xander!" Willow said, as she fell to her knees, trying to touch him, but phasing right through him.
"Willow!" Called a familiar voice from behind her. She turned to see Angel running toward her.
"Thank god, Angel, Xander is in trouble, and I'm stuck as a ghost, and can't touch him. He needs help."
Angel saw Xander screaming. "What happened to him?"
"He was bitten by one of the kids. I dunno which one." She replied. Angel pulled back, and punched Xander in the side of the head, knocking him unconscious.
"What did you do that for?" Willow demanded.
"I can't stop whatever is happening to him, but I can stop him feeling it. We need to get him somewhere safe, then find Buffy."
"Oh god, Buffy. She was dressed like a eighteenth century woman. She's probably helpless."
Angel picked up Xander and hefted him onto his shoulder. "Alright, where can we take him?"
"Buffy's house is near here."
They ran fast, carrying Xander to Buffy's house, where they left him on the couch with Willow watching over him, while Angel went to find Buffy. He returned soon after, the currently helpless brown haired woman in tow.
"Alright, stay here, with them, I'll get Giles. He'll know what to do." Willow said, before running through the closed front door of the house. Angel soon heard screaming coming from outside, and ran out to save Cordelia from a pirate.
Half an hour later Willow returned, and moments later, Buffy pulled the wig off and hugged Angel.
"That was a lot of fun." She muttered sarcastically before turning to Angel. "Thanks for protecting me."
"You're welcome." Angel said.
"Buffy, what ever happened to Xander is still happening. It should have ended when the spell ended. Why didn't it?" As they watched, the unconscious Xander still twitched from the pain.
"I don't know. I'm going to call Giles." She retreated to the phone and quickly dialed the home number of her watcher.
"Yes, Giles speaking." Came his British accented voice over the phone.
"Giles, Xander was bitten by one of the kids. Whatever bit him is still affecting him, even though the magic is over."
"Good heavens." Giles muttered. Are you at home?"
"Yes." Buffy replied.
"Alright, I'll come over in my car, and we can take him to my apartment. I'll be there soon."
The scoobies, a name given to the group by Xander himself, watched over the boy as he continued to twitch in pain.
"What are we going to do... what are we going to do?" Willow muttered, as she paced about, worried for her Xander-shaped friend.
Moments later there was a knock on the door, that Buffy ran to answer. She led Giles into the living room, where Xander lie on the couch.
"Where was he bitten?" Giles asked.
"Here," Willow answered, "On his arm."
"Huh." Giles said to himself.
"What?" Cordelia asked.
"What? What is it?" Willow demanded.
"Well it's not like anything I've seen before, but it also looks like it's weeks old, rather then just an hour. At this rate, it'll be completely healed by this time tomorrow."
"Then why is he in so much pain?" Buffy asked.
"I don't know. Let's get him into my car, and we'll take him to my home, while we do research."
"I'll carry him." Angel offered. He scooped the squirming boy up and carried him out to Giles car, setting him in the back seat and off they went.
They spent the next three days researching, Angel staying to watch over him while the others were in school. As time progressed, his skin got paler every day. He features seemed to shift ever so slightly. He still looked like Xander, just... better. Occasionally he would regain consciousness, only to start screaming again. He would have to be re-knocked unconscious by Angel.
As for the researching, they came up with nothing. Occasionally they would think they had a break through, such as "Ah, the Ka'bla demon, who's bite causes extreme pain and convulsions." Giles said, then he read a little farther. "Average time till death, twelve minutes. Maybe not then."
And on it went, finding nothing for three days. Until finally, Xander woke up.
Angel had been sitting on the stairs watching the scoobies researching, while listening to Xander's heartbeat, which was pounding so loudly, he could hear it from down the stairs, when suddenly it stopped. Not wanting to alert his friends, he quietly slipped up the stairs, and was surprised to find Xander alive, even without a heart beat.
Xander felt the pain recede, a little bit at a time at first, then faster, as the fire in his heart got hotter and hotter, his heart beating faster and faster. Until the beating stopped and the fire died away, leaving Xander conscious and aware. He could hear every sound around him, including the beating of four human hearts down stairs, and the soft turning of pages. He heard the creaking of stairs as someone climbed closer, yet he also noticed the definitive lack of a heartbeat. He sat up slowly, and looked at his hands that were even paler then Angel's yet hard like marble. He thought about looking at his reflection, and was suddenly in front of the mirror, although the part in between, the 'getting up' and 'walking across the room' seemed to happen too fast.
His reflection was shocking, to say the least. His skin was a pale as he expected, after seeing his arms. His face had changed. He still looked like Xander Harris, if Xander Harris had been sculpted by Michelangelo. But it wasn't that which gave him pause, it was the eyes. The red eyes.
Another thing he noticed was his mind was working so much faster, he had so many ideas going at once. He already knew what he was, as he remembered the boy who bit him, Vampire. What he couldn't figure is, he didn't feel like one of the soulless breed, and he definitely didn't look like them, so he didn't know what to think. His mind was so active, that while part of him was freaking out, another part had already accepted it, and was busy cataloging changes.
While staring in the mirror, he heard movement behind himself, and glanced over to see Angel step into the room. As much as he was still freaking out, some part of his mind was amused that this supernatural hearing meant that Angel could no longer sneak up on him. No more mysterious appearing and disappearing. Then the scent his him, the scent of death.
"Xander, you're alive." Angel said, amazed.
"What of it, deadboy?"
"But... you're heart."
"You think I didn't notice? It's not beating. It seems I wasn't breathing either, until I needed to talk."
"Angel? Xander?" Came the voice of Buffy from the hallway.
Suddenly Xander's throat was on fire and he felt thirst like he'd never known before. He knew what this was, had been around enough vampires to understand the need to drink blood.
"Keep them away from me. I need blood."
The realization hit Angel like a dump truck. Xander was thirsty. "Go back down stairs." He told the girls, who had heard Xanders voice, and had come up to see if he was okay.
"Stay here. I'll get some for you." Angel said before leaving the room.
"I think he's some strange breed of vampire." Angel told everyone down stairs. He asked for blood, I think he's thirsty. I'm going to go get some for him, and I don't want anyone getting hurt, so please stay down here. If he's thirsty he could attack any one of you."
"Oh god." Willow muttered, tears running down his face.
Angel left, to get the blood, leaving the others to wait for him.
"Do you think he's still Xander?" Buffy asked. "I mean he's still himself, right? I don't have to slay him, do I? I dunno if I can do that, Giles."
"Of course not, Buffy." He said. "I'd never ask that of you. If it came down to it, I'd do it myself."
Little did they know, that Xander's super-hearing could make out every word they were saying. He was touched that Buffy didn't think she could kill him, and just hoped she wouldn't have to. Whatever kind of vampire-like creature he was, he knew he had a soul, which meant he could live on animal blood, like deadboy, and still be around his friends.
Angel was back sooner then expected, and headed up the stairs, finding Xander waiting for him.
"Here." Angel handed him a plastic bag. Inside was a plastic jug full of blood. "It's cow blood, from the butchers."
Xander opened it, and took a whiff. "Ugh. I can't believe I have to drink blood. Well, bottom's up, deadboy."
Xander chugged the whole container as quickly as he could. "Oh, that taste's horrible."
"Well, it's not human, but it'll keep you alive."
"Yeah, thanks. I think I'm okay to go downstairs now."
"Are you sure? I don't want you attacking anyone." Angel worried.
"Yeah, I'm alright. I think I'll be fine." Xander said. "I'd like to think I'm stronger then to attack my own friends. Also, it's not like I need your permission."
"I'm the experienced vampire here."
"So taking by your example, I'm supposed to wear all black, and hate myself?"
Angel just glared at Xander as he walked past him, and headed for the stairs. At the bottom he found himself surrounded by the smell of humans and blood, as he was hugged by Buffy and Willow. His mouth watered, but otherwise he didn't feel the need to eat them, and knew he would be okay.