Author: Captain Vocke
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer does not belong to me. If it did then the Willow Xander fluke would not of happened and he and Cordy would still have been at least friends. No profit being made here. It's just a series I've been mulling over in my head.
Authors note: Xander has never felt anything romantic towards Willow. He and Cordy are together, Oz and Willow are together. This story takes place during that summer after Angel's death. Everything else that happens is my own creative mind at work.
After Buffy ran away at the end of Season 2 the scoobies find themselves in a difficult situation. Cordy is forced on vacation with her parents, Willow is shipped to Arizona with her grandparents to rehabilitate from her blow to the head, and Giles goes on a fruitless quest to find Buffy leaving the fate of Sunnydale in the hands of a goof and a wolf. To make matters worse a new group of vampires and demons have decided to set up shop. What happens when the remaining scoobies and this new enemy cross paths? Pain.
Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. . . .
Sunnydale High School Library: Willow sits in a pentagram on the main table in the library. Candles surround her on the table. Behind her stands Giles holding a book. As he recites the curse to re-ensoul Angel, Willow repeats. By the entrance of the Library paces the Jamaican slayer Kendra. Meanwhile Cordelia circles Giles and Willow with a smoking plate of herbs. Above them watching as the constant protector is Xander.
Suddenly the peace of the room is broken as Xander is attacked by a vampire from behind. As he struggles with his foe, another Vampire jumps the railing and rushes Giles. As the fray breaks out, Willow and Cordy shriek in fear and run for the stacks behind Xander. Distracted by the battle breaking out in the Library, Kendra is over taken by two Vamps entering through the front doors.
As the battle intensifies Giles is knocked unconscious with an elbow to the face. He falls like a board to the floor. Xander is unaware of anything but battling the vamp in front of him. Suddenly the tables turn on him as the Vamp grabs hold of his arm and snaps it like a twig. The Vamp who knocked out Giles jumps the railing and pushes one of the stacks onto Willow, who gives one last cry before going silent. Cordelia, who now stands in complete shock of her boyfriend being broken like a toy and her friends being beaten, screams again catching the attention of the vamp that knocked over the stacks. He rushes to attack her. Seeing this, Xander pushes the Vamp he's battling into the rushing vamp. Both fall to the ground. "Run!" Xander yells before being knocked unconscious by his recovering vamp.
Drusilla enters the library and grabs Kendra by the throat. Within seconds she slashes the throat of the young slayer and smiles, "Let's get what we came for boys." The vamps grab Giles by the feet and drag his limp body out of the door.
Sunnydale General: Willow, now in a hospital bed and a bandage on her head, details everything she needs for the ensouling curse. She tells Oz and Cordy to go back to the library for the book and supplies and asks Xander to tell Buffy what they are doing.
Sunnydale, the Crawford Street Mansion: Xander emerges from the bushes, "Calvary's here! Willow told me to tell you," he hesitates. "Tell me what?" Buffy asks. Xander sighs, "Kick his ass!"
Inside the large abandoned mansion, both Buffy and Angelus battle with large broad swords. Spike can be seen fleeing in the background with and unconscious Drusilla over his shoulder.
Xander places the broken and battered Giles's arm over his shoulder. The two limp out of the mansion.
Buffy and Angelus battle in front of the Acathla. Angelus is knocked to his knees. As Buffy is about to deliver the final blow, Angelus's eyes lighten and Angel is returned. As they embrace, the Acathla slowly begins to open. Softly Buffy places a kiss on Angel's mouth and says "I love you". She then asks Angel to close his eyes. As he does this she runs her sword through his chest where he is immediately sucked into Hell.
Chapter 1: Scooby and Shaggy and a Newcomer Too!
Friday May 29, 1998; Woodward Cemetery, Sunnydale, California
The night air of Sunnydale was particularly brisk for the early summer. Usually in the low nineties to mid eighties, the city built on top of the mouth of hell was facing a low fifties cold front with constant showers. With the ground heated by the closeness of the underworld, the nights became exceptionally foggy. These conditions made for ample cover for the creepy crawlies that hunted the streets of the town. Coupled with fact that none of the baddies had seen or smelt the presences of the slayer, the town had become an endless list of missing people and unexplained deaths.
Luckily for the supernatural and the city government officials, all of the residents had created a self-defense mechanism that consisted of one part fear and three parts denial. This meant that most of the unexplained was written off and accepted as "wild animal attacks" or "gangs on PCP". All of them save for a small band of fighters that had taken it upon themselves to rid the world of the evil that prowled the nights. Unfortunately these unsung heroes now find themselves with smaller numbers these days.
Their leader, Buffy Summers, the only slayer left in Sunnydale had fled to parts unknown after being forced to send her boyfriend to hell in order to save the world. The brains and pre-Wiccan of their group, Willow Rosenberg, was shipped off to her grandparent's house in Arizona to recover from her injuries sustained during the battle in the library a few weeks prior. Her parents, tired of the unexplained injuries and the late nights on the streets, felt it would do her good to spend the summer away from the bad influences of her friends.
The third missing member of their group was not only the most beautiful but also the most stable member. Her name is Cordelia Chase, and she comes from one of the richest and most influential families in Sunnydale. Her presence in the group was important not for her fighting skills, but for her ability keep their group calm no matter what the situation. Her family dead set on breaking up her and her current lower class boyfriend Alexander "Xander" Harris has forced her to join them on a trip to Mexico.
The fourth member missing from this rag tag group outranked them all in age and intelligence. Rupert Giles, the father figure and Buffy's watcher, had begun his own quest to find his missing slayer and surrogate daughter leaving the final members to hold down the fort. Though still injured from the brutal torture he endured from Angelus, he devoted all his energy into his search.
Unfortunately that left two members to do the job of three humans, one slayer, a werewolf, and a watcher. Those members were Alexander "Xander" Harris and Daniel "Oz" Osbourne. Alexander, or Xander as his friends affectionately call him, was the jester of the group. Though not completely useless in a fight, he is most resourceful when cornered or under pressure than having the time to take in the whole situation.
As for Oz, he possessed an ability he couldn't control yet offered him strength in both physical and mental. For Oz was a werewolf, and every full moon he was changed into a beast that could overtake a slayer in pure strength. While his wild side was stripped down to its purest animalistic desires, his human side was the complete opposite. For Oz was reserved and quiet. Rarely speaking more than a few words at a time, he always kept a cool head and stayed in the background. This always allowed him to go unnoticed and make a perfect backup plan.
Though the only two to fight the good fight, they didn't stop. They may not be as successful as they were at full strength; the two friends still managed a few kills a week. This brings us to the current date, May 29, 1998 at the small Woodward cemetery on the far outskirts of town. The dark cemetery was abnormally quiet, even for a resting place for the dead. The only sound that could be heard was the soft crunch of a crouching Xander Harris, dressed in full camouflage complete with combat boots, gun holster, and ammo belt. Clutched in his hand is a small crossbow.
"Good night to go hunting Xander," he says to himself. "Couldn't wait until the clouds cleared could you, no who needs moonlight when fighting nocturnal creatures."
He continues to walk slowly across the gravel looking in every direction. "Of course talking to yourself while hunting probably isn't a good idea either what with the demon enhanced hearing."
A soft snap of a twig echos in the darkness and Xander immediately freezes, his body rigid with fear. He swallows loudly and grips his crossbow tighter. "Why do I suddenly feel like the token hot girl in the horror flick whose about to strip down naked and then be brutally killed."
Grunting in annoyance of his rant Xander whispers, "God I wish Cordy was here to tell me to shut up." Then again she could be the hot girl who strips naked in his horror film.
Shaking his head in part to focus on the task at hand and in part to stop himself from drooling at the idea of naked Cordiness, he begins to move forward again.
Suddenly a dark figure falls from the tree branches above him and lands on their feet in front of him, which causes Xander to fall backwards on his back and fire his crossbow wildly. The bolt misses its target and strikes the tree next to them.
"Great googily-moogily!" Xander yelps as he crawls backwards on his palms away from the offending attacker.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here? One of the slayers scrawny lackies?" the vampire who wears a worn leather jacket asks mockingly. He's in full game face. He turns and looks at the bolt imbedded in the nearby tree. "And you've already shot your wad? What a shame, and we were hoping for a fight tonight."
Out from the shadows step two more vamps, both in full game face. One a particularly tall vamp in a L.A. Lakers jersey and track pants with dyed purple and yellow hair. The other was about Xander's height in a Metallica shirt and faded jeans.
"How much of a fight could it be three on one, huh guys? How about I go home and get some more friends and we make a real brawl out of it huh? You guys can be the sharks and we'll be the Cobras" Xander nervously jokes out. Slowly he reaches for his fallen crossbow behind his back. The vamps slowly step forward.
"Which one of you can sing and get the girl?" Xander asks trying to distract from his reaching for his weapon.
The leather wearing vamp stomps forward towards Xander then leans down and grabs him by his Hawiian Shirt collar. He effortlessly lifts Xander into the air in front of him. He keeps Xander in the air and he growls at him. Xander yelps in shock.
"Do you think we're stupid? Every vamp and demon in a ten mile radius knows the Slayers gone," he smiles wickedly at the awkward teen. "This town belongs to us now. What do you have to say to that funny man?"
Xander tries to adjust his neck so he could look the evil bastard in the eye. "Well first I have to say that in order to own this town you have to go through a lot of red tape and an unusually happy mayor. Then there would be a town meeting in order to vote on such a purchase."
The vampire, angered by Xanders sarcasm, slams the boy against the tree with a loud crack. He continues to pin Xander to the tree by his collar. Xander coughs out in pain. The vamp smiles at this.
"Not a fan of sarcasm I see. I'll remember that," Xander replies. Slowly his hand inches across the tree trunk towards the miss fired bolt. "I do have one thing to say to you though."
The vamps eyebrow goes up in curiosity.
"Yeah, in response to what you said earlier," Xander grunts out.
"Oh yeah? What's that?" the vamp mockingly asks.
Xander leans forward and stares the dark beast in his yellow eyes, "I do think you're stupid."
"What?" the vamp asks just as Xander slams the now free bolt into his adversaries chest. The Vampire roars out as he turns to dust. Immediately Xander falls to his feet. He braces himself against the tree and stares at the other two vampires who look utterly shocked in return.
The Laker garment clad vampire recovers from his shock and charges Xander. The other also recovers but stops at the soft whistling sound echoing in the night. Suddenly an arrow bolt slams into his chest, just above the I in Mettalica. He looks down at the bolt and looks up at nothing, "Son of a bitc. . ." He changes dust mid sentence.
Xander tries to jump into a fighter's stance, but is quickly tackled by the much larger Vampire.
"Crap!" Xander shouts as they both bounce off the tree and land on the ground, with Xander on bottom. The Vampire begins to pummel the weaker teen with all his might. Suddenly another arrow sails through the air and strikes the Vampire in the left shoulder from behind. He screams out in pain and looks in the direction of the attacker revealing the short red head of Oz clutching a small crossbow.
"Uh oh," Oz mutters with a stoic expression.
"A little high Oz man," Xander grunts out as he struggles with the vampire.
The vamp growls and quickly charges the much smaller boy. Oz desperately tries to reload his crossbow before he's hit with a strong left hook. With a crack and a grunt he flies to the ground. The vamp straddles the disabled werewolf.
"Sometimes the best meals can be found in the smallest places," the large vamp grins diabolically. He opens his mouth and his fangs descends. Slowly he inches closer to Oz's jugular and just when all seems lost the vampire screams out in pain then turns to dust revealing a staggering Xander.
"Thanks," Oz says calmly rubbing his jaw.
Xander nods holding tightly on his side, "You did all the work with distracting Shaq. I just point and stab. You good?"
Oz nods. Xander offers his hand to his fallen comrade'. Oz accepts it and together they pull him Oz to his feet. Xander grunts in pain and bends over. Oz raises his eyebrow curiously at him.
"You good? You took a beating," Oz asks.
Xander tries to stand with a smile on his face, blood dripping from a cut over his eye and a busted lip. "I've taken bigger beatings before and bounced back. Just call me the rubber band Xan."
"You know rubber bands break after repeated use," Oz says.
"I'm the jumbo kind. Industrial strength. The ones you can fire across a classroom," Xander grins as he begins to sift through the vampire dust on the ground.
"Number one choice of the Junior High Class Clown," Oz adds as he too begins to sift through the dust.
These past few weeks the boys had discovered a largely kept secret when they dusted a vampire. It came on the fourth night of hunting. Xander had accidently fallen on a vampire, pushing him into a low hanging tree branch which impaled the demon through the heart. After the dust settled Xander had found himself face to face with the ill fated vampires money clip. Originally it was believed that when the vampire dusted, he dusted anything on his body including stakes.
What they now found was that metals such as jewelry, money clips, change, flasks, and brass knuckles rarely ever vaporized. Sometimes even plastics such as wallets, credit cards, and buttons were left over. The greatest discovery though, was that sometimes even paper such as money survived the rapid combustion allowing them to pad their depleted pockets.
"I was hoping my stake survived this time. It was my favorite," Xander says as he sifts another pile.
"I must admit, fighting vampires can be costly on the stake supply. "Wooden, not meat," Oz replies as he stands up dusting off his hands.
"Careful my canine persuaded friend. That could almost be considered a complete sentence," Xander says with a grin.
"I know. I'm off my game. Bad influences I guess," Oz says as he approaches Xander.
"Bingo!" Xander yells.
"What, your stake?" Oz asks.
"Better," Xander stands slowly still grabbing his side. He holds up a money clip with a large wad of hundreds. "Looks to be about eight hundred. How about dinner on the dead guy?"
"Cool, as long as it's not actually on the dead guy," Oz replies.
The two boys gather up their crossbows and slowly limp towards the exit of the bedroom for the dead in a comfortable silence.
"That makes seven," Xander says thoughtfully.
Oz looks at his companion in confusion.
"Seven kills for us this week. It's a record," Xander replies.
"Ah," Oz adds.
"And that was the first time we killed a group. If only the slayer could see us now," Xander says proudly.
Oz looks Xander up and down taking in his friends injuries. "I think she'd be pissed that we're risking our necks."
"Someone's got to. Not like we're doing much," Xander says sadly.
"Better than not doing anything," Oz replies.
Xander stops walking and grips his rips tighter. He breathes deeply while remaining hunched over.
"You sure you're ok? This was by far the worst beating we've taken," Oz notes.
Xander stands up straight and wipes the pain induced sweat from his brow. "I'm good. Just missing Buffy right now."
Oz nods in agreement. Xander tries his best to stand up straight and the two continue their slow trek.
"You can take the night off tomorrow. I'll be unavailable," Oz says breaking the silence.
"Yeah, got a gig?" Xander asks.
"You could say that. It's the montly kind. Same wildness, more biting," Oz replies.
"Oh. Reenacting Where the Wild Things Are?" Xander says sarcastically.
"Yeah. It'll be the first time without Willow watching over me since we started dating," Oz says sadly. "I miss her so much I'm going crazy."
Xander remains quiet, giving his friend a moment to himself. "Yeah well I must be crazy because I miss Cordy."
Oz smiles, "Whipped."
Xander laughs, "Leashed."
They continue to walk next to each other in the night mist towards the exit. Xander pats Oz on the back. "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
"We weren't friends before?" Oz asks.
As their limping forms slowly disappear into the fog a dark figure steps out from behind a crypt. Unnoticed by the pair the shadowy figure watches them exit.