Summary: After the battle of the First Evil, Buffy while trying to escape the crumbling building falls into the Hellmouth. She wakes to find herself back in the Master's cave and back in her sixteen year old body. Can she make things better? Can she change her destiny? Her friend's destiny? Her mom's destiny?
Pairings: None decided on.
A/U: Alternate Universe from Prophecy Girl on.
Disclaimer: Buffy is owned by Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy.
The last thing Buffy remembered she was trying to escape the Hellmouth. The building was crumbling around her and then suddenly she was falling backwards, back into the Hellmouth. She bid a silent goodbye to her sister and her friends. The next thing she knew she was laying on her back looking into Xander and Angel's faces as they squatted on either side of her.
What was Angel doing there? Buffy wondered. And more importantly where was she? She stood up and asked, "Where am I?"
"The Master's cave," Angel said.
"I haven't been here in 4 years, what am I doing in here again?" Buffy said as she looked around her.
Angel and Xander looked at her strangely.
Before either Angel or Xander could say anything though, she asked, "Where is Dawn? Is she ok? Is Spike with her? Did the spell work, is Tara ok?"
"Who are Dawn and Tara?" Angel asked wondering who they were. And more importantly why was she asking if Spike was with this Dawn. And how did she know of Spike to begin with. He was sure she had never met Spike.
"My sister and Willow's girlfriend, silly," Buffy said. "Although, you might not know that because this is my past."
"What are you talking about?" Xander asked looking at her like she was crazy.
Buffy shook her head. It didn't matter. If she was right and this is her past. That meant the Master had just risen. "It doesn't matter. Let's go."
Angel and Xander nodded and the three of them left the cave. They headed for the school passing several vampires that they dusted easily.
"How do you know where the Master's going?" Xander asked.
Buffy smirked as she glanced at her friend. "I know."
They walk into the school and toward the door marked Roof Access. They notice that the lock has been broken and the door is ajar.
"Angel, keep the rest of the vampires off me," Buffy said. "Xander, I need you to find me a sledgehammer and meet me in the library."
"Right," Xander said.
She started up the stairs and out onto the roof. Where she saw the Master looking down into the library through the skylight.
"Yes ... come forth. My child ... Come into my world."
Buffy smirked. "I don't think it's yours just yet."
The Master turned to face her; he couldn't believe what he saw. "You ... are dead."
"I may be dead, but I'm still pretty," Buffy recited from memory. "Which is more than I can say for you."
"You were destined to die! It was written," the Master said.
Buffy laughed. "I won't permanently die for a long time to come. Sure in your little cave I drowned. But the thing was I was revived."
He reached out suddenly, clutching the air as though it were her. Locked eyes with her and stared at her, mesmerizingly. "Come here."
Buffy smirked as she moved but quicker than he expected. She grabbed him throwing him through the window and down on the broken table. She jumped through the skylight after him as she yelled. "Xander! The sledgehammer."
The Master landed on the upended shard of the table and dusted, leaving behind only his bones as Xander ran over to her handing her a sledgehammer. She began swinging the sledgehammer time and again grinding the Master's bones to dust.
And then everything stopped. There was a rending kind of shriek from the Hellmouth and the demon tentacles withdrew.
Buffy looked up at everyone as they all stared at her and what was left of the Master's bones. They all gathered in the middle of the room as Angel walked in.
"The vampires?" Giles asked.
"Gone," Cordelia said.
"The Master?" Angel asked.
"Dead," Giles said as he glanced at the remains of the bones. "And the Hellmouth has closed." He turned to Buffy. "Buffy?"
Buffy burst out crying, not for what just happened. But for everything she had lost. The weight of it coming crashing down on her. Six years gone in the blink of an eye. Her sister gone, having not yet created. She had to make sure Dawn was sent to her, it was the one thing she didn't want to change. She wanted to do right by Dawn this time around. She got her sobs down to a couple of sniffles. "I'm sorry. It's been a really weird day," she said.
Xander nodded. "Yeah, Buffy died and everything."
"Wow. Harsh," Willow said.
Buffy looked at Willow and then Ms. Calendar. She intended to talk to Ms. Calendar and see if the teacher could train Willow about magic. Maybe with Ms. Calendar's help, Willow wouldn't get addicted.
"I should have known that wouldn't stop you," Giles said, proudly.
"Well, what do we do now?" Ms. Calendar said.
Giles shrugged. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd really like to get out of this library. I hate it here."
Xander nodded. "I hear there's a dance over at the Bronze. Could be fun ..."
"Yeah!" Cordelia said in agreement.
"Buffy?" Willow said.
"You guys go ahead. There is some stuff I have to do," Buffy said.
"What about him?" Ms. Calendar asked looking at the remains of the Master's bones.
Buffy looked back at the Master's shattered remains. "Bury him. Other than that we don't have to worry about him. He won't be coming back. No revivication ritual will bring him back, now."
Giles looked at Buffy wondering how she knew about the revivication ritual.
That night Buffy sat at her desk writing down everything she could remember.
Angel losing his soul because I slept with him.
Ms. Calendar dying at Angel's hands.
Kendra dying at Drusilla's hands
Angel going to Hell
Faith going bad
The Mayor turning into a giant demon snake
Oz leaving Willow
Adam and the Initiative
Riley leaving me
Mom's tumor
Warren, Jonathon and Andrew
Dawn's kleptomania
Willow addicted to Magic
Tara's death
Willow nearly destroying the world.
Spike going crazy when he got his soul.
Bringer's killing Potentials and their Watchers
Watcher's Council blown up
Spike's trigger
Being kicked out of her house
Dawn's betrayal
Buffy knew one thing she didn't want to change. Not yet anyways and that was Dawn. She would bide her time and wait till the monks had created her sister before she would go after Glory and Ben. She planned on being a better sister than she had been. Till then she was going to make things better for everyone, or at the very least try too.