![]() Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter, and Naruto. Hi. Disclaimer: I own nothing and am not making any money for any stories. I also do not wish to keep putting up disclaimers for every chapter, so taking an idea from someone else, I have put one here. 'Nuff said. Bardic doom! Please bear with slow updates, as I am a new and easily distracted writer. Alas, my stories will never be for the young'uns. I shall write about things that make you and me uncomfortable, but they shall be relevant to the story. Thank you for your patience, understanding, reviews and whatever else I may have forgotten. IMPORTANT! This is from reviewer HandsomeFoxwood in review to my story The Sealing of Naruto. I find that this will be important to not just this story, but any story. Including others I may write in the future. You're a fanfic writer, not a god. The idea that you could do this story any better, really it would depend on having a beta or someone else you could bounce ideas off of, but mostly your story will be what it will be. If one wanted to read professional works, one wouldn't read fanfiction at all. But then, fanfiction is a lot less about the writing and a lot more about the expression of things you like and dislike in canon and about exploring ideas from a variety of angles. Equally though, people should remember that while it doesn't make sense to them that any 12-13 year old would do something like this, they need to be reminded that: 1. It does happen. With kids who were brought up in an a stable environment even. I've met people who've been open with the fact that they had sex even earlier than that, and not all of them were molested either. 2. These to have grown up in a society that raises them to be adults in the bodies of children, and does so on purpose. 3. Their society has a number of unhealthy practices that are never even dealt with. Extreme anything, be it grieving or training or killing or anything else, is just and everyday thing. Nobody seems to really do anything about the major problems different members of the Leaf Village has. And this village is supposed to be one of the better ones in terms of how people are treated. I'd hate to see some of the disturbing habits that fester given the conditions of some of the other village, Mist for example. 4. On top of all of that, Naruto and Hinata have bad childhoods to the extreme. There is no real support system established in their minds. I wouldn't suggest to Hinata that she listen to the moral compass of her clan. And what I think is a very important and often forgotten fact: 5. The world that Naruto lives in still has its head in the feudal age. Arranged marriages have long been out of style for us, but they don't even blink at the mention of it. I mean, Hinata is probably engaged to some 30-40 year old man who holds a lot of political clout. She's at the appropriate age for her body to be able to conceive children, which is sort of the gruesome point. In that light, Hinata and Naruto's encounter is a lot less inappropriate because of squick factor and a lot more inappropriate simple because they did something irresponsible and that they weren't mature enough to handle. They may not have interacted much in the past, but at least they aren't inclined to treat one another like crap. They could certainly do much worse for themselves than being involved with one another. -Written by HandsomeFoxwood I may paraphrase it a bit later, but for now I'll keep it as is, and it'll always be credited to him as his argument as I do not have the way with words he/she has. (I'm leaning towards he though.) Story Info and Status: The Secrets of Salazar Slytherin: Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley, married in the Chamber of Secrets, have come to realize that life isn't easy. It's not enough to face Lord Voldemort, but just why did Salazar create the Chamber? What was his purpose in marrying the two? And how many secrets can a chamber hold anyway? H/G pairing. Latest chapter posted. Next chapter is 5% complete. The Sealing of Naruto: Hinata Hyuuga may be shy, but she certainly knew what she wanted. And when a book came to her telling her exactly how to get it, her fate was meshed with Naruto's. Too bad no one told them about the Kyuubi. Or of Naruto's heritage. Or anything else important, really. NaruHina! Latest story arc is currently scrapped and being rewritten. Untitled Harry Potter Story 1: When Dumbledore mentioned how music had a power all its own, no one really suspected just how much that would affect them. That is until Yule Ball, and the appearance of a band other than the Weird Sisters. Secrets of the future and past are revealed, and nothing will ever be the same again. H/G pairing, others are undecided. Under construction. Untitled Harry Potter Story 2: Everyone knew how Harry Potter was a hero when he defeated the Dark Lord at age 1. But no one really thought about him needing rescue, not till Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood proceeded to do just that. An H/G/L story. Under Construction. Untitled Harry Potter Story 3: When wizards meddle in the affairs of Death, Death meddled in the affairs of wizards. H/G pairing. Untitled Harry Potter Story 4: After the defeat of Riddle and the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets, Harry and Ginny ended up stuck down there for over a year. How much can change in such a time? H/G pairing. |