Well that's the fastest I've ever written a new chapter. I hope the proof reading is ok, I have a thing in less than ten minutes and wanted this up and finished first.


Second Task: N.E.W.T. Project 2

"What are you doing out of bed with that brother?" Emma asked.

"I could say the same of you?" Said Harry. "It's nearly curfew."

The brother and sister were both heading to the Portrait Hole, Harry carrying an item very dear to him.

"I assume that is for the Second Task Tomorrow?" Emma asked.

"Yeah." Said Harry. "I tested my theory out on lesser models, it all works. I'm just going to test it one last time."

Emma rolled her eyes. "You know I'm jealous. You're managing your N.E.W.T. project and the Tournament at the same time, I wish I could do all that."

"You're doing your project at the same time as me, and I had a 12-month head start." Said Harry.

"You gave me a Potions book." Emma retorted.

"Which is no substitute for actual classes." Said Harry.

"From Snape?" Asked Emma.

"… … … … …" Harry looked pensive "Ok I think we can call this one a tie."

As Harry made for the Room of Requirement, Emma headed for the Grand Staircase.

"You're not coming to wish me luck?" Harry asked in surprise.

Emma shook her head. "No. McGonagall came and asked me and Hermione to come to the Headmaster's office. I had some books to file away but she went on ahead."

"Why do they…" Harry stopped himself. "Oh…"

"What is it?" Said Emma.

"Never mind." Said Harry. "I'll see you tomorrow."

He approached her and embraced her in a tight hug. Emma returned it. "You'll do just fine I'm sure." She said. "It can't be worse than that Dragon."

She kissed him on the cheek, squeezed his ribcage one more time, then left for the Headmaster's office.

Harry made to go, but a few seconds later backed up a little to watch his sister go. Once he was sure she was gone he went to Professor McGonagall's office.


"Mr Potter?" Said the head of Gryffindor in surprise. "It's nearly curfew and why do you have…."

"Just answer me this Professor." Said Harry, his voice deadly serious.

"Don't interrupt me Mr Potter." Said McGonagall in fury.

But Harry had none of it, put his free hand up, silencing his Head of House.

"But past an hour, the prospect's black

Too late, it's gone, it won't come back."

McGonagall blinked for a second. "I'm relieved to hear you are prepared for tomorrow, there was some concern amongst us that…"

"She had better bloody come back." Said Harry cutting off his Head of House a third time.

"Mr Potter?" Said McGonagall in shock.

"You swear your assurances my sister is in no danger or I am going after her and she and I are done here."

"Mr Potter what kind of people do you think we are?"

"Your word Professor!" Said Harry.

"I assure you, no harm will befall your sister." Said McGonagall.

Harry nodded.

McGonagall took a deep breath. "You didn't seriously expect…"

"You put me in front of a Dragon." Said Harry. "With no warning other than to have courage. How do I know what comes next."

McGonagall sighed. "Harry." The use of his forename struck Harry harder than expected. "I know you never intended to be in this competition. There is an element of risk for the Champions I will grant you that, but that same element does not extend to other participants. Now I know how important your sister is to you, and how much you resent having to save her is being made a spectacle. But I assure you nonetheless it's a spectacle, nothing more. Professor Dumbledore, Madam Maxime and myself for that matter would never allow that. We also for the record had measures in place to help if the Dragon became to much."

"What protections?" Harry asked in disbelief.

"Do you still have your model of the Hungarian Horntail?" McGonagall asked.

Harry nodded.

"I suggest you examine it with magic, like Professor Lupin taught you."


"I'm sorry Professor Dumbledore, but I must decline." Said Hermione.

Emma looked at Hermione in surprise, not that she could blame her, but it was odd for her to refuse a request from a teacher.

"Miss Granger if you do not wish to participate I understand, but may I ask your reasoning?" Said Dumbledore.

"Viktor is a nice enough boy, but I don't think we should be anything more than just friends, I don't know how he feels but I would hope that there are others that are more dear to him."

Dumbledore turned to look at a clearly irritated Karkaroff.

"Did you have a backup?" Dumbledore asked his counterpart.

"His best friend is here, I shall ask him to join us." He said, before leaving for the Durmstrang ship.

"You may go Miss Granger, but I must order you not to tell Mr Potter or any of the other Champions what I have just explained." Said Dumbledore.

Hermione looked troubled.

"It's fine Hermione." Said Emma. "It's what Harry wants. I think he knows why we're here anyway."

Hermione nodded and left.

Emma looked around her. She was with Cho Chang and an unknown 8-year-old girl who was chattering rapidly in French to her headmistress, she seemed somewhat scared.

"As I was explaining. You will each be placed in an enchanted sleep then guarded by the Merfolk that live underwater. The task will involve each of your Champions retrieving you and bringing you to the surface. Once your head is out of the water the enchantment will wear off and you will be awake."

"And wet?" Said Emma.

"As I said to Miss Granger, this is voluntary, we are not going to force you to take part." Emma looked thoughtful. "Fine I'll do it, but only because if he takes Ginny out he's going to be all confused."

"Confused?" Said Cho in… confusion.

"He's a sweet boy, but he's still a boy." Said Emma. "So stupid."

The Fifth Year laughed. "I'll go down as well, I don't mind Cedric thinking of me…"

Emma kept her thoughts to herself but she definitely preferred Cho going out with Cedric rather than Harry.

"If Miss Delacour here does not wish to take part then I understand." Said Dumbledore. "We can…"

But Gabrielle shook her head and said something Emma didn't comprehend "J'irai, pour Fleur."

Dumbledore nodded. "Je suis sûr que ta soeur t'aime." He then looked around the room. "Very well then, I assure you all that we will have Madam Pomfrey on standby with hot chocolate and warm towels. If you are wearing anything that isn't waterproof like jewellery, I suggest you take it off now."


Harry met Hermione on the way back from his trip to the Room of Requirement.

"Are you not going underwater?" Said Harry.

"I… what… I… who told you?" Hermione stuttered. "Oh. You know I'm not allowed to talk about it."

She then bolted at high speed for the Common Room, Harry could easily have caught up to her but not without dumping his stuff. Besides, he didn't have the inclination to go after her at this point. If it was important, she could tell him when she was less flustered.

He made his way to the dormitory, he got a lot of looks carrying around what was likely at least three times his weight in equipment through the Common Room. He'd been keeping this stuff in the Room of Requirement, but Harry was concerned there would be a lot of attention on him tomorrow so he thought it best to bring it all to his dormitory so no one would see him entering his secret room.

Inside he set it all down and looked the model Horntail out of the trunk. He couldn't remember taking it out of the sack, for the simple reason that he didn't. After Bagman left the tent before the First Task, the creature must have crawled out and into Harry's robes. It was only really now, that he was thinking clearly, that he appreciated how amazing the magic of it was. It was almost like a pet lizard. He set it down on his bedside table and took out his wand.

"Cerno Enodo!"

The diagnostic charm revealed that it was equipped with a mild Shield Charm and a Flame-Freezing Charm. It wouldn't have stopped Harry receiving any pain, a few scrapes and such, but it would protect his flesh, if not his clothes, from being burnt badly. Not enough to avoid any damage, but he could have been burnt just badly enough to receive significant treatment from Madam Pomfrey.

"I can't believe I never thought of a Flame-Freezing Charm." Said Harry in frustration.

"Bit late to ponder over the Dragon task Harry." Came Neville's voice.

Harry turned to see his four dorm mates walk in.

"Mate why are you carrying all that stuff?" Said Ron. "And what's with Hermione, she's acting weird."

Harry waved him off. "It's tools I'm needing for the Task tomorrow. Hermione I think just opted out of being, I assume, Krum's Damsel in Distress."

"Huh?" Said Ron.

"It'll make sense tomorrow, I'm going to bed, I want this task over and done with as quickly as possible."


Harry was used to people staring at him, but even the rest of the Guild were confused by what he was carrying (via Levitation Charm) down to breakfast.

"Harry that looks like half a quarry." Said Demelza. "Also we're worried about Emma."

"Yeah she didn't come in last night and she wasn't in bed this morning." Said Natalie.

"Emma's elsewhere, we'll see her later." Said Harry.

"Well are you going to tell us what all that is for?" Ginny asked.

"Morning to you too." Replied Harry sarcastically. "You'll all see when I get out there, but this is essentially what I need to get through the task.

"Three gravestones?" Said Geoffrey. "Is your plan to kill and burry the other Champions?"

"Don't be silly Geoffrey." Scolded Hermione. "Those aren't Gravestones, their Rune Stones. But I don't understand why have you brought…"

"Oi, Pottie! Planning to build a new house." Malfoy shouted across from the Slytherin table. "I really hope we get to see you choke Potter, not as satisfying as seeing you get burnt but…"

"Malfoy shut your cake hole." Ron bellowed across the hall.

"Enough!" Said McGonagall coming in for breakfast. She too though eyed Harry's pile of stuff with an unsure expression though. "Mr Potter, what is all that for?"

"The task?" Said Harry.

"I don't see how you could possibly need all of this." Said McGonagall. "Rune Stones don't have much application for…"

"For what?" Said Harry. "Oh right you can't let on what the task is. Don't worry I have a plan."

But the pile of equipment that sat between Harry and Neville at the Gryffindor table became an object of fascination, people began concocting grand theories as to what the task was about. What Harry really enjoyed though was Cedric, Krum and Fleur all looked at what he had brought and couldn't fathom what it was for, normally they would be sure of themselves for coming up with their methods of getting underwater but it looked like they were beginning to doubt their abilities.

Their was only one person other than Harry in the Great Hall who was unconfused by the presence of his equipment, and the answer as to who that person was, was…

"Have you invented a new contraption Harry?" Luna asked. "That's very ambitious of you."

"Thank you Luna, it's nice to be appreciated." Said Harry.

Ginny smacked the back of his head.

"Hey!" Said Harry.

"You better not be doing something stupid." She warned him.

"Ginny. In all the time I've been here, I think we can all say without a doubt… that this could go either way."

Harry got hit again.


The other three Champions looked surer of themselves as they assembled on the shore of the lake. While Krum had donned a pair of Swimming Trunks, Fleur and Cedric had opted for wetsuits. Harry drew even more confusion when he took off his cloak to again reveal his Gryffindor Quidditch Robes. There was consensus muttering around the assembling crowds that he didn't know what he was doing.

But Harry ignored them.

"You know you can't fly underwater Potter?" Someone shouted, as Harry held his Firebolt upright.

"Accio!" He whispered. A small stone came out of his pile and he attached it to the front of his firebolt with an old belt. Satisfied that it was secure he levitated the three other blocks into position.

Bagman came running furiously towards Harry. "Mr Potter, Harry, what on earth is all this? You know this is an underwater task, right? How're you going to get about down their hauling stone?"

"I have it in hand." Said Harry.

"You'd bloody better" Bagman snarled.

Harry dropped his broom and moved to draw his wand, but Bagman left suddenly.

"That was rude." Cedric commented.

"Indeed." Agreed Fleur. "Ow dare ee conduct imself like that to a Champion."

"Yeah." Said Harry silently.

"Something wrong?" Cedric asked.

"He looked really, really angry." Said Harry. "Like he wanted to attack me. What's the matter with him?"

Cedric looked troubled about something.

"What is it?" Harry asked.

"It may be nothing. But Bagman's been acting strange to me, I think he has some kind of stake in you."

"That makes sense." Said Harry. "Mr Weasley told me he's had gambling problems before."


While the crowds roared with approval, Cedric said "Good luck down there, I hope your plan, whatever it is works."

Harry nodded. "You too."

He pointed his wand and incanted on the First Rune Stone:

"Sentinam Caeli!" making it glow green.

Then the second stone:

"Bulla Proelio!" making it glow blue.

Followed by the third stone:

"Aguamenti Translatio!" making it glow white.


Harry growled under his breath.


Harry held his hand over his broom and commanded "Up!"

It flew into his hand. He mounted and hovered several feet off the ground. He also drew his wand. Cedric and the other Champions made themselves ready.


"Glacies Patronum! Solum Patronum!"

The Patroni of Ice and Earth emerged from Harry's wand and took up positions hovering above the lake. Harry then pointed his wand at the stone attached to his Firebolt.


Three lights, of green, blue and white shot out of the three Rune Stones on the Ground and into the stone on Harry's Firebolt.

While Krum turned his head into a shark head and Fleur and Cedric used Bubble-Head Charms, Harry had an entire oval shaped bubble emerge around him.

Harry had been studying Runes for some time and realised that several different Runes could be activated and merged into a single Rune Stone, in effect making one Rune Stone carry out the effects of several others. This instance, one to create an airtight durable bubble, one to regulate breathable air and one to force all water out of the bubble, in case of a leak.

Harry flew up into the air and scanned the stands.


Harry ignored Bagman and found what he was looking for: the stands where most of the Slytherins, including Professor Snape, were located. With one last rise he immediately dove for the water at high velocity, reasoning if he could drench the vast bulk of Slytherin House, why not?


Having practiced in the Room of Requirement, Harry was now and expert at underwater exploration, wizard style. The Rune Stone on his broom could change how big or small the bubble was, originally it was a perfect sphere, but while practicing beforehand it soon became obvious that the shape caused to much drag underwater, so he made the shape oval to compensate. Air was a bit more of an issue to test. If he had failed to breathe he would die during his test, but he tested things first with a lit candle, then with a conjured snake, then a transfigured hedgehog and finally, after getting a House-Elf to keep an eye on him, he tested it on himself.

The tests worked more or less as intended, he even found a Rune that would force any water that got inside, back out again.

It was useful for Harry's Triwizard Task, but it was a good N.E.W.T. project because the applications would effectively lead to portable defensive wards, cutting down the need for expert casters to travel to different locations to set up defences or other protections charms. In that sense it was more useful to society than his Patronus Research.

But as for right now it was providing Harry with a great use of underwater transportation. Solum and Glacies dove into the water. Unfortunately, neither of them were at their best. They moved slower and water deterioration meant both were physically losing pieces by the second, but Harry knew that much of their physical structure could be maintained underwater for a short time. Even if they couldn't he could just recast them, the bubble allowed objects, including his wand to pass outside and, if necessary, he could reach out and pull something inside.

Harry shot down at high velocity, in the air a Firebolt could top 150mph, underwater he could get it to 30mph at best, but the slow acceleration meant he was going closer to 20mph most of the time. Still that was much faster than any of the others could swim. Meaning he could cover the whole lake much, much faster.

Up ahead he saw a group of Grindylows, so he steered away from them. But one determined soul saw him and swam at full speed. Because of the angle he was flying, Harry didn't have time to dodge and the creature began beating its way through the shield. Large drops of water fell through, as they landed on the floor of the bubble, they dissipated out back into the lake.

Harry aimed at the Grindylow and incanted with his wand.


The spell impacted the creature with a concussive thump on its head. But this drew the attention of several other creatures, so Harry upped his game.

"Solum!" He said. The rocky stag charge at the Grindylows and those that weren't caught up in its antlers scattered out the way. "Glacies!" For good measure Harry had the Patronus of Ice chase off the stragglers.

He continued on, at one point he could vaguely make out the outlines of something massive and moving. The presence of tentacles indicated the Giant Squid. It swam a bit closer but stopped at the sight of him. It's face looked tired but curious. With one of its big tentacles it pointed behind Harry to his right.

"The merpeople are that way?" Harry asked, not sure the creature could hear him.

But the Squid seemed to blink in an affirmative manner. Harry couldn't explain it, but he turned around and headed in the direction indicated. He had barely been under water five minutes when he saw light and heard faint singing in the distance. The village was completely occupied by Selkies, unlike the beautiful mermaids of children's books these creatures looked vicious and combative, even without the spears and tridents in their arms.

Harry noticed them out looking at him, but nonetheless staying put. He had Solum and Glacies stay behind him.

He approached the nearest group of armed Selkies, who thankfully had not yet attacked him. "I wish to get my sister. May I pass?"

The merpeople looked surprised that he could talk to them.

One of the creatures swam up to him in interest. "You may take your sister, but only your sister."

"Agreed." Said Harry. "Thank you."

The three merpeople bowed and swam out of Harry's way. He made his way towards the sound of the singing merchoir, there were four people tied to a statue of a giant merman. The Selkies all watched him closely as he approached.

Emma was there, so was Cho Chang, one of the Durmstrang students a boy Harry wasn't sure he'd even met, and a small child who looked 8-years-old. Harry stared at her for a few seconds, she was undoubtably Fleur's younger sister.

Aiming his wand, with the tip outside the bubble, he silently incanted a Severing Charm at the ropes tying Emma to the statue. She was released and floated upwards a little.

"Carpet Retractum!"

A magical rope shot out of his wand and wrapped itself gently around Emma's waist. Harry enlarged the bubble and pulled her in.

Emma woke up as Harry caught her round the middle. She coughed water out of her mouth for a bit and got her breath back.

"Are you ok?" Harry asked.

"Yeah fine, a little damp."

"I'll fix that." Said Harry. "Calesco!" A warming charm removed all the water trapped inside Emma's clothes and hair, she felt like she was in a comfortable living room.

"Where are we?" She looked around and noticed she was standing on the floor of a bubble with her brother floating on his broomstick. "Harry what the heck did you do?"

"I'll tell on the way up." He said. "Get on behind me."

Harry explained simply what he had been up against the last couple of months and how he decided to invent…

"The wizarding world's first submarine. You crazy, crazy brilliant boy." Emma said incredulously.

"Do you like it?" Harry asked.

"It's brilliant, we're already near the top, how long is this task?"

"We have an hour, but this hasn't taken ten minutes." Said Harry, a bit of pride in his voice.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Emma laughed. "My Brother. My brilliant bloody brother, the inventor. My Brother: Harry Potter!"

Harry smiled.


It was with shock and, in Slytherin's case irritation, that Harry emerged so quickly. Especially as half of the Slytherin's had just dried themselves off with magic when Harry drenched them a second time, till his dying day he claims that time was an accident though. No one believed him. Ever.


Glacies and Solum followed him out of the water and landed on the shore with him. Once the brother and sister dismounted, Harry incanted on the stone attached to the broom.


The bubble disappeared and the Rune Stone stopped glowing. The judges and several of Harry and Emma's friends came rushing over.

"Harry that was amazing!" Said Ron incredibly, "Everyone had no idea, but man, what the hell! You made underwater flying, that's so cool!"

"Ron don't be silly." Said Hermione. "I mean well done Harry that was beyond magnificent, but nothing can fly underwater."

"Penguins can!" Said Harry and Emma at once.

A moments silence passed, then both Potter burst out laughing.

"Penguins aren't actually…" Hermione trailed off. "Oh, why do I bother."

Ginny and Colin finally broke through and threw their arms around their prospective partners.

"Well done you." Ginny said to her boyfriend. "I never doubted you, but even I would never have thought of something so incredible."

"That is a most peculiar use of Runes Mr Potter." Said Dumbledore. "Very inventive, may I ask how you knew it would work?"

"It's a long story." Said Harry. "But it involved a bit of trial and error…"

"Perhaps we can discuss it later." Said Dumbledore.

"ALBUS, WE NEED HELP HERE." Came Bagman's voice.

Harry levitated the Rune Stones back into a stack of three and set his broom on top of them.

"I suppose I'd best put this all away." He Said.

"Mr Potter please stick around." Said McGonagall firmly. "The event isn't over and Madam Pomfrey will want to examine you both immediately so if you please.

"We'll look after your stuff." Said Ginny. "On you go."

Harry and Emma went over and were quickly given the all clear by Madam Pomfrey. Harry didn't have a drop of water land on him and Emma had barely been out of the water and damp a second before Harry dried her off. They were as healthy and fine as they should be.


"Do you think she is alright?" Emma asked.

"Let's go and see." Said Harry.

They saw Fleur being carried up by a pair of selkies to the shore, where Madam Maxime lifted her like a doll out of a baby bath. Fleur was bleeding and bruised everywhere, her robes were torn and she was screaming in anguish. The words were French so Harry couldn't understand but one word kept popping up "Gabrielle! Gabrielle!"

"That's her sister!" Said Emma. "She must want her back."

Fleur was limping and asking everyone where Gabrielle was, then she saw Harry and Emma and stumbled/ran up to Harry.

"Miss Delacour." Said Madam Pomfrey.

"Ou est Gabrielle?"

"She's… she's still down there." Said Harry.

"Please take me to er." Said Fleur.

"Miss Delacour you're injured?" Said Madam Pomfrey please let me heal you, your sister will be up when the task is…"

"NON, now!" Fleur demanded.

Harry looked at Emma and then at Fleur.

"I'm going to help her." Harry whispered to his sister.

Emma's eyebrows were raised.

"Hey if our positions were reversed, I'd want her to help me save you." Said Harry.

Emma sighed. "Oh, Madam Pomfrey, Madam Pomfrey I think I'm going to faint."

Emma fell against the side of the medical tent and made an almost convincing groaning noise.

"Miss Potter are you alright?" She asked.

Harry smirked and then grabbed Fleur by the hand. "Come on, let's go."

They shot off back towards his pile of stuff, Ginny and everyone else was there and were more than a little surprised to see Harry dragging the attractive older girl from France towards them.

"Harry Potter?" Ginny asked, not sure what to make of what was happening.

"I'll explain later." Said Harry.

He grabbed his broomstick and incanted on the Rune Stone still attached to it.


The belt holding it on severed itself and the small stone detached from the Firebolt.

Harry handed the broom to Ginny. "This is my most treasured possession, guard it with your life. Please?"

"Uh… ok… but where are?"

"POTTER, GET BACK HERE NOW!" Screamed Pomfrey.

"Gotta go." Harry Smirked and incanted "Solum Patronum!"

He positioned Fleur behind him so that the Stag would rise beneath him and Fleur.

"Ah!" Squealed Fleur in surprise as she found herself sitting on a stead, behind its rider.


The stone was fixed to the back of Solum, then Harry incanted again.

"Sedibus!" The Rune Stone reactivated, and the bubble formed around Harry, Fleur and Solum the Earth Patronus.

"DON'T YOU DARE MR POTTER!" Shouted the matron.

"Ready?" Harry asked.

"Oui!" Said Fleur, some confidence coming back.

The stag galloped forward into the water and quickly they submerged themselves. While a Firebolt could go up to 150mph, there was no telling how fast a Patronus could go, theoretically the speed could be instantaneous if given enough time. All Harry knew is that it didn't take nearly half this time to get from the village to the surface with Emma.

"Glacies Patronum!"

The Ice Patronus shot out and ran alongside them. Harry hoped not to use him, but it may become necessary if the Selkies tried to keep them away.

"We're going to free your sister, get her in here and get out. Agreed?" Harry asked

"Yes okay."

Before the Selkies could react, the bubble was right next to Gabrielle's sleeping form.

"Diffindo! Carpet Retractum!"

Gabrielle was freed and dragged into the bubble. She awoke with a fright but as Fleur caught her sister, she enveloped her in a big hug.

"Hang on, those guys don't look… Bon?" Said Harry.

After a moments silence Gabrielle giggled at Harry's very bad attempt at French. Then Solum shot off, several spears were thrown their way, but Glacies rammed them out of their path to the bubble then chased off the Selkies.

Less than three minutes after submerging Solum emerged, though unlike Harry with a Firebolt they emerged too far from shore to drench anyone. They landed back where Ginny was waiting with his Firebolt. She looked a bit unsure about what just happened.

"Thanks Ginny." Said Harry.

"How the hell is it you do that?" She asked him.

"That was actually the original plan." Said Harry. "But only the Earth and Ice Patroni can work underwater and I thought it would be more useful to have them help me, but outside the bubble. Then I thought maybe I could enchant a chair, but what if whatever was taken was too big, then I thought a couch but then I realised how do you enchant a flying couch, then I thought if I'm going to enchant a couch then why not a carpet, but then I remembered your Dad saying they're illegal, but then I remember I owned a Firebolt and if the thing I had to get was so big I could just tie it and…"

Ginny full on kissed him on the lips.

"I'll shut up now."

Ginny rolled her eyes. "You wanted to take Fleur and save her sister?"

"She asked me to." Said Harry.

"And you went, why?"

"Because she asked?" Said Harry.

"MR POTTER!" Madam Pomfrey came running.

"Hey, I think these two need help?" Said Harry pointing at Fleur and Gabrielle.

"See her first!" Fleur demanded.

She turned to Harry.

"You saved her, you saved her even when you didn't have to…" She said.

"It's fine." Said Harry. His own sister ran over to join them. He held out an arm for her. Emma happily embraced her brother. "I have a sister too. I know what she means to me."

There were about 100 pathetic sounding awes that, mostly, came from girls. Harry had completely forgot he had an audience.

"He's mine everyone, get lost." Snapped Ginny.

Harry put his other arm around his girlfriend.

"Thank you so much Harry." Said Fleur again, she kissed him on the cheek, then turned around to see that her sister was safe.

"So, when is this task going to end?" Harry asked, trying to take his mind off what just happened.

"Don't worry Harry, the French just like to kiss people." Said Ginny. "And while I'm not sure I like you going off with her like that, it was very sweet of you to help her sister."

"Yeah plus she kissed you." Said Ron teasingly.

Ginny poked him hard in the ribs.


"Ron, she's way older than I am." Said Harry.

"Oh, come on, don't you think she's gorgeous?" Ron asked Harry.

Harry shrugged. "She looks nice I guess, but so do a lot of girls. Including your sister."

"Harry." Ron said despondently.

"Hey. Remember I have the Occlumency thing. I don't get the attraction thing you and the boys get." Said Harry.

"Harry, please stop talking." Said Ginny.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked her.

"Just a bit." Said Ginny. "But I know you don't mean anything by it. Also, it's nice you trusted me with your broom."

"Hey Padfoot gave me that. It's important, if it's going to go, it should at least go in battle."

"Don't prophesise things like that brother!" Said Emma.

"But a battle with Harry on a broom." Chimed in Colin. "That would be so cool. You should have duelled the Dragon on your broom."

"If I had any warning I would have." Said Harry.

Eventually, after the hour was up, Cedric and Krum emerged from the lake with their champions, Madam Pomfrey ended up having to rush Krum's champion off to St Mungos. From what Harry could gather he had taken out a sizable chuck of flesh with his shark head trying to cut his Champion loose. Krum looked quite queasy before he fainted on the shore. The other teachers attended to him, Cedric and Cho.


There was a significant amount of polite clapping but a lot of groaning from the Durmstrang crowd. It was not a great victory.

"My god am I glad I didn't agree to go down there." Said Hermione in a shaky voice. "Please don't tell Viktor I said that."

"We won't." Said Ron a little too happily.


The crowds cheered more enthusiastically, though Fleur modestly suggested she deserved zero.


Everyone cheered the success of Cedric Diggory, even though he was second Harry couldn't fault him. His simple enough method may have been slower, but he showed true resolve and skill completing the challenge. Privately, if Harry was to lose to him, he'd be fine with it.


Later that evening the news would pour massive amounts of scorn on Karkaroff for his blatant unfavourable score awarded to Harry. Many bringing up his Death Eater past and his bitterness of being on the losing side of the war.

While everyone else retreated to the Common Rooms for a party, the Guild and some of their closer friends made for the Room of Requirement with swimsuits and an appetite for good food.

Emma was underwater and Harry was prepping for the task the night before, so unusually Ron prepared the meal. It was a slow cooked roast beef and was actually very good.


After two thirds of the Tournament was now over, Harry found himself favourite to win. Only Cedric and Harry had performed well during the Second Task, and while Cedric's performance was respectable, Harry showed a good deal more advanced knowledge. Rita Skeeter put out an article claiming Harry faked the whole thing, without providing any kind of assertion as to how. She also put a claim that he fed love potion to Fleur Delacour.

But Harry largely ignored it, even as Slytherins around Malfoy continued to taunt him about it.

"Then I suppose you wet yourself Malfoy?" Neville retorted the day after the task.

Harry found himself summoned to the Headmaster's office. He was surprised by the reception he got.

Professor Dumbledore was there as was McGonagall and Moody. Professor Marchbanks was also present, so were Crouch, Percy and Madam Bones, the head of the DMLE.

"Is the Minister trying to arrest me again?" Harry asked, not entirely with sarcasm.

"No, well yes." Said Madam Bones. "In a manner of speaking he wants you hauled before the Wizenagamot to answer for… well that is less clear."

"We persuaded him that a discussion with ourselves would be preferable." Said Crouch. "If you have cheated in the Triwizard Tournament, then there are remedies such as being disqualified, but from what we saw, I wouldn't worry about any such accusation standing up."

"Is this about that Skeeter article?" Said Harry. "Because she lies all the time."

"It is partially." Said Madam Bones. "But you must understand you have demonstrated unfamiliar and different magic, twice now in such a short space of time. Given your age that is a concern to some."

"What's the concern?" Harry asked. "You do want students to be able to do magic to the best of their abilities, except occasionally when they do to well?"

"Your point Harry is not without merit." Said Dumbledore. "I avoided saying as much yesterday, but I am very concerned you used Runic magic, not because it is forbidden, it is not, but you should not have the level of skill you do."

"The books in the library were helpful." Said Harry defensively. "It's basically a lot of maths and… well…"

"Yes, Mr Potter?" Asked McGonagall.

"I can show you my working." Said Harry. "But the idea was to create three Runes to use charms to regulate breathable air, the size and durability of the bubble and the removal of water. I combined them into one Rune Stone."

Madam Bones narrowed her eyes. "How?"

"By taking an elemental clef from each charm, fixing each onto the primary Rune Stone and using a fourth to activate and regulate it."

There were a series of puzzled expressions on everyone's faces.

"The merger of three Rune Charms, allowed me to create an anomaly, the bubble. The smaller Rune Stone I attached to my broom and Solum, I used kind of as the control point. By flying forward as I normally would, the bubble moved forward."

Dumbledore's eyes narrowed. "Are you saying you were able to mix several spells into a single Rune Stone? That's something that is rarely attempted, and is even rarer successful."

"It's not dangerous though." Said Harry. "At least not any more than anything else."

"When you told me you were using protective spells in Rune Stones, I assumed you were talking about creating protective wards." Said Marchbanks.

"I am." Said Harry. "But a Rune Stone can contain a Shield Charm, or a Concealment Charm, or Flagrance Curse or whatever. But only one, my project was to try and create a single Rune Stone that could be brought anywhere and activated or deactivated at will."

Bones stood up abruptly. "Y… you mean deployable protections, don't you?"

"That is my aim." Said Harry. "I have a lot of work to do, but it looks like it's working. The spells I used in the lake were simple enough, a modified shield charm, a specific vanishing charm for water, both of which were from spell books I found in the library easy enough. The breathable air was hard until I remembered Ventus, that is to say the wind spell, is linked to the element of air. I tested it out on a candle, then a conjured snake and finally myself with the help of a house-elf."

"So you created each spell in separate Rune Stones." Said Marchbanks. "But how do you tie them to the Primary Rune Stone?"

"Like I said, I used an elemental clef from each spell. I carved them onto the stone, then had the spells transferred to those clefs." Said Harry.

"You regulated the spells through their elemental attributes rather than the traditional incantation or Rune?" Said Marchbanks. "How could you have figured that out?"

"If you make a cake, you use flour, eggs and milk. At the end you can't see the flour, milk or eggs, but they're there and they're doing their job in the cake. Even if the job is a little different." Said Harry.

"I understand that." Said Marchbanks. "But Elemental Runes are complicated it would take months, maybe years to work out your Elemental Clef. The Elemental Clef is always different between each wizard, between each wand."

Dumbledore's eyes widened. "But you already know your Elemental Clef because of the 7 Patroni, don't you Harry."

Harry stiffened. "The calculations can be figured out in the space of about 4 weeks by someone who knows what they're doing. At least I think." Said Harry. "But yes. Thanks to the 7 Patroni, I know all elemen… all 6 elemental formulae. It only works for me, and my wand. But once the Rune Stone is infused…"

"Then anyone can activate it or deactivate it." Said Madam Bones. "Mr Potter if you work out the maths then…"

"Then I can create portable Rune Stones." Said Harry. "The application for complex protective wards is widely needed. Unlike simple spells, Rune Stones are long lasting. I could make a bunch of Stones with protective wards and hand them out to anyone who needs them. They can protect their home, move home while taking the stone with them, then set up somewhere else. While only needing to carry one stone, not four or five."

"Incredible." Said Marchbanks.

"You said to be creative." Said Harry.

"I wasn't expecting you to be that creative." Said Marchbanks.

Harry shrugged. "In any case I know my own Elemental Clefs, so adapting them to the necessary spells… can be a little difficult, but certainly doable. I imagine I'll get better with practice."

"Then what the heck to you need me for?" Moddy said despondently.

"Experience?" Said Harry. "I don't know how well all these spells work in the real world. I have tons of theories, but you're an Auror, you've fought the Dark Arts, that's why I need you to be my teacher. It's not all about my project, there are exams and practicals to do."

Moody sighed.

"You have an exceptional pupil Professor Moody." Said Marchbanks. "Don't feel bad, the reason he's on the fast track is because learning at the current rate of his peers is too slow for him."

"How exactly do you know your elemental clefs?" Percy asked.

Harry stiffened. "My previous research. I found a shortcut to learning my Elemental Stimulus, the casting equivalent of the Elemental Clefs."

"From your skills using the Patroni?" Said Marchbanks. "But how."

Harry shook his head. "That knowledge is forbidden. The spells I used in the Second Task can be constructed through extensive Arthimancy and use of Runic symbols, but the Patronus research is forbidden."

"On who's authority!" Crouch demanded, having been somewhat quiet.

Harry turned to look at him. "Mine. I know how to make Patroni, but I also no something far more dangerous and deadly than anything you can imagine."

Crouch narrowed his eyes.

"Mr Potter what exactly have you found out?" Madam Bones asked.

"I can't tell you that." Harry said.

"You can, if necessary, I'm sure everyone here would…"

"It is not a risk I am willing to take." Said Harry. "The last person to discover what I did took his own life, this knowledge I have is a curse, I want to live but I will give up even my life to protect this. Now if that's all, I think this discussion is over."

"I will see you and Miss Potter on Wednesday." Said Professor Marchbanks. "We've had an unusual request."

Harry nodded and turned around. He thought that was the end of the matter.


But Madam Bones clearly hadn't. She approached Harry at lunch time.

"Would you be willing to talk to me some more?" She asked.

Harry sighed. "Do I get a choice."

Madam Bones blinked if you wish not to speak to me, then I will not push you any further.

Harry shrugged. "Alright." He Said.

"I understand you have a session at the Ministry on Wednesday, perhaps you can join me in my office afterwards?"


"Why the hell would we publish some crap in the Prophet." Said Harry. "No one their likes us."

"It doesn't have to be the Prophet." Said Professor Tofty.

Harry and Emma were at the Wizarding Education Authority office at the Ministry. After updates on their N.E.W.T. projects, coursework etc. Marchbanks and Tofty had dropped something on them.

"Traditionally when students progress through the Fast Track Program there is some media interest just prior to both their N.E.W.T. final and prior to being appointed Master of their subject. This can be in the form of an interview or a simple photograph of the pair of you with summary information." Tofty detailed.

"Something I'm sure neither of you would prefer." Said Marchbanks. "Another option is that you both write and publish an academic paper, then provide an article on it that can be published in a newspaper. It doesn't have to be the Prophet, however considering your status, it's not unlikely they would reprint it."

"Well we'd probably go with The Quibbler since Luna's dad is the editor." Said Emma.

Both Marchbanks and Tofty looked scornful but to their credit kept their opinions to themselves.

"We can ask." Said Harry. "Would we write separate papers, or a joint one?"

"Either or." Said Marchbanks. "But as you have gone through this together, writing a paper together does seem to make sense."

"Ok." Said Harry.

"Yeah." Said Emma. "We can do it after Easter, we're busy between then and now."

There was general agreement.


"Mr Potter, thank you for coming." Said Madam Bones. "Miss Potter you are welcome to join us if your brother is agreeable?"

Harry nodded.

"Now the reason I want to talk to you, is regarding your Patronus Charm." Said Madam Bones. "Professor Dumbledore mentioned you asked about Professor Lawrence."

Harry's eyes narrowed, "What of it."

"I am concerned about the Patronus Charm and this alleged threat you mention, because of the importance of managing Dementor Populations."

"You can continue using it as you do." Said Harry. "Use it like I do though, and you're closer to a line that should never be crossed."

"That is encouraging to hear." Said Amelia Bones. "But Professor Lawrence was a friend of mine."

Harry's eyes narrowed. "Lawrence died in the thirties."

Madam Bones' eyes rolled. "I realise I am not a young woman, but I was a student of his. I left Hogwarts 2 years before he died. When he died I had just qualified as a Law Officer, he was my first death investigation. His suicide was covered up, how did you know?

"Dumbledore told me." Said Harry.

"He said you asked him? You seemed certain that Lawrence's death was suicide."

Harry sighed. "Lawrence was the one that discovered Elemental Patroni. I found some of his work. It was messy and uncompleted. I was being harassed by Dementors and badly wanted to get better. At first the paper was next to useless, but I began reading more and more about Arithmancy and Elemental Magic and… well I beat up a Dragon."

Bones' eyes widened. "Lawrence research? The implication was that you invented this all yourself."

"Mam, I'm good but I'm not that good." Said Harry. "Professor Lawrence fended off a Dementor attack 6 months before he died. My theory is he realised what I did when I fended off the Dementors that mistook us for Sirius Black."

Madam Bones leaned forward. "And what did you realise."

Harry shook his head. "I'm not answering that."

"Mr Potter?" She began.

"I'd leave it." Said Emma. "Harry has told me a bit about how this can end. I'm not sure he should of, I'm glad he did, but…"

"Professor Dumbledore told me that he assumed Professor Lawrence had marital difficulties. But I was good friends with that family. Winston was like a mentor to me. His wife adored him, as did his children. I do not believe he would have committed suicide over his family." Said Madam Bones.

Harry was quiet.

"His widow, believes that she made some kind of mistake, she handles herself well but it's been eating her up inside." Said Madam Bones. "You confided in me about Voldemort, I know you hold me in some respect, I will not press you on the Patroni again. But I want you to meet his wife and children and tell them what you can."

Harry looked at Emma.

"If you committed suicide. I would want to know why?" Said Emma.

"They must never tell anyone." Said Harry. "I won't give them any details, but they mustn't tell anyone."

"I'm sure they will agree." Said Madam Bones. "If you will give me a few minutes in the Floo I would like to set up a meeting."

Madam Bones was in the Floo not very long when she came out.

"Would you be willing to tell them now?" Said Madam Bones. "Mother, Son and Daughter are all at home."

Harry sighed. "I don't know what I can tell them."

Emma took his hand. "We didn't know our parents. Learning so much about them has made our understanding of them more valuable."

"It will give them a sense of closure." Said Madam Bones. "I hope."

Harry sighed. "Ok."


"I was wondering if we'd ever meet." Said the old woman. Her hair was a dirt grey colour and she was wearing light brown robes. Despite her advanced years, Harry recognised her from the photo in the old Prophet article.

Her son and Daughter were both in their sixties, him in a new expensive set of dark green robes, her in blue and red striped robes.

"My name is Dina Lawrence." She said. "These are my children, Randolph and Marigold."

"Mother why is Harry Potter… I mean." Marigold stuttered. "It's an honour to meet you both. But why are…"

"The magic young Mr Potter used against the Dragon was invented by your father." Said Dina.

"You knew?" Harry said.

"What?" Asked Bones in confusion.

"My husband was an awkward sort, not good at keeping tidy. He relied on me for that sort of thing. I never understood all these numbers and Runes he scribbled." Said Dina. "But it meant the world to him. To find out he ended his own life, I knew something had to be wrong."

"Mother?" Said Randolph. "You told me that he got to obsessed with his work and that was…"

"I never thought there was too much obsession on his part." Said Dina. "He loved me and both of you dearly. But his work was his passion, that passion was what I admired most about him. Then one day he told me it had to end. To destroy his work, there was a draft precis that I never managed to track down."

"He hid it at Hogwarts." Said Harry. "He never even finished writing it, I had to piece bits of it together using textbooks and Trial and Error."

"And that work led you to the Dragon." Said Dina.

"Before that, I finished the last formula." Said Harry. "What comes out of…"

Dina sighed. "There was something terrible in that research. Did you want to end your own life?"

Emma took her brother's hand. "There were moments I wondered whether I should." Said Harry. "But ultimately I wanted to live."

"So did Winston." Said Dina. "But one day, he came home and couldn't stand not knowing. He began a process, first by meditating…"

Harry's eyes bulged out. "Please tell me he…"

"Whatever he and you feared must be terrible if you're that worried." Said Dina.

"Mother?" Randolph interceded. "What did you do?"

"I called out his name." Said Dina. "He recognised me, but it was too late. He could feel his malice brewing, I could see the desire to hurt in his eye, he wanted to hurt someone."

"What why?" Said Marigold.

"Because it makes you want to." Said Harry. "That's the only way."

"He bolted for the Floo and went to Hogwarts." Said Dina. "I followed him, but by the time I got their he was lying on the floor. He used that malice, that darkness in his heart to cast the Killing Curse upon himself."

"You knew that, and didn't tell me?" Said Bones in horror.

"It doesn't do much good now." Said Dina. "The Ministry was not as corrupt then as it is now, but it is still corrupt. The power my husband feared was so great he took his own life to stop it."

Harry stared at her quietly.

"I know what you are thinking." Said Dina. "I'm afraid you may be faced with the same choice one day. You are faced with many different enemies and have already used the elements to protect yourself. How far are you willing to go to survive?"

"You don't know what I know." Said Harry. "The power to use it is my own, the choice not is also mine."

"Do not underestimate Dark Magic Mr Potter." Said Dina. "My Husband as much as I loved him scorned at those who would use it. The alure is dangerous, using it changes you. Winston said what he found was more dangerous than any magic he has ever seen or read about."

"He could well be right." Said Harry.

"If you…"

"I won't use that magic." Said Harry.

"And if you fail yourself?" Asked Dina.

Harry looked thoughtful. "Then that's a failure I'll have to live with."

Dina looked taken aback. "My husband could not live with his failure, I hope the time never comes but if it does you will need those who care about you."

Emma took her brother's hand. "He'll have them."

"Miss Potter, Mr Potter I think you'd best return to Hogwarts." Said Madam Bones. "I want a word with my old friend here."


Harry and Emma Flooed into Professor McGonagall's office and made their way back to the Common Room.

"Is this one of these things that can be beaten with love?" Emma asked Harry.

"If you ask Dumbledore, love has the power to overcome our greatest obstacles." Said Harry. "It is a magic more powerful than… ok some of the stuff he says is crap, but what choices we make are our own. If we choose to care for those we love… I don't know. I have a horrible feeling we're going to have to deal with this one day."

"Well look on the bright side, if you unleash Dark Magic that destroys everything, no more homework… ever…" Emma smirked.

"No more History of Magic, no more… We shouldn't joke about this actually."

"I know." Said Emma. "But Dumbledore's says happiness can be found in even the Darkest of times."

"So long as one remembers to turn on the light." Said Harry. "You know what else he said?"

"What?" Emma asked.

"Good leadership is about eating large quantities of cake."

"Well I have always thought of you as a good leader, who shares cake of course."

"Yeah. Let's go to the kitchens." Said Harry.


For the first time in months things started to calm down for Harry and Emma. Now they were friends with Ron and Hermione again (albeit with a few awkward points left) most of the Guild tension was gone. Harry was told that he and the other Champions would be informed of the Third and Final task one month before it commenced at the end of June, so he focused his mind and energies on other things.

The Guild held a meeting on the last week of February and, for Harry and Emma's bank accounts, there was some very good news.

"I had a letter from Mr Boot this morning." Said Harry. "The court has finished hearing arguments and they're going to spend the next 6 weeks in deliberations. I know you guys have exams coming up, but they want me and Emma, as sponsors of the lawsuit, there to hear the judgements."

"We'd love to come along." Said Hermione.

"Yeah." Said Demelza.

"If I may suggest." Said Harry. "Our anonymity ends once we go into court. From then on, I think we should be making plans to make more open campaigns. Mr Carrow has volunteered to help us set up as a charity, provided the lawsuit allows for it, then we should start openly pushing for better conditions and rights."

"This maybe a good opportunity to write our constitution and publish it." Said Hermione.

"My Daddy would be glad to publish it." Said Luna.

Harry nodded. "Actually, Emma Werewolves are relevant to both Potions and Defence Against the Dark Arts right?"

"Yeah?" Said Emma in confusion, before realising. "Well might as well hit them with everything we have."

By the way I like receiving reviews but if you genuinely want to me to reply to them, then don't make them anonymous. I can't reply to you if I don't have an address or something.

Anyway, hope you liked my Rune Bubble, I wasn't bashing Krum intentionally but in Canon Harry was concerned he would tear Hermione in half. I was never sure how I wanted Harry to go underwater, but using a Rune Bubble was always going to play, one of my first plans was to use a Patronus as a reindeer and the bubble as a sleigh, but only two of them could operate effectively underwater. I hope you like what I did, as I say.