Author has written 11 stories for Berserk, Heroes, Sandman, Doctor Who, Firefly, Being Human, Worm, StarTrek: The Next Generation, Cthulhu Mythos, Watchmen, and Supernatural. I left fanfiction for a long time, and only returned to it about a year ago. Years and years ago, I used to be on livejournal, but now I mainly post my fic on the spacebattles and sufficientvelocity forums, only to move it afterwards. Most of what I have posted here can also be found there, in addition to a lot of other stories. Thanks to everyone who's read what I've written. Note (August 11): there's a new continuation of Monsters in Her Mind in the works. It's still early, so it will be a while before I start transferring over to The active version can be found on the spacebattles forums. It's titled "The Monsters in Her Mind: Sleeper Saga." |
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