"Test four thirty-seven yielded no new results. We still have no way to decipher the way the files are coded."

"We'll move on to using direct links. Attatch the equipment directly to the circuit boards, and record the information being sent in that way."

"This is a one-way test, Roberts. There's no guarantee the robot will keep functioning if we damage its hardware directly."

"Look at it. After everything we've done, I don't think it's even capable of returning to how it was before."

"...Very well. Proceed with the neural uplink. Tessly! Contact the Overlord base and see if they have anything we could use."


Heading away.

A sigh.

"Alright," A voice mutters. Designation: Roberts. Footsteps closer. Enters sight. Organic. Male. Many creases on faceplates. "Let's see what makes you tick."

Moves out of sight. Above head. Sound. Sparks? Electricity jumping. Intrusive movement in cranial unit. Hurts. Hurts! HURTS!

Unauthorized memory loop. Pain reprieve. Escape.


-understand your concerns, Optimus, but with the way things are now..." Ratchet argued, glancing down at me. Smiling, I wave up at him, offering a small building block in an attempt to gain a playmate.

"Ratchet, I can not. Losing Elita was hard enough; to be seperated from our sparkling..." Creator trailed off, casting me an anxious look.

"That's why I don't want you losing her! Even though the decepticons were defeated, there are still rebels out there calling for your energon! If they find out you have a sparkling, they won't rest until she's offline." Ratchet argues back, refusing to back down.

"I can not just send her off! And there is nowhere to hide her..."

"I'm not saying 'shoot her into space in a stasis pod', I'm saying, give her a guardian. A strong one. Let them hide in space until we know it's safe."

"What if they were to follow her?" Creator asked quietly, his faceplates revealing his worry.

"We'll randomize the space bridge destination. No records. We'll send them the okay signal, and they'll send us their co-ordinates. When it's safe. No one, not even us, will know where they are." Silence followed this statement, and I looked up at the mechs to see why. They seemed to be having a staring contest, which was silly. Ratchet always won those.

Creator vented a sigh, and I giggled at his loss of the game, causing him to look at me. "Very well," He conceded, "Contact Ultra Magnus. Tell him, I have an indefinite mission for him."

Ratchet nodded and walked off, a set look on his faceplates. Leaning down, Creator picked me up and I let out a giggle at the height. "You are going to go on a trip with Ultra Magnus. Will you behave? For me?"

Nodding, I chirred, "I'll be good for Uncle Magmus." A slight twitch on Creator's liplates indicated he wished to smile, but for some reason, he never did.

"Good." He praised me, "Hopefully, it won't be a long tri-

Loud bangs sounded throughout the room. Screams. Thoughts not complete. Something stealing thoughts. Crashes. Yellings. More bangs. Can only observe, not think.

Noises fade. Faint scuffling. Footsteps. Odd. One set similar, other two, unfamiliar. One unfamiliar is light, clicky. Second is heavy. Clanks. Metal, perhaps?

Stop outside door. Hear beeping, silent mutter. Everything is quiet a moment. Too long. Door broke?

Hissing. Door not broke. Opens with a beep. Hear a filter. Motors. Breathing.
