Author has written 4 stories for Naruto, and Harry Potter. Hi there, My name is Frostic...actually it's my nickname but you get the point. In real life I'm a dog trainer, and in my spare time when I'm not working with and training my personal dog (Raziel) I am either reading, or writing. I jump from fandom to fandom occasionally, and at the moment I seem to be in a Harry Potter mood. I also have a original novel in the works, mostly just for fun, but may try to get it published one day if I get it to where I want it to be. Quotes: "Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy," Likes: Reading, wirting, drawing, procrastinating (I am the Procrastination Queen!), fire (is a pyro), being lazy, sleeping in, Anime, Manga, and lots of other stuff Dislikes: (thinks) ...not a whole lot actually XD That's it for now...I'll probably add more as I come up with stuff. |