Title: Syndicate
Category: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Mystery, Angst, Drama.
Rating: T+ (Recommended for a fifteen year old)
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the characters, just the new ones……
Summary: Naruto is the heir to the Kyuubi Syndicate. Sasuke is the heir to the Uchiha Syndicate. Naruto loses his memory and Sasuke finds him, but he doesn't know who Naruto really is! Trouble will certainly brew….
Notes: Hello takes a bow . My name is Thread-Sage, but you can just call me Sage-san! This is really my first Naruto fic so please bare with me! Reviews will be taken as if they were gold! Oh! If the characters are OOC, please forgive me bows again, I am just starting to watch the Naruto series……….But, Naruto is supposed to be OCC so please forgive me! bows one more time
Darkness. That was all Naruto saw. An inky black mass that consumed every piece of heat, hope, and light that a person could muster.
"Sir Naruto! Please come back!" A voice said from behind the blonde haired youth. But the concerned voice didn't stop him from running. It didn't stop him from keeping his head low and only thinking about escaping the groups of the Kyobi Syndicate. He just wanted to escape.
"Iruka…." Naruto whispered but he didn't turn around. He continued to run.
Bullets were then fired, skinning past Naruto's head. He stopped for a moment, and turned around. Three small lights were glistening in the darkness.
'They are going to shoot me.' Naruto thought as the urge to leave the grounds was beginning to dwindle.
Naruto mentally shook his head.
'I can't live here any more!' Naruto said, turning his back to the bullets and running.
"Sir Naruto!" Iruka yelled again.
A soft hand was placed on the tanned mans shoulder.
"Kakashi." Iruka said; a taste of surprise of sadness in his voice.
"I will get him back, Iruka. I promise." Kakashi said.
Iruka slowly nodded and looked at the silver haired man. This man tutored Naruto in the Kyubi secret family arts. If anyone could get the Rouge teen back, it would be Kakashi.
Kakashi nodded. There was a rustle of wind and a dancing of fallen leaves and then Kakashi was gone.
Iruka stood there for five seconds, before he bowed his head. He then walked back into the large building
Naruto was already a mile down when he felt the presence of a body behind him. He quickly turned around, his hair flinging many drops of wet water.
"Time to come back, Naruto." Kakashi said, looking at the teen his eyes glistening with determination.
Naruto shook his head furiously.
"I'm not going back!" The blonde teen yelled at the silver haired man.
Kakashi's stare didn't change. His left eye began to flicker with energy and magic. Would he have to use it against Naruto?
Naruto noticed the energy coming from Kakashi.
"Do you plan on using the Hypnotic Eye on me? Are you going to force me to come with you Kakashi?" Naruto yelled, ran mixing with tears.
Kakashi was silent for a moment, deciding what to say. Then, he came up with the right sentence.
"For you safety, If must then I will." Kakashi aid simply.
Then, as if on cue, Naruto's eyes began to change color. They began to flicker from cerulean blue, to a blood-lust red. But, they stopped on the color lilac purple. Steam rose from his cheeks as the marks of the fox began to return.
"You want to fight the Nine Tailed Fox, Kakashi?" Naruto said, his voice now mixed with the normal Naruto and a demon.
Kakashi fell silent. Naruto, at such a young age (1), Naruto was already capable of turning into the Nine-Tailed Fox. Though he could only turn into a half fox, this form was still very powerful.
There was a silence, except for the pattering of the rain and the harsh breathing of the demon. Though all his body language showed coarseness, Kakashi could tell that Naruto was bleeding, crying inside.
"Just as I thought." Naruto said as the wind began to kick up around the boy.
"Let me go. I am not your property!" the boy yelled as the wind kicked. There was a swirl, and a howl like a wolf, and then the boy was gone.
Kakashi stood still, not knowing if he should move or not or if he should try and follow the boy. But following soon became not an option because all trails of the boy were cut off.
Kakashi shrugged his shoulders. He would search for him in the morning, when it was light. Right now, he needed sleep.
Sasuke Uchiha, the heir to the world known Uchiha clan has a strange urge that night to leave his apartment he shared with his brother, and take a nightly stroll. It was raining and had been raining for about an hour or so.
He held his dark blue umbrella over his head and looked straight ahead of him, not concerned with what was to the left, to the right, or behind him. Only the future is important now.
The black haired teen looked to the left him as he heard a thump and felt a surge of chakra. Casually, he looked.
There, laying in a pile of trash bags and cardboard boxes, was a body of a teen blonde with piercing blue eyes.
An emotion filled Sasuke that he had never felt before. The only sign of this emotion that anyone could see was the short sharp breath he took as the body stood up and smiled weakly.
Then, the teen collapsed.
Sasuke stood there for a moment, not really knowing what to do. Who was this boy? Why did he have so much chakra energy coming from his body?
Slowly, Sasuke moved over to the boy. Up close, he could see small black lines as they instantly disappeared from his cheeks.
"A spell?" Sasuke said as he placed his umbrella to the side and bent down. He swung the boys body over his back, like he was giving the teen a piggyback ride. He then hunched his back and picked up his umbrella and started walking back.
Why he had such an urge to save this teen, he didn't know. But, something, a new felling that he couldn't explain, made him want to help this kid. Itachi wouldn't be home for at least a week; some issue between the Kyubi Syndicate and the Uchiha Syndicate had arisen.
"You're growing soft Sasuke." The raven haired teen said, adjusting his umbrella as the rain thickened.
YAY Does a little dance! My first chapter is done! OK, I have a few things to clear up
This story takes place in modern day society.
Sasuke and Naruto are actually about fifteen years old.
We still have the Jutsu's but they are now considered secret family arts that only specific Syndicate pass down to their heirs and clan members.
Sasuke: I'm not that nice.
Sage: Yep! In my story you are! See, You picked up Naruto and helped him from dieing from Pneumonia points to the spot in the story and makes Sasuke read it!
Naruto: Sleeping
Sasuke: You make me sick shakes head and walks away
Sage: Pulls out the Tran dimensional hammer and smashes it over Sasuke's head.