Reviews for Shadows of a Nightmare Future
ayingChan chapter 24 . 2/12/2018
I think i much prefer the previous format. Maybe you could make the font for the flashbacks in italics. Just to distinguish the past from present.
brutusjr chapter 19 . 1/29/2018
It's really hard to keep up with where you are in this story. There's way too much back and forth in the different timelines.

socmanco chapter 23 . 2/26/2017
Good story, i liked it very much, but i found the ending pretty underwhelming
Guest chapter 23 . 8/22/2016
Pretty dang good, although I would have loved more scenes dedicated to Shika and temari, but I'll take what I can get :p
viks chapter 23 . 4/29/2016
great work.
enjoyed it...
Destined Avenger chapter 2 . 4/27/2016
I liked the Idea of making Sasuke a villain . Actually that was his original role
LilyVampire chapter 23 . 4/26/2016
It's really over.. I loved the epillogue, I think you wrapped things up nicely and the reconciliation between Shikamaru and Naruto was quite realistic. Thanks for writing this, it's been a great journey!
Illuminated chapter 23 . 4/19/2016
I'm going to miss this story a lot, it was a dependable, intriguing friend. However, i look forward to your next one!
Hikari Yagami de Takaishi chapter 23 . 4/18/2016
Hello again! First of all, thanks again for writing and sharing this story with us. Many thanks.
I am sorry for not commenting on your previous chapter, I haven't read it until today.
But now to the comments:
It's kinda sad seeing this story coming to an end. As much as I love seeing a happy ending, I was enjoying just reading and wondering what would happen next.
I am very happy to see Hinata to be on Shikamaru's side, even if she loves Naruto. And again, what is more important, it is very plausible, much like everything in your story, and I just love that. Tsunade playing matchmaker is funny to think, but also got me wondering that she may have some political reasons to do so. Like helping Naruto get over Sasuke's death by staying near Hinata, and preparing him to be Hokage. Shikamaru 'stealing' a kiss from Temari on lat chapter filled my heart with joy, really.
Now, on this chapter, I feel SOOO sad for Shikadai... I mean, I always wanted Shikamaru and Temari to have a daughter, but upon seeing Shikadai I got attached to him, like 'my babies' baby', but again, logically they couldn't have Shikadai again - but they could have another son and name him Shikadai, but I actually like the way you left it. Temari seeing the son she would never meet - it must be a sense of emptiness, and for Shikamaru it may hust him so much to 'keep losing' his son, so I love the idea of the shrine. But overall, this part was very sad and realistic. I wish Shikadai could know his 'little sister' too. T.T
Naruto growing up, learning the truth and trying to fix their friendship was so touching, I love that they are friends again! I love Naruto and Shikamaru's friendship so much. Oh, and I forgot to mention, but I always wished to see a friendship with Hinata and Shikamaru on the series, so I enjoyed it a lot. The 'I know better than to get on your bad side' was amazing! But again to Naruto, I am glad he saw better even if it took him a lot of time. I wanted to know how he felt when he saw him lose Boruto and Himawari. I can imagine the optimistic Naruto discussing wiith darker Shikamaru what they should eliminate before it was actually a threat. To think of that now makes me remind of Capitan America " Every time someone tried to end a war before it even starts, innocent people die." (I don't know if you watch/like Marvel Movies). But I like that they are friends again, and that they can talk and overcome their differences. I was afraid that something could go very wrong (based on your previous sumaries), and that Shikamaru could lose someone very important to him again, and he would feel the pain all over again, and twice as painful - I still would read though, I would cry myself all over it, because you are a wonderful writer. I hope I can have more time to go through your other stories.
I can imagine how hard it will always be to Shikamaru to wake up from a nightmare, or to feel someone aproaching him or his family and get this feeling that he may have dreamt this bright world, and the dark reality would choke him again when he wakes, until he can finally see that Temari and Shimako are his real world. Oh my, this may be a little confusing. I just want to say that Shikamaru will probably be forever haunted by his previous future, no matter how good it is now. I am just glad that he has Temari to support him all through this path. And glad for me to have read this story, because I've cried and laughted and enjoyed it so much. Today is a day when it really made my day to have some good end to read. So I have nothing to say but thank you.
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